Perhaps I fit into that category. I'm socially conservative or at least more personally conservative than most conservatives (I've never tried drugs like Newt did, I've never cheated on my wife like Bob Livingston, and I'm about to celebrate my twelfth anniverasary to the only woman I've ever married, unlike Rush who's divorced thrice). I think most people would be much happier if they would keep their passions in check and try to live a moderated life which includes staying within the law and keeping promises both to God and the person you said you loved enough to marry.
On the other hand, I definitely feel that liberalism and its programs have helped me tremendously. I finished college with a guaranteed student loan (yes, I did pay off every penny of it, so the Union Trust Bank made a little money and the taxpayers didn't lose anything), I was able to purchase my first home with a FHA loan, and I have always been in favor of public assistance so poor children can be healthy. These programs have helped make me a better citizen, a better employee, a better neighbor, and a better husband.
I do not mind people who disagree with me on liberalism, but I do mind people who have taken advantage of liberal programs when they needed them, only to oppose those same programs now that they have helped them to succeed (Rush wrote in THE WAY THINGS OUGHT TO BE that he had been assisted by welfare and public health when he was unemployed in St Louis, and Clarence Thomas has admitted that he was assisted in getting into a better law school).