Why do liberals act as if Hillary would've been a better choice than Trump?
2018-01-23 17:16:21 UTC
she lied constantly & was responsible for the four deaths in Benghazi. What makes you think she would've made a better candidate than Trump?
96 answers:
2018-01-24 22:40:38 UTC
They wish to bring down the USA to be equally poor.
2018-01-24 20:44:34 UTC
can't wait to see what happens next
2018-01-24 20:34:27 UTC
I will only answer your question if you can explain why Trump should not be in jail right now already....
2018-01-24 19:26:25 UTC
I do not believe in either one of them
2018-01-24 19:05:48 UTC
Because ANYONE could do a better job than Cult leader Trump. Including HER.
2018-01-24 00:29:20 UTC
Maybe because they are in denial mode.
2018-01-23 23:56:33 UTC
Well Trump isn't any better but they are Democrats so there you have it.
2018-01-23 22:41:12 UTC
OPen your eyes and SEE the messes tRump has been creating since he steeepped into the WH. He lies to hide the truth... what's he hiding,? Oh, yeah, he's hiding the TRUTH, and speaking of the truth, the investigation into his collusion with Russian operatives is still ongoing, in spite of tRumps repeated attempts to abort, obstruct, prevent & prohibit the investigation... which could potentially find him"innocent" but it seems he's got something to hide (the truth?, which is why Hillary lost, of course!

I think the Ruskies video-taped tRump with a few prostitutes... some of those prostitutes may not have been all females... and he's afraid of that getting out into the public, so the ruskies are blackmailing his puckered orange orangutan butt! HOW many of tRump's cronies have been subpoenaed to answer questions before Congress, even the one who was shown he lied, than he admitted to lying! Major class "OOPS!"
2018-01-23 17:27:33 UTC
What difference does it make at this point?
2018-01-23 17:23:22 UTC
Most people with sanity believe that Hillary would have been a better choice than Trump. Trump's a terrible president who looks like he hates being president and doesn't care about anything except his bank account and his pride and his own personal comforts. Hillary was secretary of state. She knows what she's doing. She was in congress, she knows how to deal with them. She campaigned while she had the dang flu. She's cool headed and has the personal stamina and drive Trump does not. That Fat F can't do a press conference because he'd crack under the pressure of hard questions for an hour. He can't even sit thorugh a meeting with Mueller everyone around him is afraid he'll crack and lose his sh!t. He can't even stop eating cheeseburgers or watching TV hours out of the day. And even after his son was born he couldn't keep his penis out of sex workers. He makes Bill Clinton look like a priest.
2018-01-23 17:23:04 UTC
Not all of them because not all of them like Clinton. Hating Trump is not synonymous with liking Clinton.

You can hate them both at the same time. Gasp! Imagine that!
Lucious Dinsmore
2018-01-26 13:35:35 UTC
Because Hillary supporters had their reasons, and you may not agree with those reasons, but so what? Everybody is entitled to support who they want.
2018-01-25 19:38:10 UTC
They are deluded
2018-01-25 01:13:20 UTC
they think because someone smiles all the time it' s fine to lie to them. a wolf in sheep's clothing is what she is
2018-01-24 23:59:10 UTC
I Would Rather Have George Washington But He Is Deceased So My Vote Goes To Nobody
2018-01-24 23:49:11 UTC
she is a liar,plus she had people sledgehammers to destroy her phone
2018-01-24 20:49:32 UTC
I know, how basic and average can they be! If you want to differentiate Hillary Clinton you should act as if she'd be a better choice than someone who is at least competent. Telling lies and being responsible for soldiers deaths would just make JUST AS GOOD as Trump...not better. But she'd obviously be better, no need to shove it everyones face liberals!

Here's my list of the people I act like would've been a better choice than Donald Trump:

John Kasich

Michelle Obama

Marco Rubio

Jeb Bush

Billy Bush

Jenna Bush

Barbara Bush

Ben Carson

Bernie Sanders

Oprah Winfrey

Jimmy Kimmel

Dr. Phil

Dr. Dre

Blake Bortles

Ted Kennedy (yeah...I know he's dead,....I mean, still...)

Hannah Storm

The Youtube kid who posted a suicide

Danica Patrick


Terry Bradshaw

This guy standing out my window in the cold holding the sign for money...

...and Hillary

If I'm honest I'm having trouble thinking of people who would be a worst choice.....Mike Pence maybe?
2018-01-24 20:08:40 UTC
Did she lie constantly, or did you believe lies about her? There’s a reason she’s never been charged with a crime, despite being hauled in for 57 partisan-motivated Republican Congressional inquiries. If you guys ever once a legitimate reason to harass that woman, you would have convicted her thirty years ago. Maybe you should be scrutinizing your sources of information, or just cut out the middleman and ask Putin directly. And yes, she would have done better. The double-rainbow guy would have been a better president than Trump has. Trump’s already responsible for far more than four deaths last year.
2018-01-24 19:36:35 UTC
She would be better than Trump. Heck, my 6 year old cousin would be better than trump. He's basically a carrot with hair. Well, carrots would have a higher IQ
2018-01-24 15:53:30 UTC
Trump is politically incorrect, and democrats only believe what they first see/hear most of the time.
Tad Dubious
2018-01-24 13:42:50 UTC
Dot, I know of know liberal who is still clinging to what Mrs. Clinton COULD have done. The election was more than a year ago and we have what the nation has given us. Peace.
Mr. Wizard
2018-01-24 05:06:59 UTC
1) Her husband, then President Bill Clinton, created today's "Affordable Health Care Act"--in 1992; he spent 16 years searching for the crazy, brazen--and arrogant enough Democrat to get in as POTUS, and guarantee it's insertion into Federal Law.

Enter Barack Obama---and 8 years of worsening U.S. economic damage from his incompetence. LIBERALS, regardless LOVED Obama, because "obamacare' gave them hopes of FREE medical / hospital coverage....courtesy of working Americans.

2) Hillary, ever the LIBERAL---AND EVIDENTLY, DETACHED FROM REALITY--DEMOCRAT, advocated total gay marriage and social lifestyle acceptance rights; mystery solved why the LGBT bunch loved her.

3) Hillary also advocated full legalization of marijuana; now you know why the pro-marijuana crowd backed her up.

4) Final point: LIBERALS were stupid enough to elect and re-elect a CLUELESS BLACK CON-ARTIST as POTUS.....simply because he, to them---was BLACK. Now, LIBERALS want ANY WOMAN elected as POTUS, so we'll get to experience that debacle.
2018-01-24 04:04:23 UTC
Because liberals are mentally ill and incapable of thinking for themselves.

They just parrot whatever the globalists and CNN say.

It is really sad considering many liberals are actually really good people.

They are just misled by the liars in the media. These people make liberals turn into lying cowards.
2018-01-23 21:47:04 UTC
Because she was the Chosen One. And all her indiscretions would not have been reported, while Trump is in the media everyday-because they Don't Like Him.

Hillary could get passed the SAME tax bill and it would be Great-but because it is Trump-it is Awful for the American people-despite the fact that companies are bringing in money stored overseas and spending it here and creating jobs, giving people bonuses, etc.
2018-01-23 20:49:21 UTC
Trump also lies constantly and is responsible for dozens of deaths.
2018-01-23 19:44:48 UTC
Because they live in their own world.
2018-01-23 17:43:16 UTC
I'm a conservative and I think that Hillary, as well as any other human, would've been a better choice than Trump.

-Trump only cares about himself

-Trump discriminates against all Muslims (including Muslim U.S Military veterans) and many non-whites

-Trump lies MUCH more than Hillary

-Trump is a big idiot

-Hillary was not responsible for the Benghazi deaths
2018-01-23 17:23:48 UTC
I guess this is the continuing example of -- If you cannot defend your own candidate ,attack everyone else.
Jeff S
2018-01-23 17:23:42 UTC
The only people talking about Hillary are desperate Trump defenders trying to change the narrative!
2018-01-23 17:19:18 UTC
She lost, twice!
2018-01-26 16:37:30 UTC
We don't . She sucked any many didn't want her either.

wasn't much of a horse race with only 3 candidates against 17.......and the other two had no chance,
2018-01-25 14:57:53 UTC
Holy Jesus stop talking about Hilary Clinton, you not gonna anything better to do? The Ruth is America is divided because of this liberal vs conservative bs. Just stop bashing at each other and vote however you want to on Election Days.
2018-01-25 10:36:47 UTC
if that's all she's done wrong - then yes she should be President. Well said by you, that she should be President - and thanks for pointing out that the criticisms of her are tiny.
2018-01-25 04:05:18 UTC
It's not called acting. It's called KNOWING.
2018-01-25 02:00:55 UTC
This liberal doesn't. That is all I can say. Neither one of them deserved the job. We have seen over the past year how poorly suited Donald Trump is to the task. Hillary wouldn't have been as bad in the exact way that Trump is bad, but there are lots of ways of being bad. I am sure she would have found one equal to the Donald.
2018-01-24 23:40:11 UTC
2018-01-24 23:36:11 UTC
No point in answering this question, as you Drumpf supporters (99 %) are morons.
2018-01-24 22:10:45 UTC
yo well
2018-01-24 17:55:57 UTC
The only people that seem to be fixated on Hillary are Trump and his supporters, most Liberals have moved on. I personally thought Bernie should have been the candidate since he related more to the average person and probably would have beaten Trump simply due to the fact that he is significantly more intelligent. However it is hard to comprehend a worse President than Trump, at least based on the actions during his first year in office. I can only hope that he improves though his actions tend to suggest not.

As for some of the comments relating to lying, based on verifiable facts, and not opinions, Trump by far was the greatest liar during the election campaign with a truth rating of 9% compared to Hillary's of around 27%. There were actually only two candidates, one for each party, that told the truth over 50% of the time and neither made it past the primaries.
2018-01-24 15:46:54 UTC
Because she would. Trump is the worst president in the history of the US. All he does is try to benefit the 1% and not the people
2018-01-24 05:42:54 UTC
They hate the truth
2018-01-24 05:34:43 UTC
Probably because we'd have healthcare.
W.T. Door
2018-01-24 03:15:12 UTC
Because she is likely to go to prison, and along with a lot of the Democrat Party Elite:
2018-01-23 22:37:28 UTC
Because she would have been infinitely better. Let's just take one thing: Puerto Rico. Clinton wouldn't have ignored Puerto Ricos suffering after the hurricanes like Trump has.
2018-01-23 20:51:17 UTC
You're joking, right?
2018-01-23 20:04:01 UTC
We need a woman president.
2018-01-23 17:38:31 UTC
You speak pure propaganda, just as your party wants you to. They're the ones who invented alternative facts, remember?
2018-01-23 17:29:35 UTC
Idiotic rant.
2018-01-23 17:24:33 UTC
It is true that Hillary was a deeply flawed candidate, but at least she didn't sexually assault people like Trump. She also didn't collude with a hostile foreign government to steal an election. Finally, she's not a white nationalist sympathizer like Trump. All right-thinking people now realize Hillary would have been far superior to Trump.
Dogstar Ascendant
2018-01-23 17:23:06 UTC
"was responsible for the four deaths in Benghazi"

Thanks for proving that you're an ignorant and gullible retard but, really, it wasn't necessary.
2018-01-26 00:18:31 UTC
Because Democrats think she would represent them and their causes.

She wouldn't. And people have a way of dying around her.
2018-01-24 22:47:26 UTC
2018-01-24 19:29:18 UTC
Things are much, much better in most of the various alternate realities where some of the Russian hackers had computer trouble and Hillary was elected.

A lot of the Trump-elected realities are already dead radioactive wastelands.
2018-01-24 17:19:37 UTC
she is familiar with how government actually works, Trump isn't.That is an enormous difference/
2018-01-24 15:49:12 UTC
Cause she would
2018-01-24 15:40:43 UTC
It's not just liberals who feel that Hillary Clinton would have been better than Donald Trump. World leaders were expecting her to win. She has the experience- she's been First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State. She understands state and national politics and she had good working relationships with world leaders. She doesn't call people names, she doesn't blame the media for her mistakes, and I could go on. Trump is a lousy president and he proves it everyday by his words and his actions.
2018-01-24 13:59:15 UTC
Hillary is a murderer and a crook.
2018-01-24 09:14:10 UTC
Because it's the truth and Trump supporters hate the truth
2018-01-24 07:31:58 UTC
Well because she had one thing Trump never had, and never will have. Respect.

She testified for 11 hours before the Benghazi Committee. Trump wouldn't have lasted 30 seconds...
2018-01-24 06:38:23 UTC
its because they are actors...
2018-01-24 05:18:15 UTC
Because she is 10 times better than the inept FOOL, and the right attacks on her corruptness, is way over hyped. Fox news garbage.
Vincent G
2018-01-23 20:20:13 UTC
Because anything, even a brick, would have been better than Trump.
2018-01-23 20:11:38 UTC
it's a fact

she was not responsible for the four deaths in Benghazi

She'd be much better because of her experience and much better advisors
2018-01-23 19:31:17 UTC
She Has Taste
2018-01-23 17:28:05 UTC
There's no way Hillary would have been better than Trump. I'm so glad I voted for Trump if for no other reason than to keep Hillary out of there. No regrets.
Wage Slave
2018-01-23 17:22:32 UTC
> she lied constantly

As does Trump, sometimes as often as 30 times in a single day. We'll call it a push here.

> was responsible for the four deaths in Benghazi

Though 11 separate investigations she was cleared. Pay attention.
2018-01-23 17:21:28 UTC
She would never throw paper towels to victims of a hurricane.

She would never had I am great rally, after a hurricane.

She would not tweet just to tweet.

She would not insult everyone, just to.

She would not have have her child sit in, if she did, it would be more of a major thing.

Pence would of been a better choice than Trump.
2018-01-23 17:19:42 UTC
She WAS a better candidate, and got more votes- mostly because rational people paid attention to the multiple investigations of Benghazi and know that she wasn't responsible.
2018-01-23 17:18:34 UTC
She was and is vastly better qualified. Moreover, she did not "lie constantly," and she was not responsible for Benghazi, as an investigation made clear.
2018-01-23 17:18:11 UTC
At least she knew what being President means. She may not have been good, but the current narcissistic racist spoiled child is a disaster.
2018-01-25 16:59:56 UTC
They are both awful, we voted for 3rd parties.
2018-01-25 00:14:07 UTC
Because they always maintined that
2018-01-24 23:18:13 UTC
I don't see why either. The economy is booming under Trump. And if anyone says it was because of Obama is in denial.
2018-01-24 22:57:50 UTC
Hillary WOULD have been a better choice. So would my canary.
Atheist Evangelist
2018-01-24 22:26:15 UTC
Hillary was a very poor choice of a candidate and was probably one of the main reasons Trump even won. The electoral college REALLY DIDN'T LIKE HILLARY, so they chose the opposing. Just my opinion, nobody knows what really went on in their heads but yeah.

Hillary was an absolute garbage candidate that was so outdated, had supreme ties to wall-street bosses, didn't advocate gay marriage until just about 3 years ago (despite being a Democrat most of her life), rigged the primaries. She is a probably the most corrupt woman in American politics next to Sarah Palin.

The only reason I voted for Trump is because I couldn't stand the fact that she cheated in order to steal Bernie Sanders' spot on the primary which is the only reason she even won and it's been proven:

If she manages to win the primary again in 2020 (If by some miracle), I will vote against her again as well. Even if it means four more years of Trump.
2018-01-24 21:09:49 UTC
Bernie Sanders all day **** Hillary Clinton!!!1
2018-01-24 20:04:50 UTC
Because that's obvious. Almost any American politician would've been a better choice than Trump. Even Half-Governor Sarah Palin would've been a better choice than Trump. And not for nothing, Hillary Clinton was also a more popular choice than Trump, since more voters did in fact choose her.

But why're you still bashing Hillary Clinton? She's old news. Are you trying to false equivalences because you feel cognitive dissonance about your terrible decision?
2018-01-24 19:35:46 UTC
Oh nooooo four deaths. Trump got more soldiers killed in his first year than Obama's entire time fighting ISIS, throwing a whole team of marines into a Yemeni terror hole his first week.
2018-01-24 18:24:34 UTC
Anyone was better than those two.

Couldn’t stand either of them.
2018-01-24 18:00:19 UTC
cos liberals are ******* and ******* are naive imbeciles.
2018-01-24 15:55:25 UTC
I feel the Demoracts are women. And they disgrace actual women who have been raped, cheated on horribly, etc. Tell a lie in the media every single media outlet believes it which turns into the white Liberal followers believing it. How can Republicans or Trump defend it? Because nobody will believe them except there own base. African Americans are starting to see through this BS thank you. 8% support for Trump election. Now closer to 14% to 16%.
2018-01-24 15:51:29 UTC
You Americans are retarded. They’re both as worse as each other. Who knows how many illegals died while building Trump Towers.
Armchair Goddess #1
2018-01-24 13:51:52 UTC
Only the 24% of Liberals within the huge and very diverse Democratic party or the Independent Liberals like Bernie know that our REAL 45th President Hillary Clinton is a better choice than lifts-wearing phony sociopath Trump? You are not being accurate in your assumption, Russian bot or "Anonymous"!

A majority of Americans, many of whom chose to peacefully demonstrate the day after the illegitimate Russian-puppet Trump was sworn in against the wishes of the masses---the largest demonstration in U.S. history to PROTEST the swearing in of a Russian MAFIA-linked lifts-wearing misogynistic xenophobic malignantly narcissistic sociopath named Trump---know beyond a shadow of any doubt that Hillary Clinton was the best possible choice to lead this already great nation.

The blind allegiance to Trump among the under-educated extremists can perhaps be excused because the news media did a very poor job of VETTING the criminally corrupt and Russia-colluding mobbed-up Donald Trump while the Putin-ordered use of more than 200 BOTS spread anti-Hillary lies on social media while glossing over the deep-rooted corruption and incompetence of candidate (sanctions-lifting promiser) Trump. However, try if you can to keep your mind open to the TRUTH about this hateful brat-bully dangerously unstable and utterly unqualified orange-skinned lifts-wearing (5'10") imposter Trump.

Hillary Clinton is the long-term wife of our beloved BUDGET-BALANCING and $362B SURPLUS BUILDING President Bill Clinton---the guy who inspired the popular "West Wing" television series. So popular was young President Bill Clinton that the hidden-agenda Koch brothers and the theocratic COUP-seeking Heritage Foundation resorted to nonstop slander and libel to "lower his [Bill Clinton's] poll numbers" (Joe Coneson et al., 2000 book/2001 documentary, "The Hunting of the President: The Ten-Year Plot to Destroy Bill and Hillary Clinton"; or review "The Clinton Presidency: Key Accomplishments" available online).

Having Bill and Hillary Clinton in our White House would have put our already great nation firmly on a positive path at every level. For example, Hillary has a plan to make sure American workers get PROFIT-SHARING as a normal part of their earnings, and to implement this policy she planned on having billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban as her Labor Secretary. Cuban, a strong Hillary backer, gives all of his employees profit-sharing and, if he does sell off one of his companies, he has SHARED PROCEEDS from that sale with his employees. Hillary also planned on working to keep CEO salaries PROPORTIONATE to the amount these often overpaid CEOs (corporate raiders really) paid the workers upon whose labors the PROFITS depend. Hillary is well-respected around the world (read "Hard Choices" by Hillary Clinton to learn more) and it was Secretary Clinton who convinced President Obama to put the imposed Russia economic sanctions on the INNER CIRCLE BILLIONAIRES with which corrupt Putin surrounds himself in the Russian government---freezing assets of these MAFIA-linked billionaires in any foreign/U.S. banks; preventing business deals with U.S. or our European allies that cost these oligarchs billions; etc.---all to get them to pressure tiny-tyrant Putin to back out of the Ukraine, to stop sending weapons or troops, to negotiate the release of Ukrainian hostages, and to enact a binding resolution in the Russian Parliament to end the aggression and return port-city Crimea to full Ukraine control. Hillary is a STRONG WOMAN with a HIGHLY INTELLIGENT MIND, and short-man aging Putin does not want a STRONG or INTELLIGENT woman in power here in the U.S.---he wants a pliable blackmail-susceptible sanctions-lifting (without any changes in Putin's behaviors) "useful idiot" that can be controlled with a few ego strokes.

Look up the name FELIX SATER, all you Trump defenders. Read David Cay Johnston's 2016 book "The Making of Donald Trump," and you learn that Sater was caught in 1991 as a stockbroker by the FBI attempting to set up a $40M stock fraud scheme that was meant to make new inroads for LA COSA NOSTRA (Russian MAFIA) crime families. To stay out of prison, Sater (the Russian-born son of the Russian MAFIA crime boss) turned on-again/off-again FBI informant in 1991, but did not give up his criminall ways. From 2001 through 2008, Sater magically turned up at Trump Tower in NYC as the CEO of the Russian-owned (money-laundering we now know) Bayrock Group real estate development firm and became Trump's "Senior Business Consultant" from 2001 through 2008---and Sater still has his Trump-granted offices on the 22nd floor of Trump Tower only two floors below Trump's in spite of being a 3X convicted felon. As of November 2018, Sater was seen going into Trump Tower even though Sater is awaiting his prison sentence for having LAUNDERED MONEY for the Russian MAFIA through high-end real estate deals, to include the TRUMP SOHO that was built by Bayrock and the Trump Organization as a joint venture.
2018-01-24 12:11:31 UTC
Because libtards are the perpetual American chumps.
2018-01-24 11:30:25 UTC
I can't say for certain, but I think they might just be SO gullible and stupid that they actually believe the media's lies over the evidence of their own eyes.
2018-01-24 11:29:47 UTC
More Fake News
2018-01-24 00:00:31 UTC
They don't. Now they tell us "Why are you always talking about Hillary?" Even they don't defend her anymore, because they didn't like her as their candidate in the first place. Trump wasn't my dream candidate either, but sometimes you just have to hold your nose.
2018-01-23 23:09:24 UTC
Hillary Rob Em Blind Clinton. A women just filled with Character and Integrity. LOL
2018-01-23 21:48:37 UTC
Well, it's not like Trump came along and dismantled the war machine or pulled the meddling American empire out of its bases overseas. So there was no peace dividend.

In terms of his personal behavior, Trump sets an oddly and unpleasantly impulsive, inarticulate, blustery, and insult-lobbing tone for a position that is generally thought to require nuance, diplomacy, and a veneer of geniality.

I despise Clinton for many reasons but that doesn't mean that Trump automatically should be considered any better. They are different people with different downsides.
2018-01-23 17:32:05 UTC
2018-01-26 18:10:51 UTC
She is a better choice
2018-01-24 22:32:57 UTC
YAHOO get better questions hope your not paying this one much money
2018-01-24 21:22:14 UTC
hiliary would have been a better choice than donald trump for one single reason: "equal rights for all americans".
2018-01-23 17:29:43 UTC
She sure would have been--a hundred times better than Trump. She's sane and smart. Right there she has a huge advantage over Trump.
2018-01-23 17:25:56 UTC
There is no act or thinking to it. She would have been. This administration is the worst thing that has ever happen in America history.
2018-01-23 17:24:25 UTC
Hillary has actually a brain in her head instead of Jello like Trump. Don't you remember that Schumer says that negotiating with Trump is like negotiating with Jello? He has first hand experience what is in Trump's brain. Jello. Mango flavored and Mango colored Jello.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.