2020-09-02 17:03:56 UTC
And not free like other countries like Canada which has way better healthcare similar to Europe.
And here where I live in UK the NHS (National Health Care Service) or taxes are paid for many things healthcare included and when we get sick. We got to doctors get prescription and any medications we get prescribed by our doctors cost 90% less than what they would've costed in America.
And the homeless population is way lower in France, Germany, UK, Sweden, Norway.
As well as much better prison system that instead of punishing criminals. They actually have programs where prisoners are thought many job skills.
Thus when they get out of prison they get rehabilitated success rate is 80% and don't come back to prison again.
As well the minorities majority cities and town have development plan funded by government. To help minorities with their race, religion, culture.
Unlike U.S where the 90% of Black majority cities and town look like South American slum of cities.
An native American reservation aren't funded, no city development plan nothing.
The US is the richest country on earth it can go to the right path but I'm surprised that other rich countries in Western European.
Whic aren't rich as US but are still wealthy nations are way ahead of US in near everything why?