For one thing Barack Obama is not the POTUS yet, he was elected on November 4, 2008 to become POTUS on January 20, 2009 after his inauguration.
But until that day, he has no power over anything, except to pick his cabinet, and get things ready to assume the Presidency on that day.
I understand that "HE" thinks that he has power, but he doesn't, and the "Office of President Elect" that he created is not a constitutionally created office, and contrary to "HIS" belief is not a legal US Government Office, the plaque on his podium, he had made somewhere, to make himself feel like he is already in charge.
The decline in the stock market, and protection from Terrorist Attacks are results of the Democratic Congress and Senate that have handcuffed President Bush, each time he has tried to do anything to jump start the economy.
Obama will probably be as bad, if not worse than Jimmy Carter, who advised the Clinton Administration to sign the NAFTA and give China MFN status, even after their theft of our technology by a Chinese espionage ring.