Is Trump the biggest FAILURE as President in US history?
2020-08-20 14:25:08 UTC
Is Trump the biggest FAILURE as President in US history?
228 answers:
2020-08-22 04:27:29 UTC
No, it was Obama.  He created the gimme gimme gimme generation.  I'm entitled to health insurance because I am a human being.  My kid needs special ed services so the school needs to pay for them.  I don't want to conform to my gender.  I'm a phony who pretends to be an African-American from inner city Chicago when I actually grew up in Hawaii and I'm not really dad was from Kenya and my mom was white.  
Warren T
2020-08-22 00:41:07 UTC
Lord Kin
2020-08-21 16:37:42 UTC
No, that was Bush. Trump is close though.
2020-08-21 15:14:18 UTC
No, that was Obama.
2020-08-21 14:43:10 UTC

He has done nothing except help himself to huge amounts of tax payers money, give his family key jobs (with, of course, huge pay).

He has presided over the biggest drop in the NASDAQ ever and has been responsible for allowing over 170,000 deaths from a 'hoax' virus.
2020-08-21 10:52:53 UTC
I must admit your first example as to why you believe this tripe blew me away...
2020-08-21 04:32:39 UTC
No because we knew going in that he would be baf.  Bar was waaaay low.
2020-08-21 04:32:05 UTC
I don't see how. No honestly. He just keeps winning. Progressives are conflating their own failures as the President's failures, which goes to show how much they really wish Trump was on their side.
2020-08-21 00:12:00 UTC
All the evidence seems to point that way
2020-08-20 21:22:17 UTC
CNN and Liberals would say so. They have you and half the country believing this. Do some solid research and you will find that on paper he is one of the best presidents. He works outside the rules of the DC swamp and they are mad. He works for you and me. Think about it. Name one famous Democrat that didn't become wealthy serving in office? Then look at Trump, he was a billionaire going in, and he donates his paycheck. That should be evidence enough.
2020-08-24 16:14:24 UTC
The last Bush administration messed things for farmers in the united states and he challenged Al Gore and maybe the world would be better now if Gore had one.  What is the biggest disappointment is citizens of the United States.  They have more than many countries and they complain the most. Trump is the best option we have for many different reasons.  
2020-08-24 06:53:20 UTC
You need to stop, sit down and try to think, maybe for the first time in your f'g life. I am not going into details, but your statement about POTUS Trump is nothing short of just plain arrogant and stupid ignorant remarks.  His record show he is likely the best first term president in history. He has to strong and know what he is doing to have doe at he did while the filthy demorats tried everything they could to wreck his presidency. Obama was in on it all, too, and he was nothing but a Soros punk, as that is how he was elected. What do you do in your sore time?  Break store windows?    AND @ Anonymous- "biggest drop in the NASDAQ ever and has been responsible for allowing over 170,000 deaths from a 'hoax' virus."  Your lying answer is the most ignorant sheit I have ever read.   Stupid liar, the market dropped because of business closures etc,and POTUS Trump acted on the virus as soon as he was informed of it.Stop lying, and post with a user name and stop hiding. You have to be a dirty socialist  demorat. fy
2020-08-23 12:37:33 UTC
Unequivocally. And there’s one fact that will ALWAYS make Obama greater than Impeached Trump and that is: Obama was our first black president. No matter how hard Impeached Trump tries, he will NEVER be able to top that, unless he claims his mother was from Nigeria and to be quite honest, I wouldn’t put it past him to try that...
2020-08-22 18:49:00 UTC
Only you stupid americans chose Trump.
2020-08-22 16:32:54 UTC
Yes he Left GW Bush and Herbert Hoover in the dust
2020-08-22 14:22:50 UTC
Beyond all doubts he is.  9 of his top staffers have been arrested.  Trump is a crime boss.
2020-08-22 04:05:00 UTC
Yeah! He's a failure that keeps winning somehow. If my memory servers me right it's Democrats that keep losing against Trump. 

They FAILED to stop him from getting elected.


FAILED to predict the 2016 election results.

They FAILED to convict him for collusion

And they FAILED to impeach him.  

He successfully subdued North Korea and removed the threat of Nuclear War with them. That is until Democrats get back in office after 2024. Democrats had been unable to, or FAILED to control them. 

I don't know where you get your facts but it seems to me that Democrats are the failures.  

If Trump is the enemy, Democrats have FAILED to keep the enemy out of office. And part of the reason they have FAILED, is because they are the ones that created him. 

And he succeeded in derailing the Clinton corruption machine. 

The scorecard is...

Trump: 6  Democrats: 0
Freedom Rocks
2020-08-21 21:44:26 UTC
He's always been a no good bum.
2020-08-21 16:33:26 UTC
No that would be the guy before him.
2020-08-21 16:06:15 UTC
Sad for this nation, for the American people, for the world, and for the lifts-wearing pathetically insecure conman Donald Trump, the answer to your timely question is a resounding YES!  Yes, Donald J. Trump has shown his 5'10" (pretending to be taller) morbidly obese self to be corrupt, corrupting, incompetent, and a willing puppet for the ruthless Russian MAFIA under Putin's control (many of them having laundered millions of dollars stolen from the Russian Treasury through high-end real estate deals here in the United States in deals that involve Donald Trump and his long-time senior business partner FELIX SATER, a convicted felon and the Russian-born son of a U.S.-active crime boss tied to the Russian MAFIA.  

Ann, or Russian BOT from a troll farm: The American people know that our beloved two-term hugely popular President Barack Obama was a miracles-working great President rescuing our already great nation from the 2001-2008 GOP messes.  Check it out. Barack Obama was both ethical and brilliant, so stop with the Trump-brat-projected smears, okay?
2020-08-21 12:32:17 UTC
I don't like that he locked down the country over flu season. I also don't like that he increased the debt even more than Obama. The fact that he failed to cut government spending is proof that he isn't a good president.

However, he did begin construction of a border wall. Our country cannot survive without a wall on the USA-Mexico border.
2020-08-21 02:19:11 UTC
Oreo Oreo Oreo remember that name as the worst president he set this country back to the sixties where racism ran rapid
2020-08-21 00:57:00 UTC
he a psychopathic narcissist of the highest order who runs his presidency like a 3rd rate game show. 
2020-08-20 23:09:30 UTC
Sure, if you want to ignore FORMER chairman obama, billy (draft dodger) clinton, jimmy (peanut) carter, and FDR.
Christopher W
2020-08-20 19:03:04 UTC
no, that was backdoor barry, with his sidekick big mike--
2020-08-20 17:29:23 UTC
No, that was James Buchanan. 
2020-08-20 17:16:11 UTC
Well I wasn't born when Andrew Jackson was President so I will go with Trump for the win!  I have been through Truman till now and cannot think of anything as bad  as what we have seen these last 3 almost 4 years. Nothing as bad. Not even close, really Bad! Unable to do the job. 
2020-08-20 15:27:03 UTC
Since he has done nothing of benefit to the majority of the American people or the United States,  History should ignore 45 !
2020-08-20 14:28:58 UTC
His failure to contain COVID-19 will go down in history as the biggest failure in WORLD history.
2020-08-20 14:27:44 UTC
Yes, without doubt.  We've learned our lesson about electing a self-aggrandizing "businessman", successful or otherwise, to public office.
2020-08-26 00:10:32 UTC
No, not even close.  I would place him closer to the other end of the spectrum with the good presidents.  He is certainly not perfect and he is definitely divisive, which is not ideal.  But on indicators like the economy and international trade, he is very good if not the best.  

As a person, he is revolting.  As a policymaker, he is pretty damn good.  I intend to vote for him again because of that.  I don't care about the crap he says if I see results elsewhere, as I have been.  My taxes are lower than they have ever been, I am not worried about losing my job while Covid destroys industries around me, even the dregs of society were employed before Covid in record numbers.  The proof is in the pudding, he is one of those psychopaths that gets the job done.
2020-08-25 03:05:20 UTC
Without a doubt. No one else comes close.
Captain Tomak
2020-08-24 17:31:29 UTC

Prior to Obama,  Carter held that distinction.

Now, Carter can go to his grave with a big smile knowing that Obama is the worst POTUS ever.

2020-08-24 08:44:51 UTC
To be honest, yes he has. When he and Vice President Mike Pence first stepped into Office January 2017, I was hoping that these two would make our country a better place for all Americans. But I was wrong. Now I have hope for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Random Guy
2020-08-23 14:38:55 UTC
No but Biden-I mean Harris will be if she gets to take over.

Also to those harping on impeachment, you do realize the impeachment on Trump was thrown out because the Democrats had no case right?

This is why TDS is a thing.
2020-08-23 13:19:43 UTC
In our lifetime, to be sure.
2020-08-22 21:48:38 UTC
Absolutely and until 2016 I would have stated Bush.
2020-08-22 08:10:10 UTC
Thing is after George W, and D Trump, who is the next idiot the Republicans will get behind? Donald Duck?
2020-08-22 07:28:07 UTC
No. Only circumstances are like that such that things happen in this way.
2020-08-21 22:48:31 UTC
Mr.Trump is the best and Obama the worst.
2020-08-21 20:39:13 UTC
Andrew S
2020-08-21 20:33:14 UTC
No, no one could beat Obama at division, lies and failure.
2020-08-21 19:54:02 UTC
He has not failed as yet. What, 3 yrs and 7 months? More accomplishments than all other presidents afore him, COMBINED.
2020-08-21 19:13:25 UTC
Yes, but that is the LEAST of our worries.   A complete takeover of our country is our biggest concern, and it is in the making.   Just watch Trump corrupt this election and do a coup.   If he gets away with this, we are done.
2020-08-21 18:24:30 UTC
Yes. Not doing anything about COVID, not doing anything about the bounties put on our soldiers in Afghanistan, abusing his power, lying constantly, tweeting like a big baby, whining, etc. He’s a giant failure.
2020-08-21 12:35:13 UTC
barry was the worst ever, no leader bows to terror counties,, lights the white house in gay colors. tell us we are not a christian nation anymore, tells rioters to go out and protest when they don't like things and war on cops plus a weak military,, what else would you like me to post about the worst ever.
2020-08-20 21:07:53 UTC
No, he followed the biggest failure as president.
2020-08-20 19:15:12 UTC
People still do not understand Trump.  He is not failing. He is succeeding.  He is accomplishing his mission.  Put it this way, if you are the agent of our greatest enemy, the greatest enemy of democracy, what would you like to see happening in the USA ideally?  Could you imagine a better scenario that our greatest enemies drool over than what is going on right now in Trump's USA?
2020-08-20 14:46:19 UTC
There might have been some worse ones, from like 80 or more years ago. But trump for sure has been the worst within most of our lifetimes.
2020-08-20 14:41:52 UTC
2020-08-24 20:33:30 UTC
The biggest fail was the decision to lean left and move away from God. The further away from God the US drifts the worse it'll get.
2020-08-24 00:04:48 UTC
ho can anyone say trump failed?he did more than most supporters thought he could. trump made a deal ith mexico to keep as many illegals out of the country and in return mexico would try to naturalize those illegals.  a republican finding a humane way to deal with illegals? what democrat ould have dreamed that up? how about his tax reform. or repealing the criminal justice law that unfairly rtargeted minorities and the poor? his improving nafta with the usmca? his moving the isreali embassy? his tariff policies towards china forcing china to release the caronavirus(ie his policies were hammering china badly and china had to respond). or his building of the wall and getting supreme court approval to continue the wall as lawsuits ran through  through the courts?  i mean really,what exactly are you talking about failure?  trump has dfone almost everything he said he would except jail hillary. he even got that american pastor out of turkey even though that pastor languished in jail under obama. and trump also pulled us out of not only several poor environmental treaties but he has pulled us out of several UN bodies and i think he is laying the ground work to pull us out of the UH.  the UN is one of the biggest wastes of money and resources  ever devised by humanity.

talk about failure. obama signature legislation,obama care was picked apart in 2016 by hillary clinton, the SPOKESWOMAN for the democratic party.  she said during the debates: obamacare helped just as many people as it hurt.  meaning it transfered the problem did not solve it. obama had two years of absolute control of congress.yet he didnt pass tax reform. did not reform the la trump repealed(and written by democrats in the early 1990s).  obama wass soft on china,russia, and iran.  after running on limiting the NSA, obama increased its powers and which trump help shut down some of its powers in august of last year.  you really need to get a clue as to what failure and success means.  just because you dont like someone does not mean they do nothing. trump is polarizing in some ways but he accomplished things.  unlike obama. obama will go down as a horrible president. 
New Russian
2020-08-23 19:23:47 UTC
Naw, Chrump is GREAT!! I have NEVER seen so many jokes, so much disbelief, so much fun poked at USA. I can only hope Kayne West is the NEXT president, after CHRUMP gets 2 or 3 more terms. USA will be a puddle of jello. Bill Cosby will be in HEAVEN ( out on PARDON!!) grabbing the stuff Chrump and Kayne grab.
2020-08-23 18:24:38 UTC
Herbert Hoover was, because he didn't do enough to end the Great Depression.
2020-08-23 17:44:30 UTC
Yes. He worked hard.
2020-08-23 15:40:37 UTC
No. That would be Willian Henry  Harrison. But he was only in office for about a month before he died. That was in 1841, from what was probably pneumonia.
Raymond L.
2020-08-22 22:55:25 UTC
NOPE, Actually hes doing a pretty good job.

Try not blaming others for once.
2020-08-22 15:14:46 UTC
No. President Nixon who considered using NUCLEAR WEAPONS in the Nam is and lost the Nam war. 

If you think Trump is bad if you get Biden you'll all be flying the hammer and sickle flag from Washington and speaking Chinese
2020-08-22 03:04:55 UTC
expaning americas muscle , help out veterans , europe having to pay for nato , stopping the mexicans immigrating , spending on the beat up so called military , showing china you cant take over, gee no , hes failed america badly . americans love being taken over , they like europe not paying for nato , like the chinese taking jobs away , and they like being over run by mexicans.answer your question..
2020-08-21 19:51:28 UTC
He's certainly challenging for it, but James Buchanan still holds the title for causing a literal Civil War. It is hard to top "almost caused the country to stop existing", but Trump is certainly the man to do it if anybody can. 
2020-08-21 17:13:13 UTC
Heeeeeeeeel yeah!
2020-08-21 15:09:05 UTC
FIrst Step Act and brokered signed peace treaty between israel and UAE, and also ended the war in iraq, something obama just intensified.  

if you consider fhose failures then yes, he is the worst of the worst...

im sorry i speak of the truth,  you just refuse to accept it.  keep an open mind and LEARN

@Sub Zero

the salary for president is pocket cash for him, every year he donates all of it.

he is a freakin billionaire.
2020-08-21 12:45:32 UTC
The fact the we are even trying to decide the answer to that question is a failure of America.   

If we can't find someone better than Trump out of millions of Americans,  I hate to say but we are in big trouble. 
2020-08-21 12:06:37 UTC
Liberals pretend that. It is not true, however.
2020-08-21 10:55:39 UTC
He definitely is. Only uneducated people like Trumptards do not understand that. Even more educated Republicans understand he is a disgrace to the US and the Republican Party.
2020-08-21 00:06:25 UTC
He's a failure as pres., as a business man, as a decent human being, and as a father.
Randy R
2020-08-20 18:31:02 UTC
Answer is : "You have been brain washed, and can't accept reality"

Trump has actually set US RECORDS for help the Economy grow !

US RECORDS !!!!! But the Medai (Brain washing Propagandists) Will NEVER sppon feed you anything that show Trump doing good !

They just SPOON FEED the SHEEP bad things about Trump and LIES they want you to beleive !

Here's 1 example :

The Media said Trump is crazy , derainged, and is destroyin NATO and breaking our alliance with our Forigne partners !!!... (Trump Bad)


But the TRUTH was Trump stood up for America (US Taxpayers) and told all NATO Memebers that (for Decades) they have not held up their agreed upon MINIMUM finacial contributions to NATO and have been leaching off of America ! The NATO members  fell in line with US Media and tried to say Trump was bad & wrong!

But they all started paying what they agreed to do (But not Germany)!

So Trump stood up for America and honorong a deal ! But the Media and DEM's got the SHEEP to think Trump was the Bad guy .....

Hope this helps you work thru you denial issuse .
2020-08-20 16:18:21 UTC
Absolutely!  Horrible personality (narcissist) traits which is listed.......Grandiose fantasies and behavior, such as a preoccupation with thoughts of personal success, power, and attractiveness or sex appeal

little or no empathy for other people’s emotions or feelings

a significant need for attention, admiration, and recognition

an inflated sense of self-importance, such as a tendency to exaggerate personal talent or achievements

a belief in personal specialness and superiority

a sense of entitlement

a tendency to take advantage of others or exploit people for personal gain

arrogant or conceited behavior and attitudes

a tendency to envy others and believe others envy them. A President with these traits is destined to be a failure, and these traits fits Trump to a "T".
2020-08-20 14:31:17 UTC
bigly, bigly, bigly...
2020-08-20 14:31:09 UTC
Not yet. James Buchanan set up the civil war. Trump couldn’t even get that right. 
2020-08-25 14:47:24 UTC
Yes! He is a failure,,,
2020-08-24 11:48:26 UTC
No.   He is the second-largest failure
2020-08-24 01:15:03 UTC
everyone have a fact or  opion about who was  the biggest  failure as  president history every  president is  different  from  the next one there is no perfect president n  there is no worst  president they all make  the  choices of what they  think its right wrong  choices or  the  right ones either way we look at it we all make the wrong  n  right  choices n  life
2020-08-23 00:05:40 UTC
How do you not feel like an unthinking parrot for saying Obama? Form your own opinions instead of parroting what other people say, cause saying Obama is just childish.
2020-08-22 18:54:49 UTC
Nope.. that would be Obama.. not that even one  idiot commie dem would admit it!
2020-08-22 16:25:02 UTC
No if you look through history there are a couple presidents that did almost nothing. Those guys are the failures.
2020-08-22 15:21:48 UTC
No, Barack Obama holds that dubious distinction. Donald Trump is far superior to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. 
Bouan Philippe
2020-08-22 05:10:57 UTC
Trump should resign.
paul c
2020-08-22 00:03:05 UTC
ABSOLUTELY, AND WITHOUT A DOUBT. Ask our allies, our enemies, and all the US citizens that have suffered from his bad judgement and horrible policies.
2020-08-21 22:55:07 UTC
No that was obama, apologist in chief.
2020-08-21 20:23:51 UTC
Sure just ask any brain dead Lefty that still listens to the Confused News Network, Doesn't everyone want to live in a country that resembles Portland Oregon and is run by the likes of fine upstanding idiots like Lockdown Brown (D) and Tear Gas Ted Wheeler (D), of course you will also be glad to see the honorable puppet Sleepy Joe Biden looking to nap in the closet they're keeping him in  and puppet master Harris   waiting to take over the reins, Boy things will get better now, 
2020-08-21 19:06:30 UTC
He may not make everyone happy, but he gets things done.  That's all that really matters.

2020-08-21 15:27:32 UTC
Love that wall. Love the money from lower taxes. Love the fact he sticks up for America.Love the fact he will tear gas rioters and looter's and is for law and order. Love the fact he isn't Joe Biden. And Love the fact he has shown us all the filthy scum biased media. And how violent and cutthroat the left is. But that being said I hope we vote TRump 2020. Otherwise we have learned nothing. 
2020-08-21 07:47:15 UTC
It's too early to tell, but he's on the 'A' list. 
2020-08-21 07:19:36 UTC
Since Obama I guess. He's also the best president since Obama too. 
2020-08-20 18:51:23 UTC
He's certainly the worst.  
2020-08-20 17:26:01 UTC
absolutely.  The fact he was nominated over real politicians is just as, if not more, embarrassing 
2020-08-20 14:43:23 UTC
Somewhere, Warren G Harding is smiling.
2020-08-20 14:41:56 UTC
Easily, but across the ocean Trump will be Putin's greatest triumph.  Trump is a big fan of Putin's
Elwood Blues
2020-08-20 14:30:46 UTC
Absolutely.  Trump's botched pandemic response destroyed over TWENTY MILLION JOBS and shrank our GDP by over 30%, as well as killing more Americans than the Vietnam and Korean wars combined.
2020-08-26 17:23:30 UTC
Really!   You should know better then me.
2020-08-25 10:30:12 UTC
Yes, most Americans think Trump is the biggest failure in US history.
2020-08-24 02:06:59 UTC
He certainly isn't in most decent American's favorite list that's for sure.
Andy C
2020-08-24 01:58:36 UTC
Failure is a subjective term, but some Presidents have instituted things that have created long term problems. He doesn't get much play since he is a Democrat but I think Woodrow Wilson was a disaster. He pushed the League of Nations, set up the Federal Reserve (debate could be hear as good or bad). He segregated the Armed Forces, which certainly exacerbated racial issues. But the biggest was the initiation of the Federal Income Tax! From that point on, D.C. was awash in money giving it a greater ability to confiscate wealth and redistribute it with strings which set up the baseline of Federal overreach we see today.
2020-08-22 15:35:04 UTC
no, i think trump is a legend of hollywood.
2020-08-22 14:53:28 UTC
It sure looks like he's got a great chance at that.
2020-08-22 10:59:38 UTC
Trump is the first president in a long time not to send our soldiers to war . As a matter of fact he is bringing enemies together in peace in the Middle East and bringing our soldiers home . He also eliminated the Iranian terrorist Salami who was using the money Obama gave Iran to make the bombs that killed many of our soldiers and others too  
2020-08-22 07:04:02 UTC
Not even close. The previous occupant of the WH is closer to that description.
2020-08-22 06:08:01 UTC
Obama was naïve enough to make a deal with Iran that only benefited Iran as they intentionally were breaking the deal by continuing testing rockets & the 1.4 Billion unmarked dollars Obama secretly gave to Iran which helped fund Iranian terror cells, further nuclear research & accumulation as International Nuclear Inspector Agencies were not allowed to Inspect any known & unknown facilities revealed by satellites under Obama's egotistical desperation for an Iran Nuclear Deal with the National partisan (D) News Media cheer leading on the deception as Ben Rhodes boasted. Obama's desperate diplomacy didn't get all affected countries involve such as Israel & Sunni Arab States which angered these neighboring countries as the ignorant Deal only benefits Iran.

Obama's narcissism just couldn't let go of the fact that (D) Gen. Flynn just wouldn't get on board his lies that the JV Team was on the run when they were on the verge of establishing a territorial Caliphate 2/3 the size of both Iran & Iraq combined that Obama set out his holdover operatives to create & make a crime against Gen. Flynn as professor Turley (D) have assessed & Judge Napolitano (Libertarian) agreeing "FBI administration wasn't investigating a crime, they were making a crime". Obama planned the espionage coupe Comey, Clapper, & Brenan coordinated with Fusion GPS to get Trump out of Office, & Trump is still in office. (D) tried to impeach Trump twice & still looking for a 3rd try. ISIS being defeated by the current Administration, & Obama's co conspirators attempt to remove the current POTUS makes Obama meek. With peace achieve between Israel & UAE along with USMC, 1st step, & opportunity zones, Operation Warp Speed... through the current POTUS's Administration, Obama is even more smaller.

If the partisan News Media were Honest & Objectively tough, Obama could not have gone far with his 300+ deceptions. Professionally Obama has never ran a Law Firm or a Corporations (would've gone under, if he did), therefor the former POTUS was very unwise with all his dealings & decision driven by his idealistic narcissism.

Partisan News Media & (D)s are pushing current POTUS with contemptuous trolling journalism devoid of objectivity. POTUS occupying the Oval Office is exposing how duplicitous & devious (D)s are. How (D)s are not capable of rational & objective thoughts as their minds are at an endless sea of delusions involving the POTUS in some shape or form. When they used to love civilian Trump, they would all fall in line for campaign donations, until he did an unspeakable thing by switching from a life long (D) to a (R) & run for president for the other party as he campaigns in the same mannerism & speech characteristics of no holds bar, no shame, & outrageousness beating (D)s in their own game achieving the presidency that (D)s with deranged obsession with him cannot achieve & accept.

Despite 500 witnesses interviewed, strong armed & blackmailed, millions of documents and emails turned over, no indictment, no conclusion of a crime by Mueller prove. (D)s keep pressing for impeachment to keep Trump from being successful in his job with an economy at a 50 year high from an 8 year high accomplished in a little over 1 year. Talk Show host Maher, SJW, & DWTDS dreamed of a pandemic to collapse the economy before the impeachment inquiry, (D)s tried to impeach, & withheld the articles of impeachment for 4 weeks while growing concerns where happening in Wuhan with very little coverage of the outbreak & the Hong Kong protest by American partisan news media. The not so impartial (D) partisan House inquiry & trial went on through February.

Doctor Fauci & CDC Scientists have been operating as they have since Obama's Administration & this pandemic proved that the bureaucracy they had in place then could not handle SARS-COV-2 spreading at this magnitude. Thus current POTUS conceived a Task Force requiring Defense Dept. & Private Sector involvement was crucial. WHO should've taken the role of an International Pandemic Response Agency mobilized as soon as there's a large outbreak of an unknown disease infecting humans in a city to quarantine & study. WHO was late to gather Data & sound the Alarm for every country in the world to brace it self from a pandemic the world connected by travel & transport where every day life requires social interactions in close proximity was not prepared for. The Whole World Failed at Keeping COVID-19 out of their countries. CDC, NIH, HHS, & WHO all Failed, as governor Cuomo argued redirecting blame away from his bungled decisions.

The current Administration has done more COVID-19 testing than any country in the world, manufactured more ventilators & PPE in a short amount of time. The Administration were working behind the scenes of the (D)s impeachment fiasco drawing up plans in early January if things got worst in Wuhan & spread out of Wuhan after CDC scientists were sent in Dec. 2019, but China refused help while (D)s defy & resist the Administration's mitigation guidelines. Travel restriction from & to China was declared before there was a confirmed case in the US. Andrew Cuomo didn't quarantine every international flight & sea vessels coming into New York when travel restrictions were announced in late January turning NY into an epicenter. In the west coast all passengers & crews of princess cruises that dock were quarantined, even if they've been quarantined abroad just as all passengers & crews of a Boeing 747 from China were quarantine. Cuomo tried to pull a fast one on the incumbent with the 40,000 Ventilators he was planning on hoarding stored in a NY warehouse to control the supply lines. Cuomo pushed back on Statewide Federal Quarantine & ordered Nursing homes to accept COVID-19+ patients where more than 1/2 of the mortality statistic comes from. Having worked closely with the Administration to keep the spread at a minimal & flatten the curve, the west coast governors are getting carried away with the shutdowns threatening to make it permanent, until vaccination that could partially work 50/50, like flu vaccines, are readily available for obvious political reason expressing to let their megalomaniac tendencies loose. N. Dakota, Georgia, & Florida are much better in keeping things balanced as Red states prefers a targeted shutdown approach to minimize the spread.

No One could've known about an "unknown" disease to infect humans that transmit from human to human simply by talking from people who weren't even showing signs of illness at the beginning stages & into a pandemic. A respiratory disease like COVID-19 can't really be contained absent of data on how fast & easily it spreads by 85% of infected people who never got ill or hospitalized (14.5%-14.95% are recovering) experiencing symptoms of a common cold for which the lightly infected & doctors overlooked it as just a cold, until an alarming number of hospitalized infected patients overwhelming the hospitals & 1/20 were dying weekly which prompted a Chinese doctor to look through a microscope ruling out the Africanized swine flu happening at the same time across China that started 3 months earlier. China took extraordinary measure when it was apparent how contagious the virus was, but it was too late as initially they focused on quarantining feverish people having acute symptoms which allowed the virus to spread out of Wuhan to the world through foreign tourist, diplomats & business travelers showing no signs of infection.

De Blasio & (D) Health experts from Feb. to Mar. 15 were making tweets & speeches in small rallies against travel bans, social distancing & shutdowns. 02/02/20 NYC Health Commissioner Oxirus Barbot said, "There's NO REASON NOT" to take the subway, bus, go to restaurant, miss the annual Lunar parade or avoid any neighborhood because of coronavirus. 0302/20 De Blasio encouraged New Yorkers to go on with their lives & get out on town despite Coronavirus. 02/03/20 New York Times: "There is no reason why it is not safe to travel to China, The travel ban is unjust". Prior to 03/15/20 when all partisan (D) news media anchors along with Doctor Fauci & other (lib) experts stated that Influenza should be looked at more than Wuhan Flu with Dr. Fauci assuring the public not to be alarmed on NEWSMAX aired in 01/21/20 & again emphasized the danger was miniscule in 02/17/20. In April, Dr. Fauci reverses his don't wear mask advice, only healthcare workers, questioned by many as it spreads from simply talking. CDC found COVID projection model was over estimated, Fauci mused 1 year quarantine late March, then mid May say the country needs to open as shutdown has grave irreputable consequences.

POTUS endured 2 impeachment attempt, espionage coupe from within 3 Intelligence Agencies, & the assaults continues from the derange, & delusional partisan (D)s, established US National Partisan News Media (NYT, WAPO, Daily News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Bloomberg Finance Network), in conjunction with international (Russia, China, Iran, Islamist: ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas...) & domestic (TDS, SJWs, BLM, BSM/WSM) internet trolls/influencers (rogue or state funded) corroborating & collaborating to concoct conspiracies & disinformation that will drive a mentally weak, meek, sensitive, immature, deluded, snowflake, paranoid, safe space & emotional individual in command of corporation, military command, city, state, or country into insanity, madness & nervous break down.
2020-08-21 17:01:15 UTC
Trump has achieved many not good things.

1) Reduced funding for many agencies that carry out vital work

2) Taken actions that have sped up climate change

3) Regressed women's rights back to the 1980's

4) Started a cold war with China

5) Pardoned many criminals early in their prison sentences for no reason

6) Used his position to favour his own business interests

7) Subverted the democratic process by de-funding the postal service

8) Given the go ahead to ecologically damaging oil pipelines

9) Given billions in tax cuts to the top 1% whilst not doing so for ordinary tax payers

10) Backed the KKK and actively supported white supremacy

11) Caused over 100,000 deaths in 2020 by not acting swiftly and decisively against Covid-19, blaming them on China rather than taking responsibility for not organising a response like Germany and South Korea managed.

12) Sent the US into a deep recession because he failed to act decisively on Covid-19

13) Encouraged a culture of lying and fueling conspiracy theory groups.

14) Bullied and harassed political opponents who are more competent than he is into making decisions they would rather not make

15) Used his position as US president to attempt to black-mail foreign leaders to spy upon his US political rivals.

16) Defunding the WTO

17) Attacking TikTok because its members pulled a prank that disrupted one of his political events

18) Tried to get a slice of the sale of TikTok for the US government (profiteering from his position).

19) He moved to poison the country’s water and pollute its air, allowing emissions even greater than the auto industry had asked for, and lifting the ban on toxic chemicals like PFAS. 

20) Repealed or weakened nearly 100 environmental rules and laws on climate change, clean air, chemical pollution, coal mining (the head of the EPA is a former coal-mining lobbyist), and oil drilling—soon to be happening in a national forest near you.

21) Supporting regressive religious beliefs in the US legal system (counteracting the separation of Church and state by supporting anti-abortion positions)

22) Rubbish response to Hurricane Maria: failing to provide adequate reconstruction costs; rejecting FEMA requests for reconstruction funding.

23) ICE Detention Centers (i.e. all those concentration camps) -  A recent report documented over 20,000 instances of abuses in ICE facilities, including 800 instances of physical abuse and 400 instances of sexual assault. Moreover, it’s estimated that more than 1,000 have been separated from their families even after the end of the administration’s Zero Tolerance immigration policy.

24) Forcing the longest federal shutdown in history to get funding for Trumps wall: a xenophobic policy which is predicted to cause no reduction in illegal immigration due to how easy it is to bypass.

25) Withdraw from the Intermediate Range Nuclear Treaty, starting a new arms race with Russia

26)  Offensive tweets continued to undermine his presidency. Calling former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman “a dog” and Stormy Daniels “Horseface” — among countless offensive tweets — is not just unpresidential, it drives away potential supporters who like his policies but then are reminded how much they don’t like Trump.

I can't begin to properly answer this question as I'm running out of time and there is no end to the poor decisions he's made.

I'd say he's comfortably the worst president in US history and the most incompetent leader in world history. He's also widely regarded by other world leaders and by most of the population of the world as a laughing stock..
2020-08-21 11:41:36 UTC
No. Obama is, and Biden Will be worse...
2020-08-21 07:44:32 UTC
With thousands dead from the Korona Virus.30 million that lost their jobs.Riots in the street burning down buildings.And trump doing nothing i would say YES he is the worst president in the history of the world.
2020-08-21 07:29:16 UTC
No. That would be your daddy, Obama.
2020-08-20 21:15:36 UTC
Trump is a fool. Trump now wants to put sanctions on Iran under the Iran deal agreement. Trump pulled the USA out of the Iran deal. The USA have no say in it. Trump is as dumb as a sack of rocks, you can't pull out of a deal and think that the other party will abide by the contract. The United Nations are voting on this. The USA will lose.
2020-08-20 19:44:57 UTC
Nope ,Obama is  number 1 failure
2020-08-20 19:38:58 UTC
Of course he is, that's clear. He'll soon be in Federal prison.
2020-08-20 18:51:36 UTC
He helped the economy grow before and after the pandemic ya big goof. Just look at the growth in the stock market. He's trying to protect this country not ruin it

What did Obama do??????????? Nothing. And Covid is not as dangerous as the media has said it is
2020-08-20 16:38:41 UTC
Ever? No. Just google it. The worst president, so far, was Buchanan. The Worst of the 20th Century was Johnson, Nixon & Dub-ya.

Trump still has over 42% Approval rating. Obama had a 47% leaving office.

Ask an honest question. Don't try to lead the reader.
2020-08-20 16:31:43 UTC
According to statistics President Trump has significantly benefitted our Country. Whether you like Trump or not, you can not disprove statistics. 
2020-08-20 14:30:52 UTC
Why, for stopping Isis from killing 1 million people like Obama let them do? Or for having a post-pandemic stock market 10,000 points higher than Obama had? Or for keeping the coronavirus death toll 60,000 deaths lower than the European Union healthcare system the Democrats wanna copy?
2020-08-25 03:20:33 UTC
Yes he is the biggest failure . He does not view his position as that of a public servant but one as a power monger looking to destroy our democracy likely as a result of Putin's instructions. 
2020-08-23 19:08:42 UTC
2020-08-23 17:16:51 UTC
Dude, you need to chill out. You have been all over YA asking questions like this in various forms. We get it. You are angry because Trump won. But dude, you need to get a life. Just venting on YA isn't good. You're going to drive yourself insane. Don't you have a job? How do you manage to post so many angry "questions" about Trump? I'm assuming you don't a girlfriend? I'm assuming you don't have any friends? Does that sound about right? Dude, get a counselor. Have someone teach you about what it means to be a man. Because you're really hurting yourself emotionally and spiritually. You're "questions" are not making a difference in the world. Everybody sees what you're doing: venting. So try something new. Get a counselor, learn to be a man, maybe find yourself a girlfriend some day. Best of luck to you.
2020-08-22 22:52:44 UTC
America will fail until it rejoins the British Empire and Takes down that Silly Flag.
2020-08-22 01:45:48 UTC
No, he is not the worst..
2020-08-22 00:55:16 UTC
No, Trump is the best President ever.
2020-08-21 23:30:16 UTC
That depends on whether mainstream media is mostly accurate and objective, or not.
2020-08-21 17:47:01 UTC
Reading through most of these answers, it's quite apparent as to why the Electoral College not only is constitutional but necessary in America.
2020-08-21 14:42:49 UTC
I still think America is best without Marxist politicians in Washington.The Media is so anti-American and not welcome. The Media is as bad as the Soviet Union's media or worse. Trump protects borders, constitution, low taxes, and he drives liberals and Marxists crazy. Better renew chill pills liberals and Marxists as he will win in a landslide in November!
2020-08-21 13:28:23 UTC
Hell no, he is the 45th best president in US history. 
2020-08-21 09:30:48 UTC
"I don't see how. No honestly. He just keeps winning. " @Samuel, keeps winning what, exactly? The many, many games of golf he plays? Sexual misconduct lawsuits? Biggest Liar Of The Second awards? Most Laughed At World 'Leader'?  
2020-08-21 09:00:10 UTC
Murdering 640,000 people to save your job then being exterminated Now that is one Giant Failure

No that was Lincoln this is what he did to save his job  Murder 640,000 innocent people

Lincoln did this is what he did to the USA to save his JobI would like to list many of the crimes committed by Lincoln and his Administration. Also Lincoln's Violations of the US Constitution. The Presidential oath of office that Lincoln swore to was "to preserve, protect and defend" the Constitution of the US.

I apologize upfront for truthful, accurate, factual posts here that may hurt any Lincoln fan's feelings...Secession of states was not prohibited by the US Constitution at that time. Therefore it was completely legal for states to decide

#1 Lincoln ordered the military blockade of Southern ports.

This an act of war.Only Congress can do that. At that time Lincoln certainly violated the US Constitution

#2 Lincoln ordered hundreds of Northern newspapers who dared to speak out against him to be shut down. And their owners and editors were arrested for disloyalty.This is a clear violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution that Lincoln swore to uphold.

#3 Lincoln ordered the arrest of Ohio Congressman Clement Vallandigham for the crime of speaking out against him. Can you imagine that?

#4 Ex parte Merryman, Chief Justice of the US Roger Taney, sitting as a judge of the United States Circuit Court for the District of Maryland, ruled that Lincoln had violated the US Constitution when he illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus. After hearing this Lincoln signed an arrest warrant to have the Chief Justice of the US arrested.

#5 US Constitution Article lll...Section 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them.Lincoln committed treason. Lincoln waged war upon his own country. Unless one considers secession legal and the Confederacy was a sovereign nation

.#6 Lincoln sent Union troops door to door in areas of Maryland, a Union state, to confiscate weapons. This is a clear violation of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. Many Constitutional violations against Maryland' Maryland my Maryland' was published calling Lincoln a tyrant and a despot and a vandal. Lincoln as already mentioned, trashed the Constitution by suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and sending troops door to door confiscating weapons in areas of Maryland. Maryland was a Union state. Lincoln ordered the arrest of thousands Marylanders for the crime of 'suspected Southern sympathies'.Lincoln ordered the arrest of US Congressman Henry May representing Maryland.

#7Lincoln also had arrested...Most of the Maryland State Legislature

#8Most of the Baltimore city council

#9The police commissioner of Baltimore

#10The mayor of Baltimore

#11Thousands of prominent Maryland citizens.

#12These people were arrested and held in Military prisons, without trial, some of them for years. This trashing of the Constitution upset many Marylanders. One of them was named Booth. Committing so many crimes against Maryland would end up giving Lincoln a big "headache".SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS April 25 1861, When it looks as though Maryland may secede from the Union, Lincoln sends a letter to General Winfield Scott giving him permission to bombard Maryland's Cities. This war criminal Lincoln couldn't wait to bombard innocent civilians. We call that Terrorism these days.

#13 Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation. This is a direct violation of the US Constitution and the US Supreme Courts decision on the matter

.#14 The Lincoln administration allowed the taking of private property for public use without just compensation or due process of law. This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment. A prime example is the Union army stealing Robert E Lees home, Arlington House, which they used as Headquarters. Since dead Union soldiers were stacking up like cordwood, they started burying them in Lee's yard. There were so many Union soldiers graves here, this was to become Arlington National Cemetery.

#15 The Lincoln Administration routinely used water torture against the thousands of Union prisoners arrested and jailed without trial. This violates the 8th Amendment, "Cruel and unusual punishment".

#16 Lincoln was Commander-in-Chief of an Army whose invasion of the South resulted in the deaths of 50,000 Southern civilians. And Only a war Monger would destroy a whole town meriden no longer exists After the destruction of the economic and military infrastructure of Meridian, Sherman is reported to have said, "Meridian with its depots, store-houses, arsenal, hospitals, offices, hotels, and cantonments no longer exists all for Nothing there was No CSA army there

Lincoln never cared about the slave because Congress had to Introduce the 13 Amendment to Free all the 900,000 slaves in the Union states Grant still had slaves 12 months after the war Proving it was to save Lincoln's  Job and nothing to do with slavery Thumbs down so it is Democratic to go to war  Kill 640,000 innocent people because No Lincoln No war
2020-08-21 08:50:53 UTC
Yes, but he is just better when compared to a pile of fresh human poo.
2020-08-21 06:37:54 UTC
Does Black Lives Matter also in Chicago's South Side or only where it's profitable?
2020-08-21 02:34:03 UTC
Yes he is, and everybody that is not one of his supporters were expecting him to be the bigger failure as president. 
2020-08-20 22:15:07 UTC
Trump is like a North Korean missile.... they brag how big it is and how powerful it is but 5 mins after its launch it plummets into the ocean killing a few dolphins. 
Weasel McWeasel
2020-08-20 21:10:05 UTC
I have ZERO doubts, that future history books will have an asterisk next to his name,   as some sort of anomaly  or future evidence emerges that Russia cheated to get him elected. 

Either way, he'll go down  as the most moronic person ever to hold the office. 

George W. Bush can rest easy now. 
2020-08-20 17:36:22 UTC
Man, Carter takes that with room to spare. At least from Ike to present. A fine human being, a horrendous administrator. 
2020-08-20 17:02:37 UTC
actually most successful and actually for the people.  so many accomplishments.  so many promises kept.  and then we have obama who did squat for the middle class and salaries actually went down in his administration.  told us repeated manufacturing jobs were gone forever - trump got them back.  gave us the intentional (key word) lie aka obamacare and actually bribed for votes to get it passed.   millions of new poor under obama.  

and then we have obama.  the most corrupt administration in our history.  used the FBI and DOJ to spy on the trump campaign.  set up individuals.  phony fraudulent FISA requests.  the good news is finally coming with the first FBI guy pleading guilty.  

of course, this is all ignored by our crooked press and every dem out there.  

all you have to do is look at the democratic convention - all about Trump.  cannot even pretend to have any accomplishments by biden.  

bottom line, every American is doing better under trump.  minority unemployment lowest - ever.  
2020-08-20 14:27:44 UTC
Not for the billionaires and racists
2020-08-24 20:48:34 UTC
Yes, yes he is. There'll probably be more after him
2020-08-23 08:22:23 UTC
He’s one of the best. 

Coronavirus and BLM riots are out of his control, there was numerous riots and killings of black people during Obama’s time, Oscar Grant. Kimini Gray, and many criminals who still got riots after them. 

He hasn’t done anything but make the black community worse off, so Biden showing Harris off like she’s going to make a difference simply because she’s black is stupid. 

Guantanamo is still open 

Obama didn’t deliver on anything he said unlike Trump who has delivered on everything. The democrats are unelectable this year because racist Biden is an actual racist unlike Trump, if you don’t believe me then “you ain’t black”. And he thinks blacks are all the same.

The democrat cities are the ones in ruins because they want to defund the police meaning innocent people can’t ring 911 to get help. We’ve seen by the CHAZ how many more murders and crimes takes place without the police and with a unaccountable armed rainbow militia doing the policing. 
2020-08-23 01:14:43 UTC
Not even from the US but I can tell he is. Country is divided people are dying the country is killing itself it's outstanding to watch it's like a zoo spectacle or a science experiment. 
2020-08-22 16:57:36 UTC
God is in charge we need to start praying for the President. then God can work for us. Lord we want you to help Trump make good decisions stop trying to take away the Mexicans land, just try and get along in Jesus name Amen. that is a start.
Grandpa Shark
2020-08-21 18:18:26 UTC
The democrat party has become the biggest failure in America and Nancy Pelosi is its leader 
2020-08-21 13:59:16 UTC
Definitely no! Because as an undercover in United States, he is doing a pretty good job, though his disguise is about to be exposed.

Freethinking Liberal
2020-08-21 13:40:32 UTC

Long answer = Yes...
2020-08-21 08:56:47 UTC
2020-08-21 06:48:03 UTC
Short answer? Yes.

Long answer? Holy freaking hell yes, god help us please. What is happening? How did it get so bad?!? Someone wake us up from this nightmare!
2020-08-21 04:53:44 UTC
No because we knew going in that he would be baf.  Bar was waaaay low.
2020-08-21 04:49:24 UTC

Obama was, then Carter, then Clinton
2020-08-21 04:36:07 UTC
'We the people' cannot have an unqualified, unfit for duty, under many 'indictments', dishonored, disgraced president! 'BEWARE' Trump is still the most 'WANTED' man in the world for: Collusion of election fraud, tax fraud, espionage, extortion, bribery, infidelity, perjury & treason! This calls for IMPEACHMENT or Trump RESIGN! =<)
2020-08-20 20:58:23 UTC
yes.  Dui ba.  Si'.  Oui.  no bleep, Sherlock.  you said it.   do birds fly?  is the pope Catholic.  Do bears use the woods...
2020-08-20 16:36:50 UTC
Have you heard of Jimmy Carter?
2020-08-20 16:27:20 UTC
Without a doubt.  I'm a Democrat, but even if I didn't agree with Republican presidents who were in office before Trump on every policy, I respected their ability to communicate well.  Trump isn't representative of EITHER party.  Our country is better than this.  
2020-08-20 15:03:09 UTC
No that would be Obama.
2020-08-20 14:47:29 UTC
That is true.He should never have been elected.
2020-08-20 14:42:56 UTC
That depends from who's perspective.

The fascist and neo-nazi see him as a success.

Of course, from an objective and rational point of view, Trump damage to the US is seen as a success by Valdimir Putin...
2020-08-20 14:35:45 UTC
No.  He has accomplished more than any other president of my lifetime and Truman was president when I was born.  You should try reading a better source of information.
Ghost Of Christmas Past
2020-08-20 14:29:43 UTC
His mission was to empower the stupid and he's succeeded.  Now let's see his successor get the genie back into the bottle.
2020-08-24 19:01:23 UTC
If yours voted in Jesus, this is not occurred
2020-08-23 20:31:12 UTC
Yes, totally. Corrupt.
2020-08-23 18:47:25 UTC
Stop getting your news from Raphael Maddow. Don't end up being the crazy cat lady in your neighborhood.
2020-08-22 22:56:24 UTC
Nope, the biggest failure goes to Obama. Hands down, the worse president ever!!!
2020-08-22 19:54:38 UTC
Trump has tied hard & worked hard to better America.  The Dims have mouthed loud & used all to stop him they can to make America great. 
Kazoo M
2020-08-22 17:39:44 UTC
Our current president respects the sanctity of the unborn, which is very honorable.

The Democrats are all executioners and murderers of the unborn, they could care less about human life.

Remember, the sanctity of the unborn is the number one priority all humans must strive for.

Otherwise, we are no different than the uncivilized barbarians that threw their children into the fire as offerings to appease their pagan deities.

Furthermore, when we vote for anyone that is a democrat, we become an accessory to their sin - in short, we show our uncivilized, barbarian form that is very ignorant!
2020-08-22 16:42:17 UTC
Yes, that is an accurate description.
2020-08-22 09:20:54 UTC
Trump accomplished all of his real goals like giving all his Israeli buddies exactly what they wanted. I don't know if you could classify that as a failure.
2020-08-22 07:50:37 UTC
No he's not THAT bad. We've had much worse, people are just blowing things out of proportion. 

Probably because the younger generation have gotten involved in politics lately (A good thing) and because they've not experience very much or gone through any real hardships they seem to think whatever little challenge is thrown in their way is extremely difficult.

Trump is just a small hill we'll climb over, he isn't a volcano ready to erupt and wipe out everything we've ever known. And we've had presidents in the past that have been mountains before.

Trump is nothing. He's insignificant. If not for all of the noise everyone's creating about him, he probably would've been forgotten throughout history.

He hasn't made anything in the US worse and he hasn't made anything better.

You can only really criticize him for his poor handling of COVID-19, but COVID was a curve-ball that many leaders in the world have missed. 

He's a fool, but he's not anything to worry about. Definitely not the biggest failure of a President in the US. We've been through much worse and we'll suffer from even worse presidents in the future.
2020-08-21 23:12:22 UTC
NO! That would go to someone like Jimmy Carter, a democrat, or to Barry Obama another democrat.
2020-08-21 22:27:54 UTC
Trump is not the worst president, but if Biden gets elected, he might end up taking that title.
2020-08-21 19:59:59 UTC
Speaking from across the pond I feel his belligerence  , for example on Twitter and at press conferences has been un-statesman like . Not saying if I were a U.S citizen i would not vote for him though .
2020-08-21 19:52:16 UTC
It all depends on what you mean by "failure".  He delivered on his promise to "make America grate again" sadly, many people judge a country by the person they choose to lead them. and America chose an autocrat who has little regard for any opinion other than his own and seeks to lead by Twitter and Executive Order.  And if that's what the people wanted and got, he's not a failure.  If the people actually wanted someone to ensure the country was held in regard by World opinion, he has failed in a monumental way.

If you wanted to look for other names, consider the Bushes; Carter; Reagan; Ford and, of course, Nixon.  And those are just the ones from my lifetime.

But, as a Brit, I can't afford to be smug: we've got Boris Johnson - in no way a giant on the World stage, despite his own opinion to the contrary.  Still, things could be worse - look to Brazil for an example of how to really mess things up.
2020-08-21 13:05:17 UTC
Trump failed, but he also opened peoples eyes as to how many ignorant people we have among us. I’m shocked that so many people are that screwed up. Wow, double wow.
2020-08-21 03:20:39 UTC
no that would be barack obama
John Z. Retodo
2020-08-21 02:22:25 UTC
Actually, yes. He does that because he's fail the U.S government and laws.
2020-08-21 00:17:32 UTC
No, Obama will hold that record forever easily.
Judy and Charlie
2020-08-20 21:37:52 UTC
Barack Obama has shown incredible grace and self control by not talking about Trump's failure as a president until now.  And since Obama had the job for 8 years before Trump, he has every RIGHT to criticize in DETAIL about Trump's FAILURE AS A PRESIDENT.

It was good to hear Obama's words as he expressed what we have all been thinking.
2020-08-20 17:22:10 UTC
well technically he's not a failure at all he brought peace where peace was impossible before and EVERYTHING Trump has done has been to benefit the american people ONLY as it is supposed to be and not benefit Illegals and other countries especially enemies such as Iran 
Blue Skies.
2020-08-20 14:32:36 UTC
That would be the Fake black guy that ran his

mouth last night.
2020-08-25 11:53:16 UTC
People will have different opinions on this. So it depends on who you ask.
Harley Lady
2020-08-24 05:04:14 UTC
Trump is the biggest overall failure in my lifetime.
2020-08-24 02:04:02 UTC
He certainly makes the US  a laughing stock on the world stage. Even other leaders who people would think would have a lot in commin with him (Bolsanaro, Boris johnson and Orban) all laugh at his stupidity. We all though it couldnt get worse with Bush and then plop along comes Trump! Dangerous times indeed.
2020-08-23 06:24:48 UTC
Not yet, have patient, please...
2020-08-22 22:26:15 UTC
Actually it is the complete opposite, Trump has been one of our MOST successful Presidents in history. If democrat brakes were taken off, we'd probably be doing 1000 times better right now. Don't forget that democrats called the travel ban with China "racist", promoted the protests that are not only getting people murdered, but are also making our entire lockdown meaningless, and sent sick patients back into high risk senior facilities, spreading the disease like wildfire and costing vast numbers of lives. So this delayed lockdown is all on them. Also don't forget that they have halted your relief funds by hardballing the president in $2 trillion dollars of non covid related funds to bail out their failing states, effectively taking the American people hostage, again. With Trump we have fast actions, a powerful economy, a powerful military, minorities have benefitted from his leadership far more than they did under Obama for 8 years, Isis is a fading memory thanks to him, Billions of dollars aren't being smuggled to enemy nations like they were under Obama. Jobs have been brought back that Obama said you "would need a magic wand to bring back". Illegal immigration is finally being brought under control, giving our lower class and LEGAL immigrants a chance at making far better wages FINALLY. All we've heard from democrats is, they'll choose feelings over lives, they wanna open the borders, they wanna transform our country from a successful capitalist nation into a failing socialist nation, they wanna change literally everything in your life into a slum. And your gun rights are going first thing. Your vote this year effects your family, friends, income, lifestyle, rights, and entire reality. Don't make a foolish, ignorant choice based on silly emotions. Think carefully and vote red.
2020-08-22 21:03:36 UTC
While I do believe Trump isn't the greatest president, I do believe he is far from the worst we've ever had in history. If I recall correctly back to US History class in 10th grade, Herbert Hoover did practically nothing in office. And basically caused the depression, and afterwards made his republican beliefs prevent him from actually helping people get by. And then there's Nixon, watergate. Resigned the day before his impeachment hearings.

If we're going off of dirt that has been dug up on presidents, not a single one in history has been scandal free (from what I can recall). JFK had affairs with Marilyn Monroe, Bill Clinton got sucked off in the oval office, and is believed to be part of some pedophile ring run by the elites.
2020-08-22 20:29:45 UTC
Yes trum is the biggest FAILURE as president in us history..... Trump’s racially charged rhetoric—his “birther” campaign against President Barack Obama, his dismissal of an American judge as a “Mexican,” his flirtation with white supremacists, his repeated swipes against non-white public figures and journalists—are revealing. I’m old enough to recall the language of resentful bigots railing against the civil-rights movement in the 1960s. Trump’s rhetoric brings back the language of those who think that a values-based nation is a fantasy; that America is still at core a white man’s republic; and that challenges to it must be put down with force and domination.
2020-08-22 18:57:02 UTC
Trump has a long list of accomplishments. This is something he simply brought with him from the real (business) world. Don't produce and you'll get fired world. Unlike politics where you can talk and talk and do nothing. Trump brought the lowest ever unemployment rates for both blacks and Latinos. That alone should allow for 4 more years for Trump.
2020-08-22 06:14:24 UTC
No, Trump is a fine president as of now. I don't know what his other 4 years would look like.
2020-08-21 21:12:57 UTC
Nope.  That would be LBJ, followed closely by Obama.
2020-08-21 20:12:19 UTC
He has done more for the US than most presidents.  He had to clean up after Obama who made us look like a bunch of losers.  Obviously you are a socialist, study and learn something about the world and politics.
2020-08-21 08:28:56 UTC
that title belongs to barak hussain obama = barry sotoros.
2020-08-20 21:33:29 UTC
Well, he finally proved that just over a week ago when he broke his biggest promise ever, which was to never attack Social Security or Medicare.    In fact, now, after sabotaging the main resource for Social Security (the FICA payroll tax!!),  he also now is saying that next year,,,,,get this:  HE WILL ABOLISH IT!  What a freaken LIAR of all liars in the world.  Trump tops them all for certain.   And most of our freaken Republican voting hard heads STILL CLAIM HE IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO HELP IT!  That tops it all.      Wheeeeee these right wing citizens have really lost it.
2020-08-20 20:48:13 UTC
If ending and defeating Obama's 7 undeclared war is a failure, you're in the wrong planet. Obama helped ISIS grow from the JV team to a Caliphate. Obama used his presidency to helped himself politicaly, for fame and adoration. The Iran Nuclear Deal Alienated the Arabian Peninsula and Israel. Trump got UAE and Iran achieve peace. Trump's opportunity zone, USMCA, and repeated attempt to impeach Trump makes Obama looks petty and small. Obama's vengeful ego made him to use the FBI working with Fusion GPS to doctor documents to make a case for the FBI to spy and investigated Trump's campaign. If Obama can weaponized the IRS, why not the FBI.  Democrat Governors are failing their states with their 5-8 decades long policies and their refusal to federally mandated quarantine in February and March. It's too late now as the virus has been unleashed in nursing homes because the New York governor orders who didn't act too quickly when travel ban and state of emergency was declared, rather resisted it.
2020-08-20 19:37:29 UTC
 It depends on what  people believe in. Some would say that you could replace Trump's name with Obama.
2020-08-20 18:31:41 UTC
No. He is one of the best plus he hasn't started any new wars like many of the others. Trump is doing a great job and will rescue the US economy a second time and is standing up to tyrannical regimes like China.

Hoover, FDR, Truman, Clinton, Carter, and Obama were the worst.
2020-08-20 17:55:52 UTC
Well, initially he followed the science from WHO and CDC which BOTH said COVID-19 would be mostly limited to China/Asia. Then, following the science told you and me that masks were not necessary nor effective. If you all believed in following the scientific pontification at the time, why not blame those wizards now?
2020-08-20 14:44:25 UTC
Yes, no doubt. He is also the most CORRUPT president in history.
2020-08-20 14:30:48 UTC
I think the focus needs to be on getting him out of office. Easier to assess his historical ranking when he, as a president anyway, is history. 
2020-08-20 14:30:04 UTC
no, he can't be a failure or success because he is still working. 
2020-08-24 00:51:05 UTC
No, just because the liberal media tirades against him, doesn't make him the worst by far. A little history should help answer that question. Trump did not create the COVID-19 crisis either, despite what some people are saying.
2020-08-23 23:08:38 UTC
Yes of course...
Simple Simon
2020-08-23 22:28:39 UTC
Any argument to support your statement???
2020-08-23 21:11:18 UTC
These answers are mostly just opinions.  Perhaps, one should just focus on accomplishments.  This question can't be answered. Without a deep dive in history of all our presidents.  Plus, Trump's presidency isn't over yet.  So there is no way to judge it yet.

So, therefore, I'm not taking the bate.  There is no easy answer for this. And most of us aren't versed enough to make this judgement.  
2020-08-23 17:03:33 UTC
The entire Democratic Party has become the biggest FAILURE!!!!
2020-08-23 13:16:40 UTC
Trump  President  would be one of the greatest  POTUS in American history like President  Reagan. 

 Trump admin ,including Secretary Pompeo , deserves the credit for painstakingly alerting the American People and the rest of the Free World that Communist China regime has been maliciously endangering our civilization , the way of life ----- Democracy ? or Dictatorship? Freedom? or Tyranny? 

Btw, Secretary Michael R. Pompeo Remarks at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum: “Communist China and the Free World’s Future”. ---------Which is a historic speech about Communist China .
2020-08-23 12:57:20 UTC
Trump is the biggest failure as president in the WORLD history.
2020-08-23 01:22:46 UTC
No, the do nothing Democrat’s in Congress are.

All they like is fruit it seems...



They need to be removed from office.

liars should never rule over anyone. ( RIGHT ?)
2020-08-22 18:44:51 UTC
No the press in America  is the biggest FAILURE that we have  ever encountered.   There butchering Trump day in and day out .  There fixated in hating him . Before the Corona virus  our economy was good and we were not involved in any wars . I  call that a success not a failure 
2020-08-22 17:06:51 UTC

He has just been up against a system of alligators that are a lot more anchored and immovable and unchangeable than he thought. 

Those in governmental service are mostly the ruination of the previously great USA. 

If democrats can get Trump out, then just enjoy the downhill ride suckers!  You've taken the bait, so watch what happens!!!!!
2020-08-22 12:04:03 UTC
No, Obama was..
2020-08-22 03:57:17 UTC
Certainly not Joe Biden, Biden will never be President.  TRUMP 2020
2020-08-21 22:25:26 UTC
Not just as president. He is a failure as a human being.
2020-08-21 21:30:08 UTC
he sure is. almost every day he does something that only a moron would do or say.
2020-08-21 16:02:36 UTC
No.  That was the twin evils of Bush then Obama who are in the same camp.  Don't worry.  Biden will win and be forced to resign for Alzheminers and the half-black lady will because the president.
2020-08-21 12:37:53 UTC
Yes. Trump is the most corrupt, ignorant, lying, treasonous, incompetent president in United States history.  He should have been convicted and removed from office long ago. 
2020-08-21 06:44:34 UTC
IT can never be trump isn't a failure not to talk of in us history he's just unlucky to be president at this time remember when china was ripping US apart on trade deals #TRUMP came and hit them harder there by restoring many companies back to the US  that's why China wants BIDEN badly I'm not saying trump is saint no he isn't likewise every president.
2020-08-20 17:56:51 UTC
He is the best President in our lifetimes thus far.
2020-08-20 16:38:32 UTC
I afraid that distinction belongs to 3 democrats, Obama, Carter, Wilson.
2020-08-20 16:12:03 UTC
Yes, but his suporters are a cult
2020-08-24 04:17:53 UTC
He is the Worst Ever Yes The Biggest Dope in the history of the Planet.
2020-08-23 18:22:34 UTC
Trump rocks. Best president we had in a while.
2020-08-23 16:08:04 UTC
YES YES and oh yeah YES.   The biggest incompetent man ...cannot stand to be criticized lies quite easily said colin powell and and gets away with it because the senate and congress just sit by and let him.   Takes credit for things he shouldn't and can't stop saying china virus.  to take the fault off originated in China went to europe and came into the U.S.  He didn't shut down entrance to the U.S.  just from China.  He keeps wanting praise for that.  Look up the montage of videos from early Feb.  when he called it a hoax.  Into July still down playing it.  I'm not a democrat but I"m not a blind loyalist either.  He's dangerous ...As europe says the dumming of America.  Due to this president.   He's responsible for the hell we're in.   All the people who have died so very said.  But he lacks empathy plays golf during funerals  especially when those children were shot .  Biggest failure doesn't cover it.
2020-08-23 11:11:18 UTC
No. He has accomplished the following.

Bringing home troops from Afghanistan after 20 years. Destroyed the barbaric ISIS caliphate. Left the war in Syria. Made peace between Israel and the UAE. Freed thousands of non-violent offenders from prison. Ended nuclear testing in North Korea. Protected Poland and the Ukraine with missile defenses. Gave hope to the sick with legalizing experimental treatments and lowering drug prices. Saved thousands of lives through VA reform. Created energy independence to end the NUMBER ONE REASON for US wars since 1980.
2020-08-22 15:44:48 UTC
He's an enormous failure but I'm sure at least one President was worse. But if he somehow ends up staying in office for four more years then our country is doomed. Four years is enough time for him to fully transition into a dictator.
2020-08-21 23:08:56 UTC
It is common for Democrats to lie and be dishonest
2020-08-21 22:16:52 UTC
nope ...............................


TRUMP 2020 !! ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><
2020-08-21 21:28:45 UTC
You may say that.

2020-08-21 19:32:18 UTC
That would be OBUMMER. Why do you think Trump GOT ELECTED? Think about that statement for a MOMENT.
2020-08-21 05:16:35 UTC
Yes. Very likely he will end up in federal prison for tax fraud. I wouldn't be surprised if he is the first president convicted of treason IF the USA survives. Trump may have fractured the institutions of the government so much the USA may not be able to recover. Some Canadians are already worried that that Canada will be dragged down along with the USA. I hope I don't live that long. 
2020-08-21 00:57:16 UTC
2020-08-20 21:32:01 UTC
That was homobama remedial.
2020-08-20 21:21:25 UTC
No but he will be in the bottom 5 of all presidents

He accomplished  nothing except making the US the laughing stock of the world and causing air and water pollution  to increase for the first time since 1968
2020-08-20 20:19:14 UTC
He will be labeled the offices greatest Demagogues, with no leadership traits, and that he didn't even try. On the policy front, he couldn't articulate anything to pass significant legislation thus he turned to signing executive orders to accomplish some of the policies he was trying..........the Obama ACA as a classic example, Obama did 276 in two terms...........Trump is close to 200 over 3.6 years....... His other failure is only communicating to his base with his divisive speech and tweets. Other moves such as meeting with N. Korea's leadership will be considered way over rated because he never solved the nuclear part, same with Iran nuclear deal, same with the Paris climate accord. 

Courting the conservative base, he's raised debt significantly, cut unnecessary taxes in lieu of our current crisis. The trade deals and tariffs are still debateable.........................You'll have to wait 10,15 years as you do with all other President's to see how the "Domino's fell" as far as giving a final grade.

The economy is way over rated as the economy was improving in the Obama 2nd term.
2020-08-20 20:14:22 UTC
No.  That would be his predecessor in office, Barack Obama.

By now, I've said this at least a hundred times:  Barack Obama is THE worst POTUS we have ever had, period, going all the way back to George Washington.  And for the record, I DO know enough about American history to make that call.

I'll go further.  America has had several lousy Presidents before now--Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Ulysses S. Grant, Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter come to mind.  But however bad they were as Presidents, they at least were NOT traitors.  Barack Obama IS a traitor.  Throughout his administration, he worked to undermine this nation as we've known it for 244 years, in order to promote socialism.  He (and Hillary Clinton) also put their careers ahead of American lives, on September 11, 2012.   That is unforgivable, period.
2020-08-20 17:53:51 UTC
He's gotta be Number One in something, why not that ?
2020-08-20 16:16:28 UTC
Gentle 'Man'

You made a typographical mistake!

It is "SUCCESS" and not ' failure '!
2020-08-20 14:27:15 UTC
No troll, you need to troll harder!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.