Will recounting the votes prove to be fatal for Joe Biden?
2020-11-11 18:24:20 UTC
Will recounting the votes prove to be fatal for Joe Biden?
105 answers:
2020-11-12 20:21:45 UTC
no.   it will probably increase the votes for trump by a few hundreds,   but thats not enough to win the states trump need.

the fact is,  democrats win large dense populous cities and republican win the rural areas.   that is why trump lost.

unless the republican will start to find a way to shift this trend, they will never win again.
2020-11-14 16:13:52 UTC
While I truly believe there has been a large case of fraud uncovered here, I find it unlikely it can bridge a gap so wide at this point. Is it still possible? Technically, yes. Probable? No. 
2020-11-13 14:36:34 UTC
I don't think that it will be possible to overturn the votes in those states.  The lead for Biden is too vast to be overcome by finding a few illegal votes and they may very well find illegal votes for Trump too.
2020-11-13 11:41:59 UTC
-Will it be fatal? Unsure. Is it needed? Very much so. The election was blatantly rigged and tampered with in several states and the electoral college doesn't properly reflect a state's population, only the big cities.

Biden is clearly not fit for office and the 25th amendment is already being discussed.

-The question we should be asking is "Is Harris fit to be the president?".

Trump is a **** person as a human being and an idiot; I'm no fan of him. However, he has done many things that the past few presidents failed to do. We did not enter any new conflicts and actually brokered peace/pulled out of conflicts. He supports our military and it's veterans. More importantly, look at the economy! More American Citizens have jobs now that we aren't outsourcing to other countries and it makes the economy more stable.

-Trump handled/handles covid-19 like a moron. He has the worst PR out of the past few presidents. Though the quote "orange man bad" is simply childish.

Pro-Trump marches have been peaceful protests with signs and yelling, as they should be, until another group such as antifa shows up and picks a fight.

I am an odd person for politics as I fit with no parties whatsoever. I find certain ideologies from each party to be better and find some that are worse. Simply put: 2nd Amendment is necessary and has protected us from invasion during the cold war, 1st Amendment is being repeatedly violated by the media if the content does not match the media's agenda, I despise substance abuse for recreational purposes (medicinal/with a prescription is fine), I want more diversity and equality in politics, I don't believe that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote or stay in the country unless they make an effort to try to become citizens, Covid is a very real thing and quite frankly it would be better if people had more IQ points than they do limbs.

-Returning to the original question, my apologies for getting side-tracked but I wanted to help give context as to where I'm coming from, it could be. There is evidence of tampering with the ballots/polls in several states and California allowed ILLEGAL immigrants to vote. The electoral college does not work as it should.

I implore any reader who sees this that you look a little further into what's going on. The polls in my area were messed with, mail in ballots don't make sense with their numbers, and total votes suggest that roughly 90% of the US population that can legally vote has voted. The biggest percentage of people to have voted in the past was 60%. The dead voted, the illegal immigrants voted, republicans were given sharpies to fill out ballots (which nullifies them), and mail-in ballot numbers don't make sense. This election is rigged to high hell and back.

-If Biden wins, so be it. I greatly oppose such a notion but I'm not so immature that I can't accept defeat or compromise. Our country is too built on "Our way or the highway" and no middle ground. My greatest fear about this election is that if Biden wins, he will undo what Trump has done and will crash the economy like in 2008. -The police, the people who will respond to your calls for help no matter how much you berate them, will be defunded and treated as aggressors. My second greatest fear is that if the recounting and any investigations going on flip the votes to put Trump in the lead, there will be riots unlike anything we've seen before. Floyd's death triggered insane riots and so much crime and horrible things. Imagine how these same people would react if the man they hate so much is re-elected. The country is too divided and barely held together. State governments hold more power than the federal government, which is how we started out and then the Constitution was made.

-I support neither Trump nor Biden but I try to think of the future of the country and who might lead us to a brighter future. As much as I dislike the man, I do believe Trump is that leader.

-If you've made it this far without disliking or commenting some rant against my observations and opinions, then thank you and I have some more to say.

There are so many issues with this country and so many takes on how to handle it. What we fail to have/utilize is mediation. Middle ground. Compromise so both sides are at the very least complacent. Police should require a full year of training rather than the few months they're given. Gun control won't stop the criminals from getting guns. What I genuinely believe we need is for both parties to sit down and negotiate on live TV. It would get heated, there will be yelling and arguing, but there will be at least one mediator to suggest alternatives that satisfy both parties. I don't mean like the moderators in presidential debates. I mean someone who will listen to both sides, all supporting evidence and claims, and will study all of it from both sides in order to create a compromise that helps lessen the tensions between Republicans and Democrats. Each side has their own truth and will lie and cheat and manipulate. That is inevitable. However, if you actually stop and look at it in detail, you'll find common parts in both sides and that's where the real truth lies.

-This country is facing civil unrest like nothing before and Oregon legalized all drugs. Ask yourself this and ask those you speak to about politics, "How long can we go until we split the country in two.". The unrest in our states has lead to death, injuries, trauma, vandalizing, and millions of dollars worth of destruction. If we keep at this, how long until one side finally picks up arms and says no more.

-This is the end of this short novel, by yours truly, anonymous. Even if you do not agree or spew hate at me in your overzealous ways, take a few moments to use your brain and look closer at this election. If Joe wins, he will have won a rigged election. Though keep in mind that the 2016 election was tampered/interfered with as well, thought not nearly as severely, and Trump won. Are you truly so overzealous with your beliefs that you cannot even consider a middle ground?

Also, don't bother responding to this, I won't see any of it because I don't care to argue or debate. I wish to spark some thought into people who follow blindly. Like, dislike, report, comment, do as you like. Just give it some thought and it helps me organize my thoughts.
2020-11-13 04:35:52 UTC
No. Plain and simple. You also have to keep in mind that maybe some democratic votes for Biden weren’t counted and and not only trump ones. But the number is so insignificant that truly it won’t make any real difference.
2020-11-12 23:50:41 UTC
Trump and Republicans do have a card to play even if all the legal challenges fail. 

Before the College can vote for the next president, State legislatures must certify a state’s electors. 

Should the state delegations believe the vote has been corrupted, they can send their own competing slate of electors.
2020-11-12 23:05:26 UTC
I am sure he will still be alive after the count. Mr. Orange Cheeto man even wanted votes recounted in states that he clinched without a doubt, so Trump is still proving he is an idiot.
2020-11-12 22:58:28 UTC
It could.  As a conservative republican I hope it does. If yes I really don’t think that Biden had a part it is Pelosi Schumer Harris AIC plus 3 Hillary all of the ultra liberals who have hated and hate Trump and his supporters so much that there is no way that they are going to let him win again. I truly believe that Joe was used to get the most liberal feminist to be president. I truly feel sorry for Biden who looks so frail I hope the stress mentally and physically doesn’t cause a heart attack or stroke. That would be sad 
2020-11-12 22:38:08 UTC
We can only hope and pray it will be so at this point.
2020-11-12 18:43:48 UTC
That or when the Supreme Court steps in.
2020-11-12 17:58:09 UTC
No one has found any fraud in this election, all of Trump's false claims brought before the courts have been thrown out.  Maybe Biden will have more votes after a recount not that he needs anymore leading with over 5 million in the popular vote, such cry babies, have you all found your soothers yet.  
Const. King
2020-11-15 20:18:00 UTC
in reality we will never get an honest vote count.  Look at that van in PA that arrived at the polls with 300,000 votes, every one was for Biden.  Who actually believes that in a community of 300,000 people not 1 person voted for Trump.
2020-11-14 07:11:23 UTC
how do you recount votes that were changed by electronic voting machines and mountains of ballots that were produced fraudulently?
2020-11-14 01:44:02 UTC
My late answer is kind of a 'hindsight is 20-20' thing, but almost certainly not. At this time, the only state due for a recount is Georgia, because the vote was so close. And again almost certainly, Biden will win it again. 
2020-11-14 01:39:00 UTC
I never heard of that killing anyone.
2020-11-13 15:58:57 UTC
No way. Biden still has enough electoral votes to win. Has had for 3 days now.
Green Puffin
2020-11-13 11:01:20 UTC
Not likely, though for Trump it could prove that he's an even bigger loser, than we first hoped!
Joseph Michael
2020-11-13 08:35:05 UTC
If voter fraud can be proved. Then what does it say about the other states. + the democrat party has been so hateful spiteful created a witch hunt against an elected president almost every day and in the bias democrat media. Who in their right mind would want such hateful mindset running the USA. I feel pity for President Trump not many people could have survived the haters constant ridicule fake news fake accusations and character assignation. Criminal charges should be bought against the people who have been relentless in this conspiracy. Biden is not fit for purpose I truly believe the recount will be fatal for Biden.
Mr. Ed
2020-11-13 05:15:22 UTC
Late ballots being counted put Joe Biden over the top in several states, these were ballots received AFTER November 3rd.  There is evidence that dead people voted and out of state people voted.  
2020-11-13 02:45:54 UTC
Nope.  If anything the recounted vote will show MORE support for Biden.
2020-11-13 00:53:37 UTC
The good thing about it when it comes to the runoff election Georgia is going to be closely watched. No possibility of cheating.
2020-11-12 21:50:04 UTC
no just proves how wrong the postal vote is , trump might get 1 million more votes but not enough to be president , after all dont you have a right to a fair and honest electoral system .
2020-11-12 21:33:14 UTC
No, probably not. It could gain him a few votes but nothing significant to actually win. I know many people try to compare this election to the one of Bush vs Gore, but there's a huge difference between this election and that one. This election wasn't very close. 

Note that Trump would need over 50 electoral votes to win. The ballots would have had to be so skewed that somehow, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Arizona all miscounted over 10,000 votes.

The strangest thing to me, however, is how difficult it is for people to vote. This is particular for red states. While I'm not trying to push the idea that any of these states should have been blue, I think voting should be far easier for everyone involved. I don't care who you support, you shouldn't have to stand in a line for 11 hours in the middle of winter. It's messed up.

I personally don't see much evidence for cheating. Though, my entire future sort of hinged on this election so I do have some bias. Currently living in South Korea as an American military kid by the way, haven't been in the States since Trump's election (though not on purpose). It's going to be a culture shock to move back. 
Kicking and Screaming
2020-11-12 15:46:49 UTC
Maybe. Maybe not. I do believe the same number of people will not trust the current election process regardless who is 'officially' declared the winner. The media cannot call the election any more than people sitting in the stands at a horse race who've bet on the same horse in a photo finish. They can jump and laugh and hug each other thinking they've won, but until the finish line data is scrutinized by authorities, they've won nothing. If a recount declares Trump victorious, Democrats will think Trump used Presidential power to cheat. Trump supporters feel Democrats have been cheating them in more ways than elections for decades which is why Trump won in 2016. And for the record, Democrats do cheat. Ask Bernie Sanders. If 'hard evidence' of Democrat cheating is necessary, look no further than Southfield Michigan where a Democrat election official was caught red-handed pocketing a couple hundred ballots (I believe it was in the 2018 mid-term election). Systemic? Conspiratorial? No on both counts, but in no way does that prove neither can, has or will happen. As long as human nature believes it can cheat to win and get away with it, it will continue. Until election rules can provide a system as reliable as a photo finish or instant replay cheating will be an option to someone. One last thing for the record. The first issue needing to be eliminated is Democrat insistence on keeping voter registration secret leaving dead people, non-citizens and people registered in multiple places/states on 'official' registration documents used at polling precincts during elections. Unequivocal election results requires unequivocal election transparency.
2020-11-12 15:34:40 UTC
I also can't believe he won. But year 2020 has been so full of disasters so one could have expected Biden would win.

We should just accept that and move on with our lives.
2020-11-12 14:40:28 UTC
Perhaps, but they will never admit it. They will continue to claim Biden is president and will take the White House by violence
2020-11-11 18:49:50 UTC
I think the recounts will get some Repubs locked up for double voting...bring it on!!!!
2020-11-11 18:35:51 UTC
No. Biden’s lead is growing like crazy. If anything, recounting would probably make Biden’s lead even bigger. 
2020-11-11 18:33:05 UTC
Of course not. He has way more votes than Trump. Recounting won't change much.
2020-11-11 18:30:36 UTC
If Biden is finally elected to be President, he'd be well-advised to be looking over his shoulder... Kamala will be greasing the White House bathroom floors and other shenanigans to speed along his demise. 
2020-12-21 19:07:48 UTC
Joe Biden is elected president. He won. Joe is controlling the world. 
2020-11-13 23:59:01 UTC
i think no , Biden will remain the president
2020-11-13 17:41:04 UTC
@ anonymous/writer of novels:

You have a unique perspective that I agree with most of.

I disagree with the Coronavirus being real. When they have to assign COVID to cases where the cause of death was anything but, there's an obvious attempt to inflate the numbers. WHY? Possibly because the "virus" isn't as deadly as what they are trying to convince the public, or perhaps there is no "COVID-19" to begin with.

Don't you find it eerily coincidental that the cases of flu were drastically down this past season - to a historical low, just as this "Coronavirus" (which displays the same symptoms) was discovered?

And don't you find it also coincidental that after numerous failed attempts to discredit Trump by the Left, this "virus" shows up at the last minute (after which the investigations and attempts to remove him from office suddenly stopped) - and drags Trump through yet another round of scandals?

And look at the media itself - for four years, they were known as the "fake media" - but the moment the Coronavirus makes its debut, they suddenly become the most trusted source for accuracy?

Most of what you and everyone else believe throughout the past four years has been covered in the media - where people's opinions and beliefs are molded. This is the reason there is such a hate campaign against Trump. Most of those who oppose him have no idea what the issues are.

But the "dumbing-down of America started long before Trump made his way to the party.
2020-11-13 15:43:41 UTC
Despite all the political anger, America's popularity based structure checking systems keep pushing forward as proposed. In Georgia, where Joe Biden is driving by around 14,000 votes out of 5,000,000 cast, masters Tuesday started getting ready to review each looking over structure by hand.

"We'll be checking each and every bit of paper, each and every legitimate structure, each and every truly cast, legitimate reviewing structure," said Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. "Individuals will be working heaps of extra time in the going with coming week." such a depict is reasonable at whatever point there's a slim edge like this one, 0.28 rate point, regardless of whether it weren't an official race.

Upping the ante further is that Georgia is set to hold two Senate flood races in January, which will pick which get-together controls the upper darkroom. Senate control will pick the public approach enduring for the going with two years. Georgia ought to be secure, going into that political chaos, that its new political decision structures are filling in as orchestrated.

Doing a full review by hand is more than Georgia law requires. It's inferable not going to swing the state into Donald Trump's part, since conquering his 14,000-vote inadequacy would require the manifestation of genuine blunders that have so far moved away from affirmation. Regardless, Mr. Biden would at present have the unavoidable 270 Electoral College votes, beside if his much more noteworthy edges in Pennsylvania or different states were also by one way or another cut down.

Mr. Raffensperger, a Republican, featured that his office is set up to inspect each assurance of anticipating a democratic structure deceiving stunts. "On the off chance that you have any data about unlawful vote based or elector twisting, draw that out from the dim," he said. "We will investigate each case that we hear." If Georgia's cautious relate doesn't endorse occasions of basic intimidation, Americans will be all the more sure the political race was driven reasonably.
2020-11-13 15:11:52 UTC
I think no because still there is no sign of it.
Dogstar Repentant
2020-11-13 14:52:33 UTC
If he wins Georgia then he wins the election 306-232. If he loses Georgia he wins the election 290-248. This must be some new meaning of the word "fatal" that I wasn't previously aware of.
River Euphrates
2020-11-13 12:54:50 UTC

It'll just mean Trump loses twice.  Which is nice.
2020-11-13 08:41:34 UTC
Experts and reasonable humans think no. I'm betting they're right. Not a Biden fan, for God's sake, Donald, give it up. You're confirming everyone's suspicions that you a childish fool. You're cementing your pitiful legacy.
2020-11-13 07:37:56 UTC
The only thing that recounting the votes has done is make Biden even stronger in this **** storm.
2020-11-13 04:58:09 UTC
No. Not in this election cycle. As long as the counting is done fairly and transparently Biden will be elected. As a liberal, as an American, I welcome a fair and accurate recount so we can finally get this debacle behind us. And maybe then the Trumpers will see he actually won despite Trumps denial. In business Trump has been able to beat contractors by getting them to court and wearing them down with slick lawyers who delay and delay until the little guy goes broke or gives up. It hasn’t work on the national stage and it isn’t going to work now. It is just an embarrassment for us all. His intimidation of his party is so apparent. Most republicans know he is wrong to prolong this but, except for a few with enough integrity to speak out, the rest are afraid to lose his base and their jobs in the future. Doesn’t speak well for most republicans.
2020-11-13 03:48:37 UTC
NOPE!  In fact Biden won Arizona. Democrats could give Trump Georgia, and he still wouldn't win. Biden 290 electoral votes-Trump 217. How's your math? Denial isn't going to change anything. Biden is the President-elect!
2020-11-13 00:04:11 UTC
No because this is USA, and you can't scam or steal the election, the true votes will stand, even if recounted.  There is no fraud here.
2020-11-12 23:38:15 UTC
Nope.  If anything it will give him a bigger lead.
2020-11-12 22:57:01 UTC
Not if the recount is done accurately.
2020-11-12 15:57:56 UTC
Sorry to disappoint you but recounting ballots has a minimal impact on the voting totals. This won't be enough to move a single State out of Biden's column and into Trump's. Biden won. Trump lost. You should try to get over it and move on with your life...
2020-11-12 15:40:50 UTC
If we recount the votes in the states that trump won. he might lose still....................
2020-11-12 14:58:29 UTC
If we recount the votes in the states that trump won, he might lose still.
2020-11-12 06:23:18 UTC
I don't think so, but I pray every nite that it will!
2020-11-12 03:27:46 UTC
Since there is ZERO fraud, no. 
2020-11-11 18:53:31 UTC
Recounts on any ballots since Florida's hanging chads amount to a few hundred votes per million difference. Errors in computer reading and ballots stuck together. Trump needs state elections thrown out to not have 270 electoral votes and have the House of Representatives decide it at one vote per state.  If everything is frozen, Biden has 306 Electoral votes. Needs 270. Here are 79 Votes. Here is the Biden lead of each.

227 Electoral votes plus...

Nevada (6) 36,726 of 1,337,504

Pennsylvania (20) 48,951 of 6,782,729

Michigan (16) 146,137 of 5,515,174

Wisconsin (10) 20,557 of 3,287,458

Arizona (11) 12,813 of 3,350,591

Georgia (16) 14,111 of 4,993,749

Each state uses different ballots, different security measures, different machines to read, different procedures.

Joe Biden needs 43 to get 270. Trump needs 37 to stop Joe. 
2020-11-14 13:53:12 UTC
No, (Trump is full of bulls.hit!!)
2020-11-14 07:13:23 UTC
Of course not. Trump's goose is already cooked. He lost. A recount cannot resurrect Trump. 
2020-11-14 00:10:10 UTC
In the end it will go to the Supreme Court then to the House of Representatives. The machines used in 30 plus states were compromised. It will be proven. It has been proven. Now it just has to be argued before the court. Once it goes to the House, Trump wins.
2020-11-13 23:03:31 UTC
no recount available...
2020-11-13 22:18:51 UTC
I sure hope so.
2020-11-13 15:36:15 UTC
The best that the Republicans can hope for is a contingent election. Then, it would go to the House & each state would get one vote. Since the House is Democrat majority, the Republicans would court the Independents.
2020-11-13 13:24:53 UTC
I want a second count, this will give Trump a bigger second humiliation!
2020-11-13 04:29:12 UTC
Yes that is why he will try and stop a recount
2020-11-13 04:18:15 UTC
As long as all legal votes and ONLY legal votes are counted, yes.
2020-11-13 01:06:50 UTC
Probably not, but it may show that since 2016 the Dems have been cheating and scheming. Dems have no morals or souls.
2020-11-12 23:15:41 UTC
Undemocratic liberals can't even stand the talk of fraud. They build reality. The politically correct reality.
2020-11-12 22:37:21 UTC

259 + AZ = 270

259 + GA = 275

259 + PA = 279 (current results)

259 + PA + AZ + GA = 306


Needs AZ, GA, PA, and NC.
2020-11-12 22:34:46 UTC
Of course, none of us know, but my guess is that Biden has to much of a lead to lose.

Trump lost and damaged the whole Republican party because he refused to act like a President.
2020-11-12 18:30:05 UTC
Time will tell. Be patient.
2020-11-12 18:10:34 UTC
No amount of recounting is going to change the fact that Biden won. 
2020-11-12 16:53:45 UTC
As long as the GOP doesn't plant fake evidence, Biden's wins should be just fine.  
2020-11-12 16:07:03 UTC
I hope Trump comes out as a winner!
2020-11-12 15:44:08 UTC
No..  World leaders have called Biden to congratulate him. Trump knows he lost. He's just, once again, conning his fans. He claims he needs money for a recount but he's just taking those donations to pay off his debt. He is a lousy businessman and a terrible president  
2020-11-12 15:23:50 UTC
No, lol, as long as it's done in an honest way than it should perhaps prove that he got a lot more points than they even realized
2020-11-11 18:25:40 UTC
Nothing can change. Biden is too far ahead.
2020-11-14 08:18:16 UTC
See website:  Nationalpopularvotedotcom 
2020-11-13 14:45:21 UTC
Absolutely not.....................
2020-11-13 00:07:13 UTC
I doubt recounting votes will kill Biden.
2020-11-12 22:14:34 UTC
The problem is telling the difference between "legal" votes and "illegal" ones. The only criterion the Trumpites have suggested is that all Biden votes must be illegal ones.
2020-11-12 22:09:52 UTC
Not likely.  A typical recount in a typical state changes the outcome by a few hundred votes. 

Biden is ahead by ten thousand votes or more in most of the "battleground" states.

No specific evidence of fraud has been found after days of desperate searching by Trump lawyers.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-11-12 21:32:10 UTC
Trump, is this you?  

No, anonymous...there is no way that the 290 electoral votes Joe Biden has accrued would be in jeopardy, and there are even more pro-Biden electoral votes as the slow-counting states finish tallying the ballots.  Trump did win Alaska, which is 3 electoral votes, so the Trump votes go up from 215 to 218, far below the 270 votes needed.  There is simply NO WAY for lifts-wearing toddler tantrum-throwing Donald Trump to win at this point, THANK GOD!!
2020-11-12 18:35:03 UTC
Doubtful. Recounting count lead to more votes for Biden btw anyways. Trump got his behind smashed harder than Joanna she's a pornstar
2020-11-12 17:14:25 UTC
No not at all . They still win
Robin W
2020-11-12 16:46:25 UTC
No.  Trump supporters are lying to themselves. They still think that they are the majority. 
The Football God
2020-11-12 16:00:25 UTC
NO. Biden's fatality will be on Hillary and Harris. It's been determined.
2020-11-12 15:20:12 UTC
Absolutely not. Votes have been counted legally for centuries and no one has had a problem with it until now. You trump supporters are sore losers, get over it.
Libs lack common sense
2020-11-12 15:10:21 UTC
2020-11-12 14:58:59 UTC
No, I think he has won. Counting again is understandable and expected, but afterwards we need to move forward.
2020-11-12 13:30:29 UTC
Absolutely, not.  And you know that.  
2020-11-12 11:23:47 UTC
Everyone who works in any state or general election has to take an oath and swear to not be a part of any fraudulent activity! There can't be that many election officials in the system where their conscience will allow them to not keep that oath. If the whole system were to re-count every vote, You will find that there was very little reason to believe otherwise. Moral obligation within a large group of people will always win.  
2020-11-11 18:27:04 UTC
Highly unlikely. But it will expose shenanigans, that some would rather it didn't
2020-11-11 18:27:02 UTC
No, in fact it will probably show Biden has even more votes than originally thought.

Trump will not like that.
2020-11-11 18:26:10 UTC
No, who knows a recount might give Biden more votes
2020-11-11 18:25:44 UTC
It's unlikely as Biden won't be counting them. Other people will be.

Biden will still be President in January 2021 despite any recounts.
2020-11-11 18:25:05 UTC
No, it won't. Biden has won the election. A recount is not going to change the votes by tens of thousands in any state.
2020-11-14 06:25:50 UTC
Counting the votes is only PART of the problem. 

I have a feeling that every ballot can't be matched to a living/voting person. 

There were several thousand more ballots than there are registered voters in the strongly democratic big city I live near. 

It took several days to "count" all the mail-in ballots!  I raise my eyebrow in great suspicion!!  Why are there more ballots than voters?
2020-11-14 05:04:12 UTC
 Biden has won Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Georgia (306)Electoral votes
2020-11-14 02:30:40 UTC
WE already DID and CHUMP and PENCE are FIRED and BIDEN and HARRIS are hired. Biden and Harris have 306 electoral votes and CHUMP and PENCE only have 232 electoral votes. CHUMP wants YOU to give your beer money to him to help him pay his debts which is why HE wants YOU to think that if YOU actually give HIM money that somehow we are going to somehow change the results of the election which isn't going to happen, 
2020-11-13 20:19:13 UTC
Not very likely. 
2020-11-13 13:56:31 UTC
Recounted, probably not, audited maybe so.
2020-11-13 11:47:04 UTC
No, he keeps gaining votes in the recount.                          
2020-11-13 10:11:42 UTC
Recounts rarely change the outcome of the election.
2020-11-13 08:57:14 UTC
I am counting on it. 
2020-11-13 06:52:31 UTC
No,it just trump cant accept the fact he lost
2020-11-12 23:48:20 UTC
Nope, could and probably will show Trump lost by even a bigger margin. Face it Trump lost, there was no fraud, and the Supreme Court will not make Trump president 

Only LEGAL votes have been counted

☆☆Susan B☆☆☆ The Republicans have already been caught doing that. Fake videos, recanted affidavits,  calling mail in ballots by military family members fraudulent,  among others..Its clear the only fraud this election is by Republicans...
2020-11-12 19:32:01 UTC
No, but it may prove embarrassing to Donald Trump.  All of these damaging allegations and the spreading of distrust and anger will result in no change in the ultimate result. 
2020-11-12 19:02:54 UTC
Perhaps not.  What it will do is prove the truth once and for all and that could benefit Biden greatly and make him the legitimate president-elect instead of just an item on a media wish list.  So why would the left object to that?  Or do they fear the truth?
2020-11-12 18:58:07 UTC
When they throw out all the illegal ones.
tony b
2020-11-12 01:35:09 UTC
nope only prove how much of a loser trump is
Ogami Itto
2020-11-11 19:50:00 UTC
No but this had to be done to bring attention to the media,pollster,and voting system  bias against Trump for future elections.

As one republican said if they don't question what has happened here then it will be seen as an accepted way to do business.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.