-Will it be fatal? Unsure. Is it needed? Very much so. The election was blatantly rigged and tampered with in several states and the electoral college doesn't properly reflect a state's population, only the big cities.
Biden is clearly not fit for office and the 25th amendment is already being discussed.
-The question we should be asking is "Is Harris fit to be the president?".
Trump is a **** person as a human being and an idiot; I'm no fan of him. However, he has done many things that the past few presidents failed to do. We did not enter any new conflicts and actually brokered peace/pulled out of conflicts. He supports our military and it's veterans. More importantly, look at the economy! More American Citizens have jobs now that we aren't outsourcing to other countries and it makes the economy more stable.
-Trump handled/handles covid-19 like a moron. He has the worst PR out of the past few presidents. Though the quote "orange man bad" is simply childish.
Pro-Trump marches have been peaceful protests with signs and yelling, as they should be, until another group such as antifa shows up and picks a fight.
I am an odd person for politics as I fit with no parties whatsoever. I find certain ideologies from each party to be better and find some that are worse. Simply put: 2nd Amendment is necessary and has protected us from invasion during the cold war, 1st Amendment is being repeatedly violated by the media if the content does not match the media's agenda, I despise substance abuse for recreational purposes (medicinal/with a prescription is fine), I want more diversity and equality in politics, I don't believe that illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote or stay in the country unless they make an effort to try to become citizens, Covid is a very real thing and quite frankly it would be better if people had more IQ points than they do limbs.
-Returning to the original question, my apologies for getting side-tracked but I wanted to help give context as to where I'm coming from, it could be. There is evidence of tampering with the ballots/polls in several states and California allowed ILLEGAL immigrants to vote. The electoral college does not work as it should.
I implore any reader who sees this that you look a little further into what's going on. The polls in my area were messed with, mail in ballots don't make sense with their numbers, and total votes suggest that roughly 90% of the US population that can legally vote has voted. The biggest percentage of people to have voted in the past was 60%. The dead voted, the illegal immigrants voted, republicans were given sharpies to fill out ballots (which nullifies them), and mail-in ballot numbers don't make sense. This election is rigged to high hell and back.
-If Biden wins, so be it. I greatly oppose such a notion but I'm not so immature that I can't accept defeat or compromise. Our country is too built on "Our way or the highway" and no middle ground. My greatest fear about this election is that if Biden wins, he will undo what Trump has done and will crash the economy like in 2008. -The police, the people who will respond to your calls for help no matter how much you berate them, will be defunded and treated as aggressors. My second greatest fear is that if the recounting and any investigations going on flip the votes to put Trump in the lead, there will be riots unlike anything we've seen before. Floyd's death triggered insane riots and so much crime and horrible things. Imagine how these same people would react if the man they hate so much is re-elected. The country is too divided and barely held together. State governments hold more power than the federal government, which is how we started out and then the Constitution was made.
-I support neither Trump nor Biden but I try to think of the future of the country and who might lead us to a brighter future. As much as I dislike the man, I do believe Trump is that leader.
-If you've made it this far without disliking or commenting some rant against my observations and opinions, then thank you and I have some more to say.
There are so many issues with this country and so many takes on how to handle it. What we fail to have/utilize is mediation. Middle ground. Compromise so both sides are at the very least complacent. Police should require a full year of training rather than the few months they're given. Gun control won't stop the criminals from getting guns. What I genuinely believe we need is for both parties to sit down and negotiate on live TV. It would get heated, there will be yelling and arguing, but there will be at least one mediator to suggest alternatives that satisfy both parties. I don't mean like the moderators in presidential debates. I mean someone who will listen to both sides, all supporting evidence and claims, and will study all of it from both sides in order to create a compromise that helps lessen the tensions between Republicans and Democrats. Each side has their own truth and will lie and cheat and manipulate. That is inevitable. However, if you actually stop and look at it in detail, you'll find common parts in both sides and that's where the real truth lies.
-This country is facing civil unrest like nothing before and Oregon legalized all drugs. Ask yourself this and ask those you speak to about politics, "How long can we go until we split the country in two.". The unrest in our states has lead to death, injuries, trauma, vandalizing, and millions of dollars worth of destruction. If we keep at this, how long until one side finally picks up arms and says no more.
-This is the end of this short novel, by yours truly, anonymous. Even if you do not agree or spew hate at me in your overzealous ways, take a few moments to use your brain and look closer at this election. If Joe wins, he will have won a rigged election. Though keep in mind that the 2016 election was tampered/interfered with as well, thought not nearly as severely, and Trump won. Are you truly so overzealous with your beliefs that you cannot even consider a middle ground?
Also, don't bother responding to this, I won't see any of it because I don't care to argue or debate. I wish to spark some thought into people who follow blindly. Like, dislike, report, comment, do as you like. Just give it some thought and it helps me organize my thoughts.