No it pisses me off. I don't like his music but no one should go to jail for something as harmful and useless as weed just cause they made it illegal of paper, plastic and oil in 1937. Ya there is proof. Here it is' as well as the medical experts opinions of marijuana. Go argue with hisrorians and the experts if you don't like it.
In 1935 they came out with a machine called a decordicator. This was going to revolutionalize the production of hemp related products. Popular science called Hemp the new billion dollar product right on the cover. So William Randolph Hurst, who owned a paper mill, started printing news papers calling hemp marijuana and completely bashing the drug saying "blacks and mexicans are smoking marijuana and raping white women". Congress made marijuana illegal not even realizing they were making Hemp illegal. Hemp, if not made illegal, would have brought America out of the great depression.
But it was made illegal. Oil and Logging companies joined together and put out a lot of propaganda on "Marijuana" claiming it was a "new type of cigarette from Mexico" that made people crazy, psychotic, insane, violent, lazy and sexually immoral. They claimed, "It will make a black man look at a white woman twice" and "It will make white women sleep with black men." Specifically Dupont who had just, in 1937, patented a new technique in refining coal and oil to make plastics, and William Randolph Hurst who produce almost all paper products in america. Both companies stood to loose billions of dollars. Andrew Mellon became Hoover's Secretary of the Treasury. He was Dupont's primary investor. His future Nephew in law was Harry J. Anslinger. Andrew Mellon appointed him to oversea the newly created Federal beuro of Narcatics.
On April 14th, 1937 the Prohibitive Marijuana Tax Law or the Bill that outlawed hemp was directly brought to the Houseways and Means committee. This committee is the only one that can bring it to the house floor without it being debated by other committees. The chairman was Robert Doten was a Dupont supporter and he insured that the bill would pass Congress.
Dr. James Woodward, A physician and attorney testified too late on the behalf of the American Medical Association. He told the committee that the reason that the A.M.A. had not denounced the marijuana tax law sooner was because the association had just descovered that marijuana was hemp. Few people were aware that this menice known as marijuana that they had been reading about on Hursts front page was in fact the passive Hemp that they all knew and loved. Woodard told the Comittee that "The A.M.A. understood Hemp to be a medicine sold in numerous healing products sold over the last 100 years."
Many people were in utter shock and disbeleif when they and loved ones were arrested for the use of hemp and hemp products. In September of 1937 the most useful crop ever known to man became illegal and our planet has been suffering ever since.
This propaganda spread and, with the help of lobbyists, instead of putting it in the hands of the medical department it was put in control of the treasury department who created the Federal Beuro of Narcotics. They made Harry J. Anslinger the Commissioner of the department and he made it his agenda to single handedly destroy anyone who used it. He is quoted as saying "Most marijuana smokers are Negroes, mexicans, jazz musicians, and entertainers. Their satanic music is driven by marijuana, and smoking by white women makes them want to seek sexual relations with negroes, entertainers and others. It is a drug that causes insanity, criminality, and death - the most violence causing drug in the history of mankind." He shaped America's attitude toward marijuana for years to come.
"80% of Americans beleive that adults should be able to use marijuana legally for medical purposes." - Time/CNN Poll November 4th, 2002
"According to the American Accadamy of Pediatrics when our nations children are diagnosed with ADHD doctors go right to one drug, Methylphenidate (Methan Anphetamines), you may know it better as Ritilan. But there is a lessor known treatment that may be more effective with fewer side effects Cannabis." - MSNBC Report
"The truth is that the reason that we are seeing an increase among youth in the increase of use in marijuana within this country is because they've been lied to. They've been told that this is a very dangerous drug and that it has no bennefit. It is more apropriate to bring it up out of the streets and into the doctors offices so that children and parents can learn the truth, get some of the data and look at this drug, not with a reefer madness perspective, but more with a scientific and factual perspective." - Dr. Claudia Jenson - Clinical instructor and practicing pediatricion at the University of Southern California
"In strict medical terms, Marijuana is safer than many of the foods we commonly consume. It is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to enduce death. Marijuana in it's natural form is one of the safest theraputically active substances known to man." - Francis L. Young -Administrative Law Judge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency
Marijuana is proven to be effective and or theraputic in the treatment of the following ailments: Aids, HIV, Cachexia, Chronic Pain, Movement disorders, Peripheral Neuropathy and many more serioius chronic illnesses.
"Penalties against drug use should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself. No where is this more clear than in the laws against marijuana in private for personal use." - President Jimmy Carter - Message to Congress August 2nd 1977
"The A.M.A. knows of no danger from the use of Cannabis." Dr. William Woodward - Cheif lobbyist - American Medical Association
"The truth is cannabinoids kills a large variety of cancer cells. And these have been documented... it inhibits breast cancer growth, colon cancer, rectal cancer, glacoma, luchemia, lymphoma, lung cancer, fetal, chromosoma, sitoma, prostate, skin, thyroid... Cannabinoids are the oils of life. Do we need the D.E.A. to tell us not to smoke too much marijuana? What if happens if you take too much marijuana? You fall asleep" - University of Colorado Biologist Dr. Robert Melamead
"I agree that there are people that have lost their lives to crack, cocain, heroin, amphetamines and they have somewhat gone in waves. Name a couple of people who have lost there lives to Marijuana."Rep. Steve Cohen (D) Tenessee "I can't" Robert Mueler - Director of FBI "Exactly because that hasn't happened... Is there some time that we are going to prioritize Meth, Crack, cocain and heroin and deal with drugs that lives are being lost from?"Rep. Steve Cohen (D) Tenessee
According to the BBC, Raphael Mecoulam PHD, Dean Becker - Drug Truth network, California nurse's associatioin, The University of California - San Fransisco - (School of medicine and Patients out of Time), Dr. David Bareman, University of Colorado Biologist Dr. Robert Melamead, Louise Turner Arnold Chair and Neuro Sciences professor Departments of Pharmicology and Biological Chemistry and Director of Center for Drug Discovery University of California Irvine Dr. Daniel Fiomelli, and The Cannabinoid System Network
THC is a cannabinoid that attaches to the receptors in the "cannabinoid system". This system controls digestion, hunger, reproduction of muscle fibers, skin cells, brain cells and neurons, metabolism, lipid production in the liver, glucose levels, insulin rejection, nutrient delivery, pain detection and suppression of other neurotransmitters. The cannabinoid system is the largest bundle of nerves in the brain and in the body. What all of this basically means is that when you smoke weed it balances your chemicals, makes you hungry, helps you digest food better, gets nutrients to your cells better, dilates your arteries, tells the body to make new neurons, brain cells, skin cells and muscle fibers, increases good cholesterol lowers bad cholesterol reduces insulin rejection, balances glucose levels, fills out your cells, gives you a greater pain tolerance and helps you sleep better which increases human growth hormone levels, opens up your airways and helps you breath better. And, if smoked sparingly, gives you more energy.
The cannabinoid system DOES NOT effect motor reflex function because it does not effect the opiate system the way alcohol and opiates do. It does have a powerful anti-psychotic that suppresses the 5-HT2a receptor in the brain, this is how it effects perception of time, space and reality. This is the same receptor that is actively stimulated in people with psychosis and is activated by "psychedelics". This completely debunks the claim that "pot" makes you paranoid, psychotic, lazy and stupid. THC also contains an antidepressant and mood stabilizer that have no harmful side effects.
The cannabinoid system DOES NOT effect motor reflex function. It does have a powerful anti-psychotic that suppresses the 5-HT2a receptor in the brain, this is how it effects perception of time, space and reality. This is the same receptor that is actively stimulated in people with psychosis and is activated by "psychedelics". This completely debunks the claim that "pot" makes you paranoid, psychotic, lazy and stupid. THC also contains an antidepressant and mood stabilizer that have no harmful side effects.
Free radicals that lower your immune system, cause aging, cause cancer and many other physical problems are destroyed when smoking marijuana because of it's powerful cocktail of anti-oxydants