Republican Congressman Amash (D-MI) has endorsed impeachment of criminal mobbed-up Russian puppet obstructionist Trump. Republican strategist Rick Wilson has written "Everything Trump Touches Dies" (2019); former American Spectator editor (and Republican) Bill Krystal has openly condemned Trump's corruption, bigotry, incompetence, and cruelty---and has become an Independent.
Your "view" [a.k.a., narrow-minded pretzel-twisted distortion of meanings] is what a domestic-terrorist KOCH disciple or the anti-democracy Russian MAFIA troll might say---or what a DUPE of these two propaganda-reliant factions would be spewing forth. Check your facts.
This is not yet a Trump economy because Donald Trump and the GOP do not have a budget in place. We are still operating off of the final Fiscal Year budget of miracles-working jobs-creating recessions-reversing Barack Obama. For those of you not in the know: The FY Obama budget in his final year at the White House ran from October 1st, 2016 on through the first nine months of Trump being in the White House, October 1st, 2017, at which time it would have ordinarily ended due to being replaced by a Trump budget. This did not happen, however. Why? The Trump/Bannon/Miller-submitted 2017 ATTEMPT at a budget would have ROBBED WAR HERO DISABLED VETERANS of their VA benefits! How? Trump's budget submission to Congress in 2017 would have put an end to the IU RATING (Individual Unemployability rating) for any war-hero service-incurred disabled military veterans over age 65, thus throwing these elderly veterans into instant POVERTY. Trump figured if these disabled warriors were over 65 they could exist on Social Security and all that lovely VA benefits money could be swiped by his administration (diverted) in the ongoing alt-right effort (most never having served) to privatize our VA medical system---something veterans DO NOT WANT! This one and only Trump "budget" was killed in the Senate when we veterans and our families lobbied against it. How can Trump or any Republican be trying to take credit for President Obama's budget when these same folks have undone the very things that promote stability in the economy? They deregulated the banks again (doing away with oversight and the Dodd-Frank reforms); they cut the revenues-producing, bills-paying Obama/Democrats' 38% tax rate for multi-billionaires and the richest corporations thus creating long-term deficits and massive debt, and they have given away the seven new Asian markets President Obama and his team (Hillary and John Kerry) opened to buying American-made renewable energy products to China when Trump pulled us abruptly out of the 179-nation PARIS ACCORD.
Barack Obama and his first Democrat-controlled 111th Congress from 2009-2012(rated "most productive Congress in 60 years" by C-SPAN News) put policies in to place that reversed the Republican-caused recession by 6/2009; rescued the jobs-providing U.S. auto industry that is now thriving; reduced the deficit from the GOP-caused 10.6% of GDP in 2009 to 5.2% of GDP by 2012; got Osama bin Laden; got affordable health care for millions of Americans while reforming the GOP-deregulated 115 for-profit insurers; prevented multiple terrorist attacks to keep us safe; took on corporate bullies and Wall Street with the Dodd-Frank reforms; and had the southern border so secure by 2012 that migration was at NET ZERO.
Since Speaker Pelosi assumed power on January 4, 2019: More than 320 pieces of legislation have passed in the House of Representatives, many of them with enough Republicans crossing party lines that there is a veto-proof majority---but these passed bills, once they are sent to the Republican-controlled Mitch McConnell Senate, do not get put to a vote!
The division was sowed by two dark forces: "DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" (2017) by Jane Mayer; and "The Plot to Destroy Democracy: How Putin and His Spies Are Undermining America and Dismantling the West" by 35-year CIA counterespionage expert Malcolm Nance. Dig deeper, Jake.