How did Obama get Bin Laden in 2008 when Bin Laden died 100% for sure in 2001?
2014-03-17 06:43:31 UTC
An MSNBC hit piece that attempts to debunk Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik’s assertion that Osama Bin Laden died from Marfan syndrome in 2001 unwittingly provides corroboration from a top Cornell doctor who first made similar statements in an interview with Salon magazine two months after 9/11. Pieczenik, a State Department official in three different administrations and an award-winning Harvard Medical School luminary, told many media outlets that the alleged raid on Bin Laden’s compound was a fable because Osama had already been dead for the best part of a decade. Pieczenik asserted that Bin Laden had been “dead for months,” and that the government was waiting for the most politically expedient time to roll out his corpse. Pieczenik said that Osama Bin Laden died in 2001, “Not because special forces had killed him, but because as a physician I had known that the CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that he had marfan syndrome,” adding that the US government knew Bin Laden was dead before they invaded Afghanistan.

According to French intelligence reports, CIA agents visited Bin Laden at the American Hospital in Dubai in July 2001, two months before 9/11. It was also widely acknowledged at the time that Bin Laden needed a kidney dialysis machine because of renal health problems. Indeed, CBS News reported that Bin Laden was having kidney dialysis treatment the night before 9/11. No dialysis machine was found in the alleged compound in Pakistan, which prompted the corporate media to backtrack and report that that he actually had kidney stones, not kidney disease, despite the fact that the CIA admitted back in 2008 that Bin Laden had suffered from kidney failure. Other accounts from 2000-2001 claimed that Osama was also suffering from Hepatitis C and had only two more years to live.

Despite all these health problems, the White House released video footage of Bin Laden which it claimed was filmed in fall 2010, although the clips show a younger and healthier looking Osama compared with video footage from 2001. Marfan syndrome is a degenerative genetic disease for which there is no permanent cure. The illness severely shortens the life span of the sufferer and can cause instant death from the sudden rupture of the aorta.“Back then, after the 9/11 terror attacks, medical experts weighed in on bin Laden’s tall, frame, lanky limbs and long face, all classic physical symptoms of Marfan syndrome,” states the MSNBC report. The article then quotes Dr. Richard Devereux, a clinician who treats patients with the illness at the Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York. In a November 9, 2001 interview with Salon magazine, Devereux said of Bin Laden, “He is Marfanoid. He seems to have long fingers and long arms. His head appears to be elongated and his face narrow … It’s certainly conceivable that he has the Marfan syndrome and could be evaluated for it.”After MSNBC attempted to speak to the doctor again on the topic in light of Bin Laden’s alleged assassination, they were told by a hospital spokesman that Devereux “doesn’t want to talk about bin Laden now.”

Despite MSNBC’s best efforts to debunk Pieczenik’s assertion that Bin Laden died from Marfan syndrome in 2001 – they go on to quote another doctor who claims that Bin Laden never had the illness – Pieczenik’s source for the information comes directly from intelligence files that he saw over nine years ago confirming that the terror leader was dead. This means that the entire narrative of Bin Laden’s alleged assassination put out by the Obama administration is an act of mass public deception. Obama has benefited enormously from cultivating a ‘tough guy’ image out of the fabled raid, enjoying a 13 point approval rating bounce according to an Associated Press poll.
Thirteen answers:
2014-03-17 07:10:08 UTC
I have always wondered about the BinLaden deal, because we were told it would incite too much controversy to show his body, and yet, we were treated to pictures of Khadafi being sodomized with a stick after they killed him. And, the carrier they was supposed to have heaved him off of to become fish food, there was a major basketball game played on that carrier like six weeks later. And, given the fact that basically everything Obama says is a lie, who knows? But I wonder, did Osama get to keep his Doctor, or if he liked his healthcare plan, did he get to keep it?
2016-11-12 12:40:50 UTC
How Did Bin Laden Die
2014-03-19 05:21:23 UTC
The Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto admitted that Bin Laden died in 2001. She was later assassinated by US jackals.
2014-03-17 07:01:47 UTC
Four paragraphs of total horse crap!!! and just to add even less credibility, you end with a link from Fox news!!!

You can not determine if a person has Marfan's syndrome just by physical appearance alone, the Aorta width has to be measured prior to death to determine abnormality via echo cardiogram/ultra sound, and with the wealth that Bin Laden had, I am sure this would have been diagnosed a long time ago, which also can be fixed! it is also a condition that is inherited, do you have any proof of that.......NO!!!!

Stay off You Tube and stop listening to Bull Sh!t Mountain News and try to think for yourself!!!

Visual characteristics are NOT confirmation of anything!!! The fact that Bin Laden wore long robes and had a long beard which accentuated his features would say that any doctor making a definite confirmation based on outward appearance would be a bloody fool to say the least!!!

Info wars....Alex Jones!**!!!???? Do you have any idea how stupid you are making yourself look???
Mark F
2014-03-17 08:55:54 UTC
Bin Laden was killed in a military raid in 2011 not 2008. Rumors that he died in 2001 are just that.

Your command of facts is quite poor.
Armchair Goddess #1
2014-03-17 06:51:59 UTC
Yet another WRONG far-rightwing conspiracy theory! When are you rightwing extremists going to give up your fairy tales?

In 2001, according to U.S. forces on the ground, the 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, was surrounded at Tora Bora and could have been taken out then, thus avoiding the oil-seeking deficit-exploding lives-costing war...but the Rumsfeld-led Department of Defense, acting under the direct orders of the lawless oilmen Bush/Cheney administration, refused to give the "kill" order and bin Laden was allowed to escape.

He eventually took up residence in the compound in Pakistan, aided and abetted by the Pakistan government and their seemingly corrupt police who lived nearby, until his death at the hands of our own Navy SEAL team once President Obama did give the "kill" order...and the top-secret detail to which neither you nor I nor the Cornell doctor with yet another loony-toon conspiracy theory are privy confirm the 2010 death and the seizure of his mounds upon mounds of records on al-Qa'eda operations.
2014-03-17 07:47:29 UTC
Another news flash from BS mountain.
2014-03-17 07:19:01 UTC
bin Laden did not die in 2001.
Greasy Tony
2014-03-17 06:46:28 UTC
RIGHT! we believe. Now go take your medication little boy.

and do us a favor and turn off Fox fake News Ok?
2014-03-17 06:48:48 UTC
we will never know, Osama was supposedly buried at the bottom of the sea and no pics were allowed unless you except the doctored photos that were released.
2014-03-17 06:48:31 UTC
So who did the Seals really kill?
2014-03-17 06:46:59 UTC
Does it really matter how he died? He's dead, that what matter's.
2014-03-17 07:06:01 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.