what do u think abt mk gandhi??????
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
what do u think abt mk gandhi??????
Nineteen answers:
2009-12-02 06:34:03 UTC
To understand 'Gandhism' one should have clean heart of humanity and vision. Mahatma Gandhiji simply did not bought independence to India, but showed how one can be independent of greed,lust. How Gautama Buddha brought change in the mind of Emperor Ashoka made stop killing human beings,in the name of wars. Gandhiji surpassed even Gods. If USA, and Europe could have adopted his way of dealing things there would not have been wars or preparations of wars.
mukul (still busy on a project)
2009-12-03 02:42:12 UTC
Mahtama Gandhi was a selfless person,never wanted anything for himself or his family,a great leader who is firm on his beliefs and ideology.

He had committed some mistakes i will not go in to that, may be he thinks that would have been the best option at that point of time.

If he would not have took those decisions which went wrong then probably Hindus or Indians are so liberals that there would be temples of Gandhiji in the line of Sai baba across the nation.

For me he is the true deserving candidate to become the Father of nation.

But having said this there should not be a taboo on analysing our national heroes, that should not come in the category of blasphemy(that is my personal opinion)
Vande Mataram Dharmic Unity
2009-12-02 23:30:23 UTC
He is the father of our nation.

What else ?
2009-12-02 22:18:39 UTC
He was a true leader & after all, a human being too, not an angel. Strong critics are mostly one sided. A human being has some contradictions & possibly commit mistakes according to circumstances. His long political struggle was free from purely personal gains. No leader will sacrifice so much by not wearing his own full clothes & remain topless till every citizen of his nation gets full clothes, deteriorating his health badly. His last two years shouldn't be assessed on similar lines as his young age, keeping his health in his old age when most of Congress leaders were not listening to him too. He was a hard worker, great reader, soft spoken, patient listener, a great thinker & a natural very FAST WALKER too. The last quality is not known to people of today. While in jail, he was reading religious books of all religions thoroughly many times. Once he said, " Geetha is in Quran & Quran is in Geetha."

He was killed by those who didn't have brains & were top order fascists & terrorists. They don't know that Pakistan didn't need the money(Rs 55 crore) badly. In September, 1947 itself, when Pakistan did not have enough money, Nizam of Hyderabad sent Rs. 14 crores secretly. Moreover, a meeting of few ministers was held & possibilities of arranging funds arose, Jinnah contacted two big businessmen & arranged Rs. 70 crore within three days. This was not publicised & so, Indian leaders didn't know that. It is said that Gandhi came to know of that in January, 1948. This has been mentioned in the book 'Jinnah, A Political Study' by Prof. Matloobul Hasan, also described in the speech of Mushtaq Gurmani, former Minister of Kashmir Affairs, in Lahore University during convocation session, 10 years after freedom. Clearly, Gandhiji was not solely responsible for release of Rs. 55 crores(Pakistan's share after independence) & blockade of that money could not at all have forced Pakistan to fall on feet of India for reunification to make Akhand Bharat of cherished dreams of RSS, Hindu Mahasabha & other such groups(all police informers & so, REAL TRAITORS during British Raj) who always believed in fantasy, FAR FROM REALITY. Muslim League leaders & top Muslim ICS officers anticipated everything well in advance & took up appropriate measures to counter every catastrophe to be created by leaders like Patel for their efforts to force annulment of partition by crook by Congress. Chaudhari Muhammed Ali, Malik Ghulam Muhammed, Shoaib Ahmed & Qudratullah Shahab made master plans for any worst possible eventuality. Pakistan first budget made by Ghulam Mohammed was superb despite all odds against Pakistan, appreciated by Indian experts too. Reports say, Mountbatten himself was instrumental for giving Pakistan's share of money & the that was to be given, anyhow as one cannot keep money of other, out of dishonesty. When Sardar Patel & some like minded anti-Muslim highly communal & dishonest leaders talked of blocking that money & created delays, Pakistan did not pressurise much for the same too & giving the indication that she will throw that on the face of India, not needing further. Gandhi shouldn't have been dragged in that money business. It is very sad that he was killed in his very old age & that too at the time of praying initiating a series of attacks on people later in temples, mosques, churches & gurudwaras while praying which, unfortunately, is still continuing in India.
2009-12-02 15:58:00 UTC
this is why I hate rss, once again the saffron brigade started gandhi bashing? do you have any better job than bashing the india's great nationalists?

do you find yourself really capable enough to talk about gandhi? no. you better only talk about hinu-muslim and your communal stuff, you are best suited for that only.

and to all that are encouraging kid in this nonsense talk, if you can teach good stuff to a kid and help him in becoming a good citizen at least do not teach him this bad stuff and spoil a kid.

actually let me call you young man,

Young man, read good books, read bhagwat geeta, that will give you peace of mind. just get away from these kind of bad talks about great leaders of India.
2014-09-14 06:25:57 UTC
he is a *****
2016-04-07 08:11:31 UTC
Jesus dint come to earth to say that he had paid for all ur sins and all u have to do is to just believe in him to get to heaven. He came to earth to preach ppl how to live. he taught ppl to love, to be forgiving, to be generous , not to carry anger at their heart., and most important not to be judgmental (pertinent to this question ) and soo many more things. The essence of Jesus's teachings was to how to live a life and not just to believe in him. Though not a Christ believer, Gandhi was a perfect eg. of a person who followed Jesus's teachings. He lived as an eg. and showed the world, how love works. He was no politician, or a religious preacher yet a man who had moved a nation, a man who shook the british empire, someone who inspired the world. he showed in recent times what non violence and love is capable of doing. You dont have to be a Christian or a jesus believer to go to heaven. Its what you are and what you do.. I am sure Jesus would have been happy with what Gandhi showed the world. No one has been a better eg. of his own teachings than gandhi in recent times. I think Gandhi should be in heaven. again its up to god. :)
2009-12-03 06:58:40 UTC
some pple even criticize lord ram for various reasons like killing bali by cheating, killing a bramhin ravan whom a kshatriya is supposed to protect with the help of his own bother, not saving a person whom he declared as his guru "ravan", leaving his wife sita and many more reasons. does that mean lord ram is not god? lord ram remains the god but the people who criticize lord ram becomes devil.

same way whatever bad you may talk about gandhiji, gandhiji will remain mahatma and the great national hero, but you will become anti-national. your little hue and cry would not impact that great soul that is is in the heart of every good indian.

jai hind, jai sri ram.
2009-12-02 08:28:07 UTC
Firstly non cooperation movement was not started for independence India.I was intended to oppose imperial rule of British.

There is more than one way to look into that.First is that it could have lead us to independence or the other it could have lead to the deaths of lakhs of people.

If you are comparing the two Noncooperation movement and Quit India movement the situations were much different.

During non Noncooperation movement there was no clear picture of need for independence.Britishers were much stronger and had the ability to control the movement.It was all about co-operation between INC and British.Non cooperation was the first step towards full independence. May be it was the correct decision taken by Gandhiji during that time.He avoided many things that would have resulted.More damage than during Quit India Movement,law and order would had been worst as total civil works had been called off,riots etc.Even though it was called off by Gandhiji,it brought whole India together.It was the movement that brought the concept of complete freedom in each and every-ones mind.

Quit India movement was from the inspiration of non cooperation movement but it was negotiation than freedom struggle.Even though British had to face drums of WW-II this movement failed but the negotiation never failed.We have India and Pakistan today.It was hardline groups that weakened Britishers in India and Bristishers were forced to compromise.

It is much bigger topic going into politics of those days but I would say Gandhiji had become a poppet in the hands of Nehru.

Mahatma Gandhiji is a perfect person to be choosen as Father of our Nation. No humans are perfect and he was also not perfect but he was and is histories greatest and noblest man in the world.

He is been remembered all over the world but in India his name is being used for political gains and people remember Gandhi as Indira,Rajiv,Sonia and Rahul.
2009-12-02 10:36:24 UTC
i fully agree with MS.

@MS.. sir, i saw the link given by you. There sharmili answer also very good.
2009-12-02 06:57:37 UTC
all the points given by maitree are facts and well known things, ..... i think no one can give reasonable and valid answers in support of some of gandhi's acts,principles...and those failures proved to be too costly .

@mumbai momentum :

Lord Clement Atlee , the British Prime Minister responsible for conceding independence to India, gave a shattering blow to the myth sought to be perpetuated by gandhians, that Gandhi and his movement had led the country to freedom.

In pursuing their personal ambition, Gandhi and Nehru, both accustomed to similar British sensibilities, acted the same game of deception and destruction with the Indian nation as the British. This is clear from the clash of ideologies they had with great freedom fighters like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Bhagat Singh, all of whom we Indians hold in higher esteem than the Gandhi-Nehru egoist pair. When Chief Justice P.B. Chakrabarty of Calcutta High Court asked Atlee what was the extent of Gandhi’s influence upon the British decision to quit India, Atlee’s lips became twisted in a sarcastic smile as he slowly chewed out the word, "m-i-n-i-m-a-l!". In his reply Atlee cited several reasons, the principal among them being the erosion of loyalty to the British Crown among the Indian army and navy personnel as a result of the military activities of Netaji .

more info ...

source : R.C.Majumdar (History of Bengal)

Gandhi was so close to britishers than the rest of the indian leaders that he got few provisions in the name of satyagraha, to establish himself as the key representative to negotiate with britishers.

The fall of Singapore in 1942 heralded the end of the British Empire and of European colonialism in general. It was this changed perception, that the British were just ordinary mortals like the rest that allowed Netaji Subhas Bose to recruit Indians in Southeast Asia into the Indian National Army --Azad Hind Fauz or the INA. When the opportunity arose, netaji seized it to transform the armed forces into a nationalist force, while Gandhi and Nehru started the Quit India Movement which collapsed in a few weeks.....but due to surrender of japan, INA failed and most of the INA soldiers were captured as prisoners. The brutal torture of the INA prisoners had caused dissent in Indian army, and after WW2 ended, there was a naval mutiny, popularly called as Bombay Mutiny.....

Adding to it, there were many cases where indian officers did not obey the commands of their british superiors. All these, gave a clear indication to britain, that the trust quotient of indian army is at the very low, and that there may be another mutiny or rebellion waiting to happen at any time in the indian army. Also the WW2 had exhausted the economy of much of europe,UK and the wealth of india had already been sucked out with no more to extract, the britishers found that disbanding the indian army and creating a new one, would be a costly thing.Hence, the britain decided to leave india.

Khilafat - non cooperation movements :

"muslims of india had been plunged into pain and resentment by the behavour of british .in their sorrow and search for remedies it was morally incumbent upon the hindus to give unstinted support to muslims" - gandhi (1st khilafat conference)

"If you wish to cultivate eternal friendship with mussalmans you must perish with them in the attempt to vindicate the honour of islam" ----Gandhi- Khilafat conference ,karachi ,june-1921

Declaration : it is unlawful for a muslim to continue in the british army;announcement of breaking of law.

August 1921 - genocide of hindus - the moplah riots (kerala)

Hindus sacrificing lives in the khilafat movement for the sake of muslims in some parts and muslims committing genocides on

hindus in some parts.This was the khilafat movement under the leadership of gandhi.

Birth of pseudo secularism in indian politics --- religious character of the khilafat was an opportunity of a life time to pseudo secularists for gaining political mileage.

Neither congress nor the Indian Khilafatists realised that their objective was neither politically practicable nor wholly justified . Mughal rule since 16th century refused to recognize the caliphate of turkish sultans .

when and why some muslims in india accepted caliph ---

1.out of fear!...british revengefulness and hostilty towards muslims after 1857 revolt. 1876,British empire anxious to maintain the influence and power of sultan(caliph-turkey) as a barrier against russian advance towards med.sea...persuaded some indian muslims to accept the turkish caliphate.

Till the late 19th century muslims had no concern in the affairs of turkey,they did not recognize ottoman sultan as caliph.

Failure of movement - turks in 1922-23 dropped the question of suzerainty over the holy places and on march 1924 abolished the caliphate itself. With these developments the indians were mortified.Historians agree that khalifatists under leadership of gandhi became jokers of that decade.

surpising feature of the movement : This movement was confined to the muslims of india ,no other muslim people in asia or muslims of africa gave their material or moral support . Indian muslims who opted to emigrate to afgan were kicked out by the Amir of afghanistan .In november -1921 Afghan government and british government signed an agreement.

Using religion for political motives back fired , Later led to increased islamic fundametalism,separatism....ultimately leading to partition.

also read...

Gandhi can think only in extremes-either extreme eroticism or asceticism --- Nehru

@ms:you can nevr answer some questions...even the dynasty cannot answer .... you can just pass the buck on tothers or else prefer to choose the safest being silent ! he is an over rated leader......congress politics since independence had distorted history as you have said and it made people to think that he was a supernaturl being . You haven't answered my first question...why nehru was favoured by gandhi when others supported sardar patel for PM/congress president?

@MS: this is one of my sources....


thanks for the link...i have seen the best answer there .... very good answer... that shows foreigners have better knowledge about gandhi than congress fans .....bad

@MS:i am very sorry if u were hurt by my 'skipper' comment . i am taking it back .
2009-12-03 23:26:25 UTC
He helped to get the freedom from British but planted many disputes in India such as separation of pak, corruption and etc.
Manisha G
2009-12-04 22:16:12 UTC
I think you are a member of RSS, you required help of psychiatrist.
2009-12-02 12:23:51 UTC
Gandhi was great. He fought for freedom. However, he lost his greatness due to people like MS, who get upset at people criticizing Gandhi.

Well, loosing greatness is very much possible.

For example….say Gandhi is like food when you are hungry…..but if you keep eating it, even though you are very much full…..the same food will kill you.

Gandhi is a good person, but thanks to people like MS, “ap”…..and our beloved Gandhi family ….Mahatma Gandhi lost his value.

Now, I respect a lazy beggar on street, more than I respect Mahatma Gandhi.
2009-12-02 04:35:43 UTC
A shrewd and successful politician, a man of high principles... He was a boon to the nation but again there are many things that he failed in, but has been credited with.. However as an Indian I accept that he is the 'father of the nation' and have high regards for him...

He has not been over-hyped but over-credited I guess...
2009-12-02 06:36:55 UTC
Points on which I admire Gandhiji:

1) His personal honesty

2) His ability for mass mobilisation

3) His prolific writings

4) His views on women: he raised awareness and asked communities to accept & relocate rape victims of Partition. He had also established community kitchen in SA and one of the reasons given by him was that he wants to free the women from burdens of household work so that they can also contribute to the society.

Points on which I will never support Gandhiji:

1) His mixture of politics with spiritualism. When Shri Aurobindo leaned towards spiritualism he left politics. Gautama Budhha left his kingdom in search of spiritualism. You cannot be in politics & pursue spiritualism. THAT WAS GANDHIJI'S GREATEST EYEWASH FOR THE WORLD.

2) His wrong treatment of Hindu-muslim unity. Even Dr. Ambedkar accused him of muslim appeasement. His support of the Khilafat movement permanently encouraged the muslims to think more of pan Islamic causes rather than national issues. Gandhiji even defended the Khilafati leaders when they invited the Amir of Afghanistan to attack India & Indian Hindus.

3) His major political blunder in supporting Khilafat movement which laid the foundation stone for the demand of Pakistan. Again in 1947, Gandhiji invited Jinnah to be the PM and form a cabinet of his choice, even if his choice of ministers are all muslims.

4) His selective application of Ahimsa theory: He preached non-violence for the Hindus but when in 1923, the Mopla muslims killed thousands of Hindus & converted another thousand at knife point Gandhiji said, "Moplas are God fearing and they are fighting for what they consider as religion, and in a manner they consider as religious.”

5) He called Shivaji and Guru Gobind Singhji" misguided patriots"

6) He made Patel step down in favour of Nehru while the former (Patel) was everybody's choice as PM.

7) The 550 crore to paksitan which were immediately used in attacking Kashmir.

8) One of the conditions of his fast-breaking was to throw out Hindu & Sikh refugees from the ruins of a mosque where they had taken shelter. To satisfy Gandhiji they were thrown out of that place in cold January nights of Delhi amid rains and they were actually on the streets.
Pro bono publico
2009-12-02 07:54:52 UTC
Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.... Gandhi was of the "greatness thrust upon them" category. It really amuses me to see people "godifying" him.
·!¦[·ρŖĨŋćë ŻúҚŐ ·]¦!·
2009-12-02 07:48:39 UTC
I like some of his teachings not all!
2009-12-02 20:13:44 UTC
maiteree is right

We were the Punjabi Hindu and Sikhs who suffered this discrimination.

The day has come when we must unite and make the Government to deliver us justice

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.