Do you support George W. Bush?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you support George W. Bush?
27 answers:
2007-02-10 18:37:58 UTC
No, the man is completely irresponsible. He took a country that had a nice surplus and turned us into a country with a tremendous debt that will take a very long time to pay off. He turned us into a country despised by many countries around the world, and is ostracizing the few countries who still do speak to us. He created an educational policy that has only succeeded in making the educational system in this country worse, and does the exact opposite of what he intended to do. He makes a mockery of the entire country every time he opens his mouth because he sounds like an uneducated hick. He is a moron, and should be remembered as one of the worst presidents ever to lead this country.
2007-02-12 05:38:05 UTC

why i don't support The Bushmaster -

George Bush likes to present himself as a straight-talking, regular guy. But it's an act -- regular guys don't go to Andover Prep, Yale and Harvard Business School, and straight-talking guys don't pretend to be regular guys after growing up in one of the most privileged homes in world history. Not only was Bush's dad president, his grandpa was a U.S. Senator and wealthy Wall Street banker, and his mom's blueblood family owned (among other things) the estate in Maine that Bush still hangs out at.

Now, as Bush's regular guy act is wearing thin, some of his other deceptions are becoming more obvious.
2007-02-09 22:22:47 UTC
No I do not support Bush.

You want reasons:

1. He led us to war with lies and more lies

2. We are spending more of our money to rebuild Iraq than we

are sending to New Orleans and the other Gulf Coast people.

3. He is only for the rich people in this country; therefore that is why he is letting New Orleans rot in the swamp.
2007-02-05 04:02:19 UTC

you want reasons? ok, have you been off the planet for the last several years or what?*ck

there is only one class of peoople in this country who would be justified in supporting bush and you won't find them here.

i am constantly amazed at the lack of insight of so many americans. bush is NOT a man for the people.


america has died as the result of the bush family atrocities.

he trashed the us constitution!

he's thrown out the bill of rights.

he's snubbed his nose at international law.

US allies think Washington [is a] threat to world peace

Only Bin Laden [is] feared more in United Kingdom

British believe Bush is more dangerous than Kim Jong-il,,1938434,00.html

in his own words "The situation could hardly get worse..."

2007-02-12 16:00:40 UTC
I would never support your Bushwhacker:

He is a proven liar.

He started the war in Iraq to show his


He continued to raise the amount of spending on Iraq and Afghanistan to $170 billion this year.

He has raised the US debt insanely.

He had no idea what to do when advised of 9/11 at his kindergarten photo shoot.

He dressed up as a military person when visiting 9/11 ground zero - what does he know about belonging to the military?

However, I do get a giggle over all the Bushisms.
2007-02-12 13:42:09 UTC
No. He was not elected, he was appointed by Judges whom his father had selected for the Supreme Court. From a respected nation, we have gone to be hated globally, because of poor decisions from the 'decider.' The latest blunder seems to be withholding funds for Veteran's medical services, to provide more money to finance a stupid wasteful war. The man scares me.
Arthur P.
2007-02-12 11:08:09 UTC
It pains me to say no. I wish I could support our President, our Commander in Chief. But the facts are the facts. This is perhaps the most anti-intellectual, illogical and perverse administration ever. Forget about left, right, blue, red. Our world is not safer. Our prestige is not higher. Our future is not secure.
2007-02-12 11:07:58 UTC
he is a jackass and the prof is Iran and all other country's that hate us(the rest of the world)
2007-02-05 03:55:44 UTC
Not anymore,at first I did. I thought the US needed a leader like him,I didn't really think that Clinton did that bad a job really,in fact I thought he did a good job but there were a few things he did which bothered me alot and I thought we needed a real conservative to straighten those things out. For one I saw my taxes go up over 100% under Clinton,and I am by no means a well to do person. Some can talk about taxing the wealthy all they want but it always bleeds down top the average working guy paying more. In my job I have alot of business expenses that work into my pay and Clinton saw fit to get rid of those deductions so that I was suddenly paying taxes on money I didn't earn. Then of course there is the second amendment issues, which I am wholly inflexible on,and if most people knew the true history of this country they would be too. I don't do peoples research for them,read the federalist papers,all of them,read the arguments put forth in supreme court cases where the issue has come up and you see clearly that even the supreme court and all the leaders of the time saw it as an individual right not a collective one. One case in point is the Dredd Scott case,in arguing against the idea of blacks being considered citizens one lawyer put to the supreme court that if blacks were citizens would that not infer unto them all the rights of citizens including the right to bear arms in their homes and on their persons at all times and in all places. This was not given even the most perfunctory of challenges by the supreme court as they understood the 2nd amendment exactly as that lawyer did. The lawyer was simply trying to say this was a bad thing,since his prejudice made it a bad thing for a black man to be armed as far as he was concerned. Clinton and the left in general didn't see it that way,they have fought against the right of citizens to protect themselves and their friends and loved ones for over forty years and so periodically it is a necessary evil to bring in a conservative to undo some of that damage. In truth if an attacker is foolish enough to get close enough to me I can do as much damage with a knife as with a gun but not everyone has that luxury and I will never be a part of taking away the right of people to protect themselves and their loved ones. And so I am as I said wholly inflexible on 2nd amendment and in that respect Bush served my needs,he lowered my taxes to a more fair level,and he let the inane "assault weapon" ban expire. In every other respect he has been an abject failure.

2007-02-05 03:36:39 UTC
I trust in him completely,I support him 100%,as a American ,as a worker a tax payer,a civilian,,TO DO THE WORST THING POSSIBLE EVERY TIME HE DECIDES SOMETHING he is the master decider,,,with no common sense,,,but he has balls,,,and is writing the history books,,,the magnificence of it,,,BUSH ,,,he is like god,,,,to many ,,in the world,,,,praise him ,,decider ha ha haaaaaa oh yes do not forget he BUSH is the only one with a master plan for Iraq,well said tom,,,HAIL BUSH<,,,,
2007-02-05 03:51:18 UTC
I support your president George W. Bush he is willing to face head on one of the biggest problems facing the modern world today. The Jihadist movement. Any president that can decisevly lead a country through a sea of negative opinion and do the right thing gets my vote. The more radicals he wipes out the better I say! I only hope he won't get bogged down with democrates controlling congress now.

Remember this: Appeasment seldom works as a temporary solution and it NEVER works for the long term. Erase all your hopes that it's going to work with terrorists and radicals and trust me something does need to be done about this.

Also, isn't it funny how the Bush haters and left fielders add nothing to the conversation other than the usual rhetoric (sometimes even less than that) I thought they were supposed to be the "Intellectual ones" I get a good laugh out of that one everytime!
2007-02-12 15:48:17 UTC
I support Bush on the war. He seems to understand what we're up against. I also support the tax cuts. Gotta love Reagonomics.

But as a free-thinking conservative, I don't support Bush in every aspect of his presidency. For instance, I do not support his amnesty program. And I don't think we should "talk" to those nut jobs in Iran or North Korea. We need to just bomb them into the stone age.
2007-02-11 20:38:06 UTC
I think all of you need to research a little more . the people running for President, are just as much liars as Bush ever was(if he was). You are quick to judge our President. If it were not for his actions after 911, I am afraid to guess what would have happened. If we continue to let terrorists do the things they do, it will only bring more terrorism to our homeland. Don't be stupid! Look at the good he has done and is trying to do for our people. By the way have you checked into the mansion that one of the candidates has obtained? Actually free of charge. Oh my, you say Republicans are for the poor. I think not. Whoa! check it out.
2007-02-11 23:01:08 UTC
I support him because he is a person who believes "do it first and think later to fix the problem" and put the country on backlash. For example, Iraq...

I will not support him if he stops messing up as above.

If he stops, how the USA will become the worst from the last?
2016-11-02 13:08:13 UTC
i do not provide a rat's patootie about "righteous," cupcake, yet I did each and every thing i ought to to make constructive that Bush wasn't elected both time. no longer my fault that their lies - and the ultimate court docket - carried the day. notwithstanding, merely FYI, cupcake, yet atheist =/= liberal. whats up, only a rhetorical question, yet did really all and multiple get an e-mail from this dimwit asking some dumb-azz loopy question about Bush and Gore and Kerry?
2007-02-12 21:56:36 UTC
Yes.President Bush has been consistent on the war on terror.Since the congress approved the war Bush has been steady with the mission.We are winning despite the media.Since 9-11 not one American has been killed in the United States by te,13319,82129,00.htmlrrorist
2007-02-12 06:03:49 UTC
i support the one percent that he is a caring person. the theother 99%? no! he ignores the fact that global warming is destroying the earth and continues to produce and use enviroment damaging things like weapons and automobiles. It sux to have such a powerful self centred person having the say over the usage of the these equipment.
Jennifer M
2007-02-11 21:30:07 UTC
Gulliani for 2008!!!! We do not need Billary in the White House!
2007-02-05 03:51:31 UTC
I support George because he isn't taking any crap off the terrorist's, and supporting our troops by letting them know we love them and they can do this hard thing (the Iraq war), even against their own countrymen (liberals) telling them they can't! Our soldier's are doing a fine, wonderful job, but the Libs want them to die! To not succeed. I don't need a link to prove it, it is evident in their words on Yahoo Answers, and on the media! God Bless our troops and America. We are winning!
2007-02-05 03:44:55 UTC
Since the tragedy of September 11th, America has been at war, but with a brand new kind of enemy. The terrorist threat cannot be underestimated - anytime your enemy is not just willing but eager to give their life for their cause, it’s a brand new ballgame. The longer we’re forced to play only defense against this new enemy, the longer our offense - and our true safety - will have to wait. Be it Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah overseas, or sleeper cells plotting against us within our own country, terrorism may be the greatest adversary our nation has ever faced.

Bush unerstands this!
2007-02-05 03:32:16 UTC
I support anyone who is willing to kill terrorists, and right now, he's the only one. If he were allowed to serve a third term, I wouldn't even look at other candidates.

I also admire his tenacity at attempting to fix our political "hot potatos" like social security. Everyone knows it's going bankrupt, but no one is willing to touch it.

I'm disappointed in his handling of immigration. I can't understand what the problem is. Keep the dirtbags out. What's so hard about that?
2007-02-05 03:34:23 UTC
I support Bush for the following reasons

1. He is the only one who has a plan for victory in Iraq. You can debate whether this will work, but the Democrats don't have a plan that ends in anything but defeat.

2. He has cut everyone's taxes. We are now in an economic recovery after the Clinton recession and ist attacks.

3. The judges he nominates are strict constructionalist. Roberts and Alito are superb judges and we can only hope that Stevens, Breyer, Souter or Ginsberg will have to retire in the next two years.
2007-02-05 03:40:58 UTC
Yes, I support the President because I think he's doing a good job, despite all the backstabbing from the left.
2007-02-11 17:07:38 UTC
absolutely not- my list is to long my blog is my answer
2007-02-05 03:36:24 UTC
no way!

how can any1 support a blind deaf and fool like bush.

but anything which is in favor of anyone without hurting innocent i strongly support any fool.
2007-02-05 03:33:27 UTC
yes....he is our elected leader....we back him til another gets in there.....just please not the hilldemon
2007-02-05 03:39:35 UTC

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