Whats the appeal of Trump at this point?
2020-08-26 07:32:46 UTC
We have a horribly out of controlled pandemic under him. Hes hijacked the post office and is crippling workers and slowing everyones mail. Hes further dividing Americans by inciting violenc. In Washington everday, a member of this administration is always caught doing something illegal and is eventually indicted and sent to prison. Is this a proper fuctioning government. Is it really?
145 answers:
Warren T
2020-08-29 22:24:43 UTC
2020-08-28 16:37:27 UTC
For me....I ain't votin for him.. But he does have 2 things goin for him.

1.. Law & order...Stop the looting & destruction

2.  He hasn't gotten the US involved in any more stupid wars like the last 2 POTUS have done.
2020-08-28 15:09:38 UTC
 None whatsoever in my case And yes it is the stark reality im afraid
2020-08-27 20:35:53 UTC
With all that fatty bulk, tRump certainly is a tasty morsel.  That is the only appeal I can see.
2020-08-27 04:16:19 UTC
I don't like Trump because he wants to send people who commit crimes to jail. That's why I support Biden because my life shouldn't be ruined if I shoot up a little and rob a convenience store.
2020-08-27 00:30:37 UTC
His people love the hatred. They feed on it.
2020-08-26 23:21:13 UTC
Every lie you have wrote about Trump is exactly why Trump has appeal. People like you are making Trump look honest. Here are the retorts to your claims:

- You: We have a horribly out of controlled pandemic under him:

- Facts: No. It is not out of control. In the first place, COVID has a low mortality rate. It's 0.28% last I checked, less than 1%. It is unreasonable to shutdown the economy for long and destroy people's livelihoods for that low of a risk. Secondly, most of the deaths happen in Democrat controlled cities under failed democrat policies like the Governor of New York packing retirement homes with infected, essentially turning it into a house of death. Not to mention the Democrat leaders allowing BLM protests to continue in this pandemic. Trump is a president. In the US, a president cannot come into cities and force his will on the people. Only when they threaten federal property like in the case in Portland, can he send federal agents to defend it. So the pandemic management at the city and town level falls on the Governors and Mayors. Trump has no power to make their cities do anything. Thus a majority of those deaths are on DEMOCRAT hands.

-You: Hes hijacked the post office and is crippling workers and slowing everyone's mail.

- Facts: No. The defunding of the USPS started way before Trump came into office. Obama himself removed over 12,000 blue mailboxes. Under Trump, the USPS is just continuing what Obama's administration has planned. The reason for defunding is simple. People don't use mail as much anymore. Everything is online now with email and Whatsapp etc.

- You: Hes further dividing Americans by inciting violence.

- Facts: No. From the start, the conservatives have always preferred to look at everyone as AMERICANS. It is the Democrats, Progressives, and BLM that divide people by race. They constantly put everything in terms of race, who's white, who's black, who's latino, who's asian, effectively segregating America by racial classes again.

- You: In Washington everyday, a member of this administration is always caught doing something illegal and is eventually indicted and sent to prison.

- Facts: Lie. Steve Bannon was kicked out of the White House years ago. He's no longer part of the administration. One could even say Trump must have had a sixth sense about him. You should be praising Trump then for detecting that fraud and terminating Bannon way before his deeds came out on the media. Other than Bannon, what members are arrested every day? Flynn is being exonerated, aka proving that Obama framed him. Pretty soon, Democrats will be getting arrested every day.

- You: Is this a proper functioning government?

- Facts: Are you kidding? This is the most consequential government since Bill Clinton. Shiit is getting done. The old swamp order of the Democrats and Republican Neocons (who have pretty much gone to support Biden in the DNC btw) are getting shaken up.

- You: Is it really?

- Facts: The fact that people like you are feeling cornered is proof enough that, yes, it really is!
2020-08-26 16:29:59 UTC
Let's see...He's given money to historic Black colleges, he's for prison reform, he continues to do a tremendous job with Covid, the economy is bouncing back, the economy before Covid was the best since the end of WWII, unemployment for Blacks and Latinos was at its lowest point EVER. He's done all this and more while you people were constantly trying to remove him from office--and none of that has worked. Your latest is that he's slowing the postal service as if it has been terrific for the last 20-30 years and only now it's bad. Let's forget about those employees who, right now, are hoarding the mail. Or the central hub for Philadelphia and it's suburbs that had truckloads of mail undelivered. But you keep lying to yourself.
Tick Tock
2020-08-26 13:52:17 UTC
he is like a clown so he continue to "entertain" the world with his acts thinking he is the smartest. so that's his appeal after all not many world leaders would ask his people to drink hand sanitizer 
2020-08-26 10:30:13 UTC
If you did not get your news from just the liberal bubble, you would understand the Democratic Party and liberal media is responsible for that list of bad things. Unless you are willing to look at views from "both" sides, you will be left in the dark as to why Trump is the far better choice over the socialist/marxist democrats. The Democratic Party and liberal media are responsible for the division of this country, not Trump.
2020-08-30 01:44:38 UTC
Glory to white nationalism
2020-08-29 18:29:03 UTC
Liberal madness is the appeal at all point.
2020-08-28 19:40:44 UTC
Racism and violence?
2020-08-28 18:35:49 UTC
Well (and I am going to use a "Saath Efriken voice naa"), because he's WAAT!  He's WAAT! End isn't thet aal thet mattahs?
2020-08-28 17:07:01 UTC
There is no appeal unless you're hopelessly deluded or absolutely, 100% partisanly entrenched. There is Trump's "reality," and there is ACTUAL reality. And in actual reality, fact for fact, deed for deed, policy for policy, few presidents in the history of our nation have done more harm to this country, its laws, its citizens and our global standing than Donald Trump, by virtue of incompetence, pettiness and flat-out dumb-f*ckedness.

Republicans will say facts argue otherwise. But ACTUAL facts show that Donald Trump's presidency has been a near total train wreck. And it was never going to be anything other than exactly that. It's a simple matter of common sense: if you're an abhorrent person, you will make an abhorrent leader. The majority of voters in 2016 knew that, which is why we voted against him. And he's done nothing but prove us right pretty much every single day since.

He argues that Biden's America will be one of civil unrest and violence in the streets. No, that's America RIGHT NOW, UNDER TRUMP'S so-called "leadership." So he's essentially saying that under Biden, the USA will be exactly like it us under Trump right now? That's utterly preposterous. By simple virtue of having values that directly contradict Trump's, Biden's America would be the exact opposite of what it is right now.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not the biggest Biden fan. But I do know that whatever his faults, he actually gives a genuine f*ck about this country and doesn't like what it's become under Trump's corrupt influence. And neither does the majority. And the ACTUAL fact is that the majority today are much larger than they were in 2016. Trump weaseled his way into the White House courtesy of the ridiculous Electoral College. But that won't happen again, and as rabid as his slavish base is, there aren't enough of them to steal him another win.

Trump's out in November. Best to get on the right side of history now while you still have a chance, Republicans. Denounce this toad, apologize to your friends and family for making us suffer through him for four years and own your f*cking mistake.
2020-08-28 09:26:40 UTC
racist feel he fuels there hate, Russia knows he is there puppet , wealthy know he will cut their taxes to help him out 
2020-08-27 20:30:00 UTC
I have never seen the appeal in the first place an now after almost 4 yrs....I see even less. Trump was left with a good economy and 4.6% unemployment when Obama left and now look at us. We are at 9 percent but that isn't the real issue, it is his handling of a crisis. He failed that miserably....I think it is because he is not very smart, in fact I agree with Mary Trump and his family, he is dumb, never reads.  Whatever the reason be, he failed us and 180000 are dead and by Christmas 200000 plus dead. I think history will show he was the Worst President by far. No contest! 
2020-08-27 14:53:10 UTC
I had to turn Pence off  and listening to him about how bad it would be under a president Biden was just sickening to listen to .

so, only have fear now to  win Trump a second term has president.

so, you shoot a unarmed  black man in his back 7 times leaving him paralysed  and  you are supposed to do nothing ? 

and oh yes he had a knife in his car did he ?

have we seen this knife  and has it been produced for viewing by the police?

don't police wear stab vests?

Trump said that covid-19 was a hoax didn't he ?

mind you this government in the UK could learn a lesson from Trump putting our industries and workers first instead of this buy from overseas and close down our industries and what was johnson painting at that shipyard he visited the other day and it looked like a tool shed and he looks at home in schools with pre-teenage kids ?  
2020-08-27 13:14:27 UTC
Honestly, I hate both parties. People on the left are starting to say that it's justified to burn down businesses because people feel oppressed by their own life choices and I am forever done with them. Not voting in this election. You guys strangle and maim each other all you want.
2020-08-27 05:24:56 UTC
Well there is another way to look at this and keep in mind the United States is a country with two main political parties.  Republican and Democrat and there is a darn good chance it is the democrats that are doing things to make him look bad because they are going to lose control in the senate after the next election. Any President can kiss their personal lives goodbye while they are in office because of scrutinizing by the general public.  He does not need the money he trying to restore financial balance and only one such as him who understands finances better than anyone can help with this covid crisis situation. Violence was insited by the people and not Trump. I am really calm but if the job of president was mine would be yelling at the people and telling them to shut up and listen.  His administration is not being sent to prison it was the Clinton administration that had murders and people being sent to prison. 
2020-08-26 23:58:08 UTC
There's no appeal.

Trump repelled me since Summer 2015, and he's been getting exponentially more and more repulsive everyday.
2020-08-26 23:28:37 UTC
The appeal of Trump is that the alternative is Biden/Harris. 
2020-08-26 22:37:17 UTC
AskBecause they are too busy kissingBecauseYes Rick he is right he is not dividing this country it is the intolerance of a group of people who refuse to except the different opinions of othersHe just calls out the crap in this country for what it is where other politicians don’t have the balls to Because they are too busy kissing donors *** 
Stop This Chaos
2020-08-26 17:21:50 UTC
He appeals to people who do not care or are incapable of rational thought.
2020-08-26 15:47:32 UTC
Your reading the narrative being projected by the media rather than looking at the whole picture, I was an Obama voter in the past, I was suckered by his persona and media portrayal and I realized in the end that the media suckered my political opinions, I vowed as a responsible American who comes from immigrant backgrounds to look beyond the narrative, Obama saw thousands of deaths with H1N1, there were no shut downs, no concern, we saw Obama apologize to the world for our freedoms, we saw Obama pay our enemy for peace (Iran), we saw Obama make trade deals that did not benefit one single working American, We saw a record number of African American men incarcerated for minor marijuana charges under Obama that were given unbelievable long sentences, some even life, yet we have Eric Holder conducting backdoor deals with drug cartels?    Tell me again who was a bad President? because it looks like the current one is running circles around Obama on all fronts, A leader can't avoid disasters, they can only respond to them....Washington D.C. is a 100 year disaster, We are seeing what happens when someone outside the circles of politics brings order to leadership.... he will certainly see another vote from this former democrat.
2020-08-26 14:14:43 UTC
I enjoy it when he tells lies  , and gets caught
2020-08-26 08:31:14 UTC
Only a minority of people probably "support" Trump -- most are simply more afraid of the Democrat's perceived policies .

America is a place of ignorance and fear these days  
2020-08-26 08:28:34 UTC
He appeals to the least educated, the racists and deplorables.
2020-08-26 08:16:35 UTC
It's the brainwashing, cult of personality, and media propaganda. :)
2020-08-26 07:36:11 UTC
I wish they were conspiracies. Because that way we would have a normal government. But they're not lmao.
2020-08-29 11:10:14 UTC
A trump beats a buyin in all deals. Nobody cares about division anymore. In fact that is one of the benefits of mouth covering, you don't have to see anybody's faces.
Alan H
2020-08-29 10:41:46 UTC
As an outsider, I stand in amazement
2020-08-28 20:21:24 UTC
hes a proud pregnant woman! 
2020-08-28 09:23:21 UTC
Those poor people of the 1% were having a rough time before Trump.  He gave tthem a trillion dollar tax cut in his first year.  
2020-08-28 08:52:07 UTC
His followers don't strike me as the people who are able to admit when they're wrong and will keep flogging this dead horse.
2020-08-28 08:41:09 UTC
riley, you really dont know the facts fo you? in new york they had to go to court to settle a congressional primary because the moronic election board dropped 30-40 thousand ballots at one time and it messed the election because not all the ballots were postmarked.  the issue isnt the post office in this case, its the fact that the board dropped all the ballots at once.  the poast office cant handle thagt many pieces at once and if you do it with every dkistrict at the same time, thats a hundred milllon or more pieces of mail sent at once on top of what the post office has. its also funny the dems bring up this money issue now. the reason the post oiffice is so in debt is because a couple years ago the post office over payed $5 billion into its retirement system. when the mistake was found congress(both repubs and dems) did and said nothing. the post office has been hobbled since then. the problems with the post office have been an issue for along time;democrats just want to politicize it now.

as for the rest, its laughable.  biden is the one inciting violence,encouraging rioting. trump has only sent in federal agents once without the mayor/governors approval.  if you notice the rioting is only happening in cities controled by democrats for decades. but more and more people are seeing that. that is why the rnc was so much more informative than the dnc this year.
2020-08-28 07:40:47 UTC
George bush was not responsible for the hurricane that wrecked New Orleans and Donald Trump is not responsible for the Covid virus that wrecked our economy. you have been brainwashed but the Democrat Commies.

Trump didn't spread the virus careless people did.

Everyone of those people who died knew the danger and took risks they should not have take.

stay the hell home and wear a face mask if you need to by food. Is that so complicated?
Raymond L.
2020-08-27 22:28:26 UTC
He will save us from Socialism and he actullay likes the police.
Green Puffin
2020-08-27 06:51:45 UTC
Trump seems to appeal to all the people that seem to have been 'left behind', mainly because they are intolerant of human differences.  His supporters are usually highly religious and most probably racist, sexist, homophobic, anti ability and prejudiced about everything from climate change, recycling, taking safety precautions during a world wide pandemic etc.  They aren't particularly politically aware, but somehow they have unusual opinions.   It doesn't matter how many times Trump breaks Laws, lies or acts like an incompetent person, they continue to support him, often resorting to cursing his opponents.  There is no hope for these people.
2020-08-27 06:13:40 UTC
Being controversial. 
2020-08-27 04:01:37 UTC
The appeal of Trump is that United States will not become a part of the Chinese empire in 15-20 years. Trump is putting pressure on China to regain our #1 spot in the world economy that we lost to China during Bush and Obama.
2020-08-27 02:09:55 UTC
It's all just a game to Trump, with people's lives at stake.  He loves playing with the lives of others, but don't mess with his or he will sue you. 
2020-08-27 01:33:00 UTC
It has become so clear that the Democrat lead States and Cities are left to be destroyed by the Democrat leaders....  don’t you get it yet?  The DEMOCRATS control their own states, IF Trump went in they would call him a Dictator...  The media tries to spin it, but it fails every single time! 

God Bless TRUMP! 

TRUMP 2020! 

American-Latinos  for TRUMP!
2020-08-26 23:38:13 UTC
The appeal to me is he is the first president to fulfill or at least try to fulfill his campaign promises.. Just about everything he as done is good for the country and US citizens.. One thing I don't like is his trying to suspend the payroll tax that funds SS and medicare.. Not a good idea.. Other than that he is doing a great job in spite of the crazed liberals constantly attacking.. 
2020-08-26 22:13:00 UTC
Is Trump the one inciting violence? It is the Marxists of BLM and antifa with their communist fantasy of 'systemic racism' who fill millennials with hatred to come out and make their revolution against orange. The pandemic is the responsibility of the Chinese communists. And there are 8 or 9 countries that are worse than the USA (in deaths per hundred thousand inhabitants).

Both issues have nothing to do with Trump, nor is he to blame for those events. You can have it in handling them but they are of origin outside the USA. Marxist origin.
2020-08-26 19:28:56 UTC
The lib media told us millions of Americans would die from Covid 19 and yet Trump has kept it under 20 percent of one single million and that is likely with inflated number of deaths.  Wow, that is pretty impressive., don't you think?

The post office never delivered the picture pages I ordered when I was a kid and you expect me to trust them with something as important as my vote?  The post office screws up all the time.

It is the dem leaders like Maxine Waters that are inciting violence and the liberal media calling the rioting and looting peaceful protests.

More FBI agents have been indicted in spygate than Trump administration officials have been indicted.

Trump has brough jobs back that Obama said is gone forever, got growth that Obama claimed would take a magic wand to get, gasoline is about $2/gallon even though Obama promised that the days of gas ever being $2.50 or lower are long gone.  Obama told us isis was JV but wouldn't even step up to the pee wee league to take them on.  Trump has devastated them.  
2020-08-26 12:28:16 UTC
There was no appeal from the get go.   Nothing about that fat bastard is appealing.  And with no redeeming qualities, what so ever, just makes makes him more repulsive. 
Homer Bufflekill
2020-08-26 11:56:20 UTC
Riley: Wow...I'm not sure where you got your "news" from, but you have certainly been mislead. If you don't like the guy, just say so. You dont have to like President Trump, but you should at least try to be factual. When you start off with "lies" anyone who has been paying attention can see thru you, and discredits you. If you are truly wanting an answer, you start by asking an intelligent question.
2020-08-26 11:48:25 UTC
Easy, LYING, FALSE, answers. Validation for HATE, FEAR, and BIGOTRY. FALSE PROMISES that some still believe. SCAPEGOATING the Democrats with LIES. (People love easy scapegoats, as Hitler, Mussolini, and Trump well know). Here are the methods used by demagogues, and unfortunately they all too often work:

Scapegoating, Fearmongering, Lying, Emotional oratory and personal charisma, accusing opponents of weakness and disloyalty, Promising the impossible,Violence and physical intimidation,Personal insults and ridicule,Vulgarity and outrageous behavior, Folksy posturing, Gross oversimplification, Attacking the news media.
2020-08-26 07:40:32 UTC
The only appeal for either Biden or Trump to their voter base is that one is not the other. That's it. People support Trump not because they like Trump, its because they don't like Biden. People support Biden not because they like Biden, its because they don't like Trump.

When in reality neither are fit to be president.
Little Ms Sunshine
2020-08-30 09:18:55 UTC
You forgot to mention that he's promised to stop collecting Social Security and Medicare from paychecks, which also means that those programs will no longer be supported.  

So, in about 2 or 3 years, there will be no more money in those programs.  

No more Social Security checks for millions of seniors and disabled people. No more healthcare for them either. 

Now, they won't all die of Covid, surely, but they won't all have family that can or will take them in and provide room and board, either.  

So, will there be cages built in the cities like the ones at the border, or what??? We don't know, because he refused to publish his platform.
2020-08-29 22:14:31 UTC
trump is the enemy of my enemy..............I don;t have to agree with his personal life to vote for him
2020-08-29 16:23:26 UTC
There was never an appeal for him to begin with. 
2020-08-28 18:32:24 UTC
Trumptards love him because he's the poor man's idea of a rich man, and a stupid man's idea of a smart man.

Trump thinks the presidency is all about him, and this RNC circle-jerk was just to feed his gigantic ego.

He's a failure as a president, and as a human being.  We'll see how he does as an inmate.
2020-08-28 12:24:59 UTC
Law and order....
2020-08-28 11:39:05 UTC
To Make America Great Again.
2020-08-28 06:35:04 UTC
No matter what.. he does love America.. the commie dems do not!
2020-08-27 17:40:13 UTC
That he is not a democrat who would roll over for black lives matter thugs.

As for the rest of your ‘reasons’, blame China for the pandemic (hard for ademocrat I know), he is not hijacking the mail (another democrat scam to increase voters - dead and illegals ) and is not crippling workers. 

You seem to watch too much cnn or are too far gone down the democrat path to ever see reason.
2020-08-27 16:21:38 UTC
He is 100 times better than anyone the dems have. 
2020-08-27 14:18:53 UTC
He appeals to me for the comedy aspect.  Not to the extent of ever considering voting for the clown, but he's a figure of fun certainly.
2020-08-27 12:28:06 UTC
Point blank: Americans who feel threatened by working toward a diverse and tolerant world is Trump's appeal. Trump appeals to money-minded people who think that a free flow of conflict minerals and a tank full of cheap gasoline is just fine, but get scared when the wars over the resources they consume show up in their yard and devalue their homes. Trump's appeal is that he'll fiercely uphold systemic racism, so that America can be #1 in the world in some abstract sense, meanwhile social services are declining, wealth gaps are growing, and private business gets a blank check and a pat on the back for being "job creators". The appeal of Trump is really just a mirage. America is a dumpster fire of its own making and the rest of the world is choking on the smoke.
2020-08-27 08:09:04 UTC
I liked the speech by his wife calling for unity. She said people should not be judged by the colour of their skin.

She should have gone on... black, white or orange....
2020-08-27 08:02:04 UTC
At this point, Trump’s main appeal is his sexy body...
2020-08-27 01:07:24 UTC
people who find Trump appealing are not too smart.
2020-08-26 23:43:17 UTC
This is the appeal for Trump. Hillary or Biden would not have handled the pandemic any better. We have a lot of numbers who have covid 19 because we test tens of thousands everyday. No one holds capacity to massively test their citizens in the entire world.

Gun control issue: Gun control advocacy didn't age well when there are all these looters and rioters going around burning down businesses, stealing, destroying our streets. More people are opting to buy guns to protect themselves and if I get a chance, I'd do that too - Trump hands downTax issue: Obama has strangled the economy with tax rates and regulations and during Trump's first 3 years in office, economy sprung back from being suppressed as new administration lowered taxes and eased unnecessary regulations - Trump hands downEnvironment issue: Green energy is the most inefficient and expensive way to produce energy. Biden is just trying to give tax dollar to special interest - Trump hands downThe Wall: I think it's not going to happen but at least Trump highlights the border security issue - Trump hands downImmigration: I'm an immigrant myself and millions of people are waiting to get into our country. However, you want immigrants to assimilate and adapt to American way of life while preserving their culture in their communities. The left is anti American and anti western civilization. We're the most benevolent country in the world by allowing over million immigrants to enter and have 11 million illegals living in our country while a lot of them are ungrateful leftists who are entitled and think America is not great. - Trump hands downTransgender in Military: I'm actually with Biden on this oneAbortion: Those of you who are pro choice, please go watch a abortion doctor testifying in congress about detailed procedures of abortion. - TrumpI'm a moderate right and above are the reasons why I will be voting for Donald Trump in 2020
2020-08-26 23:09:38 UTC
You sure you want to ask this question since this place is full of brainwashed conservatives who thinks socialism is some dirty *** word? Most conservatives don't know the meaning of that word because of far right-wing propaganda BS that has fed to them.  If you want an honest answer, I would say the only appeal of Trump would be "owning the libs" and fear mongering about the Democrats. What they don't know yet is that Trump doesn't care about people. He truly doesn't.  Don't bother trying get an honest answer from these folks. These folks are the "Trump can do no wrong" kind.
2020-08-26 15:57:00 UTC
I had to laugh when Don Jr. said "what do you want church, work & school or rioting,vandalism ,& looting. Funny because this happening under Trump's watch, not the Democrats. These bad things are happening because of Trump.
Elwood Blues
2020-08-26 11:11:01 UTC
Racism, sexism, homophobia - the Big Three Trump selling points.

Oh, and add to that the newest - "Biden man bad!"
2020-08-26 07:44:59 UTC
You're blaming him for all the things democrats have done. When you look at it rationally. Trump is the only choice. 
2020-08-26 07:34:48 UTC
Well, if you watched the Simpsons, they predicted he would become president and bring America to ruin. And as we know, the Simpsons predictions were accurate.
2020-08-30 17:16:21 UTC
To keep LieBeral Scum out of Washington.  What about that didn't you get?  Oh, I suppose you're a LieBeral!  #Trump2020
2020-08-29 23:26:27 UTC
What’s the point of you is the better question? If you died it wouldn’t even make the news. no one would care. 
2020-08-28 22:07:44 UTC
Will he leave head first or feet first? 50/50 right now.
2020-08-28 21:52:58 UTC
His days in the house are numbered.... 
2020-08-28 08:39:56 UTC
Ralph G
2020-08-27 18:42:33 UTC
Like my landlord once said, "Trump made this country what it is today." Can't argue with that. I don't think he means it the same way I do, though.
Tim C
2020-08-27 16:30:33 UTC
There is no appeal for anyone with an IQ over 60.
2020-08-27 13:05:09 UTC
No More
2020-08-27 12:27:59 UTC
Gee.... I see your point! The PRESIDENT started covid19 and continued to spread it around so it would be widespread while he is president! What a guy!! lmao!

Violence...with an "e" at the end. And...what a load of horse poop!

Proper functioning government was abused and gone long before Trump came around. 
2020-08-27 10:43:42 UTC
keeping america from being a socialist country. I dont like him but thats our only hope from turning socialist
2020-08-27 06:35:34 UTC
I heard two Republican women talk to a PBS reporter, and they said they will vote for Trump because they are scared by "socialism" and the loss of control of the suburbs ideologically to liberals. 
2020-08-27 03:23:10 UTC
Whats the appeal of Joe Biden? A Lying Pony Faced Soldier is the answer to your problems? 
2020-08-27 02:50:20 UTC
People who support Trump obviously are supportive of devisive self serving motives and acts of lies and deception . Trump has violated the Constitution and Laws of our country repeatedly for self enrichment . He has turned our country into a glorified  Banana Republic in the midst of a bungled pandemic response and economic downturn . 
Andy C
2020-08-27 02:21:32 UTC
Let's breakdown your statement as it relates to the question. Pandemic out of control, well the count continues to drop both in cases and hospitalization about 30+%. Similar to Sweden. The Post Office has been struggling for years and Amazon, Fedex and UPS not to mention electronic communication has exposed it's inefficiency. Plus unions and slow bureaucratic administration don't help. Inciting violence is interesting. The only people acting out in a violent fashion are all Democrat/Biden supporters. Just because you don't like his style of language doesn't justify the behavior. Besides, the left now tell us that words themselves are violent?!

All of which is his appeal. The constant drumbeat that everything is racist or unjust or unfair and American's are to blame. And talk about racist, the white privilege wouldn't be a divisive concept?!

Maybe a little mature analysis, wisdom would help to understand.
paul c
2020-08-26 23:16:18 UTC
 Look at Trump's Friends and associates.  Like most criminals,  Trump has lots of criminal friends. 
2020-08-26 22:47:31 UTC
He is NOT pushing a socialist society and is FOR citizens and NOT ILLEGALS ... AKA he is not JOE
2020-08-26 17:31:23 UTC
some people *want* to see the Fourth Reich. 
2020-08-26 13:44:33 UTC
He is alive and Kicking Biden is always half asleep
2020-08-26 12:24:56 UTC
Trump is pro American and is effective going against the Chinese Communists and their American leftist supporters . The left are so much in the tank that don't even fault China for the virus 
Prisoner of trumpflu etc
2020-08-26 08:19:48 UTC
No this isn’t a good government. You’re right. At this point only ppl who don’t read and/or ppl who don’t care about facts support Trump. Seriously the only good thing he’s done is call out BLM for being a Marxist led group. He’s not in favor of protesters supposedly but I heard he’s been trying to lower funding to the police since before the riots broke out. He’s a mess he doesn’t ever speak the truth except rarely no very very rarely. Truth is what ppl need but political correctness is what leaders esp. Trump give them. 

I’m very sad since Biden has many shortcomings too. Like he chose an ineligible and bad VP. Like he wants to “bridge the racial wealth gap.” Even if you choose lesser of two evils you don’t get an ideal situation. But more of trump would be an even bigger disaster he’s really proved himself to be a heartless, mindless dictator and bully not a caring, kind leader. 
2020-08-28 22:53:55 UTC
So a global pandemic is all trumps fault? Lol it’s only democratic areas on fire so what does that tell you. 
2020-08-28 22:26:02 UTC
The appeal is that he is not a politician.

What's sad, is that people like you, will throw your support behind someone who will change their spots as soon as you vote them into office. Because after they get into office, everything that they said that they'd do for you, they will completely forget about it. Then when it comes time for them to be reelected, they say that this time they'll be able to do something for you and you'll fall for the same line again and vote them back into office. Which causes a never ending cycle of you not getting your needs addressed. 
2020-08-28 20:45:50 UTC
The appeal of Trump is knowing just how horrific a Biden presidency would be.

Seriously, you'd think this would be the year of the 3rd party...
2020-08-28 14:27:54 UTC
 . . .Having police around to come and help you when you call 911. . . . Economic stability, and not spending 80 trillion (that we don't have) on the green new deal. . . . Not having taxes raised on the middle class to pay for socialized healthcare. . . .preventing the shrinkage of healthcare services as socialized medicine will pay doctors and nurses less and less. . . preventing absurd housing regulations, like forcing subdivisions developers to build a section of low housing attached for every new subdivision they build. (Trump recently got rid of that nightmare that Obama had put into law). . . Having strong leadership in our foreign interests, instead of caving in to the $$$ demands of Arabs who vow to kill us
2020-08-28 13:03:14 UTC
The extermination of communists by nuclear weapons in foreign countries.
2020-08-27 22:57:42 UTC
I am not sure what his appeal is. His supporters are still complaining, even tough he is the one elected by the complainers. 
2020-08-27 16:33:22 UTC
Trump is a liar at this point he closed to late and could not manage a pandemic
2020-08-27 12:38:14 UTC
common sense and logic.  two characteristics, you, as a snowflake couldnt hope to understand.
2020-08-27 12:34:31 UTC
One thing only! He promotes and praises the Second amendment. If there is any justice in the world,he will be on the receiving end of it.
Londo Mol
2020-08-27 10:02:23 UTC
Trump's appeal is that he is someone the man in the street can equate to, he is neither a statesman nor a politician, also he is not especially intelligent - he is a showman. When he took office the economy was on an upward trend, and he took credit for it, so many people think he is capable. The public believes what he says because he is telling them what they want to hear.   
2020-08-27 03:13:05 UTC
Lots. And morons like yourself wouldn’t understand 
2020-08-27 02:15:16 UTC
The Democrats have their own demons as well.
2020-08-27 00:35:20 UTC
He's the only one who stands up to the liberal cabal.
2020-08-26 23:01:40 UTC
I voted for him in 2016, and supported him all the way up until this pandemic began. But he has totally botched the handling of the pandemic, and his encouragement of exactly the wrong things to fight it is why America is currently the laughingstock of the entire world. 

Biden 2020
My Baby!
2020-08-26 22:00:50 UTC
To answer all of those of you who would say “I can't believe you would vote for Trump." Well folks listen up! I'm not just voting for him. I'm voting for the second Amendment (as well as the First Amendment). I'm voting for the next supreme court justice. I'm voting for the electoral college, and the Republic we live in. I'm voting for the Police,and law and order. I'm voting for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I'm voting for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I’m voting for secure borders. I’m voting for the right to praise my God without fear. I’m voting for every unborn soul the Democrats want to murder. I’m voting for freedom and the American Dream. I’m voting for good and against evil. I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country!❤️
Yoi and Double Yoi
2020-08-26 20:46:49 UTC
Something along the lines of
2020-08-26 19:30:08 UTC
If you watch CNN then you have been brainwashed.    THINK back when the pandemic started - what was the goal?  We estimated up to 2 million dead.  The goal was to flatten the curve.  Well - we did that.  If you take some time and go look up the stats we are better then Europe and we are much better then England when you look at cases per 100,000.   Post office?  The Post office has been losing money for years - having NANCY PALOSI make up a mail in ballot is a joke.  You just cant throw money at it.  As soon as they talked about mail in I knew it was going to be a Legal problem no matter who wins and Trump didnt need to tell me that.  This is a defensive step by Palosi - damned if Trump does - damned if he does not. 
Blue Skies.
2020-08-26 15:17:37 UTC
Man seems to get everything right. What is not to like

about that. Unlike smoldering wet fish Joe. Who gets

everything wrong,
2020-08-26 13:37:21 UTC
'We the people' cannot have an unqualified, unfit for duty, under many 'indictments', dishonored, disgraced president! 'BEWARE' Trump is still the most 'WANTED' man in the world for: Collusion of election fraud, tax fraud, espionage, extortion, bribery, infidelity, perjury & treason! This calls for IMPEACHMENT or Trump RESIGN! =<)
2020-08-26 09:20:55 UTC
Trump IS NOT inciting violence. [That would be the Burn, Loot and Mayhem mob and whoever is behind them to make Trump look bad,] If you do the math that 'uncontrolled pandemic' is about the same PER CAPITA in many other countries. {And, the analysis cannot be correctly done until a vaccine is readily accepted ... so maybe close the books on COVID stats December 31, 2021.}  Methinks you are stretching the truth.
2020-08-28 16:54:23 UTC
Booming economy, lowest unemployment in 50 years prior to Covid 19, tax cuts, pulling troops out of Europe, Building the wall, standing behind the police, pay raises for the military, standing up to China, appointing conservative judges, and many more things I approve of. BTW, to say he is slowing everyones mail is a complete and total lie. He is doing no such thing. He is also no exciting violence. That is what the Democratic mayors of many cities are doing by no standing up to the looters criminals destroying cities. All those cites are run by Democrats not Republicans. He gets things done and that is why I voted for him in 2016 and will again in 2020. 
2020-08-28 13:55:23 UTC
He hates the same people they hate.
Harley Lady
2020-08-28 12:09:04 UTC
No appeal to me except I like looking at his stupid expressions and listening to some of his obvious lies. It makes me smile all day wondering who is believing him!
2020-08-28 05:01:48 UTC
The same appeal he's always had: as a business first idealist who speaks his mind.

The pandemic doesn't negatively affect his appeal AT ALL. I disagree that it's horribly out of control (no one has legitimately said this). If anything, it's being reasonably managed especially considering the projected death toll being much less than thought by fear mongering officials.

I don't even like Trump, but he's smartly used the situation to spin in his direction. Most people agree with him about the virus in terms the danger even if they wouldn't admit it publically for political reasons.
2020-08-27 23:06:57 UTC
He is about to be crushed in the elections!!
2020-08-27 20:16:53 UTC
When will you learn to read and process above the 4th grade level. Actually is more likely you have never learned to read at any level. You just listen to Mika and Maddow, their job is to tell you what to thank. That’s so much easier than actually thinking for yourself.
2020-08-27 12:44:48 UTC
1. He did not hijack the post office 2 the virus is democrats fault for not working WITH him and instead encouraging the spread 3 it is democrats who are inciting violence by Encouraging and supporting domestic terrorist groups ANTIFA and BLM, he's not just gonna surrender to them 4 there are alot that have not done anything illegal  and most were only said to be caught because of bias and nothing else. Trump is much better than Obama who personally ordered the murder of one child while also having murdered the childs Father in 2011, the ONLY president to use the cages the border, and also the only president to give OUR money( originally irans but was forfeit) to the enemy. TRUMP Tried to stop the spread of the virus while democrats encouraged its spread, DEMOCRATS don't care about america, they keep calling america a democracy when we have NEVER been nor had one. oh and @Sam The racists and uneducated, they are all democrat
2020-08-27 08:17:04 UTC
He's entertaining. And his books are actually quite good.
2020-08-27 04:16:49 UTC
He wants America to be America.
2020-08-27 02:11:23 UTC
Did you ever consider that the powers that be (all of them) like us to struggle?  Covid19.  AIDS.  Cancer.  On and on.  If doctors cured you what would you need them for? 

You're just a robot agitator.  What good are you? 

The appeal of Trump is to stave off extreme leftism and socialism for another 4 years, and maybe make the country better, if the leftists don't succeed in starting a civil war first!
2020-08-27 00:58:15 UTC
He's not Biden

You're welcome
2020-08-27 00:42:23 UTC
He's a good salesman of hate. 
Judy and Charlie
2020-08-26 23:23:38 UTC
I'm sorry but Trump the Professional Criminal appeals to no one.
2020-08-26 23:22:46 UTC
His platform speaks for itself and should appeal to every sane American.

The democrats on the other hand don't have an actual platform and are not taking a hardline stance againt Socialism and violence.

Its a no brainer.
2020-08-26 22:52:41 UTC
He's NOT Biden.  :-)

But seriously, we're not liberals so we don't vote based on nonsense like that.  We vote Trump because he's the best man for the job.  Now if the left will just STFU and let him do it without whining about literally everything he does..........
2020-08-26 22:45:20 UTC
Trump is impossible to justify.  Any time anyone says something good about him, they are repeating something he said about himself, and they just parroting it without thinking about it or fact checking it.
2020-08-26 22:03:01 UTC
That he did great with the economy up until this Coronavirus hit which was not in his control. As a result he will be the one who brings the economy back. 
2020-08-26 20:07:58 UTC
The pandemic was managed very well by Trump, considering he stopped travel to China which saved countless lives and was labelled "Racist" top democrat leaders such as Pelosi, I think it's safe to assume Trump handled it better than any democrat would have. On top of that the ny governor put sick elderly patients back into senior care facilities costing us a lot of lives and democrat leaders have been praising the protests that are spreading it like wildfire and keeping our country in a lockdown state. So the mismanagement falls on the local levels and not on Trump at all. Trump did what he could in his position, he is not a dictator or a god, his power is limited and he did all he could and plenty more than they said he could. They said we'd have a ventilator crisis but instead we lent them out because had more than we needed thanks to Trump. I blame democrats entirely for the death numbers and not a single one on Trump. Democrats had the power in this crisis to stop the spread and they actively tried not to. On top of Trump's historic covid response, he gave us a staggering economy, secured our borders, brought back jobs, strengthened our military, wiped out ISIS, brokered a peace agreement in the middle east (a literal miracle), represented our nation as a powerful force on the world stage(unlike Obama), gave us the lowest unemployment rate amongst minorities in history, and has brought back a great sense of pride and patriotism in our nation that we haven't had since ww2. Trump has EARNED a second term, all your side promises is hate, failure, and socialism. Trump has my friend's and family's vote! TRUMP 2020!!!
2020-08-26 19:28:09 UTC
Backpedal Tweet aka President * has no (none, zip, rien, nichts appeal to anyone.
2020-08-26 17:16:49 UTC
Trying to protect the US borders
2020-08-29 03:13:44 UTC
There's never been any for me. Even before politics, he was a racist douchebag.
2020-08-29 00:04:48 UTC
Nothing unless your a racist scum like he is

@ Samuel,  every one of your facts are FALSE
2020-08-28 18:46:48 UTC
Yeah, Trump is crippling workers and slowing everyone's mail. Your an idiot that just listens to CNN or MSNBC. Not smart enough to seek other sources of info when what you hear from the MSM doesn't sound right, or just sounds stupid. No, you believe everything you are told. You are a good little Lemming....
2020-08-28 10:51:52 UTC
He’s getting more popular from the losers rioting 
2020-08-27 09:32:24 UTC
As of September 2018

Trump Administration Accomplishments

•    Almost 4 million jobs created since election.

•    More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.

•    We have created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.

•    Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.

•    Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.

•    New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.

•    Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.

•    African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.

•    Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.

•    Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.

•    Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.

•    Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.

•    Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.

•    Under my Administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.

•    Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.

•    The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans. We are committed to VOCATIONAL education.

•    95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.

•    Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.

•    Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.

•    As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.

•    Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.

•    Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.

•    Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.

•    Record number of regulations eliminated.

•    Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.

•    Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.

•    My Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.

•    Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history. And thanks to our efforts, many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.

•    We reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.

•    Signed Right-To-Try legislation.

•    Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.

•    We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.

•    Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.

•    Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.

•    United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.

•    Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.

•    Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.

•    Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.

•    NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.

•    Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.

•    Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.

•    Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

•    Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.

•    Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.

•    Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.

•    Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.

•    Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.

•    Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.

•    Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.

•    Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.

•    Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.

•    Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.

•    We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.

Compared to the Biden SHAME:

Obama used the military to commit a war crime.He (Obama) ordered that a prisoner (noncombatant, unarmed and in custody) be Summarily Executed, instead of returned for a show trial.That my child, is a Crime against Humanity (aka war crime).

then there is

Remember...•    2012 Benghazi attack•    Guantanamo Bay detention camp•    Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act•    ATF gunwalking scandal•    Abdulrahman al-Awlaki•    Clinton Cash•    Contraceptive mandate•    Department of Justice investigations of reporters•    Dropmire•    Hemisphere Project•    IRS targeting controversy•    Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action•    Kunduz hospital airstrike•    New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case•    NSA warrantless surveillance•    Barack Obama on mass surveillance•    PRISM (surveillance program)•    Project Gunrunner•    American-led intervention in the Syrian Civil War•    Uranium One controversy•    Veterans Health Administration scandal of 2014•    XKeyscore•    ZunZuneo•     Separating families, caging children.
Jack M.
2020-08-27 04:50:00 UTC
The appeal of President Trump is that he is not a liberal democrat, that does it for me.
2020-08-27 01:46:59 UTC
He's not a socialist.
Randy Bodandy
2020-08-26 23:33:00 UTC
You have the English writing skills of a good socialist that longs for the downfall of the American way of life!
2020-08-26 17:21:04 UTC
Stop watching CNN and seek out the truth.
2020-08-26 15:46:56 UTC
Honestly? I cant really say. Internet algorithms cater to my political views so a majority of the people i interact with online usually agree with me. I don't actively avoid stuff revolved around Trump except for facebook because it hurts seeing my parents hateful beliefs all over my page. I cant risk starting shouting matches so i just dont talk about it with them. I'd rather not relive some childhood trauma. Best i can do is make indirect posts because i know if they see it they wont do anthing
2020-08-26 13:20:55 UTC
You are so blind! The appeal is that he condones ghetto people and violence for no reason! He (unlike Obama) wants to put violent criminals off the street and give harsher sentences to violent criminals. And hopefully he take it easier on white collar folks.

He also will prevent abortion.
2020-08-26 11:52:28 UTC
If there is any appeal it is because Biden the career politician is not the man he was and it is obvious by the way he speaks, but then Trump does not seem aware of what he is saying a lot of the time either.

To me, it indicates what a shallow draft both parties have if these two old guys are the best intelligent representatives they can dredge up. 
2020-08-26 10:58:14 UTC
He's terrible, I'm 62 now, and have never seen anything like it. They criticized Obama over the Ferguson riots.................this is 10 times as worse, and Trump has no answers.........he just rants the "law and order" thing, which won't solve anything...........WHAT A JOKE!!

I'm not buying the "mainstream" media garbage excuse anymore.
Ogami Itto
2020-08-26 07:56:15 UTC
Wrong on every count bucko. He didn't start the pandemic. He's not burning looting or killing anyone .He's not dividing anyone as he didn't invent TDS.

He has called for order,not violence.
2020-08-26 07:43:14 UTC
Donald Trump, triggering Libs evening his sleep.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.