The "Russia thing" as you call the widespread interference by Russia in our democratic process and election, is a threat to each and every American, so it should not be seen as a one-party issue.
Hard-as-nails former head of the ruthless KGB (now GRU Russian military intelligence) Vladimir Putin is a short man, like Trump (who wears lifts), and like many short men, his ego is gigantic and he has a deep-rooted inferiority complex for which he overcompensates (also like Trump). The question to ask yourselves is: If power-lusting Putin could undermine the United States and democracy in general, would he? If yes, what is in it for Putin? To get to know this tiny tyrant, I recommend that you find "The Kleptocracy of Putin: Who Really Owns Russia?" available online, and realize you are dealing with a power-mad, cold-hearted, completely ruthless little bugger who has "visions of worldtakeover" running through his mean-eyed head.
Now, folks...get a copy of the 2016 book by David Cay Johnston, "The Making of Donald Trump" and read it with an open mind. Trump is corrupt to the core, raised by an even more corrupt slumlord dad who died in 1991 of Alzheimer's. Trump has no social conscience, and only cares about Trump, and this is shown in each well-documented page of the Johnston book. In terms of ties to Russia, look for the name Felix Sater, who was given offices on the 22nd floor of Trump Tower by Trump in 2002 when Sater became CEO of of the Russian-owned Bayrock Group development corporation after first getting caught by our FBI while a stockbroker in New York setting up a $40 million stock fraud scheme that was designed to open new inroads into Wall Street for LA COSA NOSTRA crime families, some of whom Trump has done business over the years. Sater's job as partner was to prospect for potential building sites for Trump buildings, and Trump gave Sater the rights to negotiate in his [Trump's] name for sites in Moscow and all over the Russian BLOC (Johnston, 2016). How is this related to the campaign year "Russia thing"? Felix Sater is the Russian-born son of the Russian MAFIA CRIME BOSS operating here in the U.S. Sater is also awaiting a sentence for having laundered money for the Russian MAFIA---maybe while working as Trump's "Senior Business Consultant"---something an investigation of the "Russia thing" will surely show.
For those of you who wish to dig further and have some techie skills, look up the website for Tea Pain (full name Thomas Addison Pain), at, and the article entitled, "Jared Kushner's Stealth Russian Data Machine." Throughout most of the 2016 election, there was a three-way covert data swap uncovered by @LouiseMensch and @Conspiratoro on Twitter that was built upon by data analyst Pain, where three different servers were used to funnel data to (and from) Russia's ALFA bank, the DeVos-owned Spectrum Health in Michigan, and Trump Tower. Pain saw the data patterns analyzed by Conspiratoro and recognized "Data Base Replication" which he charted in detail, showing periods of "PING" activity, then long periods of "sleep" (perhaps to avoid detection). The charting of this PING activity helped Pain formulate a much clearer working model to explain what was going on during the election: "SQL SERVER DATABASE REPLICATION. Basically, from May 4th to September 23, 2016, a Trump Tower server transmitted directly to Russia's ALFA Bank. In the same time frame, identical DNS Traffic was ongoing between Trump Tower and the DeVos-owned Spectrum Health in Michigan. This should most definitely be investigated for collusion and possible racketeering, but it should also be determined whether the DeVos family involvement has anything to do with quid pro quo appointment of the utterly unqualified Betsy DeVos (sister to Erik Prince of mercenaries-for-hire Prince Group and founder of the evangelically right-wing murderous no-bid contractor Blackwater) to the position of Education Secretary. There is a lot to investigate here.
A total of 39 states have been victims of Russian hacks, to include phishing e-mails sent to multiple counties in these 39 states that would have taken over election officials' computers. Both Bloomberg News and the Rupert Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal have verified that the hacking took place, and you can look up other examples yourselves. Try the recent hacking of our slot machines by a multi-state very well-organized Russian gang led by Razhden Shulaya, a Russian MAFIA master thief (like a crime boss), called a "vor" in Russia, who hooked up with right-wing Republican Aaron Nevins, a GOP political operative, in Florida.
There is no "ruse" about the efforts of Putin and Russia to destroy our sovereignty, undermine our economy, and interfere with our elections so that Putin can get his long-time puppet incompetent and sociopathic Trump into power. Hillary won the election. Just the GOP-governed states' voter suppression in key swing states would have given Hillary the real landslide of Electoral College votes. By having the GRU Russian military intel unit and its "lieutenants" (Gucifer 2.0, for example) hack into our voting machines (which there is some evidence they did), into the DNC headquarters (proven), into the private company VR Systems used to tally votes, and any phony right-wing voter registration tampering due to white nationalist Kansas AG Kris Kobach and his insane CROSSCHECK computer program that has registered voters with Hispanic, foreign, or Black names removed if those names show up on other states' registration rolls---based on the nut-job theory that if the name is spelled the same in multiple states (but only for "Black, Hispanic, or Asian" names), that this is one person trying to vote in multiple states at the same time. See? Russia is not the only one messing with our elections or colluding with the Trump campaign---the GOP appears to have done so as well.
I hope we can just oust the Nincompoop-in-Chief and all of his Russia-colluding cheat-to-"win" folks and start over by putting the LEGITIMATE #45 President in power: Hillary Rodham Clinton.