How about the Private plans that are thriving in places like Australia where there is a mandatory public option! Private Insurance is doing very well there.
How about France, Japan, England, Belgium, Slovenia, Italy, South Korea, New Zealand, Ukraine, Sweeden, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, and coutnless other countries where there is a public option and private insurance still thrives?
Why would America be the only country where private insurance would disappear? Easy, it wont. Private insurance will never go away, even if everyone went on a public option. This is because there will always be people who are willing to pay more for better health care.
Furthermore, how can we be so sure that PRIVATE health care is better than public health care. When we privatized the energy industry, the system went to crap. How is that private energy company out in California working out?
The private sector has done SO poorly in fact that many of them receive hundreds of billions of dollars in corporate welfare subsidies just to stay in business? How is the private sector so great if they need so much subsidies.