Genuine question, why did America vote for Trump?
2020-06-10 11:44:55 UTC
As an English woman, I'm curious. 
193 answers:
2020-06-13 03:51:36 UTC
America didn't vote for Trump, the electoral college did.
2020-06-13 15:46:09 UTC
Because between him and Hillary, he's the lesser of two evils. 
2020-06-13 00:41:48 UTC
People who abide by one party or the other, and falls for this 'good vs. evil' tussle, are the setting themselves up for failure. These politicians will sell anyone out for a kickback. People need to question why these career politicians are rich. Politicians are not people to look up to or be fans of. In the U.S. people take what they see on Facebook and the internet too seriously and a lot of people will tell you that everyone thinks like this.... which simply isn't true. Most people actually don't live on the internet.

As you may or may not know, the U.S. presidential election is decided by the 'Electoral College'. In recent times, Al Gore won the popular vote in the year 2000 and Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016. With the Presidential election, You don't have to win by a landslide, you have to win in the states that count.

Trump won by a narrow margin in states that have lost a lot of manufacturing jobs. Those states are Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio. Florida is another 'swing state' that Trump won.

When I was younger, I worked manufacturing jobs during the summer. The pay was good and a lot of people built meaningful lives around the income they got from manufacturing jobs. Unfortunately, during the last 30 years these jobs have been either shipped overseas or manpower has been replaced my machines/technology. Another problem that's been happening in the manufacturing sector is pay has not kept up with inflation. Clinton represents the same politicians that were in power during this time period. So people assume she would have brought on more of the same.

Hillary's 2016 campaign was very weak and it was mainly geared towards the Democrat base. Her campaign didn't give people any good reason to vote for her. That and Hillary isn't nearly as charismatic has her husband Bill or Obama. She didn't know how to reach out to people or make them feel like she would be a good leader. I don't think her being a woman had much to do with it since many other 1st world countries have already elected a female PM, that and the U.S. has already elected a Black president. Her fumbles with being the secretary of state didn't help but I don't think many people chalked that up to the typical mudslinging you see during a campaign.

There's a lot of other smaller factors too but you have to look at the obvious. The population in the 4 states I mentioned is declining because there are no good jobs left in those states anymore and the people in the upper midwest section of the USA want a change.
truth seeker
2020-06-12 22:54:09 UTC
Ignorance and for some, blind loyalty to a soulless  cult.
2020-06-12 21:47:20 UTC
Because Hag Hillary was the alternative. 
2020-06-12 20:09:11 UTC
You want to know the real answer, the one that nobody wants to say because it is so unpleasant? Because he is stupid just like they are. He is one of them. Truth.

Of course the TD's all think they're smert.......
2020-06-12 02:25:36 UTC
They cheated.
Warren T
2020-06-11 17:06:36 UTC
2020-06-11 15:18:49 UTC
Trump is a talented and successful con man.  He has lived in New York and interacted with New Yorkers for decades, and so most New Yorkers know him to be a liar and a cheat, as well as having disagreeable personality traits, a remarkable lack of knowledge on many topics, and essentially zero empathy.   But people in the Midwest are far more trusting and so many of them take him at his word.  They are learning, and hopefully enough of them will come to know him as he is, instead of what he says he is, before the election in November.  Because of the Electoral College system, there are only a few states that matter.

The principal problem with the 2016 elections is that the right-wing propaganda machine in the United States had been hammering Hillary Clinton with lies and false accusations for decades.  Since the 1970s, the Republican party has been losing voters due to changing demographics, and their response has been to unleash  egregious anti-Democratic propaganda as a constant drumbeat in some media outlets, particularly Murdoc's Fox News.  The result, for example, is that many Trump voters will tell you that the Obama Administration "destroyed jobs", when in fact the unemployment rate went from 12% to 4.5% during the Obama years.  They will also assert that the stock market went down during the Obama years, when in fact it went up a factor of 3.
Jetpacks Was Yes
2020-06-11 07:06:59 UTC
Because people were sick and tired of electing politicians.
2020-06-14 22:29:06 UTC
Well, it was harder to guess the lesser of the two evils and I guess people knew the US is unlikely to ever have a female president.
2020-06-14 19:05:08 UTC
Because the American Empire is on the decline. Demagogues come to power when your leaders don't care about you anymore.
2020-06-14 02:00:15 UTC
Well everybody who’s NOT in denial in the United States is well aware that Hillary Clinton won a plurality of the votes. But because of the archaic and no longer relevant electoral college that was conceived during the slavery era to give those in slavery states more votes, Trump ended up as president anyway. You could say he was ‘appointed’ by the electoral college against the will of the American electorate. 
2020-06-14 01:13:27 UTC
Because Hillary Clinton was an even worse alternative.
2020-06-13 18:01:34 UTC
It didn't.  Hillary got nearly 3 million more votes.  Trump's approval rating has never even reached 50%. 
2020-06-13 17:08:21 UTC
A protest vote to show their disgust and distrust in what politics has become, the lesson doesn’t seem to have taken tho, we might have to be held back another 4years
2020-06-13 09:58:58 UTC
To get rid of Lib communism and God hatred.
2020-06-13 05:22:00 UTC
Trump lost the popular vote in the US by almost 3 million votes so the majority of US voters did not vote for him. Unfortunately US Presidential elections are still governed by the electoral college, a compromise created almost 250 years ago when the US was a agrarian and rural based society and the power elite did not trust the often uneducated and poor 'common folk'.
2020-06-13 00:52:46 UTC

Trump supporters are generally blue collar taxpayers who feel exploited and abused by the government. They did not vote for Trump in spite of him being dangerous, they voted for Trump precisely because he was dangerous.
2020-06-12 20:06:20 UTC
Most voters voted for Hillary, by Trump won the Electoral College as it is designed in favor of less populated States.   That said, Trump also benefited from Comey announcing an additional investigation into Hillary, days before the election.   And that said, Trump is a good salesman and is better at selling promises about the future than most people.   But of course no one. An predict the future.
2020-06-12 12:49:28 UTC
Beats the hell out of me. I'm incapable of understanding the mindset of a person who would vote for a known liar, bigot, huckster, narcissistic, elitist bully douche bag whose idea of "making America great again" means rolling back decades-won civil rights advancements, environmental protection regulations, race relations and who condemns and demonizes anyone whose tongue isn't stuck firmly up his fourth point of contact.

Here's something else you may find curious: Donald Trump lost the 2016 election by nearly three million votes. The majority spoke, and we did not want him. Bearing in mind that in our democratic republic, it's the people's vote that's supposed to matter, why do we have a governmental function called the "electoral college" that essentially negates the people's vote? Donald Trump isn't president because he won the election; he's president despite losing the election. No matter how you slice it, that is a broken system.
2020-06-12 09:34:42 UTC
Best POTUS ever and that includes through 2024
2020-06-12 03:55:35 UTC
because Hillary Clinton is a woman!
2020-06-11 22:57:08 UTC
racism, naive individuals falling for superficial slogans with no substance , and hatred towards green energy and social justice. It was a small amount of people that voted for trump but the out date electoral college screwed us 
2020-06-11 15:29:55 UTC
[everyone who dislikes this, you dislike it because you know im right and the fact that you support trump means you support the things he's done and said and thats disgusting]

no clue but what im wondering is how he still has so many supporters when he talks about his own daughter in a sexual way, homophobic, disrespects women, is in a sex trafficking ring and raped a child? 

how braindead do you have to be to still support this man? plus, when i say "support" i mean "obsessed". i've never seen so many crazy people like trump supporters in my life; they have his face plastered everywhere, their rooms covered in trump propaganda, tshirts, hats, you name it. it's like they're attracted to him, like moths around a flame. 

it's quite obvious that no one in britain supports trump, i've never met a person who agrees with trump's ideologies or likes him at all in england. we all make fun of him, he's known as the "racist orange" or "racist wotsit" where i live. it's actually quite disturbing to see how many fans he has, because it's like they have no good morals or common sense at all.

some examples:

"i’m automatically attracted to beautiful — i just start kissing them. it’s like a magnet. just kiss. i don’t even wait. when you’re a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. grab ’em by the pussy. you can do anything.” - trump

planning a MAGA rally in Tulsa, which is the site where a big African American massacre took place. not only this but it is during Juneteenth, a holiday black americans celebrate to mark the end of slavery.
2020-06-11 14:47:31 UTC
Number one thing - he was smart enough to support Israel.  I am a Bible believing Christian and IT IS WRITTEN "I will curse those who curse you and I will bless those who bless you.   I want America blessed by God.  It is God's blessings that made America great and nothing else.  America took the gospel of Jesus into all the world which is the Great Commission of a Christian.  I want America blessed by God.  Without God's blessings we are doomed.  Evil men among us try everyday to bring America to her knees.  Americans who pray have an edge, because the prayers of a righteous man availeth much.
2020-06-11 03:40:16 UTC
1. Tired of "Establishment Politicians" who were getting nothing done.

2. Like the idea of the USA being run as a business

3. Obama alienated a lot of Whites with this Social Justice for Blacks ideology. Something the Democrats need to be very aware of right now, I might add
2020-06-11 00:20:01 UTC
Did you see his opponents?  I didn't actually vote "for" anyone so much as "against" everyone else.
2020-06-10 20:55:05 UTC
simple America would rather have a Gold Fish run the country than put a women in charge. Citizens fail to realize that their votes are only to see whoch candidate is favor. America is a very Sexist also.. 
2020-06-10 16:30:32 UTC
I didn't because he stands out everything I believe except global warming. He isn't a career politician he doesn't have to miss donor ***. Wether you believe in him he has fulfilled most of his promises
Andrew S
2020-06-15 13:46:14 UTC
People are tired of the old political system of slick-talking lawyers paying lip service to issues while wasting tax money and lining their pockets with corporate payoffs. Trump has at least gone against that trend. And if you think otherwise try looking up "Obama Wall Street speeches."
2020-06-15 03:34:26 UTC
in my opinion because he's wealthy and has a well lnown name.

he did get quite a bit of the popular vote even if hillary got more.

hillary is a experienced political person ao the popular vote would naturally lean in her direction.

trump got the electoral college and that, like i claim is corrupted by wealth. those dumbasses dont know their *** from a hole in the ground unless its loaded with cash. and they do. theyve been stealing so much from the treasury they **** money.

greediest time in history thats for sure.
2020-06-14 04:59:44 UTC
Beginning in the start of the 20th Century both parties started drifting away from the concept that the elected representatives were public servants and began to view themselves as some form of political aristocracy. They mixed with sports figures, entertainers, philanthropists and barons of industry. They were invited to functions where their names were linked to those of the rich and famous. Men and women who in previous years would have served one ot two terms and gone back home to live and work under the laws they helped to create were now repeatedly running for reelection and they may never have

accomplished a single thing for their district so long as they had not been caught doing something too heinous they were good for two or three terms either on name recognition alone or because their district was overwhelmingly R. or D. and as long as you stuck to the party line the state party saw no need to replace you.

Eventually there were those who realized, they were getting nothing to benefit their state and so came the era of pork projects as a way to bring federal funds to the states. But if I am going to cast a vote so you can seem to be looking out for your voters you best believe I am going to expect payment in kind when I have a project that will bring funds into my district. Now there are always those who will have things about others they want controlled or regulated and quite often it is some business whom wants to regulate a competitor or prevent private citizens from preforming whatever the need task may be or improvising a solution on their own. Now normally it would be the job of the legislature to create the rules which prohibitions,but they have learned from past experience that the general public in the U.S. does not like prohibitions so over the years they have abdicated their constitutional duties and encouraged

the formulation of several bureaucratic departments under the executive where policy is made and god only knows why is given the force of law though it was made by unelected bureaucrats who are answerable to no one.

That way even though they are the ones supposedly making the laws they avoid making or even having contact with those passing these oppressive and unpopular regulations they just shrug saying bit wasn't me it was a regulation from The Deparftment6 of Naval Lint Collection. Since I was big enough to understand what people were saying the one constant I have heard was “ALL POLITICIANS LIE” I fail to understand why that is in any way even remotely acceptable much less universally accepted,but that appears to be the case.

Enter Donald Trump Not a politician a man who both sides fear because he has exposed them for what they are blood sucking leaches living and growing fat on the tax payer's dollar. Why has nobody exposed them? Because their corruption is great leverage. Is there anyone who believes that the C.I.A. had misplaced Senator John McCain's war record showing him to be a coward and possibly a traitor. Do you think that was brought out gain something from Mc Cain?He had already left the senate he was of no farther use to them but how many files do they have on sitting members that are likely career ending revelations and they were being reminded.

I have gotten in the habit of having more than one source for my information so at any time I have one three network news casts on and one of the cable news channels on as well as FOX News and or News Max .The thing I have found interesting s that that the old major net works and their cable affiliates do not carry unedited versions of a lot of the pieces they run and most often the clips and sound bites they run have been edited to appear to set forth ideas and positions in complete opposition to the actual unedited message. I was not a Trump fan in the beginning but as time went buy I saw for the first time in my memory and I will be 74 on July 4 an elected official actually started trying fulfilling their promises made on the campaign trail and is continuing to do so.

The opposition has used every underhanded dirty trick in the book to prevent him succeeding but in spite of their efforts to destroy him both politically and personally. Still while fighting off false charges brought by operatives of the previous administration he had brought jobs back to this country and after decades of economic decline under both parties presided over the greatest economic boom since the industrial revolution. The only time the democrats had black unemployment numbers that low was before 1861 and they can call me all the names they want but it won't change the facts.

Trump closed down incoming flights from China practically immediately after the first known death and headed off the overwhelming of the nation's medical facilities while mobilizing resources to places where they were in short supply or non existent,and did it before the situation became critical. All this while the opposition is branding him as Xenophobic and racist. My daughter who doesn't bother to listen to anything but cable news says he is greedy and just in it for the money according to what she is hearing except that the man is a multi billionaire and he has had to put his money in trust for how ever long he is in office and the other side raises a stink if he even stays at one of his own hotels. The man didn't need the job and he certainly didn't need the headaches that came with it including the left trying to sabotage his every effort to bring the country back the Marxists both in the congress and those who are using the current racial tension as an excuse to promote anarchy in the street will fight him as long as he holds office and he is the one leading the fight for us that the career politicians normally only pay lip service to.
2020-06-14 00:23:33 UTC
Cuz we are sick and tired of career politicians, Hillary clinton and Joe Biden are good examples of that, Oh on the republican side are the bush's
2020-06-13 18:25:22 UTC
im not american but i asked this same question many times.

the reason is because inside america there are many local news station, radio stations.   the mainstream channels like cnn and fox have much less views than the other ones.

among those channels and radio stations,  you have plenty that are very religious who mostly supported trump.    you also have many who saw trump as "a man of the people" while his opponents are career politicians who simply doesnt care.

you also had the hillary scandal, which trump was great with making it alot worse than it really was.

mainstream channels you and i see on our news mean nothing.  its a large country and each state and county has its own culture and politics.    what really influence the people is those who truly understand them- the locals.
2020-06-13 09:51:08 UTC
It didn't.         
2020-06-13 02:52:57 UTC
Many people hated Hillary so much.

If he had a different opponent in 2016, he would have lost.
2020-06-12 22:23:03 UTC
Because I needed a break from all the phony and stupid ideas that Democrats support.  That is the same reason why I will vote for him again in November, 2020.
2020-06-12 20:23:44 UTC
Most of us didn’t. He lost the election but was gifted the job anyway by a loose patchwork of political appointees called electors, who also weren’t voted on. 
Mr. Wizard
2020-06-12 17:26:28 UTC
President Trump, compared to Hillary Clinton, was the logical choice:

1) Trump IS a successful global business BILLIONAIRE; his finance science expertise in global stock market operations attest and confirm that. The four (4) economic repair AND restore agenda plans President Trump launched three years ago  ALL WORKED so well---that the recent Democrat complicit propagandist campaign of the U.S. COVID-19 "pandemic" has NOT damaged the U.S. economy as Pelsoi HOPED it would ( that's why they agitated the George Floyd incident as they're doing ). 

2) Hillary Clinton made some horrific National Security decisions during her tenure as Obama's Secretary Of State:

a) Benghazi: Despite solid CONFIRMED GOOD INTEL from CIA that Al-Qaida was planning a deadly raid of the U.S. Consulate office there, Hillary ignored multiple pleas for additional U.S. Marine troop deployment there--which allowed Al-Qaida to successfully raid the Consulate office and KILL the Counsulate director, Americans held captive in the building...and several U.S. Marines who fought and DIED to protect those Americans from deadly terrorists.

b) Disobeying President Obama's direct orders--Hillary bought and had installed in her mansion wine cellar basement an UNPROTECTED Internet server that allowed her to remove the "magnetic security locks" on HUNDREDS / THOUSANDS of Top Secret NSA files, so she could have them sent from her office to her home......

.....and Chinese HACKERS remotely operated that Internet server--removing scores of those NSA files--for 3 months!!!

And that pretty much ruined her POTUS candidacy--it was impossible for the LIBERAL U.S. "news media" to cover those bad decisions she made. And it didn't help any that Clinton's POTUS candidacy COMPUTERS were being hacked by Russian HACKERS as well.

So now comes your answer, based on the provided FACTUAL HISTORY: 

On November Election Night 2016: THOUSANDS OF REGISTERED DEMOCRAT VOTERS--USING THEIR SECRET BALLOT VOTING RIGHTS......quietly VOTED FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP!!  This is something Nancy Pelosi and her key Democrat Congresspeople WILL NEVER ADMIT HAPPENED....but it DID. 

And by all logical scenarios that I and my colleagues compile in our meetings--it seems this will likely happen again for Joe Biden on November Election Night 2020. HOWEVER....I do NOT underestimate the viciousness of Nancy Pelosi--especially after her offensive behavior on live TV during President Trump's State Of The Union Address Feburary 2020; she and Democrats DO have a sinister plan yet to unfold....and I'm pretty sure I know WHAT their plan of action is.
2020-06-11 21:22:14 UTC
In the modern era American voters tend to elect a President from one party for two consecutive terms and then switch parties.

With Democrats and their pals at the feeding trough for eight years while Obama was in office people were ready for a change.

In addition the economy never showed great growth under Obama. There was steady growth but a lot of new regulations were introduced and we were told to expect a maximum of 1.5% growth as the new normal.

Trump understands business.

In addition there was a lot of corruption/ pay to play with corporations and foreign countries donating to The Clinton foundation to get access.
2020-06-11 20:02:58 UTC
Considering Boris Johnson, I'm really wondering if it had something to do with hair.

Honestly, though, I don't understand, myself.
Little Big Man
2020-06-11 14:57:19 UTC
Now that sure baffles me too. 
American Dream Factory
2020-06-11 14:16:33 UTC
Americans were tired of the Democratic SJW's shaming us for simply being American. During the Obama era, Obama put the white working class on the after  burner and preferred to put 3% of the populations needs ahead of the other 97%.

Just look at what's happening now. The left is pandering to that small minority again. Americans want to work, be safe and provide for themselves without the government micromanaging us. We could give a hoot about how some BLM thugs feel about the Police. 

Trump also isn't a Politician. He is more relatable. He speaks like a human being, off the cuff. Not like a forked tongue politician. When Trump goes on rants, Americans love it! When Trump calls out the left wing media for their lies? Americans love it! When Trump puts whiny Jim Acosta in his place - Americans ******* love it! 
2020-06-11 13:59:39 UTC
I have despised him for decades. Unfortunately there's a large number of ppl in the US 

who agree with his ridiculous ideas .. Just like many in the UK agree with bj and farage.
2020-06-11 13:50:24 UTC
Trump appeals to the diminishing white working class. He even take tough, somewhat loudmouth and slangy. A right wing backlash from Obama.

No gun control; stop illegal immigration; lower taxes; more blue collar jobs. This is very much like Reagan--but on steroids.
2020-06-11 12:55:58 UTC
A minority of Americans put Trump in office with the help of Putin, they are deplorable racist and disgusting sexist.  

The majority of Americans did not vote for Trump. 
2020-06-11 11:52:37 UTC
"America"  (oh, that is SO British to call the USA "America" - what else, do you call dinner "tea" and ALL deserts "pudding"?) didn't.  He lost the popular vote, and he has disgusted even people who voted for him.  There is this bizarre (no, I am not being sarcastic) thing in the US, and ONLY the US (and no one can explain this, even people who are totally FOR it) called the "electoral college"  (meaning:  "you don't vote for a president, but you vote for a person who may or may not vote your way"), but that's the way it is...  So much for "taxation without representation".
Const. King
2020-06-10 19:00:51 UTC
He was a much better candidate & a leader.  In 2016 Hillary was and still is nothing but a lying thief.  If you met her she would steal everything you had.  She never gets locked up because the government has never locked up a woman.
2020-06-10 13:37:45 UTC
The US political system is one of the most corrupt anywhere in the world. Organised crime has infiltrated politics, business, law enforcement and the intelligence services.

The only hope was not to vote in another political criminal. They chose the outsider. The person not tainted with any previous political shenanigans. That is why the establishment are united in wanting him gone. He is querying all their little money-making schemes - and some of their more disgusting hobbies and passtimes.

He is also against the Globalists. The people who want to rule the world and not have individual countries. They just want one class of cattle that can all be treated the same way and be subject to the same laws. Naturally, the Globalist ruling class would be the main beneficiaries.
2020-06-13 22:44:31 UTC
Because I wanted a Hitler to undo everything Obama did 

Hillary was the other option. A muslim loving witch. 
2020-06-13 21:56:14 UTC
Because Hillary is horrible and Obama was weak and divisive.
2020-06-13 21:53:29 UTC
Its just a puppet show
Echo Echo
2020-06-13 02:14:07 UTC
They were tired of the whiny socialist liberals ruining everything. Why else?
Philip H
2020-06-13 01:43:28 UTC
I can only speak for myself. Throughout the Primary Election season of 2016 I did not support then Candidate Trump . I did not like his style and his bullying attitude and I believed his willingness to take big risks might not work well for America.

After he won the Nomination it became Trump against Hillary Clinton. Clinton had a LONG history of being deceptive and dishonest and possibly even acting criminally plus she was too eager to abuse any power she had and even make personal profit from her manipulations. I do not EVER support criminals. She may not have been convicted but then she was exceptionally crafty.

By default I voted for President Trump. Now, after seeing what actions he actually takes and the benefits he has created for All Responsible American Citizens I will gladly vote for him again.

2020-06-13 00:22:16 UTC
I voted for him because I felt the U.S was becoming way too liberal and progressive.
2020-06-12 21:10:07 UTC
After eight years of Obama socialism, it was time for a change.  And Hillary Clinton would have just been more of the same.
2020-06-12 13:47:06 UTC
He is a strong president to handle things for the USA👍.
2020-06-12 12:13:32 UTC
why did your country vote for theresa may babe?

ah, the english, so phucking annoying and superior 
Ron Akia
2020-06-11 20:55:06 UTC
I can't speak for other American's, but I voted for Trump because I believed that he was the best of the two candidates. I still feel that way and will be voting for him once again in November. I believe that he did a great job until Covid-19 came along and would have done much more had the Democrats hadn't tried to undermine his efforts. He is, in my opinion, the best qualified to return the economy to where he had brought it. Unfortunately, the civil unrest in the USA  today is Democrat induced to place Trump in a position to make him appear to be a poor choice for our voters in November as they failed in their impeachment proceedings. Many of us Americans are ashamed over what the Democrat party is doing.
2020-06-11 16:28:55 UTC
Why did the Germans elect Hitler , why did the Russians etc etc ?

Ultimately , the answer is , "It seemed a good idea at the time"  

People are only human -- they make mistakes . 

Honest and rational people ,however, correct their mistakes When such dire mistakes aren't corrected , however, it shows that that society is in trouble. 
2020-06-11 14:27:50 UTC
We thought he could secure the borders
2020-06-11 14:16:35 UTC
I have a friend in "America" and I asked him why he chose a racist man for the president (during the time, Trump said about building a wall).   He said "He is just too open when he speaks and he is not racist.    He can make the economy better...."....

So I thought my friend just lost his mind when he voted for Trump because we all think the same thing like what I said to him.   And I thought from what he said, the US was in problem, the economy problem and they wished him to make the economy better because the guy obviously is good in handling money (his wealth).

personally, "America" is at its worst this year.... on so many things....   
2020-06-11 09:25:01 UTC
Because he was the better candidate, and still is although he could have done more to stop the rioting.
2020-06-11 01:00:11 UTC
He cheated Hilary Clinton won the popular vote.  
2020-06-10 16:26:14 UTC
RepubliCONS are brainwashed and intolerant idiots
2020-06-10 12:37:16 UTC
He was a much better candidate than was Hilary Clinton.
2020-06-10 12:26:38 UTC
Because they were taken in by a demagogue: A con artist that appeals to the worst of popular impulses. Trump is not the first nor will he be the last. 
pit bulls bite
2020-06-10 12:20:15 UTC
he offered us american values while clinton offered corruption and chaos
2020-06-10 12:13:08 UTC
There r a lot of scared bigots that couldn't handle going from the first black prez to the first female prez
2020-06-16 06:03:47 UTC
cause we're full of country dudes who think Obama ruined the country and think the orange man will change it for the better. Russian bots could've had a say in it to , idk:/
2020-06-14 17:15:12 UTC
I believe that, had either party nominated a reasonable candidate with a good record of leadership and a positive favorable rating, that person would have easily defeated either Trump or Clinton.

In the 2016 election, many voted for the person they disliked the least.  I never did like Hillary Clinton at all.  With millions of others, though, I supported her because the Republican Party nominated someone who made her look good.  Conversely, many millions only voted for Trump because the Democratic Party nominated someone they thought Clinton made look good.  
2020-06-14 15:49:03 UTC
Someone I know voted for Trump not because he was supporting Trump, but because he was voting against Hillary. I can't speak for every American though.
2020-06-14 01:06:55 UTC
They didn't. The USA does not have a fair democratic system and 3 million more people voted for Hillary. The Republican party have done many things to rig the electoral college system for their party so that they can win even with 3 million less votes. Not fair on the people of the nation.   Trump's campaign also blitzed the internet with illegal fake smear tactics about Hillary (publishing lies about a candidate is not legal but the internet made it easy) and Putin paid multi millions to have people in troll farms do that as well. Misogyny played a role and people who were losing their jobs in the mid-west were lied to that Trump would save their jobs which he didn't. Trump won the electoral college narrowly in midwest states. The pollsters also failed to poll the uneducated and many people without highschool diplomas that weren't polled voted for Trump making the polls wrong.
2020-06-13 12:43:09 UTC
As I am sure has already been mentioned in other replies, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2,868,686 votes, but Drumpf won the electoral college 324 to 227 votes.  Hopefully when the Democrats take control of the Senate this fall they can push through legislation that repeals those provisions of election law that stole the election from the will of the people.  They already have a substantial majority in the House, probably enough to override a preziduncial vote, assuming some idiot doesn't still occupy the Oval Office on January 20, 2021.
2020-06-12 19:51:38 UTC
Too many people fell for the false Republican and Russian smear campaign against Hillary, however, more Americans still voted for Hillary than trump but trump won the electoral vote, that's why he became President. 
2020-06-12 02:24:55 UTC
Because they did not want the Hildebeast, God Forbid.. and they did not want the commie dem party obviously!
2020-06-12 01:50:48 UTC
Funny orange man
2020-06-12 01:35:11 UTC
2020-06-11 22:00:26 UTC
The genuine answer is that most of them didn't. Our electoral college system at times allows a person with the most votes to lose to a person who gets less votes, but in smaller rural states where they count more. Rural folk felt left out of the high tech city people, and somehow Trump conned them into thinking he was a hard working farmer and miner like one of them. I know, silly.
2020-06-11 21:27:11 UTC
He was the only serious contender.  And that should tell you something.
2020-06-11 19:17:22 UTC
Lets be truthful here, Hillary lost the election much more than Trump won it.  Trump had a gaff or main stream media sponsored hit piece every week, yet Trump still managed to win.  Many Americans vote against, and Hillary's lackluster "more of the same" campaign was about as alluring as a vulgarly moist petard.
2020-06-11 18:40:45 UTC
America had two options during the election Hillary Clinton or President Donald Trump. America did not vote for Donald Trump as a whole; this question is flawed. The popular vote was in favor of Hillary Clinton and the electoral college decided Trump was best. The people that did vote for Trump liked his policies and a small portion of them very much disliked Hillary Clinton and everything she has done.
2020-06-11 17:44:44 UTC
They voted based on entertainment value.  He's a great comedian, but now the script has become tiring and we now want a real President...
2020-06-11 16:09:32 UTC
Donald Trump was equally hated by the Republican party and Democrat Party .

that alone was enough to make people vote for him -- (note Trump has been a member of both parties) 

FYI the ideal of the electoral college is one to prevent major cities/states from bullying small cities/states with shear mob rule 

the USA is not a democracy it is a constitutional republic based on the fact in the time of founding 1776  in Europe where the founders wanted to escape from 

Mob rule was the only Opposition to theocracy and feudal rulers 

thus the small states have some say so in the running of the nation - the system did work  

President Trump in all reality was a third party candidate people had wanted for years 

JUST AS Bernie Sanders while a registered democrat was really not a party insider member 

While the people often say they are tired of the party(S) they still vote over and over for the same big brother candidates

President Trump was for the most part a third party candidate - while the media would have the English and world hate Trump as well try and lie to make the people hate him....... the BIG Brother Media is also dying power money wise and has less and less control of the people that they enjoyed for 100 years 

communication freedom is one of shared ideas not being told there is only one way to think 
2020-06-11 14:48:57 UTC
Great question and I appreciate an English woman wanting to know.  My perspective is that Trump won only a few critical states that swung the electoral college.  Trump did NOT win the popular vote. Russia waged social media warfare on us which helped sway enough people's opinions away from Hillary for Trump to win the electoral college.  That AND Comey getting involved politically at the lst minute, which he should have never done.
2020-06-11 11:40:15 UTC
Everyone tried to vote someone new, a wrestler at least.
2020-06-10 19:46:12 UTC
To Preserve Western Civilization!
2020-06-10 11:50:37 UTC
For me it wasn't so much a vote FOR Trump but a vote against Clinton. I don't agree with most Democrat policies generally but she was not electable. Her views on abortion and support for partial birth abortion were deeply abhorrent to me. A lot of the "secret" Trump voters that I know just wanted someone that wasn't a part of the establishment. They were tired of seeing the way that politicians have destroyed this country. 

@swiftchick, I live in a blue state, in one of the bluest cities in the country and I regularly see the destruction that dems are doing. 

@CiberNauta, America is already great. 
2020-06-10 11:46:34 UTC
Why did Britain vote for Boris? 
2020-06-15 02:29:27 UTC
Because many people hate Clinton and he sounded promising and honestly he is pretty good. Not perfect I am a little disappointed in the COVID deal but other then that I like him for the most part. 
2020-06-15 02:29:26 UTC
Because Hillary Clinton sucks.
2020-06-14 16:58:36 UTC
because the people of american that can vote are stupid because they made it so they had to choose between Hillary and Trump which were both awful chooses
2020-06-14 03:55:34 UTC
A lot of people were brainwashed by him, but also labor union members felt neglected and abandoned by Democrats.
2020-06-13 19:33:28 UTC
I voted for Trump because Hillary would have sold America just like European governments took money from Saudi to take in all of the middle east degenerates without a thought to the destruction of Europe. Is your life better with them in the UK? Do you feel safer? Do women feel safe? Do farm animals feel safe. NO! You were sold out for Saudi gold. Trump will never do that. Hillary would have, she had it planned to ship in millions of these degenerates. The thing about America though is we are armed. They would have had to keep it in their pants in conservative states or get it blown off. They have a free for all in Europe I hear, attacking children of both sexes in pools, at libraries in play grounds, attacking women, young men jogging, old women, old men they don't care, dogs, goats, sheep, horses. They are degenerates.
2020-06-13 16:57:42 UTC
Bcoz they needed a powerful leader and not an open free leader like Obama
2020-06-13 12:27:14 UTC
glmd they did not
2020-06-12 16:24:13 UTC
I think it was for a few of reasons:

1. Even though he is rich, I think that Trumps unsophisticated demeanor struck a chord with down home folks in places like the poor south.

2. Generally, Americans prize freedom over government control and services to individuals. Eurpean countries tend to be much more socialistic that the US. Obama was quite anti American in many respects and tried not only to raise the level of socialism but tried to bring American down a notch in the world view. It was easy for Trump to come along with the slogan "Make America Great Again". Though Trump is divisive, he has actually done allot of good things. He has placed America first and strives to protect it from predatorial countries. He has also brought business and the economy back. He has the guts to do what other presidents would not.

3. We are tired of politicians who just say thing to get elected. Trump works hard to keep his campaign promises.

I did not vote for Trump. However, I was ecstatic when I found out that Hillary did not win.

Note that Hillary won the popular vote but it is the electoral votes that count. The US uses an electoral college system in order to make voting fair for smaller states. Even though the losers call it a conspiracy, the electoral college is a good thing. Each state has the same number of electors as the number of people in the house of representatives and the senate. It is the same kind of compromise. Each state has 2 senators and each state has a number of representatives according to population. When we vote, we choose electors that vote according to our choice and each state gives all of their electoral votes to one candidate depending on the popular vote of the state.
2020-06-12 04:55:39 UTC
Because he was the lesser of 2 evils and is once again the lesser of 2 evils this year. Down with Sleepy Joe!
2020-06-11 22:28:28 UTC
Crooked Hillary is very crooked.
2020-06-11 19:06:36 UTC
I'm guessing fear, greed, bigotry.....
2020-06-11 17:04:31 UTC
Many voters are just racist and desperate to get a white man back in office. But Many Democrats did too because the left has become just as bad if not worse than the right and they wanted the change that Obama promised but never delivered.  

And we were scared as hell of electing a known corrupt politician that won't go away and we were ready to take a chance on a political outsider.  And Trump had name recognition already. The Russians just happened to agree with us for their own reasons but make no mistake, the American people elected Trump not the Russians. 
2020-06-11 16:53:44 UTC
He has some pretty good ideas 
2020-06-11 16:13:27 UTC
didn't want just another 'professional' politician in office .............
2020-06-11 16:02:10 UTC
Feeling scared makes people act irrational.   Tabloid headlines about islamist terror made americans believe they're dead if they wote for Hilary......(although Sanders was my favorite)
2020-06-11 13:12:31 UTC
Keep America and freedom alive  . Deal with terrorists foreign and domestic .Economy . Law and order . Trade deals . Stronger NATO. Keep us away from destructive leftist policies . Clean up radicals in the government swamp . Put Churchills bust back in the White House . The very first thing Obama did was send Churchill's bust back to England . For his honesty .  Like him or not , you know exactly what he thinks about any person or subject , which is a extremely rare trait to find in any person . He is not a phony bum who can be pushed around by potential foreign enemies or domestic thugs .  Lastly , he is a great fan of Basil Rathbone which was the first thing that struck my attention about Trump's noble character 
2020-06-11 01:47:15 UTC
This question has been asked and answered numerous times. People were fed up with politics as usual from these parties and chose an outsider (businessman) for president. Career politicians stay in these positions 30 to 40 years and don't accomplish much for the people.
Weasel McWeasel
2020-06-10 12:42:23 UTC
Ohhhhhh, many many factors, really........

mainly because republicans have grown increasingly, bat sh*t insane and militant about opposing the other side of the aisle..........mainly,  *just because*  it  IS, the other side of the aisle. 

With the loss of a generation of true diplomats.......Senators with brains, who KNEW how to cross the aisle and compromise  to get things done...... Senators like  Ted Kennedy and John McCain,  who could buck their own party, and intelligently explain why..........  yeah,  sadly we've lost most of that generation........and now what we have are career POLITICIANS . 

People voted in whose one and ONLY concern, is being re-elected for life. 

Everything else be damned. 

But somewhere around the GOP refusing to call Bush to task for invading Iraq on trumped up LIES...........and then in 2004,   they  "Swiftboated"  a decorated Vietnam Vet.......and tried to make that into a BAD thing.........

then in 2008 with all the  deplorable racist Birther crap........which they gleefully repeated in in 2012.......costing them another election.......

and then in odd thing happened...... despite the field being wide open because Obama's 2 terms were over........NO ONE stood up to oppose Hillary.  It was like she was just ANNOINTED the sole candidate for president........and no one was suppose to DARE challenge her. 

Weird by any standard........but even werider, because she came with a TON and a HALF of baggage.....and republicans were just OBSESSED with hating her.   Like INSANELY she was a lightning rod for  all kinds of HATE.......... and by all accounts,  made some considerable blunders while campaigning. 

Trump on the other, was treated like a JOKE at first.......... most of the other 17 candidates,  just laughing at him.    But as each  one of them  blew their own toes off........and just proved to be even more laughable than Trump.......another funny thing happened............ people actually starting LIKING  Trump. 

and there was  this great anti-Hillary,  Anti-Clinton,  Anti-Establishment  groundswell at the time........and Trump ending up becoming like this  Anti-Establishment figure. 

You've seen in other countries.......people sooooooooo fed up, they elected COMEDIANS   as president,  or prime ministers or whatever. 

So what did Trump do,???  He dug up the dead BIRTHER Horse and appealed to all those brain dead morons, and they were all too willing to back a candidate  who was going to LEGITIMIZE  their racist stupidity.....and make them IMPORTANT again. 

The rest of us, shook our heads, and laughed,  and didn't think there were THAT many stupid racists in America, that he could possibly win......

buttttttttttttt,   as fate would have it.............

never underestimate stupidity.........and the race was wire close........and Trump won just enough states by a cats whisker,  that he carried ELECTORAL actually WIN.    Pretty much  STUNNING the entire be honest. 

No one would have THUNK it.........No one did........ and even Trump himself looked like he couldn't actually believe he had ZERO qualifications for the job.   ZERO. 

But----the electoral college had spoken----and that's how this total to be president of the United States . 

A combination of poor timing,   the democrats not offering any choices other than Hillary.........who even many democrats didn't like and voted against her............a small opposition put up by Bernie Sanders, which also cost her valuable votes............the GOP putting up 17 clowns with no chance and no one liked.........

and the dominoes just fell all in Trumps favor......

I sincerely  doubt those same factors will be at play this election......and Biden will most likely probably easily beat him........thank GOD. 

But those that support Trump........they are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far gone, and will support him to the bitter end, no matter what he does. 

So I do not doubt he will still have a decent showing.......but not enough to WIN, this time..............I hope! 
2020-06-10 12:10:25 UTC
Trump is the only one that had balls enough to go against the corrupt world. He's not a career politician. You know what's coming out of his mouth is what's in his heart. He doesn't subscribe to identity politics and is about empowering everyone equally. Aaand Hillary is an evil witch crook.
2020-06-10 11:47:15 UTC
Because Hillary Clinton in box A.

No like box A.

So this proof that box B is better. 
Robin W
2020-06-14 00:11:25 UTC
Propaganda works. 
2020-06-13 23:15:13 UTC
Frankly, I think it had to do with people being fed up with the politically correct status quo that became entrenched in American politics during the Obama presidency, coalescing around the fact that Hilary Clinton was apparently a very unlikable candidate in much of middle America.

Add to that Donald Trump's promise to bring manufacturing jobs back to the rust belt, and the fact that Clinton seemed to take key states like Michigan and Wisconsin for granted, and it was like the toppling of dominos which resulted in Trump winning the electoral college, and ultimately the presidency.

The reality is that white people are still a majority of American voters, and calling them racists, calling men sexists or misogynists, and venomously telling coal miners who are losing their jobs that they should "learn to code" was not a good look for the Democrats...and so outside of their elitist strongholds, enough voters were put off their message to encourage them to vote for Trump.
2020-06-13 17:31:26 UTC
Most Americans DIDN'T vote for trump
2020-06-13 12:41:04 UTC
Same reason BJ GOT ELECTED racists blinded by racism
2020-06-13 09:49:16 UTC
Same Question, Why did the British vote for Brexit?
2020-06-13 02:10:45 UTC
Trump reformed the prisons, funded Black colleges and lowered Black unemployment to its lowest point EVER.  

Dems cities are being burned to the ground because of institutional racism still exists because Dem mayors have done ZERO to make any changes over the last 60 years.

Dems might as well put the Confederate flag around their necks as top Dems paused to remember the slave boats as they honor the African tribe that provided the slaves.

Dems elected a dilapidated old WHITE guy with dementia to prove to Republicans that WHITE privilege DOMINATES the Dem party and to insult intelligent and articulate people of color who won't forget their names in November.
W.T. Door
2020-06-12 21:05:25 UTC

Trump would do all he could for America and Americans.

Clinton would have done all she could for Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton. 
2020-06-12 17:22:34 UTC
Most Americans did not vote for Trump. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by millions. There were massive demonstrations after the results were known. Basically many blacks and Democrats stayed home thinking Hillary would win or they cast protest votes for a more liberal candidate than she, and she lost some key states such as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan as a result.
2020-06-12 14:16:34 UTC
We didn't. The *other* criminal won by 3 million votes.
2020-06-12 13:09:04 UTC
I dunno, maybe there were a huge silent majority that like his point of view at the time, better than Hillary Clinton
2020-06-12 04:48:31 UTC
Are you familiar with Hillary Clinton? Start your research there. 
2020-06-11 20:19:01 UTC
He knew before the election that "the system is rigged." His words, not mine. The link is to a Washington post article published in October 2016. At the end of the last debate he stated, "No matter what the outcome of the election, the fix is in."
2020-06-11 19:43:24 UTC
they did it for the meme
2020-06-11 14:40:49 UTC
The majority of us didn’t vote for him. He lost the popular vote, but because of the electoral college, he won. I have no idea why anyone voted for him. He did make a lot of promises in his campaign that appealed to conservatives, but he didn’t keep most of those promises. He makes me ashamed to be American, and embarrasses my country on a daily basis. 

I’m not the least bit surprised that he behaves the way he does. He behaved like that during his campaign too. I guess some people wanted a misogynistic, racist, hateful potty mouth to lead our country. The problem is that when we actually have a crisis, he fails to lead in any meaningful way at a time when we need leadership the most. He seems to enjoy dividing people and pushing groups of people against each other. I think he might be trying to start a civil war. He leads the country as if he’s a little boy playing with his action figures. 
2020-06-11 03:20:58 UTC
I didn't vote for him. It's not my fault he won.
Billy theMAGA carnivore
2020-06-11 01:18:16 UTC
Because he is the leadership we need. A straight simple honest macho kind of guy!
2020-06-10 17:50:31 UTC
common sense, logic, and the deep desire to end failed obama inspired radical marxism.
2020-06-10 12:45:01 UTC
I'm intrigued too... But it's also hard to understand how Germany,  one of the places of origin of Enlightenment, could let the nazis to get to power....
2020-06-10 12:00:31 UTC
A backlash against President Obama, who was a backlash against Bush. The nation is deeply polarized presently. 

Millions cast votes for (now) President Trump to deny Hillary Clinton the Presidency. 
2020-06-10 11:49:00 UTC
We like people that the media hate.  Kind of like how you all liked Princess Diana even though your media wanted her dead, eventually succeeding.  .  
2020-06-14 00:39:54 UTC
Check Newt Gingrich's website Gingrich 360 and see what lies in store for America if they DON'T re-elect Mr.Trump.
Kazoo M
2020-06-13 15:26:29 UTC
Catholics support Pro-Life with great unity.

The unborn is a gift from God that we cherish.

I don't care about anything else, if the candidate supports pro-life I must vote for him or her!

Otherwise, I directly oppose God and the bible.
2020-06-13 14:48:04 UTC
America was running out of money they had no one with money to help us, 

Trump has money he never uses 

now we have people giving money for a wall that never was, 

someone is doing something Or nothing
2020-06-13 12:01:14 UTC
It was a racist white response to a black president who actually did his job well. So they wanted to erase his accomplishment from the history book. They elected a Racist.
2020-06-12 21:27:40 UTC
cuz eurofags like u beat your meat over european superiority
2020-06-12 21:19:06 UTC
Trump has been a far better President than Hellary would have been. He is about 80% right.  He does have problems. 1 his mouth. Sounds of faster with  little more intiligence than a American cop.  & I would not want him for my doctor. But he has done a good job & does try to put America first. That needs done!
2020-06-12 19:00:05 UTC
My theory is that America voted for Trump because the National Democratic Party tried to push Hillary Clinton as the presidential candidate thinking people would just vote for whoever the Democrat was.  Problem was that the American people really didn't like having Hillary Clinton forced on them, so too many placed protest votes for Trump. 
2020-06-12 18:12:47 UTC
I'm gonna go with anger. Anger at the political system and its corruption that has caused economic deprivation for the man on the street. The problem is that this anger put someone in charge who does not know how to run the country and has turned to other corrupt people to do so.

The one thing I respect about Trump is that he hasn't yet gone to war abroad - however, he has made regular Americans poorer, the source of the anger, I suspect, in the first place.

I also think that the candidate who won the popular vote, love her or hate her, likely also won the electoral college if there hadn't been overseas interference - the evidence is still coming out.
2020-06-12 15:18:49 UTC
He said what everyone else was afraid to say but what everyone else


to say. 
2020-06-12 03:32:23 UTC
The electoral college did not us citizens.
Judy and Charlie
2020-06-11 22:15:13 UTC
Believe me, Americans are genuinely questioning how in blue hell someone like Trump was elected.

Hillary Clinton received the majority of the popular vote and was the choice of the American people.  However, we have a system attached to our elections call an Electoral College.  Every state has so many of these representatives.  the PROBLEM is that some of these representatives didn't vote as their constituents demanded and thus, the will of the American People was not done. 

Now states have passed new laws demanding that their Electoral College representatives cast their votes as their constituents choose....not independently of the people they represent.  This is progress.
Ghost Of Christmas Past
2020-06-11 15:41:08 UTC
Genuine answer: they didn't.  Hillary Clinton won the election by over 2 million votes - but the USA is not a democracy.  The minority voted for Trump because he was a reality TV star (he played the same role in the American version of The Apprentice as Alan Sugar does in the original).  Nearly half of Americans wouldn't know reality if they tripped over it.
Jake No Chat
2020-06-11 14:45:10 UTC
The exit polls revealed that people just did not trust Hillary.  People knew that Trump was no role model, but at least he was an outsider who was able to work hard and perhaps make some needed changes.  Hillary represented a typical corrupt politician, and people concluded that she felt like she was owed, and felt like she wanted the title of being President, and that she would not want to work hard to address the needs of the nation.  And to many, Hillary would have kept pursuing the failed practices of Obama.  So to wrap it all up, Hillary represented the past, and at least offered hope for the future.
2020-06-11 13:45:44 UTC
Because he is:

The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns

The “genius” who hides his college grades

The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years

The “playboy” who pays for sex

The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church

The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity

The “patriot” who dodged the draft

The “innocent man” who refuses to testify

The “president” who takes no responsibility

The “tough, strong man” who wears makeup and hairspray

The “deal maker” who has yet to close a deal

The "Charlatan" who is all of the above.
2020-06-11 07:12:25 UTC
Keep watching maybe ull figure it out
2020-06-11 02:54:37 UTC
Did you see his opponents?  I didn't actually vote "for" anyone so much as "against" everyone else.
2020-06-10 23:06:51 UTC
He is the truest reflection of their culture.
2020-06-10 19:56:46 UTC
Most people didnt vote for him. We vote by district. So if 10 people vote for one person in one district, and 12 people vote for another person in that district, that district gets 1 electoral vote. If they count every single vote, it is called the popular vote and it does not count, even if more individuals voted for the other person.

So if there are more districts that voted for one person that makes a total vote for the entire State.

This concept was build when people from the country did not have any means to get to town and give a vote, and it never changed. There is a thing, it is called "garrymandering". Sometimes they change the district boarders, so they get enough votes for their party. There were also times in history where a party would move entire families to another district for a given time frame, so they could get votes.

Now, you may think that it is a fair voting systrem, but because of the fact that many people know that their vote doesnt even count they dont vote at all. Overall, only about 30% of people vote here in the States.
2020-06-10 14:08:47 UTC
I can only tell you why I did.

I don't know what percentage of voters did so for the same reason.

For me

I definitely did not want Trump as President


I wanted Clinton even less.

It's that simple.

Note: similar scenario this election

but at this point I still don't know which I want more to NOT be President.
2020-06-10 11:47:15 UTC
To stop illegal aliens, to get rid of the deepstate, to go after criminals, to stop socialism 
2020-06-15 20:41:34 UTC
Maybe because we kinde wanted to see a 3rd world war happening? Idk
2020-06-14 05:03:53 UTC
Fox News performed even better at persuading gullible people of lies than Nazi Germany's propaganda machine did, for strikingly similar Hitler.
The Lightning Strikes
2020-06-13 15:17:42 UTC
Ok, for one thing, believe nothing that a Liberal tells you here, I seen one answer claiming that the American People did, the electoral college did, Poppycock! Look, Had Hillary won, those crybaby libtards would be OK with the Electoral college, But No, if they don't then they have a problem with it, Talk about your crybabies.

Look, The American people got sick and tired of the same old Politics, they wanted a Business man to run the country, NOT some socialist Globalist Liberal who wants a New World Order One world Government, Obama and the Democrats want nothing but to send this country into a 3rd world country so as to merge it with a one world Government.

See this video
2020-06-13 09:04:44 UTC
Because the idea of Hillary as a president was scary.
2020-06-12 21:15:50 UTC
Ignorance.  However, if America did not have the Electoral College, Clinton would have won.  
2020-06-12 17:59:52 UTC
I’m a woman. I was poor during all of Obama’s years.

3 years later, my small business exploded, I finally bought a house with $60k down, was able to go on a lot of fun vacations with my husband, we have a healthy baby on the way and now this is my bank account.

This is why we voted for Trump. Because despite what the media tries to cherry-pick and manipulate you into believing, Americans are far more successful and prosperous than they were 4 years ago. And this financial success leads to happiness, lower crime, better quality of life, more fun, more security, and less health issues 
2020-06-12 15:45:44 UTC
Because Trump was a far better candidate than Hillary Clinton.  Trump has better ideas, and actually kept most of his promises.

Hillary Clinton is a Radical Socialist.  She is a racist snob who looks down on the Middle Class and the Working Class as "deplorables."  One of her worst ideas was her plan to hand over children to the "care" of the United Nations (i.e., Socialist brainwashing).  Hillary Clinton does not believe that parents have the right to raise their own children.  She is totally dangerous, and she would have been a terrible President, maybe even worse than Obama.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-06-12 12:23:13 UTC
The American people did not vote for the malignantly narcissistic sociopathic incompetent Donald Trump in sufficient numbers to elect this ugly "Eden snake" man.  If you recall the 2016 election, remember that even with all the widespread right-wing GOP voter suppression, black-box vote tampering, and the $2,000,000 per month spent by Putin's Russian MAFIA oligarchs to interfere in our election to block Hillary Clinton's win in order to put a KOMPROMAT lifts-wearing phony at our helm, Hillary Clinton won the election by well over 3,000,000 votes, making Hillary Rodham Clinton our LEGITIMATE 45th President.  The "winner-take-all" primaries in three key states gave extra unearned ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes in the last hours of the election to an utterly unqualified Russia-backed Trump.  Ordinarily, the electoral college votes are divided up proportionate to the number of votes, but this election was deliberately rigged---perhaps by the villainous domestic terrorists named in Jane Mayer's 2017 book "DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" and also by what 35-year CIA counterterrorism expert Malcolm Nance exposes in "The Plot to Destroy Democracy: How Putin and His Spies Are Undermining America and Dismantling the West." 

Democrats and Independents outnumber the corporate-colluding too-far right-wing Republicans by at least 2 to 1 in our elections, and thanks to the UTTER INCOMPETENCE and CORRUPTION of Trump, we also now have Republicans voting with us as well.  As one criminally partisan right-wing southern (white nationalist) Congressional Republican accidently let slip: "We can't allow vote-by-mail or Republicans would never win another election."  

We could have had a V8 (high-powered engine) with Hillary and instead we are temporarily stuck with a lifts-wearing putt-putz.  
2020-06-12 00:05:21 UTC
1) The democrats didn't offer a reasonable alternative

2) Trump was seen as an outsider who couldn't be bought. 

3) Trump really pisses off liberals. 

4) The country needed someone very different from the disaster that was Obama. 
2020-06-11 15:38:30 UTC
Everyone makes mistakes. Now, the world knows we failed to elect a sane person. He is going to make America great again by going to prison. He conned the people. A lesson learned.
2020-06-11 15:37:58 UTC
Our god-blighted, benighted former colonials are all daft as a f*cking brush?


Just a thought like
2020-06-11 15:30:20 UTC
cuz he made a lot of propagram and made us think he was the correct.
2020-06-11 13:19:13 UTC
We wanted to try something new. We were tired of good leadership and thought what if we elect a leader who is as fluent in the McDonalds menu as one should be in English. Let me tell you, it is much more interesting with corrupt leadership and a surprise around everywhere. So we were bored with our guard down and the rednecks, conservatives, and republicans found out. 
2020-06-11 11:37:08 UTC

Trump didn't win by the popular vot so i's

no fair to say all of us voted for him bu

Hilry wasn't diverse enough to win said elcn!

2020-06-11 08:12:09 UTC
I don't believe that the majority of America did, TBH. Hillary was the other option, and that was part of the problem.
2020-06-11 08:10:11 UTC
Most cops and troopers are supporters.
2020-06-11 00:15:41 UTC
he gave people permission to be their worst 
2020-06-10 23:48:22 UTC
I was sick of the same ole, same ole from the elitist, establishment, globalist politicians. By the way, they are found both sides of the aisle.
2020-06-10 14:36:06 UTC
he won because the Opposition never had a worthy opponent

that is why he will be in for another 4 years
Chewy Ivan 2
2020-06-10 12:05:04 UTC
Mainly that Hillary was not well trusted and failed to campaign in the middle of the country.  People fell for Trump's claims that he could turn is business acumen into a source of prosperity for the whole country.  Trump won over states by slim margins that had voted for Obama the last two elections, giving him the edge in electoral votes despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.
2020-06-14 06:10:32 UTC
First of all, a lot of Americans didn't vote in 2016, including yours truly. Most people saw that either candidate was corrupt, 2 entitled rich blondes who used to be each other's parties, and had connections to rape and organized crime, both Zionist stooges. Seriously 2016 was a year that had like some of the lowest amount of voting, ever. 

If anything the 2016 elections were an insult to our intelligence. Both candidates sucked, and if political candidates are an indicator of where a country is at, then it showed that America has a pervasive spirit of disgruntled anger and malcontent. They're rage personified, just in 2 different toxic flavors. Their appeal was to anger, and anger was their message.

 There were never Trump Republicans and democrats who felt morally obliged to NOT vote for Hillary. I've met some, both of them were very soft spoken and classy ladies, one was family. Now, things get interesting: a lot of the people who voted for Trump did so reluctantly. Some were single issue voters, some were doing it for party lines, some basically flipped a coin and said "who's the lesser of 2 evils." 

Others who voted for Trump thought that Trump might actually be able to shake things up a bit, and that even with his horrific flaws, he might create enough chaos to shake the grip of the establishment on power. Basically some people who voted for Trump said "it's gotta get worse before it gets better." Some well meaning people who didn't know any better saw Trump as their Andrew Jackson, he was a wild card that did a lot of things wrong but at least shook the banks. Others who were evil saw Trump as their Hitler. In truth, many were in between, seeing him as a Julius Caesar. (Right now a lot of countries in the world seem to have their democracy skewed by Caesarism). 

So yes, some people voted for Trump because they were racist or otherwise toxic, but so many did not. Most people didn't vote period. SOME people who voted for Trump were actually democrats who were so pissed off with that little hijacking move where Hillary basically replaced Bernie Sanders, that they voted for Trump simply to teach the democrats a lesson. That lesson? Stop giving us sh*t heads and start giving us better candidates (her words, not mine). Even a young liberal friend said that she saw Hillary Clinton as "The Man", which is a bad thing, and the only reason why she would begrudgingly vote for this woman was because she was also a rape victim and didn't quite take kindly to some of Trump's rapey locker room talk. 

Is this painting a clearer picture for you, now? Some people took their chances with Trump because Hillary represented the establishment, almost as a way of punishing the corporate democrats who had become basically the same out of touch, warmongering imperialists that they complain about the NeoCons being. Some just realized that Trump was one also all along, or that he wasn't going to be able to resist them. The fact that a lot of liberals are in denial how evil Hillary is, or the fact they would vote for a woman who was just as bad as Trump or any NeoConservative for the simple fact she's a goddamned woman shows you how even young people who would normally be liberal have lost faith in the democratic party.

Besides, the democrats got Trump elected just as much as his conservative voting base did. Although I think that Obama and his family were pretty classy, Obama's supporters were pretty insufferable with their over the top, culturally marxist, reverse racist political correctness that punished anyone right of Joseph Stalin. The fact that the same people who raised hell when George Bush went to war, but stayed silent when Obama did more of the same speaks volumes. They were okay with Obama having some influence in the militarization of the police. It shows that a lot of liberal democrats simply hate euro centric christianity and western civilization, and are okay with doing all the evil f*cked up things they hate about the right, as long as it's the liberal version. 

Of course, I have my issues with the conservatives, too, for compromising their small gov personally responsibility values to support a taxing police state which constantly breaks the law, but that's another argument for another day.

 The American people didn't collectively vote for Trump. Most people didn't vote, and those who voted for Trump voted for different reasons. Some were racists, but some of those racists were pushed over the edge by the non sense of people being retards on the left wing during the Obama administration. Some were liberals and democrats who felt a need to teach their party a lesson after it disappointment them. 

Look, online somebody held a mock election to see who would get the most votes: Trump, Hillary, or Harambe the dead gorilla. Naturally the dead gorilla won, as he should. Harambe died for our sins. Perhaps he had dirt on Hillary and was trying to tell that kid something. 

But if you don't want Trump to win, then provide a better candidate or reform for the status quo. I say that to both parties. Trump is your fault, not ours. You need a better argument than "Orange man bad." You can't just say "racism is bad" with the articulation of a 4 year old and expect to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Hell, the fact that people couldn't get over every little thing Trump did just gave him free air time, and he ate it up. Seriously, if I was going to blame somebody for Trump, I might  blame the left more than the right, even though I notice the right is very reluctant to admit how somethings Trump has done has actually hurt them, too (but they wanted revenge, so they got it). 

 Trump's a republican Bill Clinton. There, that should insult both sides. 
2020-06-14 03:00:48 UTC
Because the electoral college is an outdated, ineffective system that the founding fathers settled on after a never-ending debate. It makes logical sense that popular vote makes more sense. After all, the president of America should be chosen by the people(the citizens) of America, not the state-adjusted average.
2020-06-13 18:20:17 UTC
Mostly racism.
2020-06-13 15:15:26 UTC
He hates the same people they hate and is very open about it.
2020-06-13 12:33:47 UTC
because the other choice was HRC
2020-06-13 08:32:27 UTC
Most likely, Americans wants a change after being too tired of skilled politician. MAGA

e.g. Trump stood against China to pay for the CV blunder.
2020-06-13 03:26:13 UTC
Because most presidents are 6 feet tall and Mrs Clinton wasn’t.  Think about this.  Very few presidents are shorter than 6 feet. Sounds crazy but it’s true.  Americans do not want a short President.
2020-06-13 00:05:29 UTC
They didn't. The election was rigged by faulty voting machines Russian help suppression moving polling places in poor neighborhoods and purging many from the voter roll. Republicans lost but they took it just the same. 
2020-06-12 21:27:58 UTC
As an English woman, you're invited to shut up and mind your own business when it comes to American politics.
2020-06-12 20:37:22 UTC
Trump lost the popular vote by the people, it was the electoral college that put him in presidency. Everyone in America has been disappointed ever since 
2020-06-12 15:11:28 UTC
Because hes gonna build a showerstall
2020-06-12 07:19:31 UTC
As a slightly liberal, slightly Democrat, independent, moderate, I became sick of watching the liberal, leftist, Democrat extremism agenda traveling more and more toward socialism. The USSR showed that it did not work well.  The business as usual, good old boys political Network in Washington DC needed to be broken, and Donald Trump was just the man to do that! Drain the swamp! Now, look at how all the Alligators Act, LOL! They are so far from being public servants that I just don't know what to call them.
2020-06-12 00:12:31 UTC
We didn't.  More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump.  

The operation of our antiquated Electoral College system gave Trump the victory based on very, very narrow leads in 3 key states. 
2020-06-11 21:07:43 UTC
Dipsh*terry and racism
2020-06-11 18:25:17 UTC
That's an unfair blanket statement.  Many of us are SO tired of being blamed for voting for Trump, because millions of folks like me voted AGAINST him!  However, we're never acknowledged.  
2020-06-11 11:54:56 UTC
To keep Hillary out of office. She is a Stalinist/Socialist.
2020-06-11 11:32:51 UTC
 America (and allies) fought a 2nd world war to defeat a diabolical madman and his syncophants.  Now, we have allowed a Hitler wanna-be to masquerade as president. Utter nonsense!
2020-06-11 04:35:35 UTC
Tired of wimpy democrats getting bent over by other countries.
2020-06-10 18:35:16 UTC
We only had  2 choices. Hillary who was only pandered to the feminist movement and expected the press to do the campaign for her  or there was Trump who was a business man and  promised to  build a wall Plus America wasn't ready for a woman to be president.  What made her lose is when she said what difference does it make while wearing sunglasses during the Bengazi hearing  
2020-06-10 11:52:04 UTC
Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. We elected Trump to keep the crazy democrats out of power. 
2020-06-12 13:24:53 UTC
Because of the racism of the racist cons!
2020-06-11 16:51:15 UTC

Trump definitely deserved his selection!(At that Time)
2020-06-10 12:20:43 UTC
As you saw by the popular vote, we did not vote him in.  We had someone who was so jealous over getting beat that the electorial votes were shifted to a complete idiot.  Instead of a President, we have someone who has been placed in the Guinness Book of Records as the Biggest Liar in Political Office.  And it started immediately using the pictures of Barack Obama's Inauguration because he needs to show he was more popular. It didn't work!!  People and reporters caught it so quickly.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.