Ohhhhhh, many many factors, really........
mainly because republicans have grown increasingly, bat sh*t insane and militant about opposing the other side of the aisle..........mainly, *just because* it IS, the other side of the aisle.
With the loss of a generation of true diplomats.......Senators with brains, who KNEW how to cross the aisle and compromise to get things done...... Senators like Ted Kennedy and John McCain, who could buck their own party, and intelligently explain why.......... yeah, sadly we've lost most of that generation........and now what we have are career POLITICIANS .
People voted in whose one and ONLY concern, is being re-elected for life.
Everything else be damned.
But somewhere around the GOP refusing to call Bush to task for invading Iraq on trumped up LIES...........and then in 2004, they "Swiftboated" a decorated Vietnam Vet.......and tried to make that into a BAD thing.........
then in 2008 with all the deplorable racist Birther crap........which they gleefully repeated in in 2012.......costing them another election.......
and then in 2016.......an odd thing happened...... despite the field being wide open because Obama's 2 terms were over........NO ONE stood up to oppose Hillary. It was like she was just ANNOINTED the sole candidate for president........and no one was suppose to DARE challenge her.
Weird by any standard........but even werider, because she came with a TON and a HALF of baggage.....and republicans were just OBSESSED with hating her. Like INSANELY obsessed.........so she was a lightning rod for all kinds of HATE.......... and by all accounts, made some considerable blunders while campaigning.
Trump on the other, was treated like a JOKE at first.......... most of the other 17 candidates, just laughing at him. But as each one of them blew their own toes off........and just proved to be even more laughable than Trump.......another funny thing happened............ people actually starting LIKING Trump.
and there was this great anti-Hillary, Anti-Clinton, Anti-Establishment groundswell at the time........and Trump ending up becoming like this Anti-Establishment figure.
You've seen in other countries.......people sooooooooo fed up, they elected COMEDIANS as president, or prime ministers or whatever.
So what did Trump do,??? He dug up the dead BIRTHER Horse and appealed to all those brain dead morons, and they were all too willing to back a candidate who was going to LEGITIMIZE their racist stupidity.....and make them IMPORTANT again.
The rest of us, shook our heads, and laughed, and didn't think there were THAT many stupid racists in America, that he could possibly win......
buttttttttttttt, as fate would have it.............
never underestimate stupidity.........and the race was wire close........and Trump won just enough states by a cats whisker, that he carried ELECTORAL votes......to actually WIN. Pretty much STUNNING the entire country.....to be honest.
No one would have THUNK it.........No one did........ and even Trump himself looked like he couldn't actually believe it...........as he had ZERO qualifications for the job. ZERO.
But----the electoral college had spoken----and that's how this total BUFFOON..........got to be president of the United States .
A combination of poor timing, the democrats not offering any choices other than Hillary.........who even many democrats didn't like and voted against her............a small opposition put up by Bernie Sanders, which also cost her valuable votes............the GOP putting up 17 clowns with no chance and no one liked.........
and the dominoes just fell all in Trumps favor......
I sincerely doubt those same factors will be at play this election......and Biden will most likely probably easily beat him........thank GOD.
But those that support Trump........they are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too far gone, and will support him to the bitter end, no matter what he does.
So I do not doubt he will still have a decent showing.......but not enough to WIN, this time..............I hope!