why do people not understand the way of us emos?
ϟ♫ϟ .©lara©ensored. ϟ♫ϟ
2009-04-20 06:01:46 UTC
ok wow, why do people hate on emo people so much...if emo isnt real....then either is gangster, prep, girly, anything!!! **** LIFE
148 answers:
2009-04-20 06:09:24 UTC
It's a fad aren't're repeating the 70's.....different name is all.
2009-04-20 16:56:32 UTC
Ok so i gotta agree with somethings. u cant hate labels and then preach that you are emo. I understand cutting though, and the music. and the poetry. and the writing. and the pictures. and the dark colors.

Ok so I was emo once. I'll admit it cause I don't think it was a bad thing. Sometimes its just really hard to make it. U feel like no one understands u, and that's actually true. I mean no one totally knows what you are going through, and some people handle things differently.

They really have no right to judge.

These people just need to learn acceptance.

I understand the "way of us emos" even if i ain't emo anymore,

and im people!

but not everyone does

there is a little thing called ignorance

and a lot of stereotypical people seem to be ignorant and anything but empathictic
Jacob W
2009-04-20 06:35:33 UTC
I am a grandfather but since you posted this question in the politics area, it caught my attention. Here is the way I see it. There are now and have always been people who feel that the do not fit in. So, sometimes those people find a way to make not fitting in seem attractive. Emo is just such a way.

I do not judge nor pretent to understand every nuance or issue you and your fellow Emo's have but I was once a teen myself, my sons were teens and my grandchildren will someday be teens, too. So I try to keep up with things as well as an old man can.

The problem I have with your lifestyle is the same problem I had with Hippies in my time, punks in my sons' time and Emos now is that it can become self-distructive. The reason is, because it is a lot easier to give up trying and pretend trying is pointless than to do the work necessary to become a successful adult. That is what a lot of young people sometimes do.

Life is short, trust me. These are your formative years and it can be the most difficult period of your life. For pretty much everybody, teen years are filled with questions, problems, confusion and difficulties. If they are compounded by the fact that one is not accepted by the group it can magnify those problems to unbearable levels. It is not surprising some choose to stop trying.

The problem for you is that if this style prevents you from dealing with your own issues, stops you from learning necessary coping skills, hinders your development or makes you see only the darkest side of everything, it will seriously damage the rest of your life.

Being contrary is always attractive because it takes so much less effort than conforming. But being able to conform is an important skill. Without it, you will have very limited options.

I wish you the best and hope you realize that everyone is in the same boat as you are. We all have to spend this part of our lives defining what our character and personality is going to be. Will you be a problem solver or a quitter? Will you be ready to act or unprepared? Will you be the one people can talk to or the one people avoid?

You have do define yourself. If being Emo inhibits that process I strongly suggest you abandon it and find something more helpful to your psyche. Otherwise, you will find yourself an eternal teenager in maturity. And Lord knows, teenage is bad enough when it is only one decade long.

I wish you well.

2009-04-20 06:39:11 UTC
I just have to wonder at them, as a person over the half century mark. Being emo is a fad. Being a hippie was a fad in the sixties and being a wild child in the 70s was a fad. I think what bothers me most about kids that are emos are the cutters. I don't much care if kids today want to dress up in black and sport weird hair styles, but this cutting stuff is something I don't get. When I was a teen in the 70s NO ONE did that. I actually think that being 'emo' is a thing that young kids do to want to belong to something. And that's far from original. No one hates you. Most people want to understand you.
2009-04-20 06:33:55 UTC
Because you call yourself "EMO", talk about how "EMO" you are, how "EMO" you look and how you are a real "EMO" and everyone else is just a try hard fake.

It is just pathetic and AS BAD as those who go around calling themselves "gangsta and etc.

If it wasn't for the fact that "emos" didn't go around talking about how emo they are and dressing to look like every other "emo" maybe people wouldn't hate you as much.

It's not that people don't "understand" the way's of "emos", it's that they can't stand a bunch of clone teens that do nothing but ***** and focus on all the negatives in life when they have no understanding of hardship or suffering. Look at it this way, those who can afford to dress and look "emo" all seem to come from good middle income homes, not poor broken homes. FUNNY THAT.

While I could say that people hate your ignorance, the way you carry on like spoiled 10 year olds and the fact that you have no sense or concept of the term individuality, likely it's your **** "f**k life"attitude and negative outlook on life and the world in general that everyone is sick of.

Grow up.
2009-04-20 06:17:10 UTC
Man I hate emos!

I mean, the whole prescribing to a fad thing is lame anyways but emos are the worst ones.

I'm at work right now, I'm in blue jeans, a nice undershirt and a button up collared shirt. What does that make me? I don't consider myself a 'prep' or anything. This isn't high school. This is real life and in the real business world there are simply people you would hire for your information systems position or your human resources management position and those you wouldn't. I can guarantee you that anybody that prescribes them self to a 'fad' or a particular mode of risky dress would not be hired. This applies to everything. I used to consider myself a metal head. Doc Martin's, chain wallet, black T-shirt. I grew up and with any luck, so will you.
2009-04-20 06:33:15 UTC
Who the f@#! are you so pissed off at that you have to be depressed all the damn time... You need to go out and get a full makeover, buy some new clothes and figure some **** out. Then maybe you won't need to mope around all day like a sick dog and never need to worry about what people think of you and your emo attitude. I am neither emo, nor gangster, girly, preppy, or any classification. I am me and I am perfectly okay with that.
2009-04-20 06:12:12 UTC
I think there are many people who have great respect for Emos. I'm older, and in my day I would have been considered an iconoclast or a member of the counterculture. It's a good place to be, as long as you don't get trapped in the cycle of drugs or depression (which sometimes happens to outcasts). Those things can do long-term damage, and I know that from working with addicts. At any rate, you're not hated, but some of your peers may be a little intimidated by you, some may want be closer to you but are too uncool for you, and some don't care either way. The few haters are immature jerks who will end up being losers later in life. You won't be one.
2009-04-20 22:17:54 UTC
listen, ppl who r emo, like, srlsly depressed n drowning in misery and all that...nobody WANTS to be that way. hell, whatever you might consider close to a REAL emo tends to DENY the fact that their emo...there is a music genre of emo, but thats steadily dying out, as it is...emo just stands for emotional, as im sure you're aware is no real lifestyle. nobody WANTS to be depressed all of their lives. And people who are, who might just fall into a sub-genre of goth (but not all, mind you) seek the companionship of somebody who understands...but they dont go out and make their woe the business of the im sry dude but you're sort of just an attention whore, or seeking to be independant, which isnt a crime and is totally respectable...just dont go around it the way you are now, by labeling yourself "emo". I'm sure if you think about it, if you arent already subconciously aware, by pushing the truth to the back of your mind, that dressing in all black and crying about life and how miserable you are doesnt make you emo...and if it does, then "emo" earns the degrading title its come to have, because people like that are not respectable at all. goths and punks and such, which in some cases are closely related, though mostly only by the stereotyping of the masses, are more respectable cliches that actually serve a purpose...if you wish to have your own voice, i suggest you look to see if you fit in with those actual categories better.
2009-04-20 06:49:16 UTC
emo is a typical bourgeois juvenile fad, kid.....some clever adults are playing you and making big money off of teen 'labels' like emo,prep,thug-gangsta,punk,etc., from marketing clothing,music,etc., geared towards each demographic. These labels can also be used to CONTROL you, and your probable actions, which is useful for all types of people and institutions.

Most young people who strongly identify with a particular label are just suffering from being a teenager (nothing to see here, everybody just move along) and there's NOTHING new or unique about your ideology, many have passed before you, many more will follow.

We had a saying in my day...white punks on dope,white dopes on punk

If you don't grow out of it by early-mid 20's get some help.
2009-04-20 06:22:35 UTC
I think "emos" are self pitying little whiners with too much time on their hands and too little appreciation for anything. Why don't they spend some time with less fortunate people and perhaps do some volunteer work at childrens hospitals or visiti some lonely elderly people in nursing homes. Maybe the emos will then see that they don't have it so bad after all.
2009-04-20 06:16:25 UTC
I hate emos because you guys have ruined the alternative scene. You bring an even more negative image to the goth/punk/metal scene. You have ruined the music. I used to love hanging out in hot topic with some friends that worked there. Now when I go passed, the store is filled with a bunch of emo kids buying twilight shirts and my chemical romance ****. Its like the south park episode with the vampire kids. You people make everyone else think us 'freaks' are a bunch of whiney emos. We are just creatures of the night. We do not hate ourselves. We hate you!
Jim W
2009-04-20 06:14:45 UTC
Emo, goth, scene - all you guys need a life. Emo is not a way of life it is a choice you made to become. Don't cry about it. You don't here gangsters crying all the time "The US Government doesnt understand us". get a life!!
2009-04-20 06:15:26 UTC
Wow, with all these haters, promise me you won't go home and cry all night.

People don't understand "emo's" because they are really the main group of people that make themselves an incredibly easy target. I may belong to a certain social group, but I don't call myself that and make it known to complete strangers. If you didn't go around screaming "I'm EMO!! I'm sad!! Nobody loves me!!", then you most likely wouldn't have this problem.
Perry N
2009-04-20 06:33:06 UTC
Generally Speaking, Emos are whiners, kind of like a group of Kurt Cobains. They sit there in classes hiding behind their hair

It gets annoying after a while. After one gets over the annoyance part, then it turns to hate.

We like the Metal-Heads!!!

2009-04-20 06:11:23 UTC
Because you're hypocritical, arrogant, immature attention-whores with a persecution complex. What hardships have most of you ever had in life? I've been poor and I've been to Iraq for OIF. My wife has cheated on me and I'm now divorced. I don't sit around crying and cutting all day and wearing black. I am a genuinely happy person because only I can control how my life ends up. You have no idea what life can REALLY throw at you. Sh*t is always going to happen to you, know matter who you are. You don't make it any better by complaining that the whole world HATES you :*(

Grow up.
2009-04-20 06:32:12 UTC
I don't hate things I don't know anything about--but some people do. You see that in religion all the time.

Perhaps emos should do a better job of letting people know what they're about. Then maybe people would see there's nothing to hate about it.
Harry B
2009-04-20 06:30:43 UTC
to cypres: who are you to say that emos look ridiculous? i bet that they think you look stupid too, just because you are classed as "normal" by society, it doesn't mean that everyone else who isn't and who chooses to have some individuality looks or acts ridiculous.

to answer your question: people hate emos cos they don't understand, because they have never been through it themselves. they hate emos because they actually try and be different, which is a stupid reason to hate someone. and they also hate emos because society needs someone to pick on, and they chose the people who are different.

put simply: people who abuse and hate emos are prejudiced dick heads.

also, to all of you who said that it is because emos are people who whine and moan about their problems, maybe it is because they have problems worth moaning about. you have no idea about the circumstances these people might have been through, so maybe you should grow up and stop being such losers, just because others are different to you.

to mikky d: so what your saying is that people hate emos because they are depressed? thats a very stupid thing to say, oh and BTW depression IS a mental disorder.

to T Lit: whats wrong with being rebellious? and people who are emo are just as normal as everyone else, they just have different backgrounds and circumstances. "normal" is not a viable label.

sorry about the really long answer, but i have to voice my opinions.
2009-04-20 06:40:47 UTC
You my dear just set yourself up for a huge down fall in your life by asking anyone that question. If your happy with the way you are why does it matter what other people think? Correct me if i am wrong, but emotional "emo" doesn't care what anyone thinks or is either to over dramatic of what one thinks. So there in yourself you are answering your own question. You ask dumb questions in return for dumb answers. Such as the 200 hundred answers you have on here. Everyone understands it but no one cares for it.
2009-04-20 06:36:09 UTC

1. One of my friends hates emo because of your fashion.

2. Another of my friends also does because of the way emo sings.

3. I hate emo because you put an end to recovery. And your music makes weak-esteemed person go out and buy blades and cut themselves.. It seems like your music and fashion is a chant for a cult..
2009-04-20 06:16:00 UTC
In my opinion-and please do not take this offensively-people and especially teens categorize themselves as one of the tags you have mentioned or something else. These teens do not have enough self confidence to really be independent, so they turn to some way to cover up what they would think is embarrassing. They may also do this to fit in. One could become a preppy cheerleader because their goal is to be popular, or if one feels excluded, they will exaggerate this by becoming goth or emo to show everyone that they are ok with being excluded, and eventually making the problem worse. I know i am stereotyping here but these are just examples.My point is something will trigger this self tag or change

Those of whom are really as you say "emo" may be emo because of a situation described above, or because that's who you really are. If that's who you really are then you will not be looking for validation from outside people. If you really are emo and you like yourself that way, then you shouldn't care if people understand you or not. The only reason you want people to understand you is if you are using being emo as a cover for who you really are.

My advice: Don'tt try to make others see things from you. They wont unless they are willing, but you can see from their view. Irecommendd that you look at things from other perspectives, and decide who you really are, regardless of what you wear or your actions.

Hope this helps

2009-04-20 06:12:56 UTC
Cause an emo is a depressed drama queen who whines over small things which everyone has to go through. Stop crying hurting yourself stand up and fight your problems and then you will be accepted.
The Truth
2009-04-20 06:38:31 UTC
emos have a poor me attitude that bugs me ur all depressed that life sucks but if u just act normal and quit complaining then it might not ur life sucks because u dont have any friends nobody want s to hand out with a person that just cuts themselves all the time emos need to learn to deal with things not complain act depressed and try to bleed all your **** out
2009-04-20 06:32:59 UTC
You act like you are the only people who are misunderstood. No one believes in every type of lifestyle, and just because the popular ones are widely prominent does not mean people understand them. Chill out and stop worrying what people think, if it bothers you so much then do something to MAKE people understand you instead of complain about it.
2009-04-20 06:16:02 UTC
No offence but emo is kind of a rehashed way of life stemming from the 80s new wave movement of new order and the cure, guys wearing girls jeans and make up..its also a bit of a cop out of goth, you want to make a statement and express yourself but dont want to take it as far as a gothic..the real question is why do you care what people think of you?people will always hate and criticise on someone that is different, just enjoy who you are!!
2009-04-21 08:43:43 UTC
You make it sound like a culture. It's not it's a music genre, people only make fun of the people because of the stereotype emo. Yeah it gets annoying but people who aren't like that and dress up the same way. It's also thanks to bands like MCR that sound rather depressing that do that.

They are also easier targets because they don't fight back much.
time for change.
2009-04-20 06:29:48 UTC
people dont WANT to understand, because from what they'v heard.. your freaks ;) Lol and i think emo's do take pride in not being undersood and make it hard for others to understand.. also, no one is going ot come up to an emo and try and understand because you are so unapproachable. :)

I have nothing against emo's really, i just try and see things from other peoples point of view alot.
2009-04-20 06:53:17 UTC
because, the people that dont have an understanding of you emos are the ones who are happy or let their anger or pain out in a diffrent way. Emos bottle up their emmotions and let it out like a waterfall, as nonemo people have a much difrent way of leting it out and, nonemo people usually have difficulty understanding that emo people ARE going through maybe diffrent kinds of problems, problems maybe nonemo people have never faced before.
Allie M
2009-04-20 06:39:23 UTC
Probably because emos are clearly mentally unbalanced individuals who do weird things that just ain't normal,i mean what does cutting yourself do? WEIRD! My advice would be to go and get psychiatric help.Good luck
2009-04-20 06:22:24 UTC
well people hate on you because

1. you already hate on yourselves

2. you hurt yourselves

3. you get really overdramatic about the dumbest things

4. you wear black like WAY to much

5. you whine to much

6. you never have any expression its just weird

7. you probably dont even know the emo song so that means that you really arnt emo until you know it
2009-04-23 06:16:09 UTC
do you know you shouldn't label yourself as "emo." what you need to do is be a prep as much as I hate to say it they seem to be successful. black nail polish doesn't cut it in this economy.
2009-04-23 20:42:02 UTC
no one hates you

You are just too much of a stupid **** to realize that
2009-04-22 15:49:21 UTC
Because life is not that hard. You're a child, you don't know what angst is. Be a child, be happy, be carefree. Act your age.
2009-04-21 07:15:47 UTC
Steriotypes are silly and hurtfull
2009-04-20 21:46:20 UTC

cut cut
2009-04-20 06:41:34 UTC
Um mm, maybe because many people have no idea of what your talking about. How can you hate some thing you never even heard of?
2009-04-20 06:36:17 UTC
everybody is sick of you people trying to get attention all the time. there is no practical reason to dress or act the way you do. its all just to get noticed, and deep down you know it!
結縁 Heemei
2009-04-20 06:36:06 UTC
People like people who can pick themselves up after a major depression episode
2009-04-20 06:35:19 UTC just need attention. is the 5 pages worth enough for today?

By the way...wrong forum!
2009-04-20 13:07:55 UTC
This attitude that you show is exactly why we hate emos. There are people in third world countries and even many in your own who have it FAR worse then you. Most emos that I know have perfectly good home lives and understanding parents and often are quite wealthy. But that doesn't matter because you are asking this in the wrong section.
2009-04-20 13:08:12 UTC
Emo... unfortunately is real.

And so is every single label out there.

And I find it annoying [although I never send hate comments to n e one] bcz is like they STRIVE and try so fking hard to be "different"

not only that... but on TOP OF THAT!

Some emos jzt complain and complain about how fuckd up the world is and how bad they want to die. jzt whinnin and whinnin.

is like wtf, if ur so eager to die, why dont u jzt kill ur goddamn self.

I cud write u more... But I rather not.
ello moto
2009-04-20 13:11:28 UTC
well yall are just....well.... pathectic its kinda sad when a emo him OR her somtimes i cant tell the difference walk in with there black fingernails and black hair and skinny pants or wat ever which in my opinion look RELE uncomfy for guys (no junk) lol anyway yalll just want attention quit dressing like morons and learn to play guitar or somthing that gets me lots of UNWANTED attention but attention none the less. life isnt so bad ya know.
2009-04-20 13:16:17 UTC
Us Emos??

you just people..the same as everyone else

You always try and be different by what you wear (Skinny jeans, converse shoes, bulb haircuts etc..)

Why dont people be individual

not try and copy other people

i think YOU want to be judged..



thank you, thank you very much
Essie K3
2009-04-20 13:24:34 UTC
i think its disgusting how people can treat others in that way. just cuz person's emo, doesnt mean theyre not a person. everyone deserves the same ammount of respect.

im not an emo. actually, to tell the truth i was depressed once but then i started telling myself that i love life and amazingly, i now love lifee!! somehow, ive learned to ignore the bad stuff. i dnt cre wat others think of me cuz no one knows me as well as i know me.

i think the reason why people pick on emos is because they think they are better than them, they are annoyed by them or because they think emo people are easy pray cuz they tend to have low self esteem n oder crap. which i think is sad cuz it only makes the person more miserable.
2009-04-20 13:29:48 UTC
I guess because emo's are different from others. If you tend to harm yourself, people will thing your disgusting, and that's what people really think about : you harm yourself and leave scars, but they don't tend to think about the hard times you guys go through, and it's just your way of dealing with things. I recommend you don't harm yourself, or cut yourself, even though it seems impossible, it's for the better!!! I do understand what you go through and I hope you work things out!!

Good Luck, hope I helped :)
Stacey H
2009-04-20 13:31:14 UTC
Because they have nothing better to do but to make others miserable. I don't typically stereotype, I don't fall into one either. I like to see just the person, not what they try to portray.

Maybe if people looked beyond what they see from time to time they'd realize we are all a lot more alike than they thought...
2009-04-20 06:06:15 UTC
You make easy targets seeing as you take pride in being misunderstood.
2009-04-20 06:06:29 UTC
Well, because emo's tends to whine and be over dramatic about things that every normal person has to go through. Also, emo's talk about how much they hate labels, yet label themselves by calling themselves emo. So I kind of expect that you just want attention.
2009-04-20 06:06:24 UTC
We understand. Now stop cutting yourself and whining.
2009-04-20 06:07:36 UTC
gangster-preppy-girly...That is all different styles..Emo is a lifestyle , one that is looked down on because of the sad and depressing state everyone looks like..When really you all have no idea how good you guys have it.. Move to a 3rd world country for a month I guarantee you will return normal..
2009-04-20 06:09:56 UTC
I like Elmo. And I like Emu's

Are Emos similar?
2009-04-20 06:11:07 UTC
i wish my lawn was emo it would cut itself
Da Mailman
2009-04-20 06:10:33 UTC
I understand, I'm actually kind of jealous. I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself.
2009-04-20 06:11:40 UTC
and you felt politics was the best category for this question?
2009-04-20 06:10:41 UTC
life is too short to spend it with sadness n wearing black & forgetting the good things in life , though there r much miserable people who appreciate life more !
2009-04-20 06:11:41 UTC
Because you are weak and whiny and represent everything I try to raise my kids not to be.
2009-04-20 06:20:23 UTC

That's what it is. We don't misunderstand you we just think you're ******' retarded *** drama queens. And your music sucks ***. Sucks ***.

Life is all you get friend, if you refuse to appreciate it that's fine, just stop complaining at people who do then complain more about how we don't understand you when we call you out on being retarded.
Ntharotep the Dragon
2009-04-20 06:13:20 UTC
*I really have misunderstood emos. I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a political party.

We could probably use more cutting on the Hill.
2009-04-20 06:12:53 UTC
This question has no business in Politics. If, in fact it's even a question. Sounds like a childish pout. Do it somewhere else, please.
2009-04-20 06:12:11 UTC
Well, maybe its because your grumpy so i dont think anyone will want to be friends with you. And stop cutting yourself.
Merissa V
2009-04-20 06:11:53 UTC
Okay, your annoying

stop caring what everone else thinks about you

stop trying to get attention

cheer up

ps your annoying:)

nickname here
2009-04-20 06:30:26 UTC
prep and girly are ways of describing someone, emo's are freaks who don't like life so they target everything bad in it. so stop being emo
2009-04-20 06:25:12 UTC
People are people in my book. I know nothing about emo, good or bad. I dont try to fit in to any sort of group in life. You are probably a teenager otherwise you wouldnt either. No labels matter in the real world.
2009-04-20 06:33:15 UTC
what is an emo? are you asking gothic? well its because you are different thats all .if you are different like me people always have something to whinge about .dont let it get to you they are like that in life all the way through. just brush off the hurt and get on with your life.take care.
2009-04-20 06:24:24 UTC
Punk rock going commercial spawns this crap. P*ssy emo kids. "I'm so depressed." F@%k that, where does it get you? Get over yourself and get on with life.

What are you so depressed about anyway?

The Cure, Depeche Mode, and all the wanker emo bands they spawned are laughing all the way to the bank.
2009-04-20 06:32:59 UTC
Emos are emos

We dont understand your ways cuz you never told us !
2009-04-20 06:32:53 UTC
Just what is an emo? I have heard the term but have no idea who they are.
2009-04-20 06:20:05 UTC
well excuse me, but life is the best thing that can be offered to a person, and you guys go around acting like its the worst thing in the world. go see a doctor or something. attempted suicide can send you to an insane asylum or jail. so have fun cutting yourselves over nothing and learn to be normal. thanks-bye(:
2009-04-20 06:13:08 UTC
Lol!!! all of the above,I hate emos!! They are depressing stupid weird whiny f'd up and just plain dead like.

If i could eliminate all the emos i would.they are weird.I cant explain how stupid they are,bravo bravo.all of the above.
2009-04-20 06:22:53 UTC
Why do you think it's just emos that people don't understand?

Perhaps that's exactly why..
2009-04-20 06:33:14 UTC
Because all you people want is attention. We should change the word "emo" to attention-seeking idiot, in my opinion.
2009-04-20 06:28:24 UTC
Emos? Are you followers of 1980's comedian Emo Phillips? I loved him! He was hilarious.

Some people just don't get sarcasm.

2009-04-20 06:18:51 UTC
I understand. I have a former and a present emo--my kids. I asked. They explain. Nothing wrong with it. Educate and advocate for other emos. Make people understand you.
2009-04-20 06:18:43 UTC
It's not real, and neither are any of those others. It's just a genre of music. It's a shallow and purposeless focus around which to build a life. Move on. -yk
2009-04-20 06:23:55 UTC
We do understand you it is just that life is supposed to be all happy and crap not all down in the dumps. Take off your black clothes and put on something colorful and make the world happy not a craphole!!!
2009-04-20 06:35:11 UTC
no one like cry babys
2009-04-20 06:35:05 UTC
i understand =]
2009-04-20 06:35:00 UTC
becasue your an emo thats why people hate emos

just go cut yourself some more

release some of that "bad blood" lmao
cintia g
2009-04-20 06:34:51 UTC
who knows
2009-04-20 06:33:33 UTC
emo people are gay and should be exterminated... people dont like you because every time someone lokks at something thats all balck and smirks at them they just wanna punch something as hard as they can.
2009-04-20 06:33:26 UTC
go suk dick
2009-04-20 06:33:13 UTC
cuz you all just slit yuur wrists and **** like thatt!
2009-04-20 06:32:47 UTC
Everything is already said above :)
2009-04-20 06:32:39 UTC
becuase we've become the easiest target they see us and think low self estem and no pride . and to them thats the perfect target
John S
2009-04-20 06:32:32 UTC
Because you ask stupid questions like this.
2009-04-20 06:32:16 UTC
Because they don't know you. Plus, who cares what they think? Be yourself.
2009-04-20 06:09:38 UTC
The verb is hate, hate alone, not hate on. You cannot hate on someone. If you believe that people hate you, you are someone with way too much time on your hands.
Improper Bostonian
2009-04-20 06:10:05 UTC
I understand - my niece is one. She is also an honors student and one of the sweetest kids ever.

Don't worry about what others think. :)
2009-04-20 06:11:24 UTC
They believe that us, emos, are simply another clique. I don't wear black and dark make-up as an image, its how I feel. I don't cut for fun, it's the only way I know to alleviate pain.I have learned to ignore those who question us, and those who say we are psychotic.
2009-04-20 06:11:43 UTC
Must be a teenager thing. All the terminology sounds adolescent. No room for 'hate' anywhere.
2009-04-20 06:14:23 UTC
who say this i love the EMo i wish 2 be emo girl
2009-04-20 06:23:02 UTC
Because you act depressed when you have nothing to be truly sad about.

You are some shitty spin off of punk and goth.

Shut up, nobody feels sorry for you.
2009-04-20 06:20:09 UTC
I must be really old, because I do not know what that means.
2009-04-20 06:19:21 UTC
Why is 21st century counterculture so pathetic?
Brick Tamland
2009-04-20 06:17:43 UTC
Cause its for kids
Peanut Butter
2009-04-20 06:17:17 UTC

Because you come to the grown-up section and expect us to care.
Craftsman of Words
2009-04-20 06:09:28 UTC
Emos are just depressed teens. A Newer / cleaner version of punks.
2009-04-20 06:29:26 UTC
there's no EMO life. you borrow from so many individual groups it becomes comical.

please give the beastie boys back their look. please give the 80s parachute pants back to the eighties. please stop that guy on Idol from embarassing himself with that EMO look.
2009-04-20 06:15:06 UTC
emos are ******* obnoxious.

clearly you have nothing to ***** about if you can afford legit converse and tight pants, and then flash around your aviators, and then talk about how are hard life is.
2009-04-20 06:09:26 UTC
It's something about the cutting. Should see a psychiatrist when you feel like cutting. The rest of it? I could care less, it's an adolescent phase. I liked Prince and wore one big dangly cross earring. If you manage to not commit suicide, you too will grow up, look back and laugh at yourself.
2009-04-20 06:07:45 UTC
because you look ridiculous. And normal thinking people wonder what in the hell would someone want to look like that for. Some of the guys wear girl pants. Now that is just wrong.
T Lit
2009-04-20 06:07:05 UTC
probably cause of the way you just acted right there, quit being rebellious and be normal..
abby wuz *
2009-04-20 06:29:35 UTC
some people dont understand emo because why the heck do they cut themselves its just different
Greg Macquarie
2009-04-20 06:28:01 UTC
There is no hate. There is no "Emo". I agree with Yoyo above.

"Emo" has no ideological basis. It was invented materialistic teenagers that have discovered the emotional difficulties of puberty.

"Emo" isn't really anything.
2009-04-20 06:26:17 UTC
1. Stop wearing all black (at least change your hair colour)

2. Stop being so negative about EVERYTHING (eg. your F*ck life comment)

3. Stop listening to The Used - They suck.

Dressing normally is a start, you'll see people will start looking at you completely different! Go get some new friends!
2009-04-20 06:26:02 UTC
Labels are for goceries.. And labeling yourself = making yourself look dumb.

Also, wanting to kill yourself or mark up your body because you tripped over a stick is pretty lame. So stop being so friggin dramatic and stop labeling yourself and maybe people will respect you.
2009-04-20 06:23:04 UTC
because emos complain about noone liking them thats y
2009-04-20 06:29:33 UTC
`cause you whine too much.

and overact to everything.

You`re whining in this blog right now.

I just dress emo, but I don`t act it !!

Life DOES NOT suck.

you`re just making your life suck by crying and whining all the time.
2009-04-20 06:18:41 UTC
We understand you, we understand that u act like 2 year olds. You cut yourself cuz u want attention, and u whine whine whine.
2009-04-20 06:19:47 UTC
All people are "real". The labels they choose to place on themselves, especially as teens, are just the reality they choose to function within.
2009-04-20 06:14:49 UTC
im going to write a song, " i hate my life, no one likes me, because im rich and i hate it, i have a hot girlfriend and im smart in school, so i slit my wrists, cause im emo. these problems matter." lol
2009-04-20 06:30:27 UTC
The mind is like a mirror it reflects what it sees.
2009-04-20 06:30:25 UTC
because you copied another group that existed before: The goths and shredders
2009-04-20 06:30:02 UTC
i wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself
Unknown User
2009-04-20 06:29:57 UTC
Because you guys are not normal
2009-04-20 06:28:38 UTC
Who would want to be a large flightless bird? I hear you can make really good burgers out of them!!!
joe r
2009-04-20 06:28:37 UTC
because you guys are weird
2009-04-20 06:28:20 UTC
2009-04-20 06:26:43 UTC
Why do you need to be accepted so badly?
2009-04-20 06:26:20 UTC
emo isnt real

emo is what you wear

it doesnt go beyond the material level

its a fassion type

nothing more
2009-04-20 06:14:51 UTC
Because you are dEMOcrats, and you are all gay.
2009-04-20 06:15:47 UTC
Um, your right. So stop labeling yourself.
2009-04-20 06:15:56 UTC
we feel bad that you guys seem to hate yourselves and life that we dont know why do do that and dress in black. it seems like a horrible way to live
2009-04-20 06:16:07 UTC
Nostalgic for the 70's?

I think there is a support group out there somplace.
2009-04-20 06:16:25 UTC
don't really care to understand.

slice away.
2009-04-20 06:16:50 UTC
People don't really need to understand. You are who you are, and nobody can change that.

Life is full of people who make themselves feel good by dissing things they don't may be shallow, but it is true.

Just be yourself, and try not to worry about the losers who don't "Get It"
2009-04-20 06:17:03 UTC
Thanks for brightening up my day.
2009-04-20 06:17:04 UTC
You whine and hate yourselves and whine some more. It pisses people off and makes you easy targets.
2009-04-20 06:17:13 UTC
2009-04-20 06:07:37 UTC
Maby because your not suppost to be slitting your rist to solve problems, try to talk to a counsler to help you before you kill yourself. If you want contact about this my email
jab c
2009-04-20 06:21:45 UTC
because emo's are overacting
2009-04-20 06:24:45 UTC
some people are prep, some people are ganster some people are emo, differences are fine, they're all valid. do you understand every subcultural niche? its okay for things to not be understood, its just choice and preference.
2009-04-20 06:23:00 UTC
most people are afraid of change and different. emo is what most people consider different so they hate on them.
David Lee
2009-04-20 06:25:54 UTC
Because, like other people have said, you whine too much about stuff that everybody else has to go through.
2009-04-20 06:22:33 UTC
i don't hate emos there just like us
Raining Apple Juice
2009-04-20 06:08:16 UTC
If you want to be an emo, go ahead. It's just that some people are against what emos do.
2009-04-20 06:23:21 UTC
no we just dont care is all why should we there are lots of simple people out there nornal people just inore them
2009-04-20 06:22:16 UTC
****** *******
2009-04-20 06:21:32 UTC
bcuz sme ppl art like u
2009-04-20 06:20:17 UTC
because they are not open minded
2009-04-20 06:20:01 UTC
just ignore them.
2009-04-20 06:08:08 UTC
You can be emo without saying FCuk life.. emo just means emotional. pick up a pen or guitar, write a poem or song, make a pinting. i can be emo without being the stereotypical 'i-like-to-cut-myself-and-wear-all-black-clothing" emo
2009-04-20 06:06:39 UTC
cause you cant understand wtf they are talkin about?

lol amirite?

GOOD answer Abby
2009-04-20 06:08:42 UTC
Because guys wear girl jeans and it looks gross.

And the girls are weird.

And you put your hair over your face.

Just grow up and deal with life as an adult and stop being a emo puss.
2009-04-20 06:09:04 UTC
You all just appear to be very grumpy, unhappy and unapproachabe.

Also hair infront of your eyes etc, makes to look sullen. The music you listen to is not happy...

just the way it is i think
2009-04-20 06:07:50 UTC
cutting yourself always get rid of the pain, right.

I try to do it on a regular basis.
2009-04-20 06:08:24 UTC
who cares, i hear emo are great fried!
2009-04-20 06:07:37 UTC
i dunno maybe because your rep is to be depressed in love with black and you have no life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 people dont like that, they think you have mental disorder

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.