Many of us face problems that are beyond our power to resolve or control. It is psychologically satisfying to seek someone to blame, when the blame, such as it is, is so diffuse that only God could be responsible, if anyone is. Atheists do blame God, or rather the belief in God, for the intractable problems of the day. Republicans blame the Democrats, and vice versa. The poor blame the rich, the rich blame the poor, and the middle class blames the poor too. It is very comforting to believe that everything that is wrong with your life is due to the evil intentions of some other who has caused it all.
In reality, our problems stem from many causes, only some of which can be alleviated by good government or made worse by bad government. You have the power to choose among the options reality presents to you, but you cannot choose options you do not have nor change the external reality by any thoughts of your own. You can do what you can do, no more. You can do less. If you do not try as hard as you can, you are indeed partly to blame for the outcome.
There is, in fact, plenty of blame to go around, none of which has the slightest impact on improving matters one bit. You must look for options that make things better, and make better choices, and hope for the best from others and from the universe in which you live and do not control.