I think we all have an idea we could do this or that better. What we need to remember is the commander in chief has a big set of shoes to walk in.
I personally think the troops should be brought home asap, the money we spend on fighting other countries wars could be used to help our needy here in america fighting their own poverty and housing and health issue wars. My husband was in vietnam, and this Iraq thing is the same as it was then, death, dollars and destruction.
I would have children go to school 3 months at a time, off for 2 weeks, then 3 months again, off 2 weeks, on and on. I think that when kids are off school for 3 summer months they forget too much, get into too much trouble because parents can not afford decent daycare.
I also believe that schools should have students wear "uniform" clothing, such as blue jeans for the boys, blue oxford shirts, girls, skirts, or jumpers with some plain type of blouse. Plain type of shoes, such as loafers. Too many kids feel inadequate at school because they are made fun of because they can not keep up with the rich kids clothing. That would solve that problem real fast.
I also think that all teachers should be paid the same, regardless of where they teach in the united states. Incentive or bonus pay should come as a collective incentive per school. If you have students that reach certain GPA or low drop out rates, or high attendance records, then reward the school as a whole, pass it from the staff to the students. Give them an incentive to strive to do better as a group, not compete. I think if children maintain a certain grade level they should have an automatic college allowance set aside by the federal government. Help the parents and the students. If the student fails to maintain that commitment, then the funding stops.
I think housing taxes should be based on the square footage of a home. I think personal taxes should be based on how many children you have. As for extra things bought such as boats, PWC, vacation homes, there should be a tax table set up for this so you know exactly what you will pay year after year. There should be more education about sex in school and at home. People seem to want to skirt the issue, thus warranting in babies having babies.
I believe anyone that wants to co-habitat with another person should have the rights to the tax benefits, laws regarding "marrieds", the same as man-woman union. What goes on behind their doors are of no business to us, unless they break the laws.
I am neither democrate or republican, I am for the best person for the job. I know it takes a great team to manage our country.
It can not and will not be perfect, never has never will be. It is just a constant circle of peaks and valleys in life. We need to squash some of the media, they seem to like to incite fear in the public. We all wonder why cant it be like the good old days, well to some, these are the good old days, so we just need to buck up and look at the glass as if it is half full, not half empty!
Just my thoughts.....