He thought of all the persons he and his Republican friends denied -
a) Health Care and that they are still fighting to deny Health Care;
b) Work as health care professionals as health services expand and more and more persons receive coverage;
c) Jobs rebuilding and repairing our transport infrastructure;
d) The millions thrown on the streets as he fired them - husbands, wives, sons, daughters, relatives, friends, etc. as he downsized government and removed billions of dollars from the economy. Circulation of money that also impacts Mom and Pop stores, purchasing power for farm produce, ...purchasing power reduced throughout the entire economy that put millions out of work...
e) All those persons who he preached to that the government must get out of their lives even as he and his Republican friends demand the government get into Women Health Issues and force Women into never having the freedom to make their own decisions;
f) teaching that we should ignore that this planet EARTH is our only 'spaceship' and we need to not destroy it by taking climate change seriously;
g) and on and on with acts and actions that enslaves minds and ensure some remain in abject poverty...
h) ...and he continues with this nonsense of our President being weak on China's efforts at gaining advantages for China...with the omission of our USA continuing effort at gaining advantages for ourselves!!! ...as we must!!! Yes, he has tried for years to control our minds as into not thinking that we each are trying to do the best for our families and our country as he wants us believe that our people in other countries are not trying that self same thing. He and his Republican friends looks down their collective noses at us and thinks of us as fools!!!
...and on and on it goes. So the Pope speaks and he looks at his wrongs foisted on us and he fears for his soul and weeps!!!
He wishes to deport 11 million immigrants?
What sum does he put on monthly expenditure for each of that 11 million? ...and when he multiplies it by x dollars) 11,000,000 x 356 days, how many trillions would that be removed from our economy? ...and the numbers of persons who supply goods and services directly or indirectly to those 11,000,000? ...depend on those trillions of dollars to survive? What of them? Yes he could not help weeping as he thinks on the havoc he and his Republican friends have created by blocking at every step plans and programs to put badly need jobs....made badly available to us.
Hopefully he has started to repent and next shall get to work in whatever way he can before he leaves office...and after to allow work-programs...all good work...available to the millions out of work!!! He needs to heal his soul!!!