Republicans, and until they realize that the country isn't up for one more round of their tantrum over ACA, they were bragging about how we wouldn't notice it, and how it would show the country how little we need government. Bachmann bragged about how she was so happy about it.
Then they began to hear complaints about the parks, and they said Obama did it, like he had a red pen and was saying this is fine, and that's not.
This is about funding the government, paying working people, making sure vets have food, and infants have formula. Parks were closed, Head Start closed, people had to stay home from work to care for the kids. People on all levels noticed, you didn't even have to work for the government, just have a business that sold to the government.
This is all and entirely on Republicans trying for the forty second time to defund or delay or just plain end the Affordable Care Act. That's it, that's all.