I'm ashamed to live in america.
Donald didn't make fun of a disabled reporter? I specifically remember the day when it came on live television. EVERYONE SAW IT. he was clearly MOCKING a disabled person. Can't every person with common sense realize this? Mocking a disabled person on LIVE TELEVISION is not okay, especially if ur someone who's running for president. This was not his only "accident" on tv. He's said things about women, Koreans, Mexicans, and Muslims. If someone tells me that he isn't racist, i dont even know what to expect out of humanity anymore.
A racist person should never, ever, be the president of the UNITED STATES. The US is made up of diversity, which is one of the reasons why foreigners crave to visit america. The US would NEVER be the same without it's different races and cultures. And when this RACIST president is in the most prestigious seat in America, it's an absolute disgrace.
Hilary isn't great either. She's a liar, yes. But a criminal? she was cleared by the FBI. This isn't just a "rumor" that was made up; New York Times, NPR, and several other reliable sources backed it up.
Also, Trump is quite the liar as well. No doubt. Some may argue that Clinton's a bigger liar, but I dont know the specifics for that one.
Trump plans on backing America from the Paris Agreement, which will harm not just america BUT ALL OTHER 193 countries who're in this agreement. He also plans on confronting China. If he does this, it will harm not just china but also america. China and America are so highly interdependent that if one goes down, the other will fall down just as heavily.
Trump has no military or political experience. He will severely damage the country. His wife is 24 years younger than him who isn't intellectually smart.
Trump said that Meryl is overrated actress. For someone who's won Lifetime Achievement Award, graduated Harvard University with a valid degree, and been nominated 19 times for an Oscar, she is certainly NOT overrated.
We are screwed and i dont know what anyone's expectations for America should be.