If liberals are crazy for eating organic foods why did my friends doctor say not to eat non-organics?
2011-02-20 12:37:52 UTC
My friend has cancer and the one thing the doctor said was no non organic produce. Why when Republicans said non-organic pesticides are safe?
Nine answers:
2011-02-20 12:56:31 UTC
If pesticide could harm a rat it could harm you, if other countries band chemicals that America still puts in and or on their foods there is a reason why these countries band such chemicals and it’s not because they’re crazy, there is nothing wrong with eating organic food the logic is sound, you republicans are getting worst and worst.
2011-02-20 20:40:55 UTC
I didn't know cons had a problem with eating organic. It's common sense that cancer and other diseases are increasing because of the pesticides and hormones injected into foods. Any con who says otherwise is just an idiot.

Organic foods are those that are produced using environmentally sound methods that do not involve modern synthetic inputs such as pesticides and chemical fertilizers, do not contain genetically modified organisms, and are not processed using irradiation, industrial solvents, or chemical food additives
Peace Sustainability
2011-02-21 21:00:44 UTC
Anyone who attacks organic food is an unthinking idiot. They do it because CHEMICALS and the chemical industry, before Oil and Defense surpassed them ran the country. The agriculture industry is one of the biggest users of chemicals. Organic farms are often small family run farms, not huge agribusiness. So the criticism is all part of the propaganda the top feeds down to their unthinking mob sheep to keep chemicals in our food. Money talks.
2011-02-20 20:41:34 UTC
Monsanto and Dow are big supporters...

It's stupid not to eat organic.. produce today has been bred for packaging and plumpness - which means more useless fiber and water - and less nutrients.. But organics are mainly for the rich - the rest of us have to make do with Aldees and Chef Boy r Poison.
2011-02-20 20:40:47 UTC
I wouldn't drink anything but organic milk.

FOX news is responsible in part for the massive hormone in milk link to cancer coverup.
2011-02-20 20:46:19 UTC
Organic foods is a joke. People pay higher prices for food they think is better for them. Doctors get kickbacks from pharmaceuticals, why not "organic food" reps?
2011-02-20 20:45:45 UTC
Please show me what FOOD is NON organic.

(you can eat paper and it may contain nutrients but I wouldn't call it FOOD)

(I'm not talking about chemical supplements, I'm referring to Food for a living organism.)

Again, what FOOD is NON organic??

PS: Pesticides is a different ball-game altogether.
volleyballchick (cowards block)
2011-02-20 20:40:11 UTC
Pesticides safe?

Smart, Sarah Palin. Military Intelligence. It is another oxymoron.
Islam Delenda Est
2011-02-20 20:39:19 UTC
Because the doctor is probably a crazy leftist.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.