Liberals why don't you respect the law?
2010-12-09 19:28:15 UTC
It's pretty obvious that most liberals smoke marijuana. Some even smoke heroin and rape people (Julian Assange), why don't you just follow the law? Is it that hard?
22 answers:
2010-12-09 19:29:28 UTC

Abramoff, Jack

Adams, Tom

Adams, Jim

Aiken, Steve

Alishtari, Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali

Allen, Bob

Allen, Claude

Allen, Bill

Alonos, Miram

Anderson, Tom

Ankeney, Randal David

Aragoncillo, Leandro

Atchison, John David R.

Bakker, Jim

Barclay, Bruce

Barnes, Martin G.

Barter, Merrill Robert

Beaird, John

Bena, Parker J.

Beres, Lou

Beverage, Sam

Biggins, Bob

Binder, Alan

Bird, Calvin

Bland, Wilton Frederick

Blessing, Louis

Bloom, Philip H.

Blundell, Brian

Bobrick, Bill

Boggio, Scott

Botes, Stephan

Boylan, Joe

Brady, Kevin

Brock, Darrell

Broderick, Thomas

Brooks, Howard L.

Brown, Shawn

Bryan, John

Bundy, Ted

Burcham, Tom

Burghoff, Matthew

Burt, John Allen

Butler, John

Cagle, Charles "Chig"

Cappelli, Angelo

Carona, Deborah

Carona, Michael S.

Carpenter, Jared

Carroll, Cherie

Casamento, Ricahard

Casseday, Randall

Childers, W.D.

Childs, Keola

Cianci, Vincent

Clark, Donald Ross

Coan, Kevin

Collins, John J.

Colyandro, John

Condos, James

Constantine, Lee

Cooper, Nathan

Corrigan, Larry

Cortelyou, Scott Eller

Coughlin ,Paul

Coutretsis, Andrea

Cowdery, John

Craig, Larry

Cramer, Carey Lee

Crawford, Lester

Cunningham, Randy “Duke”

Curtin, John R.

Dasen Sr., Richard A.

Davis, Ronnie

Davison, Pat

DeLay, Tom

Delgaudio, Richard A.

DeShon, Ronnie Gene

Dibble, Peter

Dickens, Joshua

Disponett, Dave

Doolittle, John

Doyle, Dan

Doyle, Victoria

Doyle, Brian J.

Druce, Thomas

Druen, Dan

Elizondo, Nicholas

Ellef ,Peter

Elliott, Matthew Joseph

Ellis, James

Fabian, Alan

Fawell, Scott

Federici, Italia

Fields, Vincent

Fleischman, Donald

Fletcher, Earnie

Floren, Livvy

Flory, Michael

Floyd, Larry Dale

Foggo, Kyle “Dusty”

Fossella, Vito J.

Fox., Galen

Franklin, Larry

Gallagher, Dennis

Gardner, Richard

Garofalo, Dave

Gillin, William

Giordano, Philip

Glavin, Matthew

Gosek, John

Goyette, Richard R.

Graves, David

Grethen, Mark A.

Griles, J. Steven

Groe, Trish

Habay, Jeffrey

Hamilton Jr., John J.

Hansen, Shaun

Harbin, Ben

Harding, Russell

Harris, Mark

Hazlette, Tim

Healy, Chris

Heaton, William

Heldreth, Howard Scott

Hicks, Brian

Hiller, Bradley R.

Hintz, Mike

Hoffman, Debra V.

Holland, Robert

Holt, Delecia

Hooks Sr., Michael

Hopfengardner, Bruce D.

Horsley, Neal

Houchen, Pamela J.

Hughes, J. Marshall

Hurley, Steven M.

Iadanza, Richard

Matricarid, Edmund III

Isenhour, James K.

Jacoby, Mark

James, Rayfield

Janklow, Bill

Jensen, Scott

Jones, Jody

Juliano, Richard

Kaelin, Jeffrey

Kauffman, Allen D.

Kelty, Matt

Kerik, Bernie

Kidan, Adam

Kimmerling, Earl "Butch"

King, Lawrence E. "Larry" Jr.

Klaudt, Ted

Kline, Ronald C.

Kohring, Vic

Kontogiannis, Thomas

Kott, Pete

Knapp, Max

Lambert, James R.

Law, David

Lay ,Michael Aaron

Leonard, Richard

Leung, Katrina

Libby, I. Lewis "Scooter"

Limbaugh, Rush

Linnen, Stephen

Loeper Jr., F. Joseph

Looper, Byran "Low Tax"

Loren-Maltese, Betty

Lukens, Donald "Buz"

Luongo, Gerald J.

Malloy, Patrick G.

Malone, Lance

Manuel, Thomas G.

Martin, Hayes

Mathes Jr., James R.

Matricardi, Edmund III

Matthews, Jon

Maysky, Eugene

McCurnin, Joseph

McGee, Charles

McGuire, Patrick Lee

Meadows, Cory

Merla, John

Michael, John

Mixon, Michael

Monteleone Jr., Joseph

Morency, Nicholas

Murgatroyd, Dick

Murphy Jr., Glenn

Muschany, Scott

Nash, James J.

Neal, Rebecca

Newton, Chris

Ney, Bob

Nguyen, Tan

Nielsen, Jeffrey

Nighbert, Bill

Nixon Jr., Kenneth E.

Noe, Bernadette

Noe, Thomas

Noonan, Thomas J.

Novak, Lawrence

Nugent, Johnny

O’Grady, Raymond

Oleen, Lana

Ortloff, George Chris

Owens, Leonard Ray

Palughi, Anthony J.

Parker, Brent

Patti, Jeffrey

Pazuhanich, Mark

Privette, Coy

Prokos, Alexandra

Pugh, Edward

Rader, Dennis L.

Randall, Tom

Randall, Jeffrey Kyle

Rathmann, Rolf

Ravenel, Thomas

Raymond, Allen

Regola, Robert

Renzi, Rick

Rice, Steve

Ring, Kevin

Ringo, Robert R.

RoBold, Warren

Rosen, Steve

Rowland, John
2010-12-09 19:39:52 UTC
Because of course only a liberal can be a marijuana smoking rapist. Man you are ignorant. Using your logic i could use your question to rationalize a question asking, Why are conservative people unintelligent?

Does that make sense to you, well possibly, but to most people it wouldn't. Sorry for any supposed disrespect. But, to answer your question, most liberals do not smoke marijuana. Those who do may smoke for a number of reasons. Maybe because it helps them with one of a variety of illnesses and was prescribed to them, maybe because they want to and do not agree with laws telling them they can't.

Being a true blooded American conservative you obviously do not agree with a large government that interferes with peoples rights. So you obviously would be against any law that concerns the government telling you what you can and can not do to yourself.

And with the rapist thing, if you honestly feel liberals believe you should be able to rape people or disrespect laws regarding rape or murder, then you desperately need to look into some things. Who supports feminism? who is against the death penalty? Liberals.

Not to say there are no immoral liberals, for there are obviously too many to count. There are bad people with all ideology's, but to say liberals do not respect the law is ignorance.
2010-12-09 19:33:52 UTC
Do you know the history of the prohibition of marijuana? It stinks.

I don't use heroin because of how bad it is for the spirit over the long term. I don't rape people because violence begets violence.

Why didn't Rosa Parks just follow the law?
2010-12-09 19:32:44 UTC
Turns out Julian Assange was not really accused of rape. He is accused of removing his rubber without telling his willing partner. A crime in Sweden called sex by surprise. Try proving your not guilty of that! And his partner has ties to the CIA

Aren't most of the Priests guilty of kiddy rape conservatives?

I have a lot of consensual sex sometimes with many partners in a week but I do not smoke pot.
2010-12-09 19:36:13 UTC
Liberals respect the law as much as any other free-thinking individual.

You can't seriously believe that only liberals are out raping people and doing drugs.

G.W. Bush JR isn't a liberal and I do believe his drug of choice is cocaine.

Limbaugh... also cocaine...and other prescription pills...and alcohol, and porn.

Cindy McCain, prescription drugs...

etc, etc,
2010-12-10 13:53:55 UTC
Because marijuana being illegal negatively affects everyone. The law is only their because it makes money for government/liquor/cigarette companies, at the expense of everyone else. That is what u are defending. Thanks douche bag.
2010-12-09 19:33:47 UTC
Let's deal with sourced facts instead of made up nonsense, shall we?

"[Julian] Assange had consensual sex with two women, unbeknownst to one another, who were friends. They had hurt feelings afterwards and confided to a female police officer that Assange had engaged in sex with one of them without a condom, having worn a condom the night before. In the case of the second woman, Assange’s condom broke but he continued to climax, anyway."

"Assange's London attorney, Mark Stephens, told AOL News today that Swedish prosecutors told him that Assange is wanted not for allegations of rape, as previously reported, but for something called "sex by surprise," which he said involves a fine of 5,000 kronor or about $715."

That's not what we call "rape" in America, so let's not bear false witness here.

You have no intimate knowledge of the personal habits of millions of liberals or millions of conservatives, much less those who post here, nor is it any of your business. Again, let's not bear false witness.

2010-12-09 19:29:43 UTC
Do you realize where laws come from?

As the old saying goes, anyone who likes sausage and respects the law shouldnt watch either one being made.
2010-12-09 19:31:30 UTC
We do respect the law and we don't turn a blind eye when people break international law.

Like you guys did when the Israelis stole another countries citizens passports to commit murder.
2010-12-09 19:34:47 UTC
Nice assumption there. So I'll assume you have no teeth due to a mountain dew addiction and sleep with your sister. It's only fair.
2010-12-09 19:39:44 UTC
Using your rationale, most priests are pedophiles, right?
Que Sera Sera
2010-12-09 19:31:35 UTC
...brilliant observation. We all "rape" and smoke pot...and I suppose all Cons molest infants and steal from grannies.
2010-12-09 19:30:14 UTC
Is it hard for you to stereotype?


No it's not.

And no one respects you. And marijuana is better for you than cigarettes and alcohol. And it promotes peace and understanding when smoked, so therefore you are against peace and understanding.

Shame on you.
2010-12-09 19:30:06 UTC
Plenty of conservatives I know blaze up. So?
2010-12-09 19:31:59 UTC
Liberals do respect the law, They know it is for us, not them.
2010-12-09 19:29:02 UTC
Says the meth-smoking sister-raping piece of trailer trash from Alabama...
2010-12-09 19:29:35 UTC
Laws are for those who need them.
2010-12-09 19:34:07 UTC
Go read a book dude...
Mogollon Dude
2010-12-09 19:30:16 UTC
The law is what they wish to make - Communism .
Jerry the Tactful
2010-12-09 19:29:47 UTC
Most Liberals are against all conservative type laws.
2010-12-09 19:31:36 UTC
Because our justice system is run by a bunch of pansies, pansies in robes.
2010-12-09 19:29:04 UTC
Not to mention they support smuggling human beings into the country to recruit as future voters

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.