They want to marginalize the great African American heroes of the revolution by making it appear that all blacks were oppressed by the founding fathers. A deliberate smear on our founders and our country.
happygael...Do you even wonder why you only know one name? Is it because that one name is all you were taught in your history classes?
Lemuel Haynes, Primas Black, and Epheram Black who fought as Minutemen at Lexington and Concord, April, 1775.
Peter Salem, Salem Poor, and Jude Hall were soldiers at Bunker Hill, June, 1775.
Prince Whipple and Oliver Cromwell served with General George Washington crossing the Delaware, just before the Battle of Trenton, December 25, 1779.
Other U. S. units included the names:
Charles Davis, Joshua Dunbar, Samuel Dunbar, Prince Easterbrooks, James Forten, Doss Freeman, Tobias Gilmore, Peter Galloway, Primas Hall, Job Hathaway, Ebenezer Hill, Thomas Hollen, Peter Jennings, Abrose Lewis, Titus Minor, Jerimiah Moho, Pomp Peters, Cato Prince, Esek Roberts, Caesar Sankee, Prince Vaughn, Sipeo Watson, Cuff Whitemore and Jesse Wood.
Need more names that you never learned about?
William Appleby, William Balontino, Steven Bond, Charles Bowles, Scipio Brown, George Buley, Seymore Burr, Isaac Carr, Noel Carriere, Samuel Charlton, Caesar Clark, George Cooper, Richard Cozzens, Paul Cuffee, Austin Dabney, John Featherston, Cate Fisk, Jude Hall, Edward Hector, Francis Herd, Agrippa Hull, Jabez Jolly, Jeremy Jonah, Barzillai Lew, Luke Nickelson, Isaac Perkins, Christopher Poynos, Arly Randale, Joseph Ranger, Abram Read, Pomp Reeves, James Robinson, Joel Taburn, John Wheeler, Archelaus White and Cato Wood.
What about Phillis Wheatley? Her book of poetry is considered to be one of the first books published by a Black in America.