why do you THINK all AFRICAN COUNTRIES are third world?
2016-02-07 11:41:33 UTC
why do you THINK all AFRICAN COUNTRIES are third world?
183 answers:
Ursus Particularies
2016-02-10 15:14:23 UTC
When you are in the deepest pit, thank your lucky stars, because things can only get better, providing you and all of your countrymen will work together under government with liberty and justice for all.

That means equal time for thinking out how to make it better for all people.

NOT full time on taking care of Number 1 and friends and resisting any and all change the wealthy do not want.

Stopping all the fighting would go a very long way, gives us time and money to handle the weather and needed WORLD AID for those suffering the worst.

Applies to all, including USA.

You have zero right to disparage others even if you are from the number one country or one of the top tier.

Why? Because that right does not exist, even if you are SENIOR and have worked hard to make your own country better and fairer for all.

If you are younger than 30 and disparaging others here you don't have a leg to stand on.

Every people started primitive. Some had better natural protections, China built a wall.

Chinese have always worked better together. Family, clan, tribe, states, cities, nation. It's a slow build to scaffolding for a more powerful group.

Wars happen, time to learn peace and morality.

This world is for everyone.

If you are against some group, your are against God.

But you do have a right to defend your nation.

The governments become more fair and just when chief rulers stop playing king of the hill at the expense of all others.

Nigeria trying to do that. I wish them success.

I wish everyone success. Bear is on God's side, who loves you all.
2016-02-08 11:56:51 UTC
Not all African countries are third world countries, although the majority are somewhat poor, there are also many countries in Africa rising to the occasion and developing into a stronger more sound nation. However many African countries are third world because the government is unstable, and therefore poverty is a major complication. With poverty there comes illnesses that can't be treated, and unfortunate circumstances. Many of Africa's people are mis-treated, and live under harsh conditions while we Americans bask in our wants. So really the reason why there are even third world countries is a result of a lack of compassion.
2016-09-29 16:57:13 UTC
All African Countries
2016-02-09 13:33:02 UTC
Well, now the comparison of first, second, and third world countries have to do mostly on their healthcare and just net economy. You may not be poor, but there may be poor people around you. This isn't supposed to be an insult, Africa doesn't have good healthcare it's obvious. This is why there are drugs to cure diseases brought to Africa. Being "third world" isn't an insult. It's classifying your countries having bad economy and healthcare, along with other factors. You're treating it like it means you have no culture and are barbarians. That's not the case, it's not an opinion, it's a fact. Certain African countries are third world, should that reflect how the people there act, not really.
2016-02-08 06:09:50 UTC
The idea that 'all African countries are Third World' is a nonsense.

How about South Africa

How about Nigeria

How about Kenya

and, most important of all

How about Egypt - the oldest nation on Earth

I could go on and quote the name of other African nations which are no way third world.

Oh, not forgetting Morocco - a very old ally of the USA by the way, but then you probably don't know that much of your own history either.

Let me introduce you to some wealthy Africans - they are Warriors of the Masai Nation of Kenya - highly intelligent and clever. Nice spears too.

How are these Masai Warriors wealthy? They own cattle and thus do not have to work and instead spend their time enjoying their own unique culture. The red robes are to help keep the sun off a bit.

Now meet an Egyptian dancer for the Goddess Isis - Egypt, the Immortal and Everlasting

Without Egypt we are nothing - only they are the oldest nation on Earth and their historic culture influenced both Greece and Rome and thus us too.

Until the building of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Great Pyramid was the tallest building in the world.

Great Pyramid of Egypt - live webcam

Third World indeed - ha! Africa, the fount of the Human Race.
2016-02-09 06:14:32 UTC
Six Ways America Is Like a Third-World Country

1. Criminal Justice

2. Gun Violence

3. Healthcare

4. Education

5. Inequality

6. Infrastructure
2016-02-12 13:52:36 UTC
Not all African countries are third world countries. Some African countries are more successful than others.
2016-02-08 15:01:15 UTC
Because they are. Im from Brazil, and we are a 3rd world country too, people think we just have jungle, some monkeys, girls dancing on carnival and soccer players. People dont know Brazil is the 6th biggest economy IN THE WORLD. Sao Paulo city has the biggest amount of helicopters in the world, in front of New York City. We have free health service for EVERYONE. We have the biggest hydropower of the world. In some areas of the country we have a better HDI than USA. There are several PUBLIC universities, where you dont need to pay a dollar to study, and they are even better than the privates. Even though i know we are a third world country, there are super rich Brazilians that can buy your life, but there are people that live without electricity in their houses. The concept of 3th world is vast, but while there are a HUGE amount of people with the minimum conditions of living in my country and in ALL Africans countries we will still be a 3rd world country
2016-02-08 17:12:41 UTC
Here is why all countries in Africa are third world.

The term Third World arose during the Cold War to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO, or the Communist Bloc. The United States, Western European nations and their allies represented the First World, while the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and their allies represented the Second World

What you might ponder is this. Is America becoming a third world country?
2016-02-08 07:59:49 UTC
Because they are third world. Hundreds of thousands of people at a time are chopped to death with machetes. Women are stoned to death for being raped. 8-year-old kids are conscripted into militaries. They re too stupid to use condoms, even though everybody dies of AIDS. Hundreds of girls were kidnapped and raped by an Islamic terror group, and the rest of the world cared more than the Africans themselves.

Civilized countries have things like governments, laws, and water. These are things that most of Africa does not have. Until the people living there want to live in the modern world, there s not much that can be done for them. We can pretend like they re not third world, but that won t help them to stop actually BEING third world.
2016-02-09 16:28:54 UTC
Used literally "third world" refers countries that were not aligned with the United States or the Soviet Union during the Cold War. That would include such countries as Switzerland in spite of the Swiss having had (and continue to have) a better standard of living than people in the United States.

"Third world" in the way you are using it is not only slang but a subjective judgment of the conditions in a country. Your question can be rephrased "Why are all African countries poor?"

1. European nations came, colonized, and exploited resources while paying the native populations next to nothing except for a small cliquish native elite they used to keep the populations in line.

2. When they granted nations independence they did so based on colonial boundaries without regard for differences between ethnicities or languages or religions or any conflicts between them. This lead to numerous civil wars, which needless to say are bad for economies and dissuade investment.

3. The native elites propped up by the Europeans typically became the new elites, and helped perpetuate cultures of bribery corruption and nepotism.
2016-02-07 23:49:53 UTC
because we don't know all the good stuff about some African countries.

1. infested with Muslims

2. children starving

3. war

4. poverty


That is all we see on tv.

We don't see any African investors... just like China investors and Arab investors...

Africans always wear old clothes, not business suit.

I doubt there are any mercedes, cadillac, BMW, driven by Africans in Africa.

And the food, they always eat those cheap looking food, rice, plantain peanut sauce mess and stuff.

Don't even make film.... if there are hollywood and bollywood, how come African doesn't have film industries? We see no good film from Africa.

And... we see Made in China, Made in Japan, Toyota, Honda, Kia....

But you don't see Made in Africa or their own car industry.

Only Nigerian scam and mutiilated women's private part.

And stowaway Africans.
2016-02-08 23:12:54 UTC
The vast majority of African countries ARE third world countries. The real question, is why do people think 3rd world country equals poor, uncivilized, under developed countries? A third world country is simply a country with no alliance with either North America and their allies (first world) or Russia and their allies (second world).
2016-02-09 09:42:48 UTC
Not all African countries are third world countries and in fact some of them are growing like Rwanda, Kenya, and South Africa.
2016-02-08 13:13:06 UTC
All sub-Saharan African countries (the colored countries) are all third world. Egypt may be in Africa, but it is hardly considered an "African" country. The last hope for civilisation in sub-Saharan Africa disappeared with majority rule in South-Africa. Look at it now, it's become as bad as Zimbabwe. Rhodesia was a prosperous country with no starvation. Now look at what the bloody kafs have done with it. S.A. is going the same way.
2016-02-07 16:27:25 UTC
Not all areas are 3rd world in Africa. But lack of roads, education, public utilities and such does hold them back. Political corruption is a big problem. Also terrain is a problem. In many 3rd world Countries you can go from modern to the bush in miles. Mountain in the way to build a road? Were the road ends so do the electric poles. But much is changing. A cell phone tower on every mountain today. I can go back in the bush and still have cell phone. Beats the old short wave days. Solar plates are bringing a computer & teacher to places were they only come to town once a year to trade. Dirt roads for logging up mountainsides avalable today are opening new land to farm once there is a way to the land there. Not all was like developed Countries. Takes modern equipment to be able to get back and open a lot of places. What use to be trails you walked are today open to motor bikes. You do not remember a lot of America from back in the 50s & 60s before roads & transportation to all. Remember it was 1957 when 1/2 the farms became mechanised in America. We still use ox in many areas. But they are opening up.
2016-02-10 08:03:31 UTC
The term refers to developing vs. capitalist or communist countries during the 1950's. I don't think African countries like Egypt and Israel were considered third world at that time, so your question is incorrect.
2016-02-09 02:35:27 UTC
All African countries are the third world. .
2016-02-09 00:19:49 UTC
It's sad that no one apparently knows what a "third world" country is. It stems from the Cold War, and essentially means any nation that didn't side with the US (first world nations) or the Soviet Union (second world nations).

The remainder were known as third world nations, and they were considered to be poor or depressed nations because they typically were. Countries that had political, economic, or strategic power were recruited by the super powers of the time. Those nations that didn't add value at the time or wasn't recruited into the fold became third world, and were essentially left out of the major dealings of the time.
2016-02-09 15:00:48 UTC
No African counties have had an industrial revolution like the countries In Europe had or china is having now.

Also being invaded by Europeans and enslaved/discriminated against by the white ruling majority hasn't helped most of these countries.
2016-02-10 13:48:20 UTC
African countries are third world because they were colonized by European countries very early in their graowth, so their resources were depleted and their fittest people were being sold into slavery a hundred years ago
2016-02-08 09:42:57 UTC
Predicted word to say yes! cause African countries are 3rd world For Amazon and Antic about things and value able goods
2016-02-09 19:19:22 UTC
No African counties have had an industrial revolution like the countries In Europe had or china is having now
2016-02-08 15:56:56 UTC
Okay so this is where people get confused, when Americans see African people living in a 'village' they think they are poor. They're not. They just live that way because that's just the area they live in. No one is homeless and not many people go hungry. It's similar to living on a farm.
2016-02-09 05:27:22 UTC
Okay, you first need to understand what the word "third world" means. A Third World country is a country whose views are not aligned with NATO and capitalism or the Soviet Union and communism.Do you think China or Russia is a third world country? Of course no. But they still are considered as "third world" countries because they are "democratic" and "capitalist".
2016-02-10 05:46:01 UTC
No, not all african countries are third-world. Egypt for example....
2016-02-10 00:17:42 UTC
Then its not always to be "socialized" like America is. In many ways these other countries are probably better to live in. Probably not as much hate. Will take some adjusting to and some "first world" problems along the way you might have to get over. Like crying because Wi-Fi isn't in every square inch. But they do seem a lot safer and friendlier.
2016-02-09 03:29:00 UTC
I know not ALL of them are but the impression is MOST of them are.

GDP is low for most.

Health and life stats are poor compared to the west (eg life expectancy in the west is 75-80 plus, most of Africa are 50's or 60's; infant mortality rate in many African countries is 40at least per 1,000 up to over 100 per 1,000 whereas in the west it is less than 5 per 1,000)

Literacy rates and education levels are bad (literacy in most western nations is 90+, in Africa about half it's 50% or less and in all but 2 or 3 of the rest it's less than 85%; Universities rank poorly against the outside world)
2016-02-10 14:11:42 UTC
Most African countries are poor except for white South Africa.
2016-02-08 20:35:26 UTC
I don't think they are all third world but there are some problems.

Little manufacturing

Little commerce

Few seaports

Bad transportation

Bad roads

Poor governments

Poor food distribution

Backward cultures

2016-02-09 02:24:34 UTC
African countries are third world Kenya ....
Darryl Bullock
2016-02-07 17:37:37 UTC
Actually I'm way more interested as to why you think African countries are" third world" and what's the premise or useless narrative you're attempting to create ?
2016-02-08 20:52:27 UTC
No South Africa is not a third-world country
Nietsn Eknarf
2016-02-07 16:18:05 UTC
Because there are no white people to create an infrastructure for them. They kicked the whites out of South Africa and how is that working out? Now they are hell bent on turning the US into a third world country also.
2016-02-10 00:40:14 UTC
Because they are backward and often need help from first World countries. It has nothing to do with colonialism; America was a colonised just like Africa but Americans made themselves into a first World country at least in terms of Science, technology, infrastructure and the modern world.
2016-02-08 06:21:54 UTC
I am an African American and that is a very RACIST and IGNORANT presumption about Africa. NOT all of Africa is third world- much of it is Westernized and modernized like the rest of the world. My current pastor is from Ghana- he is a rich, successful and influential man. He didn't live in poverty when he was living in Ghana. Ghana is not third-world. He lives in the U.S., and he also lived in Engl
2016-02-08 13:10:26 UTC
It's funny that not a single person knows what "3rd world" actually means. It has nothing to do with poverty or economic status. Switzerland is a "3rd world country" and they're at least on par with the U.S.A.

"3rd world" is a term that dates back to the Cold War. The "1st world" was the USA and their NATO allies. The "2nd world" was the Soviet Union and their allies. The "3rd world" was everybody else. So that means that everyone who was not with us or the Soviets (for example, neutral Switzerland) is "3rd world" - and since the countries of Africa were neutral, they are, by definition, "3rd world" countries.

This has been Mr. Smiles' History Class. Thank you for participating. You will receive a bill in the mail for the education you have received here today. We do not accept checks.
2016-02-07 17:27:54 UTC
ROFL ... who thinks all African Countries 3rd World , you're none to smart to ask such a stupid question... no one I know, Africa has A LOT of WEALTH , only some of them live in POVERTY due to the GREED of others... a long with politics and politicians being some of worst and most CORRUPT in the World !
Petra Chor
2016-02-09 19:04:11 UTC
Typical shallow and ignorant American. Most of the world enjoys third world conditions. Besides, Africa was raped for centuries by Europe for her oil, diamonds, gold and other resources. You should really get your world history from somewhere other than Yahoo.
2016-02-08 18:58:38 UTC
Well, probably because people who live there are lazy, and don't really wanna do anything. That is why these countries are so corrupt. It is often that places where there is not winter, the people are more lazy. Like Florida, a lot of people there are lazy compared to other states.
2016-02-09 14:03:00 UTC
a majority of them are third world countries. countries like South Africa and Egypt aren't
2016-02-08 22:49:12 UTC
Okay, you are confusing... During Cold war,

USA and Its Alies are first world

Soviet Russia and its Alies are second world

Neutral countries are third world.

So, third world countries arent poor countries by definition.
2016-02-10 12:39:13 UTC
The many countries in that region are the way they are IS because of who runs their country. IF Hillary or Sanders become our next leader we WILL experience what many of the African countries know oh so well.
2016-02-08 12:58:50 UTC
I'm sure there are many reasons why a lot of countries are in "third world" status.

My opinion is poor leadership and management.
2016-02-09 10:48:34 UTC
It usually means a developing country. At first it was a term used to describe countries who weren't aligned with either the U.S. or Russia during the Cold War.
2016-02-08 10:06:03 UTC
Pretty much ALL African regions are run by dictators who are more greedy than sociopathically deadly, like the animal-like brutal dictator Sani Abacha, who pretty much killed his way to the top, until he died....under mysterious circumstances.

These dictators draw ( steal ) in as much wealth as they can, while attaining MORE wealth through illegal means ( illegal drug manufacture / distribution, illegal oil barrel sales, human sex-trade trafficking--even tele scam and/or scam email operations ), when they're not busy murdering opponents in graphic gory ways or raping underage boys / girls. Some of these dictators take great joy in watching small villages implode from lawlessness.

Once they're done, the oppressed people of their "kingdom"--the ones suffering in abject poverty, hunger and dying each day in large numbers from diseases.....are left behind to suffer; in the minds of these people, the ones murdered are the lucky ones.
2016-02-09 19:53:41 UTC
Botswana, Egypt, and South Africa are not third world. They are three very rich countries. Look how poor Moldova - which is in Europe - is while comparing it to Botswana.
2016-02-08 03:05:27 UTC
Third countries are the countries in which cities Around the beautiful and high building standing slum buildings (i don't know if these stuff could be called buildings) :)
2016-02-10 23:22:16 UTC
And the Middle East it's all third world.
2016-02-09 12:59:51 UTC
Because there is so much violence, greed, wholesale cruelty, sickness and poverty that if a country in Africa were NOT 3rd world, it would be helping those less fortunate. Since that isn't happening, therefore all of Africa must be 3rd world or less.
2016-02-08 01:54:03 UTC
I am an African American and that is a very RACIST and IGNORANT presumption about Africa. NOT all of Africa is third world- much of it is Westernized and modernized like the rest of the world. My current pastor is from Ghana- he is a rich, successful and influential man. He didn't live in poverty when he was living in Ghana. Ghana is not third-world. He lives in the U.S., and he also lived in England for a time. He has a site online for his ministry and he is on Facebook. One of my pastors before that was from Liberia- he wasn't poor and Liberia isn't third-world. I have lived with Africans- none of these people came from third-world areas.

NOT all of Africa is THIRD-WORLD. I never thought the whole continent was.

Here's some links I want to share:

I think YOU think ALL of Africa is third-world based on what you see in MOVIES and from what the AMERICAN MEDIA puts out about Africa. Maybe you think Africa is all third-world from those ads you see on TV about sponsoring kids in AFRICA.

Well, it's about time!
2016-02-09 04:10:19 UTC
South Africa, Botswana, Seychelles and Namibia are definitely not third world countries
2016-02-07 12:58:39 UTC
There are 54 exiting countries plus two considered "disputed" in Africa. Not ALL of them are 3rd World.

GENERALLY the Coastal countries are former Colonies. As such they were NOT developed; they were

Exploited. AFTER being Colonial each "liberated, independent" country simply formed Governments

that continued the Colonial forms of Society and that keeps them from effective Progress. The "Rulers"

continue to Exploit their "uncivilized population of ignorant Savages!"
2016-02-10 08:24:08 UTC
Wherever there is a preponderance of Negroes, there is considerable crime, ignorance, illegitimate offspring, economic despair and moral terpitude. Since Africa has the vast majority of blacks/Negroes, they have the most 3rd world nations. Outside of Africa, the situation is still bleak; witness Haiti, the Dominican Republic, most other Caribbean islands and the barrios of Brazil. Those were the dominant slave acquiring locations Wherever blacks dominate the population, they simply cannot form a healthy republic with a booming economy. Sending Negroes back to create Liberia is a case in point. Even when educated in western values, they cannot develop beyond simple tribal organizations. It's a jungle out there! Primitiveness is the form manifested by blacks, whether in Detroit or downtown D.C., it's what they do, it's what they be. Do be, do be, do.
2016-02-08 22:04:33 UTC
For a long time severely oppressed blacks. They were slaves to the white man. All outstanding minds or die, or they did not even have the right to vote. Such a policy makes all forced to believe that African countries are backward.
2016-02-07 14:52:12 UTC
Colonisation didn't help and greedy politicians. They also let their resources be exploited by foreign companies that don't pay taxes to the government by bribing leaders. Tribal disputes that bring about unnecessary conflict. I can go on forever but you get the idea is hope
2016-02-08 15:35:15 UTC
Africa was geographically isolated from Europran Asian and Arab inventions. Colonization didn't help, especially since enemy tribes were deliberately put in the same colony and then the same countries after decolonization. Furthermore it can take decades to learn to rule yourself after being dependent on the colonizer for so long.
The Global Geezer
2016-02-09 12:10:16 UTC
They aren't 3rd world. I would say that South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Egypt, Morocco and Kenya are very much 2nd world. The rest of the continent probably is, because it was settled and developed later than the rest, and because of colonial mismanagement on the part of European powers.
2016-02-08 00:48:30 UTC
Because white people created the classification between first, second, and third world countries.
2016-02-10 12:06:31 UTC
Most white people in South Africa have a high standard of living. Botswana has made economic progress. You can see progress in Kenya and Rwanda and Cote d'Ivoire, and Gabon, and Ghana.
2016-02-08 20:29:28 UTC
Most are 3rd world countries due to the large amount of slave trade that occurred. Due to the drop in population a normal society couldn't be maintained. Plus while Europeans where also taking slaves, they were also taking resources. Basically robbing the whole continent.
2016-02-08 01:23:03 UTC
No Egypt South Africa Kenya all were 1 st world
2016-02-09 15:21:12 UTC
Because this is the ugly fact the painful truth the sour revelation, or watever the **** you call

all African countries are 3rd word except for South Africa
2016-02-10 02:49:56 UTC
2016-02-07 15:31:29 UTC
When you have an average IQ of 70, what hope do you have lol. The only reason there are cities and skyscrapers in certain countries is because of white people.
2016-02-09 16:10:47 UTC
the african countries civil laws are not up to american standards.

the african countries health care is not up to american standards.

the african countries educational system is not up to the american.

the political acceptance and equality in the civil community is not up to american standards.

the agricultural community is not up to american standards.

the FDA does not exist in africa.

the amount of food available to the common people is about the same as the american people's.

in the upcoming olympic marathon, the american runner's will have to be very fast to beat the african runners.
2016-02-09 14:02:12 UTC
I don't....

Why do you? Lack of education on your part?

Certainly SOME nations in Africa are "Third World", but by no means all!
2016-02-07 21:23:46 UTC
These things are always changing. The US is declining fast, China is rising fast. Africa is rising more slowly, much the way SE Asia was 20 years ago.

Get used to being 3d and 4th worlders, Americans.
2016-02-09 16:53:30 UTC
Because they are third world now.
2016-02-09 07:59:50 UTC
The term 3rd world has a actual meaning that most people don't understand, nor is it relevant now that the Soviet Union has collapsed. It is an outdated term that ignorant people still use.
2016-02-08 05:12:46 UTC
GDP per Capita is about 5% of North America or Europe.
2016-02-09 13:05:34 UTC
Tad Dubious
2016-02-10 07:10:10 UTC
I do not think that, Black. South Africa and Egypt, for example, are both in Africa and I do not consider them "third world" countries.
2016-02-08 08:07:15 UTC
They aren't occupied by a news magnet who has had a double plasty with the Duke Of Edinburgh.
2016-02-09 13:18:01 UTC
Because they were raped of their resources by European countries. Almost every country in Africa has been colonized at some point, and this hasn't been to their benefit.
2016-02-08 14:23:42 UTC
Because if Africa was one country and one religion it would not be poor. No tribes just a place where four million people where living it would be strong place that it.
powder monkey
2016-02-09 12:15:57 UTC
Because the 'west' has raped and pilledged the natural resources there and subjugated the population.

The Catholic Church has indoctrinated the masses, ruling with fear and oppression, banning contraception which has lead to a population explosion and an AIDS epidemic.
2016-02-09 07:40:51 UTC
I dont agree , there are poorer countries in Asia,South America and Eastern Europe than in Africa
2016-02-08 17:25:36 UTC
Your problem is the definition of THIRD WORLD. Apparently there are NO 2nd world countries....or at least nobody wants to admit it.

Is most of Africa a shithole?...YEP. Some places are OK....South Africa...but I have no desire to go ANYWHERE in Africa.
2016-02-11 20:25:59 UTC
Lack of reasources, tribal warfare, tribal slavery, bogged down by dictators, lack of educational institutions, it's pretty much been this way for a thousand years.
Robert M
2016-02-08 16:53:43 UTC
MAny american cities are THIRD WOLRD LIKE NOW since the BUSH people allowed the factories to exit the country! YOu shodul see DETROIT an other michigan cities! MY GOD!
2016-02-07 20:02:30 UTC
Because it is inhabited by Africans
2016-02-08 05:45:55 UTC
Africa IS RICH IN NATURAL RESOURCES! Not all are poor.

9 developed African countries.

Resources which the "white" man needed to drive his economy. Slavery was replaced by corrupt western backed leaders who would allow the resources to be "traded" to some western corporation below the market value for a "bribe".

Amazing how corrupt laaders whilst living in luxury won't do anything for their own country's population.

Western oil corporations do a "deal" with the African government. If there is opposition to the exploitation, the corporation turns to the government, who turns to the military to ensure the oil flows, those who rise up are executed!

Outsiders will fuel a conflict in Africa to ensure civil war reigns, and a roaring trade in western armaments rules!

Watch "Africa is poor and 5 other myths | Simon Moss | TEDxWarwick" on YouTube

Watch "Africa is poor inspite being Resource Rich because of USA & western countries" on YouTube

Watch "Stealing Africa - Why Poverty?" on YouTube

Watch "Land Rush - Why Poverty?" on YouTube
2016-02-07 19:22:03 UTC
Doesn't that depend o how you define "third world". I'm not at all sure what "third World" means.
2016-02-09 03:21:25 UTC
Africans. Corruption. Tribalism. And those attitudes travel with them.
2016-02-08 07:07:20 UTC
They tell you that to keep you working and paying taxes in the snow. Don't go to Africa, otherwise the third world bogey-man will catch you. wooo.....!
2016-02-08 18:03:43 UTC
Most poor nations, regardless of color, culture, language or government, have ONE primary thing in common. If they can afford ONE child, they have FIVE.

That's the equivalent of hating children so much that you fantasize about watching them suffer their whole lives.

2016-02-08 05:02:46 UTC
f.u.c.k. all of you
2016-02-09 05:31:36 UTC
its probly that part where something seems odd to our own standards of comon day life so its like 3rd rock from the sun its weird to us strange lacking missing something or way too much of something thats been long surpased like its backward from the advancement so it gets the 3rd world terminology like its strange cuz we all are actualy 3rd world so deuh
2016-02-10 15:09:36 UTC
Racism is why the world thinks that.

It's also how the media shows Africa. But, again, it all stems from racism.
2016-02-08 11:52:02 UTC
Due to the lack of intelligence of the *****. It is a fact that they have an average of 25 I.Q. points less than Caucasians, thus the violence, and lack of reasoning, as well.
2016-02-09 17:36:54 UTC
Never ancestry and culture beyond a dirt floor, naked titts, canabalism, open fire pit, mud hut.

What kind of mentality does that display.....? Stupidity, laziness, filth ??
2016-02-08 17:18:31 UTC
Because africa is a thrid world country
2016-02-08 13:17:52 UTC
I don't. The idea of a "third world" is a neoliberal farce.
2016-02-10 12:11:10 UTC
I don't. They share our world, but because of economics and dictatorial leaders, they are held back.
2016-02-09 16:32:56 UTC
because Africans don't come first
2016-02-09 14:29:01 UTC
Because the European colonial powers who used to rule the continent stripped it of all wealth and gave nothing back in return.
2016-02-08 11:58:01 UTC
Climate. Genetic makeup. Who knows. Maybe the people are really from outer space and not adaptable the planet.
2016-02-08 13:31:53 UTC
I don't think it. But I would think it if I filled my mind with stereotypes and isms instead of knowledge.
2016-02-09 09:35:52 UTC
The ony one that isn't a total **** hole is South Africa. And for what that is worth, South Africa is also the rape capital of the world.
2016-02-08 15:05:59 UTC
Black people lack the intellectual capabilities to form a civilized and powerful society.
2016-02-12 02:31:59 UTC
Nope some are fourth world.
2016-02-08 09:14:09 UTC
It is Mother Earth. But with that. I just don't think about it.
2016-02-09 14:28:51 UTC
Different and or non thriving to world standards
2016-02-09 07:37:46 UTC
At one point Europe had the same standard of living as Africa.
2016-02-12 04:10:53 UTC
yes i thought it that the third world
2016-02-09 08:33:59 UTC
You should come up with a new perfume called IGNORANCE

Your slogan could be: INGNORANCE: It's Bliss
2016-02-10 00:24:21 UTC
A culture of ignorance. Same reason that monkeys live in trees...
2016-02-07 12:54:21 UTC
Because everyone knows USA is first, Canada is second and everyone else is tied for last.
2016-02-08 16:42:35 UTC
because the people who live there evolved with barely any evolutionary pressures and didn't need to evolve smarter brains so they're dumb and poor
Network G
2016-02-08 12:26:24 UTC
It doesn't matter what I think. It's the UN that classifies nations, e.g. the G8.

Economic classification of nations and criteria:

The economically underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America, considered as an entity with common characteristics, such as poverty, high birthrates, and economic dependence on the advanced countries. The French demographer Alfred Sauvy coined the expression ("tiers monde" in French) in 1952 by analogy with the "third estate," the commoners of France before and during the French Revolution-as opposed to priests and nobles, comprising the first and second estates respectively. Like the third estate, wrote Sauvy, the third world is nothing, and it "wants to be something." The term therefore implies that the third world is exploited, much as the third estate was exploited, and that, like the third estate its destiny is a revolutionary one. It conveys as well a second idea, also discussed by Sauvy, that of non-alignment, for the third world belongs neither to the industrialized capitalist world nor to the industrialized Communist bloc. The expression third world was used at the 1955 conference of Afro-Asian countries held in Bandung, Indonesia. In 1956 a group of social scientists associated with Sauvy's National Institute of Demographic Studies, in Paris, published a book called Le Tiers-Monde. Three years later, the French economist Francois Perroux launched a new journal, on problems of underdevelopment, with the same title. By the end of the 1950's the term was frequently employed in the French media to refer to the underdeveloped countries of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America.


The underdevelopment of the third world is marked by a number of common traits; distorted and highly dependent economies devoted to producing primary products for the developed world and to provide markets for their finished goods; traditional, rural social structures; high population growth; and widespread poverty. Nevertheless, the third world is sharply differentiated, for it includes countries on various levels of economic development. And despite the poverty of the countryside and the urban shantytowns, the ruling elites of most third world countries are wealthy.

This combination of conditions in Asia, Africa, Oceania and Latin America is linked to the absorption of the third world into the international capitalist economy, by way of conquest or indirect domination. The main economic consequence of Western domination was the creation, for the first time in history, of a world market. By setting up throughout the third world sub-economies linked to the West, and by introducing other modern institutions, industrial capitalism disrupted traditional economies and, indeed, societies. This disruption led to underdevelopment.

Because the economies of underdeveloped countries have been geared to the needs of industrialized countries, they often comprise only a few modern economic activities, such as mining or the cultivation of plantation crops. Control over these activities has often remained in the hands of large foreign firms. The prices of third world products are usually determined by large buyers in the economically dominant countries of the West, and trade with the West provides almost all the third world's income. Throughout the colonial period, outright exploitation severely limited the accumulation of capital within the foreign-dominated countries. Even after decolonization (in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's, the economies of the third world developed slowly, or not at all, owing largely to the deterioration of the "terms of trade"-the relation between the cost of the goods a nation must import from abroad and its income from the exports it sends to foreign countries. Terms of trade are said to deteriorate when the cost of imports rises faster than income from exports. Since buyers in the industrialized countries determined the prices of most products involved in international trade, the worsening position of the third world was scarcely surprising. Only the oil-producing countries (after 1973) succeeded in escaping the effects of Western, domination of the world economy.

No study of the third world could hope to assess its future prospects without taking into account population growth. In 1980, the earth's population was estimated at 4.4 billion, 72 percent of it in the third world, and it seemed likely to reach 6.2 billion, 80 percent of it in the third world, at the close of the century. This population explosion in the third world will surely prevent any substantial improvements in living standards there as well as threaten people in stagnant economies with worsening poverty.
2016-02-08 18:50:22 UTC
Because a great deal of them are....and who are you blaming for thinking that? I mean, you can't judge people like this....that is unfair...
2016-02-08 15:55:18 UTC
I don't think that. But then again, I like to read.
2016-02-08 10:15:41 UTC
Because of Racism.
2016-02-10 12:53:59 UTC
No, just third rate.
2016-02-07 16:19:21 UTC
Because of history.
2016-02-09 04:16:36 UTC
no. Ghana is wealthier per capita than the United States silly
Black Widow
2016-02-07 16:36:32 UTC
They are struggling countries thats why
2016-02-10 09:52:01 UTC
Not enough white men to guide them. So they fight and kill each other just like blacks in the USA. They are doomed to poverty.
2016-02-08 16:06:59 UTC
Just look at the kinds of people who live there
2016-02-10 13:42:41 UTC
Asked like someone who obviously doesn't get out much...
2016-02-09 12:32:17 UTC
I don' you know where the phrase comes from? It was applied to all nations not affiliated to either the US or Russia.....
2016-02-08 20:20:52 UTC
Amazon and Antic
2016-02-08 12:30:10 UTC
Not all but a good majority are poor
2016-02-08 20:50:07 UTC
Got into poverty due to things in the best, so nothing any hippie liberal feminists can do about it
2016-02-07 11:42:45 UTC
colonization and western barriers. the cultures are still too traditional and tribal. lack of water and geography are other issues
2016-02-10 08:54:48 UTC
No offense but SOUTH AFRICA place with most whites is considered best place to live in Africa.
2016-02-08 15:37:55 UTC
Most of them are there could br some that are not but i would not bet on it
2016-02-10 04:38:22 UTC
We don't think that. How did you come to that conclusion?
2016-02-09 06:07:28 UTC
They are mostly illiterate. So they have no knowledge on ICT and Science.
2016-02-09 16:33:39 UTC
You won't know until you visit them.
2016-02-07 11:47:42 UTC
africa will advance soon. maybe not all first world countries. bu conditions will get better soon
luis l
2016-02-10 23:47:22 UTC
2016-02-09 21:40:29 UTC
I don't think so
2016-02-08 16:06:45 UTC
Don't know; never heard anyone say that.
2016-02-08 10:21:06 UTC
Do a little more fact checking.
2016-02-07 20:57:04 UTC
Probably not Morocco.
2016-02-08 04:15:21 UTC
Its because of how they behave. They only became industrialized with the help of whitey.
2016-02-08 11:54:51 UTC
Africa is a country.
2016-02-07 15:07:44 UTC
The literary rate is bit low.
2016-02-09 12:54:13 UTC
because no one wants them around when all they do is steal, rape, curse,too lazy to work so they steal,complain,join stupid,useless groups such as :Black lives matter.etc
2016-02-08 13:38:03 UTC
but then you probably don't know that much of your own history either.
2016-02-07 15:04:06 UTC
High melanin=low intelligence is my guess.
2016-02-08 20:52:47 UTC
All except Morocco are.
2016-02-08 11:20:11 UTC
Probably because the Rothchilds decided it should be that way.
2016-02-08 06:59:18 UTC
Who thinks that?
2016-02-07 11:47:00 UTC
Because the Devil thinks he's advanced.
2016-02-08 09:31:41 UTC
It is a foolish thinking.
2016-02-08 09:56:08 UTC
Islam. Islam makes poverty.
2016-02-08 10:45:37 UTC
this world is ONE. You understand!!
2016-02-07 15:47:19 UTC
people are misinformed. I don't, but many do
2016-02-08 02:44:26 UTC
I don't think so, I know so

2016-02-07 11:42:31 UTC
No. South Africa isn't.
2016-02-07 19:11:51 UTC
Because white people raped their land.
2016-02-08 13:18:10 UTC
cause they are full of black people who dont know how to be civilized
2016-02-09 18:32:54 UTC
Well most are pretty bad but not ALL!
2016-02-09 09:18:22 UTC
I don't think that.
2016-02-08 21:26:44 UTC
Yes I would never go to that hell hole.
2016-02-07 19:32:54 UTC
they're pretty developed now
2016-02-11 00:10:40 UTC
European Colonialism and current corruption.
2016-02-08 17:21:07 UTC
Too many black people
2016-02-07 13:48:24 UTC
The answer is in the question Header.
2016-02-09 03:04:05 UTC
No civilization there.
2016-02-08 05:50:15 UTC
South Africa is fine....
The Devil
2016-02-09 19:47:46 UTC
Climate, climate climate, and climate.
2016-02-07 11:45:02 UTC
The people are not intelligent.
2016-02-08 15:39:15 UTC
Md.Nurul Mostafa
2016-02-09 10:21:22 UTC
2016-02-09 04:31:12 UTC
^what those people said
2016-02-09 07:03:16 UTC
No not at all.
2016-02-07 11:43:30 UTC
they just are. not sure why. always been that way
2016-02-08 04:05:18 UTC
Because... they are?
2016-02-08 06:18:03 UTC
Goverment system problem .........
2016-02-08 17:24:46 UTC
i dont
2016-02-09 04:27:57 UTC
no no
2016-02-09 19:03:51 UTC
south africa?
2016-02-11 13:56:11 UTC
2016-02-09 13:49:33 UTC
cuz they are
2016-02-10 18:18:31 UTC
thewy are not.
2016-02-09 09:14:16 UTC
u tell me
2016-02-07 21:33:04 UTC
I donno. Because of your south boy racism?
2016-02-08 10:16:42 UTC
2016-02-08 09:00:12 UTC
2 points thanks

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.