Of course, it's not true.
The right wing can't possibly run on their record, so they distort, lie and smear...the only things they're good at.
When Bush took office, we had a debt of almost $5 trillion.
When Bush left office the debt was almost $12 trillion.
This $7 trillion increase in the debt, does not count the predicted end cost of Iraq...$3 trillion, and the cost of Bush's socialized Medicare bill of $8 trillion.
And....Bush created the first $750 billion bailout that didn't happen until Obama took office, so you can hardly blame Obama for this.
Totaling it all up, we see Bush started with a $ 5 trillion debt, and literally left America with a debt of about $ 19 trillion dollars!
Now Obama proposes an $ 850 billion to $ 1 trillion stimulus package, and the republicans whine and cry like the world is coming to an end?!
Isn't it funny how when republicans are out of power, they suddenly become fiscally conservative?!
Where were they for the last 8 years??!!
In Bush's first 6 years, he signed every single solitary spending bill put before him by a republican controlled congress!
Now, suddenly, it's all Obama's fault?!
Right wing, brain dead, neo-con hypocrites.