Was Donald Trump created by the Democrats to destroy the RNC?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Was Donald Trump created by the Democrats to destroy the RNC?
204 answers:
2016-08-07 09:47:08 UTC
Was Donald Trump created by the Democrats to destroy the RNC?
2016-08-06 20:14:18 UTC
No. Trump is his own creation. He may well be a Democrat at heart and is being altruistic, but I doubt that because he puts himself ahead of anything else. He is not an altruist. The RNC destroyed itself when it became anti-Hispanic, anti-women, anti-worker, anti-Obama and obstructionist. Republicans are so fed up with the GOP that they refused to vote for any establishment GOP candidates. Ted Cruz criticized the GOP harshly and he got the second most votes from rank and file Republicans.

In fact people point out that even if the Never Trump campaign were to succeed, they have nobody who can replace him. Who would be the GOP nominee if they dump Trump? Rubio? Cruz? Jeb Bush? Some people mention Paul Ryan but he was soundly defeated as part of the Romney ticket 4 years ago.
2016-08-06 19:54:11 UTC
Who gives a sh!t about Donald Trump? He's a clinical moron!

Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson should be president. He may be a wrestler but hey, Arnold Schwartznegger was once the governer of Republican of California and he was a former bodybuilder and is still an actor.

Either way, Barack Obama is/was an excellent US president. People may make jokes about Hillary but Bill Clinton was a good guy too, sure he cheated on his wife but he was still a good man did what he could to help the US.

Donald Trump will be an absolute disaster like George W. Bush!
2016-08-07 16:37:35 UTC
Yeh and to make Clinton the lesser evil which Americans vote for somehow not realising or not caring that this tactic doesn't work and both evil candidates just get worst. I'd put obama up there with Clinton, just as bad and not a progressive and cares more for Wall Street. Trump doesn't support tpp and actually notices and condemns biased brainwashing media that's making all these dumb hillbots, but he's a racist short tempered stupid fck on mostly everything else, whereas Clinton is horribly corrupt and manipulative and a liar who is a whore for money and a power hungry devil, but she cares about making herself look good to the public so she can do some obama type crap like condemning deaths of innocent black ppl as a front when in reality not doing jackshit about charges being dropped and the corrupt judicial system and cops. Well now innocent cops are dying as a result. Wake up america there are third parties that are being silenced.
2016-08-06 18:54:57 UTC
He is rough around the edges with his sense of humor, but his openness is refreshing. He is not boring which brings in more interest in our politics which is good for our country. He knows how to pick the best people for a job and hold them accountable. He doesn't have an endless line of people he owes favors to or could be blackmailed by. He knows how to make profitable deals and would get our economy growing. He wouldn't be silent about all the murders and drugs that are killing our kids. That's one reason Dr Ben Carson is with him. Trump is going to use him, he is a good man. Trump does press conferences often and would keep the people informed, while Hillary would hide. The Democrat leadership is like the mob. They are closed and you cant see what is going on inside. Trump is open and you can see his ideas to approve or criticize and with ideas flowing openly, solutions to problems can be found.
2016-08-08 15:33:32 UTC
No, Donald has been a Democrat all of his adult life. However, he has seen what has been happening to our country the last few years, under the Democratic establishment. Having been one who has lobbied (ie., paid) for political favors, he knows who the crooked politicians are. So, he decided he was in a position, financially, to try for the Republican Presidential nomination and get rid of the corruption that is destroying the country. Since he could pay his own way through the primary, he would owe nobody any favors. He doesn't have to be a politician to be a good president. He just has to be a good manager, who can select the right experts, best equipped to fill each cabinet position. Then, like an Air Force Base Commander, have regular and or emergency meetings with his 'experts' (cabinet members), who brief on progress and problems within each of their areas. They then discuss, if necessary, suggest solutions to problems, then the 'Boss', makes a decision and directs the appropriate action. I believe Donald Trump is that kind of manager, and he knows who the corrupt politicians are, and will take the appropriate actions to get rid of them. In addition, I am sure he will control our borders and take other necessary actions to make our country safe again. I can remember a day when we all had the same lock on our houses, and you could buy a skeleton key for 10 cents, that fit any of them. Consequently, most left their house unlocked; keys were also left in the car ignition all of the time. We seldom heard of anyone having any trouble. Us kids could play outside after dark, under the street lights, and never had any problem. Women could also walk down the streets after dark without a problem. I would like to see those kind of days in my country again before I die (I am 83 y.o.). I believe it is possible, under a Trump Administration.
2016-08-06 23:48:49 UTC
Nope wild card from the Clan who has a path to redemption that is remarkably similar to his rise - yes - requiring a deal with the spirit to be worth a billion here or a tour with the host... if only........ .He was created in my opinion for the latter but the former is where he makes his stand - like I swear heard him say as I wrote it down too - - he'll pay here s - sure enough what I see so far - yet he could take it all the way, 12,000,000 remind him every night .any way you can. That's an order. You will be blessed I'm now sure in the manner in which he acts. Yes directly - Id wager a billion worth of all ya can carry. Which makes the future a little more or less what you can carry. Which coincides with the means that joins or not. Now we all want it that way so Fly and yet persuade without entirely being yourself. Yet as close as one can get =without ringing the bell so to speak. Cant do what is done - can only suggest through flight, glimpse, words, strange happenings, coincidence, fight. Opposites do attract. Truth is mightiest ally here - so what's it take to gain sight how about 12,000,000 dedicated know now to fight to the finish. Give him message that cost no less then this one - as far as the eye can see of all that remain. Than take reward with you of all you can carry. so YES RNC destroyed by Trump Id say so created b democrat's - Yes indeed. .

To get to the truth - I guess aye it had to be done.

Swing by the other place too - and show message in different lite.

To the First is we fly tonight you listen here we carry all you got to next place every time. -you see now.

To the Other Captain giving orders tonight you listen then that's = all you see - otherwise we got orders to make things wrong - right - that means we total shake things up and make noise to correct that which u=you don't. - you hear now.

So one sees and the other hears - .got to get thru One way or the other. .
2016-08-09 18:46:03 UTC
Trump is the product of the RNC failing to have a true debate with serious, informed questions at the outset. I guess I am still a Republican, but the suicidal selection 19 candidate debate format made Trump he most likely tv winner. Then, that same media, predictably, locked and loaded to destroy him.
2016-08-07 16:59:05 UTC
Donald Trump even though he may not be the best especially with the things he has said and did I will say at least he can tell the truth and speak his mind and doesn't promise stuff that he knows he cannot do unlike Hillary Clinton and Obama because those 2 are idiots and are full of crap and Obama should have never been president to begin with
2016-08-07 19:20:12 UTC
"Was Donald Trump created by the Democrats to destroy the RNC? No. The RNC are doing a mighty good job at destroying themselves. Donald duck-lips was not created; he is the product of a failed abortion after his "daddy" found out he was not the biological father!
2016-08-06 20:22:15 UTC
Yes. Consider this: Trump has been a New York Democrat his whole life. I suspect he's doing a solid for his longtime friend Hillary by helping to put her in the White House. Trump took advantage of poorly educated people who don't know any better.
2016-08-06 22:42:46 UTC
No. Trump is an outsider and not a politician. That's why RNC is nervous. This is his first shot at politics and he already has a presidential nomination that's why everyone especially DNC and media are scared.
2016-08-07 17:04:04 UTC
no because he is changing politics for the better
2016-08-06 17:34:18 UTC
No ,the leadership of the GOP did it all on there own.
2016-08-09 09:14:35 UTC
Proof that the Republican party was headed down the tubes before Trump was the nominee of the RNC is the fact that they took the right to vote (primary/caucus) away from the Republicans in Colorado. All this because they feared Trump and were determined to push Cruz down our throats, whether we wanted it or not. This is not democracy but tyranny. All the politicians in high places consider themselves above the law, above the people they are elected to serve and deserve to be brought down several notches. This is why MANY Americans (both parties) are voting with their middle finger this election cycle. And it is pointed directly at the established powers that be.
Eric Cartman
2016-08-06 17:33:13 UTC
Democrsts didn't vote for that ticking time bomb lmao.
2016-08-09 07:35:31 UTC
No. While Donald Trump wouldn't make a good president, he wasn't created by the Democrats to destroy anything.
2016-08-06 19:14:36 UTC
I dont believe so, but it wouldnt surprise me if that were the case. The democrats tend to play really dirty tricks. For example how the DNC rigged the primaries so bernie would lose AND the former DNC chairwoman calling trump a racist yet refering to hispanics as the "taco bowl vote" in the emails. The only reason i dont believe trump is a fake cadidate by the democrats is because of how many mouths they'd have to keep shut. They couldn't even cover up bill clinton's *******. So i dont believe they can cover this huge trump conspiracy.
2016-08-06 19:38:03 UTC
Was Donald Trump created by the Democrats to destroy the RNC?

YES, NO !?! stupid question > YES, for sure !
Smokies Hiker
2016-08-06 19:50:55 UTC
Sure looks like it! I thought at first Trump was just wayward in his ways because he isn't a politician by trade, but after the past few weeks of making gaff after gaff, he seems reluctant to take advice from any of his team. He's always opening up his mouth before he puts his brain in gear! Hillary or any other politician could eat him alive. Now I'm at a quandary as to even voting or not. Neither one is presidential material, but I don't trust Clinton at all! So my vote was leaning towards Trump, but he's becoming more of an anchor for the Republican party the past few weeks that I am ashamed he was even nominated.
2016-08-06 17:34:32 UTC
No Donald Trump is a bigot and he created all of his own problems. Donald Trump is a manifestation of what the republicans have always been about. The republicans are raised into families that teach them the values of racism, sexism, homophobia, islamaphobia, and bigotry when they're born. Only a base of voters as stupid as the republican base is could've possibly nominated someone for president that has insulted women, minorities, muslims, veterans, and the disabled.
2016-08-09 06:44:43 UTC
Mitch McConnel created Trump. That is McConnel and the other GOP folks that think more of the party than they do of our nation. Can you believe they actually thought shutting down our government was a good idea? Think of the consequences in this day and age of terrisom. What a vulnerable time for America when the government no longer is functioning. Even the republicans got sick and tired of the extreme right wing behavior. So along comes Trump singing the song of "kick butts and take names" philosophy. The problem is too many folks believe he can do it. DC is power run organization and when and if Trump gets to DC he'll find out who gets to do what. I'm not a Hillary fan, but she is just as tough and dirty as all the rest of them. I think she will be the best choice for the next four years. Hillary will play the rough and tumble game that McConnel wants to play. It will be interesting to see who wins that cage fight. Good luck, America.
The Truth
2016-08-08 18:47:25 UTC
Trump wasn't created by the Democrats, he was asked by his dear friend Hillary Clinton to make a total fool of himself and the Republican party so that the media would pull the focus away from her own corruption towards whatever stupid things Trump says, allowing her to slip into place as the only realistic option for president.
2016-08-08 20:09:58 UTC
Donald Trump was created by RNC it started years ago.
2016-08-06 19:20:03 UTC
No, Trump only ran because Hillary wanted him to lose to her. It was a work, just like in Pro Wrestling.

Bush already destroyed the Republican party. They're dead, they just don't know it yet. Kinda like when someone is on drugs, they are brain dead but the body needs time to catch up.

Oh well, that what the Republicans get for backing Bush. Guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
2016-08-06 19:50:45 UTC
No, this is the by product of years of Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Savage, and all the other hating conservative talk media people that infused hate into Republican conservatives, breeding the likes of Cruz from Texas and Lee from Utah, brewing up hate for Obama but having little alternatives, this complaining, whining mentality ended up in the primary voting booth and that is HOW DONALD TRUMP WAS CREATED.

CONCLUSION: You bred your own 3 headed toppee, and know your going to pay for it.
2016-08-07 07:46:08 UTC
Seems possible because hard to believe trump is so dumb!

I almost thought hitlery might be okay. But when new emails surfaced, instead of taking responsibility, she hired Debbie wasserman Shultz for her campaign, and then shifted the blame to Russia! Omg! Are you freaking kidding with this? I feel like I'm reliving the monica lewinsky and bill thing when he incited a war with Yugoslavia, who incidentally was asking for help with terrorism - instead of help, clinton led a coalition to bomb Serbs for defending themselves and even gave serbian historic Kosovo to newly arrived foreigners! Crazy! Now hillary dares to pick a fight and incite fear of Russia! That's the craziest ballsiest and dumbest thing I've ever seen. She cannot be president. She just cannot. The Clinton's will start WWIII. They're crazy or dumb, certainly greedy for themselves and power hungry idiots. They're too dumb to be in power.

At least trump is learning and he'll be a lame duck president.
Ms Hilton
2016-08-08 16:37:15 UTC
No, Donald Trump is the result of nothing but the policies and tactics and practices the GOP has played for the past 16 years.
2016-08-09 13:11:58 UTC
I had this thought just yesterday, thinking that Trump is such a horse's behind that he's practically handing Clinton the presidency on a silver platter, but what if this was always the plan?! The republicans are so very desperate to elect any republican, they chose someone who perfectly exemplifies their entire party. Oh the regrets they have now. To that I say like that kid Nelson on the Simpsons "Ha-Ha!"
2016-08-06 18:06:11 UTC
That would reflect on the Clintons being that smart to pull it off. Monica Lewinsky, Whitewater, etc...Bill could get an erotic massage and Hillary would find a way to mess up the happy ending. Donald Trump's ego is all about himself and he doesn't care about anyone but himself. Typical progressive liberal, just like the rest of them.
2016-08-07 02:39:06 UTC
No, that's propaganda, even if Hillary wins. How do i know that? Apart from Trump, all of the Republican candidates got a bad reputation not necessarily for some of the things Bush did in the past to this nation, but because they don't look that "smart" like the beloved Obama of more than half of the Americans who are hypnotized by the stupidity of that man.

Trump could have easily given a billion to Hillary without entering the contend to later get $10 billions, just like the Obamas do with the school lunches and its contractors, this is normal since lobbyism has kidnapped America. So there is no sense in this campaign of insults where Trump's wife is continually insulted. They say freemasons (If Donald is) don't care about morals so they pretend they are angered when they are defamed, but this is not the case, since remember Trump could lose millions if any accusation of tax evasions by the democrats against him would be true. People could stop using his hotels and the government would place him in jail.

Also, if Trump were a democrat he would never have called Obama a travesti, because every time some of that is mention Obama loses points, the democrat party would gain since most of homosexuals vote for them, but at the expenses of Trump who could, again lose clients on his several business.
Pat Brown
2016-08-07 11:18:17 UTC
I perfectly understand the strong desire by Republicans to believe that Trump is a creation of the Democrats. For months, prominent Republicans wrote articles in the Wall Street detailing how Obama, in particular, is responsible for Trump (months before convention) btw). Good for a laugh. This is a classic case of sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind, of reaping what you sow---- the bitterness and anger and divisiveness and neglect of the need of ordinary Americans--- brought them Trump., courtesy of the GOP>
2016-08-08 05:31:51 UTC
Because he's Donald Trump
2016-08-08 21:44:44 UTC
Yes. Donald Trump is Illuminati.
2016-08-08 22:54:20 UTC
Nope Democrats have always been corrupt ever since they tried to stop the first Republican president Abe Lincoln. They claim the democrat created KKK went good and are now like Lincoln, a man they hated for possibly being part black due to his mom having an affair with a slave. There are many RINOS in the Republican party who are now starting to come out of the woodwork since a non politician is running. Back when racist democrat president Lyndon B Johnson was president ( A time during which a democrat shot Martin Luther King) The democrats was working to get black people to vote democrat. Johnson once said "Ill have neg***s voting democrat for the next 200 years". His little plan to make the party of lincoln look racist may have worked for a while but Trump is now helping to show the democrats have not changed a bit and how they are still trying to take over the Republican party.
2016-08-08 12:18:50 UTC
No, Donald Trump is one of the most supported candidate by regular working class people that has ever been.

Hillary got elected by super delegates, Cruz by major political muscle to try and get him in. Trump actual votes, no political muscles no special interest.

Trump is the real deal he has the support of the people.. Just not the illegals and criminals, they hate him.
Linda R
2016-08-07 10:07:20 UTC
NO. Trump was created by his mother and father. In the beginning, Trump only ran to get the Republican party to WAKE UP and do the right thing. As he campaigned....he LISTENED to the American voters and used their concerns for his 'platform'. NO other presidential - ever listened to anybody....including Hillary.

Trump wants the Republican party to be strong again and destroy the brain dead, liberal, socialist, corrupt Democratic party.
2016-08-09 07:45:08 UTC
Yes! Donald Trump is sabotaging himself with all the things he says. Look what everyone says about him. "When you talk one on one with him, he's a smart guy" everyone says that. If he's smart cause I'm sure he's not that stupid. He Knows what he's doing. He was created by Hillary Clinton. I have this theory that she got him to run because he's the ONLY candidate she can beat. Remember that time when Hilary Clinton met with Obama during his primary race? She stepped down then he appointed her Secretary of State which gave her the power to do all the crazy stuff she's done. And plan and fund her campaign for years And now he's backing her for president. It's like an episode of scandal
2016-08-07 16:55:08 UTC
I seriously doubt the Democrats are that clever. I think instead it points up the weakness in the multi-state process we have now for nominating a Presidential candidate. It wasn't always this way.

On the other hand maybe Trump is lacking in impulse control, which is symptomatic of adult ADHD.
2016-08-07 12:25:23 UTC
I used to think this but now I think the truth is worse. The master plan is for Trump to be elected, serve a year or so and then be coerced by Congress to resign. The the US will have a bigoted, right-wing, religious nut case as President, someone who could have never been elected in his own right.
2016-08-07 05:31:38 UTC
Ha ha, a thought I occasionally pondered myself. However, it seems that the Republican party wasn't wildly supportive of him at first. Actually, he doesn't quite fit the party's conventional values at all. That's probably okay, the majority of Republicans are a charade of their esteemed values anyways. He's mostly just a fiscal conservative, an opportunist that seeks allies that serve his goals. I want to hit the floor and pass out when I see idiots supporting him. I'm not Republican btw, nor do I favor the other major party. But, D.T. is like watching recent history revive itself from the dark and fiery pits of hell aka Hitler and Mussolini. I never thought that Idiocracy was a movie foretelling the future.
2016-08-06 19:12:08 UTC
No, Donald Trump is a muppet created by Frank Oz.
2016-08-06 22:37:10 UTC
No... Donald Trump was created by aliens to destroy mankind.
2016-08-07 19:08:17 UTC
I don't think so. Though there is a lot of evidence pointing to yes. He has in the past been a democrat, donating to Hillary's campaign in 2008 and has support for some liberal views. I think it's possible, but chances are no, that is not his goal, even if it does seem that it's happening.
2016-08-07 18:15:38 UTC
No, Trump was created by a man named Fred Trump and a woman named Mary MacLeod ( who had become Mary Trump by this time). Someone needs to have the birds and the bees talk with you I guess.
2016-08-07 08:41:27 UTC
No Chump is NOT a shill created by the DNC but is a self created and marketed shill to get Adolf Hitllary Clinton elected. It seems pretty obvious considering that every time he starts to exhibit some possible lead over Adolf Hitllary that he opens his mouth and intentionally shoots himself in the electorate.

Trump is a marketing expert. He was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth, raised to believe people are owned to serve him and his attitude appears to present the idea that he believes he is NOT above the law but entirely outside of the law. Coincidentally the exact same can be said for Adolf Hitllary Clinton.

Chump does not consider himself to be equal to other humans but above humanity as exhibited by his attitude that those he disagrees with are to be treated by yelling YOUR FIRED or YOUR A LOSER or uses attacks like "Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?!”. He exhibits all of the signs of a sociopath. His speeches are to quote Trump himself "a disaster". He is completely self absorbed.

Being a marketing expert should allow him to craft a marketable presidential candidate that could NOT EVEN remotely lose against Adolf Hitllary Clinton. Her character resides somewhere beneath an outhouse and yet THEEEEEE DumPSTAHHHHHH! is unable to schmooze the majority of the general public to follow him instead of her. Either he is NOT the marketing expert he claims to be or he is NOT marketing -HIMSELF- to be the next president. Either way, he IS a LOSER!

The only way WE win is for WE THE PEOPLE to dump both Adolf Hitllary Clinton and THEEEEE DumPSTAHHHHH! and vote 3rd party. As far as I can see there are only two candidates - one is male and the other female and NEITHER one is the Chump or Adolf Hitllary.
2016-11-11 23:03:34 UTC
sure looks like it! i thought at first trump was just wayward in his ways 'cause he isn't a politician by trade, but after the past few weeks of making gaff after gaff, he seems reluctant to take advice from any of his team... he's always opening up his mouth before he puts his brain in gear! hillary or any other politician could eat him alive... now i'm at a quandary as to even voting or not... neither one is presidential material, but i don't trust clinton at all! so my vote was leaning towards trump, but he's becoming more of an anchor for the republican party the past few weeks that i am ashamed he was even nominated...
2016-08-06 22:07:42 UTC
Donald Trump was created by sexual reproduction to become the first emperor of the Union of imperial States, formerly known as the USA and it will be a glorious reign until he dies naturally and is succeeded by Emperor Dr.David Duke who becomes the first emperor of earth.
2016-08-09 11:41:48 UTC
I think likely. The US is attempting to alienate all whites by making them look like Devils and who better to put out there than the glutton Trump. Bottom line Whites in America will be eliminated entirely and the democrats will stop at nothing to genocide all whites because it is cheaper, more cost effective and profitable to control a society with non-whites.
2016-08-07 15:32:13 UTC
No, Trump only cares about Trump and created Trump and will lose He is out there for the whole world to see his incompetence
Armchair Goddess #1
2016-08-08 04:27:26 UTC
Trump is the manifestration of Reagan/Bush years of malarky that has now manifested as a narcissistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, dangerously immature, warped, corrupt, whacko-bird nincompoop named Donald Trump (nee Drumpf).
2016-08-07 06:13:57 UTC
yes, Donald trump also created by the Democrats to destroy the RNC.
Mr. Smartypants
2016-08-06 17:35:59 UTC
I don't give the Dems credit for being quite that devious or clever. But I will say that if Trump's job WAS to destroy the GOP, he couldn't be doing a better job!
2016-08-08 08:14:20 UTC
Yes. Trump is a willing dupe of the Clinton Foundation.
2016-08-08 11:21:32 UTC
We Democrats are THAT powerful. We Democrats can "create" Donald Trump and control and manipulate you Republicans INISDE your own party and even inside your OWN MINDS in order to force you to vote a certain way, and even cry out in support of your candidate. If you believe that Democrats are so superiour and evolved and y'all are just our puppets and playthings, then you really should give up by now. If we can move your hands inside the voting booths and control your decisions like that inside your minds and control what you say and do at your own Republican conventions then it is time to admit that we Democrats are like gods compared to you.
2016-08-10 10:31:53 UTC
Now republicans want to blame democrats for their candidates own self destruction. In 30 years there isn't going to be a tea party and world would greater for it. You guys are mad at the wrong people who you should be mad at is big corporations, Congress, Senate, and the Supreme Court.
2016-08-07 09:56:14 UTC
Trump wins in 2016. Hilar for dog catcher in 2016
2016-08-08 05:56:24 UTC
Trump is the result of conservatives' bigotry and racism and hatred toward President Obama.
2016-08-08 09:29:10 UTC
The Democrats have their own self-inflicted problems. Why would they want to create Trump?
2016-08-07 12:14:36 UTC
I know I saw on computer that donald trump quit presidential race and is backing hillary this is not true
2016-08-06 19:26:12 UTC
The question is if trump IS a Hillary plant/stooge, is her plan of deception effective enough to fool people and get her elected? I say LET'S VOTE TRUMP TO STICK IT TO HILLARY! Otherwise, she will have outsmarted us and will make us look like idiots if her plan prevails!
2016-08-08 11:53:03 UTC
That's one theory they are watching for a plot to throw out the common elections and start a dictatorship. Which also means no congress or house of reps either.
2016-08-07 12:27:29 UTC
No , Trump came up by himself to spoil the reputation of the Republican Party. He is a traitor.
2016-08-06 22:48:53 UTC
I wouldn't put it past the Democratic Party after verifying what I already know through the Movie "Hillary's America". They're nasty gangsters!
2016-08-10 05:11:19 UTC
2016-08-09 12:25:27 UTC
2016-08-09 01:34:56 UTC
Donald Trump will always be himself!
2016-08-06 19:31:17 UTC
Donald Trump is the love child of Satan and a gutter whore.
2016-08-08 00:31:37 UTC
Uncle Charlie
2016-08-09 23:57:28 UTC
No. He is under the Republican platform, even though he's pretty much his own kind of party. He's not in bed with any of the Democrats, politically.
2016-08-07 15:02:30 UTC
The rnc has always been good at destroying themselves with no help.
2016-08-07 11:23:02 UTC
2016-08-06 23:28:46 UTC
How else can you explain a Life-Long Democrat who captures the G0P only to fly it in a suicide crash into a Burning Tower of Fecal Matter.
2016-08-09 19:19:56 UTC
Lol that would make a lot more sense than Trump being real
Tad Dubious
2016-08-08 09:00:39 UTC
No, anon', but you are warm. Although he already existed - he wasn't created - I think he and the Clintons made a deal. It may be YEARS before he officially comes out, but it sure is working so far.
2016-08-06 23:08:15 UTC
2016-08-07 21:26:08 UTC
you are not the only one who thinks that..I don't get why Trump keeps sabotaging himself with some of the ridiculous things he has said lately..when you insult a deceased soldier and his family, regardless of gender religion,sexual orientation many thousands of patriot enemies esp here in the south...who knows but he is falling in the polls.good question
Big Mouth
2016-08-07 23:02:39 UTC
Lolz. Yes. He's actually a robot that they programmed to rip his face off at the end of the election and reveal his true identity.
2016-08-09 10:19:23 UTC
The Republican party has been so fractured, that someone like Trump was able to slip through a crack.
2016-08-07 08:36:28 UTC
I m afraid democrats are people ungoverned by rules who today undermine the society and its state,doing whatever they want with whom they want ..they use everything in their favour,people,institutions,financial rules..having a certain kind of mentality of the money..called in literature ,theceye of the devil,,.they are not concerned with public order or rights,because they are accustomed to receive them on nothing since they are being unable of obtaining a social work in the field of defending human life,they manage very well through a compromising situation like selling their wife etc,to aquire a fortune..then obtain due to their fame in money..the first social positions being credible officials,that they arecto rich to steal a fish or robb the state of smth or sell whatever they find through corruption.poor people waiting the richer to share justice..

Well,being right and being rich are two different things..
2016-08-07 21:28:22 UTC
2016-08-06 20:18:08 UTC
2016-08-06 19:47:48 UTC
NO. God created Mr. Trump and we the people (many) need a real American like him as our leader.
Random Guy
2016-08-07 15:47:34 UTC
He did destroyed the USFL in the 1980s but that was out of stupidity and pride. Not sure about this one though.
2016-08-06 17:33:20 UTC
LOL Trump will DESTROY the Democrat Party in November.
2016-08-07 01:14:06 UTC
Of course not. The worst thing to happen to Democrats would be the destruction of the Republican party. They run roughshod over Republicans all the time; the party has never been so weak. Why finish them off? Better to keep a puny opponent around than defeat it and face its replacement.
2016-08-06 21:35:55 UTC
2016-08-08 18:46:54 UTC
No, Trump is not a politician, he's a businessman
2016-08-07 08:34:47 UTC
Yes and belonged to the secret society of Ghost Busters
2016-08-08 11:55:05 UTC
Maybe. Maybe not. No one knows. All it is is that Donald is a disgrace to his country, I'm thinking he maay be a bit old-fashioned.
2016-08-08 04:19:45 UTC
2016-08-06 19:05:33 UTC
Trump is great what are you talking about. Do you like being spoon fed lies? I guess so keep on voting for those career politicians.
2016-08-09 20:27:58 UTC
That's certainly a possibility. Most New yorkers who are republican

sound more like libertarians. A New York republican is just a socially

liberal republican. I know bc I'm from there.
2016-08-06 19:00:08 UTC
The extend of Demotard creative abilities is to call Republicans racists, no matter what the problem is at hand. That is about as clever as it gets,.
2016-08-07 03:03:04 UTC
The most puzzling thing is the narrowness of choice in all American Presidential elections. Why only two candidates? Why not six or ten?
Coop 366
2016-08-06 17:48:33 UTC
To me I see the Conservatives have finally created what they have been asking for and now they don't like what they made.
2016-08-07 14:50:42 UTC
The man was born and raised just as you see him. The Democrats can't be blamed for this one.
2016-08-06 20:38:43 UTC
Only a base of voters as stupid as the republican base is could've possibly nominated someone for president that has insulted women,
2016-08-07 04:09:42 UTC
republicans dont bother with my old school mate as there stupid they have no hope in being part of the commumity.oh retraining the community in austrlia is wrong live and drive free .the best is creating wealth for all
2016-08-07 18:57:44 UTC
Was fecal matter created by your body to destroy your rectum?

Note, this is not an analogy in anything more than ridicule, and should not be taken as one.
2016-08-07 06:06:48 UTC
All those politicians are greedy and the only thing they do is make this country worse for the middle class and better for the rich and poor.
2016-08-07 11:38:52 UTC
Strong possibility
2016-08-06 19:11:02 UTC
No. Democrats aren't smart enough to pull that off.

Republicans did it to themselves.
2016-08-07 06:24:11 UTC
Maybe but whoever created him hates America. People need to end the love affair with the "R" and the "D" and vote Libertarian the ethical choice.
2016-08-06 18:23:55 UTC
No trump is giving in to gop republitards zeal to be pure far right tea tarded and its imploding ha ha ha see far left is bernie and it exploded ha ha ha
2016-08-08 02:40:29 UTC
i loathe donald trump,,,,,but id be a fool not to respect him for the way he openly and honestly speaks his mind,,,

cares little about who agrees/disagrees. thats politically refreshing
2016-08-08 10:09:44 UTC
It almost looks like that, but that story, which I've heard before, seems a little too far fetched
2016-08-08 21:19:02 UTC
No he was created by corruption, lying and deceit. Just stupid people believing a bunch of poop like they do every election. I hope people can see through this crook
2016-08-07 16:54:28 UTC
Lol, worth thinking about. That's funny. It's both funny and sad because it makes sense.
2016-08-07 20:48:53 UTC
Yes, he's friends with Hillary and working to help get her elected
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2016-08-06 18:24:16 UTC
The GOP has done that very thing in the past. They even admitted to it. It's not illegal.
The Patriot
2016-08-07 06:55:10 UTC
If so, Trump is damn good weapon in destroying right wing politics
2016-08-07 08:26:09 UTC
No! Trump the Chump does it to himself along with republicans. republicans shot themselves with their own guns.
2016-08-07 07:20:58 UTC
If so, the two faced political pimps deserve it. Some of the electorate know the score and are sick of it.
2016-08-08 14:58:08 UTC
This sounds like a crackpot conspiracy theory to me. Why Americans love these theories so much is beyond my understanding.
2016-08-08 01:36:45 UTC
No, he is the lovechild of Ted Cruz and Guy Fieri. Keep up.
2016-08-08 23:22:46 UTC
Yes! Exactly
2016-08-07 14:19:56 UTC
Lord have mercy and take that fool away sooner rather than later. Ahmen
2016-08-08 09:12:46 UTC
He's one reason I'm not voting, the other being Hilary.
2016-08-07 03:51:48 UTC
Would you invite an enemy to your wedding? Would you attend the wedding of an enemy? Of course not. Only family and close friends are invited to a wedding. And you only attend weddings of family and close friends.
2016-08-09 14:39:01 UTC
Of all the wild conspiracy theories I've seen this year, that one is the least wild.
2016-08-08 11:20:45 UTC
Sorry but no, he is just a man that loves the country that made him and his family wealthy and wants to direct us back to the greatest civilized nation that we used to be !!!
2016-08-07 06:16:22 UTC
Donald your only hope
2016-08-08 12:58:22 UTC
The enclosed secrets are always known by their Head-Masters.
2016-08-22 16:43:55 UTC
I have also asked this same question several times, and not gotten a proper answer
2016-08-07 16:24:54 UTC
Definitely not but an interesting thought.
2016-08-07 17:07:26 UTC
Haha. Good strategy but I don't think so.
2016-08-07 21:43:17 UTC
Yes lol
Charlotte Stuck
2016-08-07 08:20:12 UTC
No one knows
2016-08-08 00:05:54 UTC
He is the one gives viral statements
Flying Spaghetti Monster
2016-08-08 07:04:55 UTC
That's a very odd conspiracy theory, I don't think so.
2016-08-08 18:31:42 UTC
I highly doubt it. I prefer him over hillary clinton.
2016-08-07 05:06:32 UTC
Not at all he's sick of what has been going on and what to stop it
2016-08-06 18:40:55 UTC
Yes, of course he was (is). Checkmate in 3 (months).
2016-08-08 14:16:29 UTC
No he is here to win and defeat Hillary
2016-08-07 20:42:03 UTC
Now that's a good question...
2016-08-06 17:56:31 UTC
No, I think George W already did that
2016-08-07 22:45:05 UTC
You didn't have to vote for him
2016-08-07 14:52:07 UTC
I've heard this a lot
2016-08-09 04:00:13 UTC
2016-08-08 00:19:09 UTC
2016-08-06 17:34:04 UTC
Look at the Democrat Party. Do you really think we re that clever?
2016-08-07 08:45:59 UTC
Very possible
2016-08-06 18:13:10 UTC
No, he is doing it all by himself, and the fools that voted for him are to blame.
2016-08-06 18:25:57 UTC
2016-08-07 09:10:51 UTC
Probably not but who knows
2016-08-06 20:40:15 UTC
The way he acts sometime I wonder.
2016-08-07 06:34:57 UTC
2016-08-08 23:00:51 UTC
2016-08-06 17:33:11 UTC
2016-08-06 22:23:54 UTC
Dont blame him on the DNC!
2016-08-08 17:17:08 UTC
2016-08-07 07:06:22 UTC
He is one tough politician
2016-08-07 21:02:39 UTC
Come on, don't fly.
2016-08-08 17:19:10 UTC
I don't think so
2016-08-06 19:50:59 UTC
by Hillary to get her in office
2016-08-07 20:52:47 UTC
i heard bill clinton got him to join the race

but who knows how true that is....
2016-08-07 15:24:40 UTC
no he is the best future president we are going to have
2016-08-07 12:57:15 UTC
I don't think he's crazy. I think he's a smart man sick of liberal lies.
2016-08-06 20:01:57 UTC
que te jodan
2016-08-08 10:27:16 UTC
I have pondered that same idea. it makes sense as well
2016-08-08 02:49:02 UTC
OMG! You finally figured it out!!!
2016-08-07 16:16:53 UTC
uhh. Stupid question.

I am questioning your level of intelligence.
2016-08-09 09:35:42 UTC
I don't know.
2016-08-07 13:54:07 UTC
Proof right here
2016-08-08 00:41:22 UTC
2016-08-08 23:39:18 UTC
luis l
2016-08-07 23:59:40 UTC
2016-08-08 02:21:08 UTC
He was created to suck big Mexican nuts...
2016-08-07 10:22:01 UTC
2016-08-07 16:21:55 UTC
it would appear that way, yes
2016-08-08 00:34:56 UTC
2016-08-07 10:40:21 UTC
If it is true we should all vote for him
2016-08-09 09:19:10 UTC
Right, and the tooth fairy is real.
2016-08-08 05:12:24 UTC
Yes he was.
2016-08-06 20:57:02 UTC
Not that I know of.
2016-08-08 18:19:50 UTC
2016-08-06 18:37:10 UTC
I think so
2016-08-08 01:54:29 UTC
No he was sent by god
2016-08-07 10:19:21 UTC
2016-08-08 02:49:47 UTC
I told you not to tell anybody u idiot
2016-08-07 16:44:19 UTC
Uh... yeah. That must be it... sheesh!
2016-08-08 12:44:43 UTC
2016-08-08 12:22:46 UTC
2016-08-08 08:56:26 UTC
2016-08-07 18:24:34 UTC
2016-08-07 14:16:36 UTC
2016-08-07 10:28:58 UTC
Rockefeller Republican
2016-08-06 17:32:47 UTC
Sure seems that way.
2016-08-09 03:51:05 UTC
did i ask this question
2016-08-09 10:47:48 UTC
He will do fine.
2016-08-07 22:04:23 UTC
dont know
2016-08-06 23:19:44 UTC
2016-08-08 08:02:01 UTC
2016-08-07 21:17:19 UTC
2016-08-08 13:49:56 UTC
2016-08-06 18:48:57 UTC
2016-08-09 12:15:49 UTC
hes dumb
2016-08-08 14:52:20 UTC
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-08-07 21:43:50 UTC
2016-08-07 17:42:25 UTC
2016-08-07 05:03:14 UTC
yes he was!!!!
2016-08-09 10:42:22 UTC
2016-08-07 16:26:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.