No, Donald has been a Democrat all of his adult life. However, he has seen what has been happening to our country the last few years, under the Democratic establishment. Having been one who has lobbied (ie., paid) for political favors, he knows who the crooked politicians are. So, he decided he was in a position, financially, to try for the Republican Presidential nomination and get rid of the corruption that is destroying the country. Since he could pay his own way through the primary, he would owe nobody any favors. He doesn't have to be a politician to be a good president. He just has to be a good manager, who can select the right experts, best equipped to fill each cabinet position. Then, like an Air Force Base Commander, have regular and or emergency meetings with his 'experts' (cabinet members), who brief on progress and problems within each of their areas. They then discuss, if necessary, suggest solutions to problems, then the 'Boss', makes a decision and directs the appropriate action. I believe Donald Trump is that kind of manager, and he knows who the corrupt politicians are, and will take the appropriate actions to get rid of them. In addition, I am sure he will control our borders and take other necessary actions to make our country safe again. I can remember a day when we all had the same lock on our houses, and you could buy a skeleton key for 10 cents, that fit any of them. Consequently, most left their house unlocked; keys were also left in the car ignition all of the time. We seldom heard of anyone having any trouble. Us kids could play outside after dark, under the street lights, and never had any problem. Women could also walk down the streets after dark without a problem. I would like to see those kind of days in my country again before I die (I am 83 y.o.). I believe it is possible, under a Trump Administration.