We already have gun control. There are gun control laws on the books of every state. It is just a question of how it is administered. We will always retain the right to own guns as we do now. However, there will eventually be more restrictions on hand guns, and semi-automatic weapons.
Gun control doesn't kill people, people kill people.
If more people in that theatre had guns on them, more bullets would have been flying, and more innocent bystanders would have died.
It is legal in Colorado to carry in full view without a permit. And anyone can get a concealed carry permit. Every person in that theater could have had a gun on their hip if they wanted to.
What most of you do not seem to get is that they don't want to. Most people do not want to have to carry a weapon. I have a conceal carry permit, but I do not walk around with a gun. I don't carry to theaters or the grocery store. That is irresponsible. And it is beyond stupid to get into a shootout with someone carrying an assault rifle and tossing gas canisters.
Civilized societies rely on our law enforcement to keep the piece.
So, when the gun lovers NRA get smart and start policing their own, they will do more to protect gun rights. Every time something like this happens they shoot off their mouth about how we have the right to own guns.
This guy amassed a huge amount of weaponry in a very short time. All completely legal. He carried those weapons to that theater, all completely legal.Because we have those rights. So maybe the gun lobby would be a lot more successful if they addressed the issues as to why this was so easy for the guy to do it instead of whining about your rights?
If you don't get your house in order, the rest of society will do it for you.
Responsible gun owners have no problem following the law. And we would like to see more controls so that these incidents don't happen. No one needs an assault weapon, and no one needs any kind of semi-automatic weapon, or buckets of bullets.