Do you think stronger gun control has any chance of passing, here in the US ?
2012-07-22 08:41:20 UTC
Considering, that during the 20th Century 58 million people lost their lives because of gun control, in countries where their own government had gone rogue, and was responsible for their deaths ?
25 answers:
2012-07-22 08:52:38 UTC
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither. He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security. -Benjamin Franklin
2012-07-22 09:03:18 UTC

instead of gun control we need to make the laws tougher

right now if you use a gun in a crime even if you shoot or try to shoot someone the charges can be reduced down to assault (which is equal to a fist fight) and even if found guilty you could still in some cases buy and own guns

it should be assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder at least

many of the same politicians that call for gun control were lawyers that would downgrade charges like these

and 58 million people did not die because of gun control, you really can't count governments turning on their own people and war actions it's not the same thing
2012-07-22 08:50:43 UTC
First, let me just say that I am absolutely in favor of the Right to Bear Arms.

Second, it is in fact a RIGHT, not a privilege. The government cannot take it away without violating the Constitution or passing a Constitutional amendment.

I also currently live in a country with very different gun laws than the US, and what I see is that criminals run around with guns freely, cops are often corrupt, and it sure would be nice to be able to have a gun in my house and be allowed to use it for home defense..

All that said, I still don't think ANYONE other than police or soldiers needs an assault rifle.
2012-07-22 08:57:41 UTC
We already have gun control. There are gun control laws on the books of every state. It is just a question of how it is administered. We will always retain the right to own guns as we do now. However, there will eventually be more restrictions on hand guns, and semi-automatic weapons.

Gun control doesn't kill people, people kill people.

If more people in that theatre had guns on them, more bullets would have been flying, and more innocent bystanders would have died.

It is legal in Colorado to carry in full view without a permit. And anyone can get a concealed carry permit. Every person in that theater could have had a gun on their hip if they wanted to.

What most of you do not seem to get is that they don't want to. Most people do not want to have to carry a weapon. I have a conceal carry permit, but I do not walk around with a gun. I don't carry to theaters or the grocery store. That is irresponsible. And it is beyond stupid to get into a shootout with someone carrying an assault rifle and tossing gas canisters.

Civilized societies rely on our law enforcement to keep the piece.

So, when the gun lovers NRA get smart and start policing their own, they will do more to protect gun rights. Every time something like this happens they shoot off their mouth about how we have the right to own guns.

This guy amassed a huge amount of weaponry in a very short time. All completely legal. He carried those weapons to that theater, all completely legal.Because we have those rights. So maybe the gun lobby would be a lot more successful if they addressed the issues as to why this was so easy for the guy to do it instead of whining about your rights?

If you don't get your house in order, the rest of society will do it for you.

Responsible gun owners have no problem following the law. And we would like to see more controls so that these incidents don't happen. No one needs an assault weapon, and no one needs any kind of semi-automatic weapon, or buckets of bullets.
2012-07-22 08:51:14 UTC
No it will not. for the basic reason that Liberals are never satisfied. Once they got a ban on assault rifles they would go after .45 semi autos and .357's arguing that you can defend yourself just as a well with a 9mm. Once they .45's and .357's were banned they would argue that you really don't need more than a .22 to hold the attacker at bay until the police arrive. Eventually they would say, you can't stop a tank with a slingshot, but you could accidentally put someones eye out so you really don't need that either!
2012-07-22 08:47:12 UTC
No, that's why gun control discussion is a waste of our time. It will not happen and if it did the revolution would end the country anyway. So let's go on and talk about important things like our terrible economy.
2016-12-07 10:43:45 UTC
No,struggling with regulation abiding voters from possessing weapons to have exciting with and look after them selves does not look after us.Any regulations the government makes does not supply up criminals,why do you think of they are criminals?there's a announcing "in case you outlaw weapons merely outlaws could have weapons",of direction that's no longer outlawing weapons,merely a number of them and a few large magazines,even nevertheless it nonetheless stands.additionally this bill would be watered down or perhaps no longer even exceeded.Or so i pray...
2012-07-22 08:55:34 UTC
It's would be utterly pointless.

We already have gun control laws. The public simply needs to arm themselves responsibly and appropriately, with knowledge and weapons.

Criminals will always have guns.
2012-07-22 08:43:03 UTC
Possibly a stonger regulation to obtain guns but as for an all gun-ban no.
2012-07-22 09:43:19 UTC
What kind of a nut lets another nut have the ability to spray a crowd for minutes?
Invisible spiritman
2012-07-22 08:47:15 UTC
I sure hope not, if more good citizens had had guns in that theater maybe they could have taken him out before he murdered as many as he did. Chew on that for a minute all you gun control advocates...
2012-07-22 08:46:04 UTC
Gun control places a DISPROPORTIONATE number of guns in the hands of criminals, compared to the quantity of them in the hands of law abiding citizens. If you outlaw guns, the outlaws will figure out a way to get them.
Chewy Ivan 2
2012-07-22 08:49:31 UTC
Yes, there are too many senseless shootings by people who obtained their guns legally. If the government can violate the Tenth Amendment to enforce national drug bans, the Second Amendment isn't so sacred.
2012-07-22 08:45:49 UTC
Nope and will help campaign against ANY politician who supports new gun laws over enforcing exisiting gun laws.
Mike W
2012-07-22 08:44:58 UTC
We already have reams of gun control laws, we don't need any more. We could stand to pare down what gun control measures we have now.
2012-07-22 08:42:33 UTC
Gun control won't do anything to stop people from getting guns. Like the "War on Drugs," gun control is always a spectacular failure.
2012-07-22 08:43:08 UTC
No, nor are they needed. lol, Just ask Algore about Gun Control.
2012-07-22 08:43:43 UTC
If it does, our citizens will become defenseless against those criminals who will have no trouble getting weapons on the black market, if they so choose. It will be a Happy Holiday for criminals who know citizens are unable to defend themselves.
2012-07-22 08:51:48 UTC
58 million is a made up statistic.
2012-07-22 08:43:08 UTC
No, I would start a lone wolf action if they ever try to take my rights.
Warren T
2012-07-22 08:53:40 UTC
Earl Hickey
2012-07-22 08:41:58 UTC
2012-07-22 08:45:28 UTC
No, but it depends on what "stronger" represents..
2012-07-22 08:43:00 UTC
Not a chance in hell.
Rev. Hal Luya
2012-07-22 08:42:38 UTC
al-Quaeda will never allow it. We're killing each other much to their delight.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.