When the stimulus fails will democrats still blame Bush?
2009-02-09 14:04:11 UTC
Lets face it, Obama wanted republican support so the democrats wouldn't have to accept the full responsibility of a failure.
31 answers:
2009-02-09 14:08:00 UTC
oh they will try
2009-02-09 14:11:30 UTC
Well, Democrats could pass their Stimulus Package days ago

as they have the 60 required votes to do so. Why haven't they?

They apparently want Republican names on the package before

passing so if it fails, both Dems and Reps will be held responsible.

They still might also blame Bush since that became such a regular

habit of them all.
margaret h
2009-02-09 14:17:43 UTC
The Democrats will blame their hangnails on Bush for as long as they live.

It means that they will never have to accept any personal responsibility for anything - ever.

Obama can't give a speech without saying "the last eight years..."

This is NOW Obama's economy if he insists on passing this massive spending bill.

It is a huge expansion of government from which America may never recover.

It will fail and we will all suffer.

The GOP has to stick together to make the point.

This belongs to the DEMOCRATS and OBAMA.
2009-02-09 14:10:07 UTC
The media and Obama will blame Bush...

The Libs are still trying to blame Bush for the economic collapse... It hilarious that they don't believe or even read any facts that show to the contrary. They just know Bush was in Office, he cut taxes by 5% he did try more but Liberalism failed the people again. The tax cuts helped prevent the recession from occurring for a good while.
2009-02-09 14:10:29 UTC
Does a bear poop in the woods? Of course the Democrat failures with be blamed on Bush. The misinformed policies of Clinton were blamed on Bush too.
2009-02-09 14:11:16 UTC
You're probably right. A corrective action will take time to be effective. During that time Republicans can call Obama's plan a failure. They want to be able to paint it exactly as that. Obama could just say well, I want to be bipartisan, let's not pass the bill. That would be unwise from a political standpoint because then Republicans can call Obama inexperienced and unwilling to stick to his guns. It's a bad political corner Obama is in but, if the stimulus works, Republicans can count on losing the remaining seats they have. It's a big gamble on both sides.
2016-10-16 15:49:50 UTC
and you save on attempting accountable Obama for stuff that Bush is accountable for. after all whilst did GM close the Janesville, WI facility that Paul Ryan is making an attempt accountable Obama for? 2008, on the same time as Bush grew to become into in workplace. to no longer point out that Bush signed off on 60 to 70 p.c. of the money that went to bailouts that republicans usually blame Obama for.
Kinkade 0001
2009-02-09 14:25:31 UTC
Well, ask yourself, when have the Democrats ever taken the blame? They own the media, and no mater how much evidence there is to tie them to a failure, if the media screams long enough and loud enough that the evidence doesn’t exist, then it must be true.
Get out of my pocket!
2009-02-09 14:11:05 UTC
This is not a stimulus plan. It is a buy out.. The Government bought out America. We sold our freedom and purchased (for our stimulus money) Socialism. We are worried about the amount of the stimulus when we need to worry about Socialism.

NATIONAL SOCIALISM,commonly called Nazism, German political movement initiated in 1920 with the organization of the National Socialist German Workers’ party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or NSDAP), also called the Nazi party. The movement culminated in the establishment of the Third Reich, the autocratic, totalitarian German state led by the dictator Adolf Hitler from 1933 to 1945.

Origins and Rise of Nazism.

National Socialism was similar in many respects to Italian fascism (see FASCISM,). The roots of National Socialism, however, were peculiarly German, grounded, for example, in the Prussian tradition of military authoritarianism and expansion; in the German romantic tradition of hostility to rationalism, liberalism, and democracy; in various racist doctrines according to which the Nordic peoples, as so-called pure Aryans, were not only physically superior to other races, but were the carriers of a superior morality and culture; and in certain philosophical traditions that idealized the state or exalted the superior individual and exempted such a person from conventional restraints.

so·cial·ism (sō'shə-lĭz'əm) Pronunciation Key


Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

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2009-02-09 14:10:02 UTC
Actually I think the economy is more likely to recover in spite of the stimulus package, and Dems will take credit for it. Even though without the stimulus package we would recover much faster. The whole generational theft thing will be swept under the rug by Dems and the left wing media.
2009-02-09 14:13:25 UTC
When it fails? this reminds me of the last year of arrogance with questions like 'when Obama loses the election". Well, you don't know that it will fail & people who understand prosperity know that it is based on a mathematical formula that was put together by the top economist & others from different fields who have brillance as their common connection. Anyone who has ever successully went from rags to richs understands this. Anyone who wants to go from rags to rich is not watching Rush & Fox but listening to the grown ups & learning how this works cause it can work on any level.
2009-02-09 14:15:09 UTC
your right they will blame Bush forever.

seems to me the Dem's caused the problem more than the Reps. they were the ones in power for the last few yrs. still think both parties are useless.
2009-02-09 14:12:01 UTC
Yes you are so correct - Queen P was on a Good Morning America interview with Chris C and she kept saying Bush this and Bush that - I was dumbfounded when Chris actually called her on her BS and told her now it is squarely on this administration.
2009-02-09 14:15:24 UTC
bush will be blamed for anything and everything in the next 4 years ,watch and see

i guarantee it
2009-02-09 14:09:35 UTC
If history is our teacher my guess is that Obama will never take the blame for anything, he will just talk his way out of it, or try to.

I have some cautious and developing hope that many of his supporters are beginning catch on.

fingers crossed.
Imitated By Poseurs
2009-02-09 14:12:19 UTC
Yes. bushbots blamed all of george's screwups for the last 8 years on bill clinton, so when is bush ever held accountable for anything?
2009-02-09 14:10:42 UTC

All Obama really wants is to install Communism.
Fred Head
2009-02-09 14:09:51 UTC
True. The republicans are smart by staying out of this one.
2009-02-09 14:09:37 UTC
They'll say it was Republican negative thought energy that caused it to fail... It killed all the unicorns, as well.
2009-02-09 14:10:29 UTC
Bush = Failure
2009-02-09 14:09:59 UTC
No, this is a bill that Obama had direct influence on.

What exactly do you mean by "fail"?

-Most of the money going to CEO's bonuses and spa treatments ???
2009-02-09 14:09:49 UTC
You're so wrong. Obama tried to be inclusive, and the Repugs are too afraid of having Limbaugh sic his dogs on them that they won't vote for what is right. A stimulus bill is a much better idea than pouring our money into the sands of Iraq for no good reason--and that's a lot of money wasted by Bush, who never saw a pork-laden GOP bill he didn't like. You assume it will fail. It won't. Then what will you have to say . . . thank you, President Obama, for cleaning up after W?
kevin s
2009-02-09 14:09:25 UTC
Of course.
2009-02-09 14:10:09 UTC
It's not Bush's fault that blacks refuse to pay their home loans.
Alpha Taurus
2009-02-09 14:08:30 UTC
i will not, i will stop the childish pointing finger scheme and get more involved with the leaders (planning)
Metal Mike
2009-02-09 14:10:19 UTC
It won't fail. We know how to run a business.
2009-02-09 14:09:17 UTC
Of course, Neocon. Isn't it your buddy former president criminal Bush along with you other Neocons buddies caused all this economy problem in US and all over the world?
2009-02-09 14:07:44 UTC
Barry owns it, and Barry will fail.
2009-02-09 14:09:25 UTC
give it a rest...i actually want it to succeed.
2009-02-09 14:08:17 UTC
Yes, just like the conservatives will blame Clinton
2009-02-09 14:08:37 UTC
And how do you know it won't work?

Didn't think so.

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