The Federal Reserve is a private corporation, a bunch of banks, it has no business deciding anything, it's a scam. It's basically the rich elite, and they have their greedy little hooks in government, steadily getting it into a debt they will never ever pay off, so they control the government, by owning it. Saudi Arabia and China own almost as much as they do, and they have their own people who they bought in the government, but it's basically the same thing for them, they make money when the US spends money, if they have shares in the weapons companies, or the banks that lend the money, or the oil companies, or the drug business, it makes money when they go to war, so war is big business. Of course this means that they win by making the US lose. They print money which devalues everyone else's money, which is basically stealing from everyone, the whole thing is just one big scam. They need to be held accountable for their crimes, and they are crimes, it's "legal" counterfeiting, "legal" fraud, and it's the major thing standing in the way of democracy, a government by the people, for the people. Wall street are in control, and they have been for a long time. It's got to end, if there's ever to be real democracy, and an end to the corruption. Again, they win by the US losing, being in debt, that's their major business.