i can't speak for europe, but i do know a bit about australian gun statistics. Basically, ever since australian gun legistlation was introduced after the port arthur massacre in 1996, homocide has dropped from 1.8 in 100 000 people to 1.0 in 100 00 people. Statistics also show a reduction in homicide in general, and kidnapping, sexual assault and robery are remaining steady, in fact the only cases of crime having a major increase in any sort of crime has been alcohol related crime and assault. Alcohol related crime is barely related to gun crime, and assault is classed from anything from headbutt or slap to an all out brawl, even so the statistics are only increasing and decreasing steadily, and since 1996, there have been no mass murders or shootings in australia. If our gun laws didn't really work then in 1997 there would have been a huge spike in homicide, and gun crime, which there wasn't.
However gun laws aren't the only thing needed to prevent gun deaths, as stated above by Jerry H, it depends on the country, a country with a strict government will handle gun legislation well, while a country with corrupt and poor political performace will do poorly. The same can be said for countries with lax gun laws and low crime rates.
don't expect to see gun laws implemented in America soon, they won't work there because
a) Americans will never give up their right to bear arms
b) There are too many illegal guns in circulation
and (c) the laws in america aren't always uniform, one state might have strict gun laws, while another has lax gun laws.
So in short, gun laws do have the ability to work, but only if they are
a) universal
b) enforced by a proactive police force and government
and (c) are found to be constitutional
Don't expect to see any universal law gun laws for america in the future soon.
@Sean, do you even history? i bet you're one of those guys who get's all their information on WWII from romantacised hollywood movies.
what do you mean by "bailed out"? America didn't enter WWI until 1917, 3 year after the whole war had started. America only jumped in because of the sinking of "lusitania" a british passenger liner, and the fact that germany promised mexico they would help them reclaim their territory from their loss in the mexican american war. Before that, the only thing they did was supply ammunition. The only thing you did was send troops to the trenches, and fighter pilots to join the french. Despite what your historically inacurate hoollywood productions show there were never any "bailouts" from america in WWI, only reinforcements.
once again, in WWII you only started out by supplying ammunition to allied countries. The only real thing that had a "supposedly" big impact on the war was the nuking of hiroshima and nagasaki, and let's get one thing straight, the U.S. was not the only country involved in the development in the atomic bomb. the team also included Danes, Norwegians, Canadians, British, Italians, Germans, Poles, as well as Americans. America get's most of the credit because they were the ones who dropped the bombs. It was not just americans who were behind it.
Even then, the bombs were not the main reason japan gave up, they had previously been sending out "peace feelers" for months and were ready to surrender, the bombs only sped up the inevitable. The fire bombs they already used against the japanese resulted in more deaths to civilians than fat man and little boy, and the starving population didn't help either. their military and navy was low in numbers, and their production of weapons as well as resources were near diminished.
get off your high horse, you did no such "bailing out" in WWII or I at all.
i also ind it funny how your "quote" is a line from the movie called "tora! tora! tora!" which has no evidence to back it up.
read a history textbook for once.
Sorry about that aditional information, it's just i'm allergic to bullsh!t