1) I would love to end all wars, but we can't just pull out, didn't you learn anything in health class?Pulling out doesn't work... ;)
2) Yep
3) Abso-friggin-lutely! The Bush tax cuts were ridiculous, and the GOP was so stubborn when Obama tried in vain to revoke them
4) Eh...I suppose, but then you have to think about how all prices would be hiked, not to mention the global economy might suffer. But who am I to say what is right and wrong
5) No. For now welfare needs to stay relatively the same, there are so many people who need it, adding on community service to people who may be working 2 or 3 jobs as it is? Just a bad idea. But definitely in need of reform in a few years
6) Of course, and I guess with less outsourcing that can be achieved. And also might level out prices...
7) We are drilling in Alaska, and if we drill much more then ecosystems will be negatively affected, not to mention the fact that Alaska's oil supplies would never allow us to completely cut out dependency on foreign oil. What we really need to do is invest more money in secondary energy source research. Many towns in Scotland and around Europe are starting to get paid to erect wind turbines around their town, which not only powers the entire town, but brings in revenue from the power company. So, that could be something to look into for towns in the mid-west.
8) What do you mean by end the drug war? Do you mean legalize pot? I on a personal note will have to disagree with you on that, but also, I must admit I have no clue what legalizing marijuana would do for our economy, so I won't say anything else.
9) Slanted wall, that's just stupid. But I have no suggestions. I have no problem with legal immigrants, everyone has the right believe in our country legally, but it is true, something needs to be done about the illegal immigrants. I Truly believe that if we made it just ever so slightly easier to immigrate things would get better. More taxes would be collected because more people who before may have come over illegally would now choose to go the legal route...I don't know... Oh, and yes, I mentioned above about the renewable energy, right on. And yes, please please please better our children's education. The public school system and current college system suck...monkey...testicular objects...
Overall I like all of your ideas, wanna run for president, everyone's doing it ;)