How would you fix the U.S economic problems?
2011-04-21 22:39:24 UTC
My plan would be to-
-End all the wars and reduce our military spending from 1 trillion to 200 billion
-Reduce the Federal Budget to Clinton levels at 1.9 trillion instead of current 3.8 trillion
-Get rid of Bush tax cuts
-Make it illegal to outsource which would force companies to hire Americans and raise employment
-Make welfare much harder to get. You'd have to do community service to get it unless obviously physically or mentally impaired.
-Increase U.S exports over imports so we sell more than we buy
-Drill in Alaska and get rid of dependency on foreign oil which would make travel easier, and save 700 billion a year on oil we buy from foreign nations
-End drug war
-Use any leftover money to build a giant slanted wall on the southern border of the U.S to prevent immigration, invest in renewable energy for the future, and invest in education to make it smarter, not just throw money at the problem.
This is my Libertarian view. What's yours?
27 answers:
2011-04-21 23:04:44 UTC
Raise taxes. Targeted more to the rich. The top 400 individual tax payers paid at a rate of about 16%.

Close corporate tax loopholes that allow GE and big oil and gas to not pay their fair share.

Kill all subsidies to oil and gas.

Slash the defense budget. Getting out of the wars would make this easier to do.

Single payer health system. Would make it easier on small business if they did not have to worry about paying for their employees health care. We do not need to make money off sick people. We do not need incentives for providing no health care (through profit motive).

Invest in alternate energy. Oil and gas are not going to last forever and we need to look to the future.

End the drug war. Weed should be decriminalized at the least.

Invest in education.

Regulate the finance industry. No more bank bailouts.

Close git-mo.

Outlaw torture. We are suppose to be the good guys right?

Regulate oil drilling. Do everything possible to ensure the BP oil disaster never happens again.

Invest in infrastructure. We all need good roads and bridges I think.

Constitutional amendment allowing all workers the ability to join a union. One voice is powerless, but the voices of many combined are powerful.

EPA funding. And do more to address climate change.

Make Sarah Palin stay in her house to watch Russia. (just having some fun at her expense)

Let Texas succeed and then invade them. (maybe not, but its fun to think about)
2011-04-21 23:33:06 UTC
My plan would be a minimum of cutting the military by 1/3 through reduction in force. An immediate withdrawal from any military activities in Libya, a removal of all support of Pakistan, unless they turn Osama bin Laden over within 30 days, a planned and coordinated removal of all troops from Afghanistan and Iraq. The withdrawal of all US forces from Japan, closing all European bases except for 3 or 4, the main one being left the Landsrhule Military Hospital in Germany, the others being airbases. The closing of most overseas bases not on US soil. A reduction of the US Navy by about 1/3, the US Navy would only operate in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. If Korea wants the US to keep its troops in Korea, they can foot the bill.

A reduction in all spending not required by the US Constitution.

A removal of most tax write offs, and probably the implementation of a either a flat or two tiered tax base.

A removal of all tax deals for any company that either outsources jobs or closes factories to move the jobs outside the country.

Welfare and unemployment would require work. Roads and parks need to be cleaned, graffiti removed, litter picked up, etc. Unemployment work would be required after 1 month of benefits, and increase as time goes by.

Exiting of the UN, and closing the UN buildings in the US. They go cause problems elsewhere.

Drill in Alaska, off the Gulf Coast, off the West and East Coasts. (I'll even give them a tax break for every new job that an American Citizen gets.)

All foreign nationals, illegal or legal, that commit a crime will be repatriated to their country of origin.

Those soldiers returned from overseas can be used to patrol the southern border, they will be tasked with stopping all illegal traffic, weapons, drugs, people, etc., from crossing the border going north or south.
2011-04-22 00:20:12 UTC
Why would you want to abolish the fed reserve, that seems alittle off does it not? where did you get that one from? terrorist maybe who would want for the fed reserve to appear in limbo? no. the fed reserve is sound, creating a separate bank much like the fed reserve may even make it stronger, thus creating a stronger balance of reserves to reserve to when in need. but getting out a proper stimulus directly to the people of the nation (in two disbursements) would do two things: Lift retail, and create stability in the marketplace. the number is 1katrillion per country, that's one million per person (ably backed by gold if need be), and in two disbursements that would be 500,000 without an announcement given directly to the people via social security numbers and social service agencies which would create a lift in the economy, and 500,000 given out one year later with a pryor notice & announcement to give people a chance to plan what to do with money, either savings or investments in stocks, bonds, a new house, a new car, or education, etc., thus creating a stabilization in the markets because everyone would know ahead of time where things are going. The interest rates would even out them selves properly with the usual help of the govt like we've seen and inflation would not be too much of a problem with usual and good interventions, etc. military and public safely concerns could be fairly easily taken care of as well. it would need to bypass the govt and the states because the govt and states would naturally benefit from the people being benefited first. We would need to make sure that our state govts and fed govt keep their belts tightened though. you could build that wall along mexico and canada though, ensure that bridges and buildings are safe and sound structural for incoming earthquakes and natural disasters , if you would implement a 4katrillion dollar initiative, one katrillon would go out to the the people firstly. the other three would go to (1katrilion) savings, (1katrillon) investments and further infrastructure, and also for reserve for upcoming disasters (earthquakes floods, fires, etc) it's smart, it's proven effective, and it broadly accepted and supported.
2011-04-22 00:08:04 UTC
This country needs to learn how to be self supportive and quit trying to solve other nations problems until we have the ability to fix our own- do away with loop holes that exempt huge corporations from paying taxes- quit treating our public servants like royalty. They need to understand that they work for us and should endure the same hardships the working class citizens endure. Quit giving money to foreigners so they can open a food mart on every corner and charge us double for everything. Do I even have to mention that just about every hotel is run by the Patels, what is up with that. Dont give hand outs to people who sit on their butts and collect welfare- give it to hard working lower income single parent families not making enough money to even pay bills, as it is now they recieve less help if they are working and paying taxes. Depend on our oil reserves and tell the middle east to suck someone else dry! Do away with wall street and go back to burying mason jars. How did this country survive before stock markets? Stop inflation. Raise wages. Quit giving SSI disablity to lazy 23 year old welfare babies just because they take prozac.
2011-04-21 23:18:15 UTC
The main cause for our economic problems is our Government. It has overextended itself in functions which are economically destructive . Social Security and Medicare, the largest slices of the pie are an absurd responsibility that the government should not take.

Millionaires receive social security. The Government is responsible for health care bills of everyone over 65.

That should not be so. The Government should only give assistance (paying health care premiums to Insurance companies) to those who are truly needed.

Government should only be involved with national defense, law enforcement and a safety net for the ones incapable to help themselves.

Yet, we allow the most incompetent and corrupt individuals to run and constantly enlarge our government.
2011-04-21 23:21:56 UTC
That's the 1 million dollar question, and NO one has a perfect answer for it. And people speculating that Candidate A or B on "the left" or on "the right" will do it, .. is all just speculation. I said a few years ago, and I still say this today, anyone running for office and winning immediately after the EIGHT years of the Bush fiasco is gonna have a shyt load of a huge MESS to clean up, and I'd never do it! This place won't be cleaned up for DECADES to come, too BIG of a mess was left over!
2011-04-21 23:38:57 UTC
First, forget past glories and confront the reality of today. Be smarter than those who have lent you money and realize quicker than they that you are a bad credit risk. Go back 250 years to the upstart nation that Britain and France assumed you to be and show them and the rest of world what you can do, and did. Right now it is China and India that are doing that, using their own money. No doubt, in time, they will do as we in the West have done and start to demand more than they produce, but that will take a very long time.
2011-04-21 23:01:37 UTC
1) I would love to end all wars, but we can't just pull out, didn't you learn anything in health class?Pulling out doesn't work... ;)

2) Yep

3) Abso-friggin-lutely! The Bush tax cuts were ridiculous, and the GOP was so stubborn when Obama tried in vain to revoke them

4) Eh...I suppose, but then you have to think about how all prices would be hiked, not to mention the global economy might suffer. But who am I to say what is right and wrong

5) No. For now welfare needs to stay relatively the same, there are so many people who need it, adding on community service to people who may be working 2 or 3 jobs as it is? Just a bad idea. But definitely in need of reform in a few years

6) Of course, and I guess with less outsourcing that can be achieved. And also might level out prices...

7) We are drilling in Alaska, and if we drill much more then ecosystems will be negatively affected, not to mention the fact that Alaska's oil supplies would never allow us to completely cut out dependency on foreign oil. What we really need to do is invest more money in secondary energy source research. Many towns in Scotland and around Europe are starting to get paid to erect wind turbines around their town, which not only powers the entire town, but brings in revenue from the power company. So, that could be something to look into for towns in the mid-west.

8) What do you mean by end the drug war? Do you mean legalize pot? I on a personal note will have to disagree with you on that, but also, I must admit I have no clue what legalizing marijuana would do for our economy, so I won't say anything else.

9) Slanted wall, that's just stupid. But I have no suggestions. I have no problem with legal immigrants, everyone has the right believe in our country legally, but it is true, something needs to be done about the illegal immigrants. I Truly believe that if we made it just ever so slightly easier to immigrate things would get better. More taxes would be collected because more people who before may have come over illegally would now choose to go the legal route...I don't know... Oh, and yes, I mentioned above about the renewable energy, right on. And yes, please please please better our children's education. The public school system and current college system suck...monkey...testicular objects...

Overall I like all of your ideas, wanna run for president, everyone's doing it ;)
2011-04-21 22:54:41 UTC
Don't just end the Bush tax cuts for the rich. End the Reagan tax cuts for the rich as well.

For almost a full century we used to tax millionaires at 70% to 90% of their income then Reagan dropped it down to about 30%. It's been in the range ever since then. We should tax them much higher than we do now, at least until the debt has been paid off.
2011-04-21 22:46:16 UTC
By far the biggest decision the US can make to fix its economy is to adopt a smart energy policy. The United States has more coal and natural gas than any other nation on Earth. We also have an estimated 2.3 TRILLION barrels of untapped oil reserves.

Also, the United States could easily out-export China if we had access to our natural resources.

And here's why that's so important. China's advantage is cheap labor. America's is abundant energy. We can out-produce them. Energy accounts for much more of the cost of manufactured goods than labor does. And we have more energy than any other country. Would that a GOP presidential candidate put those facts together. America can have its cake and eat it too: high wage job and economic growth. The United States is doomed to President Obama's "race to the bottom" only if we continue to embrace his energy policies.

"Yet the United States is sitting on the world's largest untapped oil reserve. A natural resource that would not only mitigate the over $400 Billion sent overseas to other countries but could create untold millions of jobs and put the country on a sound financial footing.

The untapped reserves are estimated up to 2.3 Trillion barrels, nearly three times the reserves held by the OPEC countries and sufficient to meet 300 years of demand, at today's levels -- for auto, truck, aircraft, heating and industrial fuel, without importing a single barrel of oil.

The US could become the single largest exporter of oil and oil related products in the world, thus potentially eliminating its trade deficit, and increasing the national standard of living as well as making a massive dent in the national debt. "
2011-04-21 22:45:07 UTC
Abolishing the Federal Reserve would be the first thing I'd do. No private institution should have a monopoly on our currency, that's why the Founders specifically gave Congress the power to coin money.
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Return of Bite My Shiny Metal...
2011-04-21 22:57:58 UTC
As already pointed out, develop a smart energy policy. Next, get rid of useless cabinets like the Department of Education. Education is a state function, not a federal one. Stop funding organizations that duplicate functionality. Get rid of funding for community groups, Planned Parenthood, revoke that joke Obama calls a health care bill. Completely redo the military procurement system to cut out waste. Get the fraud out of Medicare and Medicaid. Limit unemployment to 13 weeks as was intended. Kick ever single criminal illegal alien and his/her spawn out of this country. Erect a DMZ on the southern border modeled after the one that separates North and South Korea. Mine fields and machine gun emplacements. Completely redo the tax code, making it flat and simple. Get rid of the FED. Fire every member of congress and get rid of that racist ex-crackhead Marxist in the Oval Office and his buffoon Vice President immediately.

Impose term limits. No pensions for members of congress. Strip power away from the EPA to impose rules that limit out ability to compete. Get rid of the H1B program. Get rid of mutual trade agreements that are "mutual" in name only. Get out of the UN and NATO. Bring all American armed forces back to the United States and put them on the border to man the DMZ.

And this is just a start.
2011-04-21 22:48:20 UTC
Getting rid of the Federal Reserve would pretty much end overspending overnight.

And stop corporate bailouts, giving unions artificial power, over-regulation, less taxes. Basically the Libertarian views.

Nice profile picture by the way.
*Insert something clever here*
2011-04-21 22:55:45 UTC
Work on reducing military spending by analyzing which conflicts are still worth pursuing, reduce welfare benefits(as sad as it is, everyone has to be hit if were going to fix this problem.), and work to reduce medicine related law suits that are driving up the cost of medical care.
Roland Deschain
2011-04-21 23:05:34 UTC
cut spending, cut taxes, get rid of costly programs like social security and food stamps, pretty simple.

the economy runs better the less the government touches it
2011-04-21 22:56:19 UTC
Cut spending to Clinton levels. Don't need to end the Bush/Obama tax cuts.
2011-04-21 23:12:24 UTC
As a Southern Baptist, there are tons of things I would do:

First and foremost, I would get rid of all immigrants. We do not want or need them crawling around our great country. 95% of them are drug-dealing, moochers. We need to rid our country of their infestation.

Second, remove the liberals from any source of power. THEY RUIN EVERYTHING. I just don't see how anyone could ruin what George Bush had set in motion. We were on track for the greatest recovery ever, until barack HUSSEIN obama got out into office.

Third. I would nuke iraq and afgahinistan. We need to destroy those terrorist cesspools. Plain and simple.

Forth. Allow MORE off-shore drilling. I know, I know, all you liberal, hippies are probably screaming by now. "Save the trees, save the dirt, save the bacteria". GIVE ME A BREAK! Stop worrying about all the pointless things on this planet, and start worrying about what really matters: HUMANS.

As a Christian, I am disgusted at how our country in going. These are just a few ways I would fix our economic problems.
John W
2011-04-21 22:53:52 UTC
Cut taxes, stop social program spending, close the border , force China to buy our stuff
2011-04-21 23:07:40 UTC
There are no quick and easy fixes but: 1.) CUT SPENDING (as unpopular as it is reduce social security, military, and medicare); AND 2.) INCREASE REVENUE (e.g. raise taxes - especially on top earners).
2011-04-21 23:04:00 UTC
I would recommend

* Repeal Obamacare, it helps a small percentage of people but harm the majority of the country. There are better ways to help everyone.

* Domestic oil drilling to create jobs, lower oil prices, and obtain energy independence

* Shrink government -- start with eliminating redundancies and wastes, eliminate certain useless departments such as Department of Education

* Reform Medicare -- I like Paul Ryan's plan. it's a big step to regain control of Fed's budget

* Reduce financial aid to foreign countries -- money corrupts these countries and cause trouble for everyone.

* Delegate to states -- welfare, education, unionization, let states decide their spending level

* Deregulate as much as possible to allow businesses to thrive

* Limit union power in private sector, eliminate public unions
2011-04-21 22:51:13 UTC
You need to end the Federalized Department of Education before we can do any of that. The reason we can have all those needless things is because the Commie education system, that's where most of the people who support this stuff learn about it.
2011-04-21 22:51:23 UTC
- get rid of all illegals

- open the oil wells

- drastically reduce govt. spending

- eliminate lots of govt. programs

- evaluate everyone who is on govt. support

- make it advantageous to be married

- reduce govt support for unwed mothers

- close military bases in other countries - you are on you own

- kick the UN out of the US and stop funding it

- all laws passed by congress apply to them

- term limits for all elected officials

- tax credits for R&D get this county back to development

- enact the Fair Tax so everyone pays taxes on what they purchase
2011-04-21 23:50:47 UTC
Not voting for Republicans is a good start.
2011-04-21 22:47:00 UTC
I agree with everything you said except end the Fed. Which is just a Fox news talking point to sell fake gold certificates and survival gear.
2011-04-21 23:55:37 UTC
i would vote the obama out to stop new ragulations from killing jobs
Lying Puppet
2011-04-21 22:46:26 UTC
Print baby, print!

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