2009-01-29 19:20:50 UTC
How dare he say and i quote ( The senate seat is a f--n valuable thing, you don't just give it away for nothing )
How dare he say such a thing he deserved to be impeached he deserved every penny of being thrown out and impeached.
How could Chicago pick a governor so stunod/ so stupid to become their governor. Yea I'm from ny so yea spitzer was dumb but ny is the greatest and thats what people around here do.
We do not sell our political seats for money.
Blagojevich b4 his impeachment said he was innocent but he never said why. If he said why then maybe they would listen but he didn't he he didn't deserve 2 say why. I think the mental hospital was putting words into his head or maybe he was high or maybe hes just a retard.
Sorry its so long but I wan't to bash this guys face in and rip that 1900s hair style out of his head. I'm so pissed off with him u all know but i am happy that he got impeached.
Why did he get impeached so fast? What do you think about him in your own words?