Because min. wage is so high it is no longer an entry level wage.
There are lots of over-qualified people working for min. wage, some because of obamacare laws require business with 30 or more full time employees, so employers are laying off, and reducing hours, but also because the employer can hire a person with work experience for the same price as a first time job seeker with no work expierance.
Youth unemployment is going up because of minimum wage laws, that are supported by democrats.
This is very easy to see when you follow the states and countries with the highest Min. wages.
Australia has the highest min. wage and the highest youth unemployment.
The state of Washington has the highest min wage and youth unemployment is so high they are considering a "training wage" law.
Minimun wage laws hurt the people that need a job the most. When you cannot get your first job than you are more likely to live a life of poverty.