The "BULL"
2010-08-08 04:40:42 UTC
1. Sooriyanum Chandiranum Aaasirvadhikka;
Natchathirangal Pudai Soozha
Indha maNNukku varm Bhoomiyae
Varuga Varuga""
The meaning goes like this:
We welcome the Globe to this "soil", who has the
Blessings of Sun (within a Sun, Karunanidhi's portrait)
and Moon (within a Moon Azhagiri's portrait)
surrounding with stars (in stars' portrait pictures of 7-8 Ministers)""
2. Vaa Vaa EngaL Devanae;
Nee thaan engaL jeevanae
(Come Come our Lord;
You are our Soul)
3. In a full page ad, Stalin holding his grandson on his back & below this caption :
""Sumappadhu Paera Kuzhandhaiyai;
Sumakka povadhu Thamilzhagathai""
(Now holding grandson on his back ;
tomorrow it is Tamilnadu on his back)
4. ThaNNai vendru;
Tharaniyai vendra
Engal Thalaivarin
Thava pudhalvarae Varuga, Varuga
We welcome the ""son""** of
a leader, who conquered himself,
and who conquered the world
**Sorry, I could not find the exact English word for ""Thava Pudhalvar"".
Is it called the height of sychophancy ????
Hilarious comments are as usual appreciated.
I have asked the same question under Entertainment