Do you support Israel's use of chemical weaponry in Gaza?
2009-01-11 16:07:58 UTC
Human Rights Watch has indicated that shells containing white phosphorous have been launched into Gaza. Is this self defense or collective punishment?
113 answers:
2009-01-11 16:14:49 UTC

White phosphorus is not "chemical weaponry" and is not prohibited by the Geneva Conventions.

From your source: "White phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon, and militaries are permitted under laws of warfare to use it..."

BTW here is what palestinian rockets do to Israel:
2016-10-22 05:21:46 UTC
nicely, you may´t deny the info, that have been broadcasted all international huge, precise? I advise that's basic to lie and say that XY u . s . has hidden chemical weapons although 0.5 of the international is announcing that that's a lie… that's one word against the different… yet you may´t deny something that obtrusive by using fact absolutely everyone has considered the outcomes on BBC and CCN... I continually concept that using chemical weapons belong to the previous and are formally banned international, precise? besides, bombs or no bombs, the killing and suffering of harmless absolutely everyone seems to be unquestionably no longer ideal. no be counted which motives would exist, yet as quickly as an harmless dies there is not any justification achievable. and that i advise that there is not any justice achievable for suicide killers, bombs and rockets which kill harmless Israelis and there is not any justification for killing any harmless Palestine or make unquestionably absolutely everyone homeless and ravenous from starvation. i assume that we are all human beings and that i ask myself how can we even attempt to locate a justification if we see all this pointless suffering? i'd say that interior the twenty first century human beings ought to be plenty greater clever than interior the midsection Age and in a position to locate a answer on a diplomatic foundation. And interior the case to combat terrorism i'd say that the Israeli secret provider shouldn't merely be a fantasy in history, they must be clever sufficient to become conscious of the terrorist leaders and get rid of them without killing innocents. besides, I ask myself whilst will this craziness quit? by using fact interior the tip there'll be no one who wins, there'll be merely losers.
Akira S
2009-01-11 18:13:06 UTC
First off, for those of you who think Israel isn't using white is YOU who needs to read more news.

White phosphorous is a very effective smoke screen, but for those of you who think it doesn't constitute as a weapon, I dare you to take a shower using phosphoric acid instead of water...then when your skin is burned and your organs are failing, if you still think it is not a weapon, well I don't know what to say.

Also, the Geneva Convention DOES prohibit the use of white phosphorous as a weapon. However, US and Israel have gotten away with using it, claiming they only use it as a smoke screen, not a weapon.

The problem is that anyone who happens to be underneath the smoke screen (usually civilians) will suffer terrible burns that can be fatal.

Personally, I think Israel should not use white phosphorous for the following reason. This war has become way to controversial and adding controversy to this just doesn't do well for Israeli reputation.

Israel might win the war against Hamas, but they will lose the respect of the world if they are not careful.
2009-01-11 18:42:18 UTC
No !

I do not Support Israel. Period.

I have seen video footage, that show White Phosphorous shells exploding sending out long streams of white death at time of detonation.

I do not see why the world dose not demand that Israel stand Trial for war crimes! They used cluster bombs in Lebanon and white phosphorous in Gaza. They targeted the defenseless Civilian population in both wars.

Either Israel soldiers are very bad shots or they deliberately target Civilians, With such high Non Combatant Casualties.

History has proved Israel lies . When they Bombed Civilians in Lebanon, and could not used the lie that Hezbollah was hiding behind the Civilians!

Four (4) Israeli have been killed in the Home made Rocket Assault on Israel, that is reported in the Jewish owned U.S. main stream media.

Over 800 hundred Palestinians mostly Woman and Children.

Israel LIES!

All of you "Explosive Experts" ,ever seen what W.P. does. put a drop of it on your hand !

Then tell me if it is Harmless Smoke. A Veteran that knows

White Phosphorous: The US used it: The US says its illegal.

White Phosphorus used in OperationSilence/ Teeth Maestro

Links are not working, I wonder Why.

In Search: - Enter

White Phosphorous, explained.

"It is better to die on your feet, than live on your knees !"

May my God and your Allah Bless You !
2009-01-11 18:39:00 UTC
White phosphorous rockets mark targets with a heat signature for Heat seeking missiles to lock on.

All weapons have chemicals in them including the Lead bullets.

True Chemicals weapons (Blood, blister, nerve, choking agents,) are not being used by Israel.
Phineas J. Whoopee
2009-01-11 18:56:51 UTC
White phosphorus is a chemical weapon and it should not be used just as the excessive force in Gaza in response to over 15 deaths during a span of years involving more than 8000 rockets. I am sure more Israeli's died as a result of accidents in the home in one year. If Israel is not out to kill civilians then it should have stuck to foot soldiers alone.
Liberty or Death
2009-01-11 18:19:13 UTC
No problem here. Hamas has been launching rockets into Israel for years and have killed numerous civilians in the process. They are cowards and hide among civilians in Gaza just for this reason. White Phosphorous shells are used for a variety of purposes including anti-personnel, illumination, and smoke screens. The Chemical Weapons Convention does not designate WP as a chemical weapon and virtually all military organizations in the world use them including the US and Russia. If Hamas doesn't want its people burned up by WP rounds, they can stop shooting rockets into Israel and/or stop hiding their operations in civilian areas who help them with their terrorist activities. Israel has every right to defend its people and they can use all legitimate conventional weapons to achieve this goal.

Here are some very telling quotes from the story:

"White phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon, and militaries are permitted under laws of warfare to use it in artillery shells, bombs and rockets"

"The hospital's chief doctor, Youssef Abu Rish, said the burns were not from contact with fire, but he couldn't say what sort of substance caused them"

"Human Rights Watch has not been able to confirm whether there have been any civilian casualties from phosphorus"

Sounds like a bunch of meaningless speculation to me.
Tyler L
2009-01-11 18:07:42 UTC
White Phosphorous is used by everybody, so nobody can really indict the Israelis on this. The Americans and British are using it on the Iraqis too. The Russians used it on the Georgians also.

So either Israel is playing their cards right, or are just that audacious.
2009-01-11 17:52:00 UTC
No, X, I don't...and neither would a single human being on this planet that had the barest shred of decency. (Check out some of these responses: that's AMERICA for ya.)

Israel's actions have been verified by several human rights organizations, including some in Israel itself. I liken this use of phosphorus to the U.S. campaign against the Vietnamese people employing the use of napalm; napalm was a nasty form of jellied gasoline that, while leaving structures largely intact, fried human beings.

The fact that the U.S. hasn't outlawed white phosphorus in combat doesn't mean squat; the U.S. and Israel have the most bloodthirsty governments on earth.
2009-01-11 19:42:28 UTC
What has the Human Rights Watch have to say about rockets being launched into civilian neighborhoods in Israel? Israel has the right to defend themselves against harm as they are doing, and WP is a legal defense. Hamas should not have use rockets to get them into something their arses cant get them out of. Damn the rockets, full speed ahead!
John C
2009-01-11 18:23:20 UTC
WP burns at a high temp. it is meant to be used on tanks and on heavily armored buildings. The people in Gaza like to shoot rockets at Israeli civilians from stone and cement buildings that are homes or schools or hospitals, Israel has the right to protect its people. Its a shame these "rebels" use their own people as shields and then claim we killed them.

Also the people of Israel have fought for their live to even be a nation. The nation isn't just made of Jews. And I think most people forget that. Sure they are a government based on a religion but they have more democracy and diplomacy then any of the nations that surround them.
Bob N
2009-01-11 18:02:35 UTC
So after "hours" of firing white phosphorus into Gaza, ten people got burned? Israel must have really bad aim.

Either that, or the guys that reported it are lying. I'm betting on the latter.

By the way, white phosphorus is an incendiary, not a chemical weapon like agent orange or mustard gas.
2009-01-11 19:04:09 UTC
Those are not Chemical weapons. When the shells explode the white phosphorous ignites immediately which increases the kill radius.
2009-01-11 17:31:37 UTC
White phosphorus is not a chemical weapon? It is a luminary weapon when a peice of white phosphorus is attached to a parachute which is ignited it light up a huge area, Or it is a quite poor incendiary weapon used to light buildings on fire. It burns very hot, but so quickly that it often cannot light anything on fire, and just burns through it.

2009-01-11 18:07:39 UTC
Israel has the right to defend itself in any means necessary. Why 75% of Jews voted for Obama is beyond me. Obama is not a friend of Israel. This will become apparent soon. Pray not only for Jews, but America as well.
Big Yoda
2009-01-11 18:51:30 UTC
The white phosphorous is not a chemical, biological or any other kind of weapon onto itself. It's more of a smoke bomb used to obscure vision on the battle field. Israel is defending itself against an existential threat. Hamas is sworn to the destruction of Israel. Enough said.
I hate onions
2009-01-11 17:00:22 UTC
I am in sync with the 1980 Geneva Treaty and I don't think white phosphorous should be used in highly dense civilian areas since it can cause 2nd to 3rd degree thermal burns spread across a large area.
2009-01-11 17:11:23 UTC
White phosphorous otherwise knows as Willy P. is some nasty stuff. I'd say the Israelis are showing Hamas they're willing to do what ever is necessary despite what the International Community thinks. Don't think it's right but I can see their logic.
2009-01-11 18:09:57 UTC
They said the same thing about the US and were debunked by more sources than have debunked the 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Liberals come up with a new idiotic conspiracy theory every month. I'm surprised people still fall for them.
2009-01-11 18:57:57 UTC
White Phosperous (AKA - Willy Pete) is not a Chemical Weapon (which would classify it as a WMD), and as such is legal for use. In fact, for the longest time (post-Geneva Conventions), Willy Pete was used for early generation "smoke" grenades to cover troop movements from enemy scouts.
2009-01-11 18:34:57 UTC
White Phosphor not a chemical weapon. It is needed to be used when there is no other means of illuminating a target. If you are in combat and are being shot at you will use it to fire back. I hope that if my husband needs it now he can use it.
2009-01-11 17:13:36 UTC
I'd be careful of anything put out about this war. Both sides are using propaganda just like all sides do in any war. People have said it is not a chemical weapon, and the idea might not be to hit anybody. But from what I understand if it does hit somebody it causes horrible burns.

Anybody of any faith would do good to pray that there is a cease fire that is respected by both sides, so no more innocent, or even not so innocent, if you see it that way, are not killed.
2009-01-11 17:09:20 UTC
Everyone .. everyone IN the middle east uses white phosphorus. In Israel, by the way, and further, want to use biologicals, and nuclear weapons.

War is war. If you have ever had the dubious opportunity to listen to a man scream himself to death with a splinter in his stomach, you know you want something faster for yourself. But weapons are weapons. If you want to limit those weapons people can use, limit everything except water balloons. Otherwise... get more, and better, or you will die.

By the way.. first things first.... get Hamas to stop using Rockets on Israel. They have been doing so for weeks in direct violation of a cease fire. Jordon and Egypt want that war stopped, but they have asked the same question the rest of the world has asked....

"Why in the world did Hamas break the cease fire?"
2009-01-13 14:49:11 UTC
no. as for the use of white phosphorus that is simply what they admit to using not what they probably actually used.
Jason C
2009-01-11 16:45:10 UTC
White Phosphorous is not a chemical projectile idiot. Its used for marking targets, smoke screens, and as an incendiary round (to burn up the fuel in enemy vehicle's gas tanks). Its NOT a projectile that spreads GB or Sarin or anything like that. It is not a WMD.

I support Israel's action in the Gaza strip. But if they ever decide to use a WMD against HAMAS then the political leaders that made the decision should be tried for war crimes.
2009-01-11 17:43:43 UTC
I support Israel's right to defend itself from what the majority of the world calls Hamas, a terrorist group. The Israeli army is at the door step of Gaza City right in front of Hamas. Where is Hamas? Hiding under the skirts of women and behind children. If Hamas wants to destroy Israel now is there chance. Quit hiding and fight.
2009-01-11 18:02:43 UTC
No I don't. But Israel isn't using "chemical weapons". Did you even read the article you cite?

Quote from your link:

"White phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon, and militaries are permitted under laws of warfare to use it in artillery shells"

Learn to read.
2009-01-11 17:56:37 UTC
WP is NOT chemical war fare. Did you see before or after you fired the rocket from behind the school into Israel?
2009-01-11 17:49:23 UTC
Unfortunately, in WAR, there really is no such thing as fighting dirty, there is only saving your own skin so you can continue fighting for your cause. Somehow, Humanity needs to get a handle on this before it turns into suicide for the entire planet.
Chrystal T
2009-01-11 17:21:21 UTC
Definately not! It's just another thing that Israel will get away with because Arabs are hated by the majority of the woorld who will be willing to turn a blind eye to it. And by the way, in response to one of the abswers you've already received, REal MEN fight with their hands not in an office pressing buttons to drop bombs... make it an equal war with the same weapns on ecah side and then let em fight it out, Im not saying Hamsa will win but at least they'll be fighting on an equal footing.
2009-01-11 17:04:57 UTC
I read the yahoo story. i believe it says that phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon by international law. therefore, israel can legally use it. i would say that they have a right to as well because gaza is shooting rockets into the country
2009-01-11 18:14:33 UTC
No, they are way out of line. They are doing to the Palestinians exactly what germany did to the jews. And they are squeezing it in just before inauguration day because they know Obama will not tolerate this.
Don't Shoot The Messenger ♥
2009-01-11 17:51:15 UTC
Collective Punishment. What's happening in Gaza isn't a defense, it's a slaughter.
2009-01-11 17:05:29 UTC
White Phophorous is NOT a chemical weapon. It is used in warfare to generate smoke screens, and as an incendiary. WP is a conventional weapon.

The United States military also uses WP and so does Russia.
2009-01-11 18:01:27 UTC
NO and if you had a brain you would know WP is not a chemical weapon. If it were it would be outlawed by the rules of war and the US has them and uses them.
2009-01-11 17:07:08 UTC
Try reading ALL of the article.White phosphorous IS NOT considered a chemical weapon.

"White phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon, and militaries are permitted under laws of warfare to use it in artillery shells, bombs and rockets to create smoke screens to hide troop movements as well as bright bursts in the air to illuminate battlefields at night.

Israel is not party to a convention regulating its use."

From your own source.
2009-01-11 18:42:36 UTC
This is obscene and it is right for it to be condemned . In fact this whole war is not right, as I do not know what they have to fight about.But being Men I suppose they always have to have some excuse to keep killing innocent people, as it seems as they cannot think for themselves like most of that species who do not care about their families.
2009-01-11 16:54:48 UTC
Israel is not using chemical weapons in Gaza. As your own source states, "White phosphorus is not considered a chemical weapon, and militaries are permitted under laws of warfare to use it in artillery shells, bombs and rockets to create smoke screens to hide troop movements as well as bright bursts in the air to illuminate battlefields at night." Besides, there is no concrete evidence that people have been harmed by the phosphorous. It is simply people from these human rights groups making assumptions and then their assumptions are being reported as if they were facts. Again, as your article states, "The chief doctor at Nasser Hospital in southern Gaza said he treated several victims there with serious burns that might have been caused by phosphorus. He said, however, that he did not have the resources or expertise to say with certainty what caused the injuries." Even if these people were burned, you have to consider that this is a war. There are going to be accidents and unintended casualties, especially when the Hamas militants are using these people as human shields. In conclusion, I have no problem with what Israel is doing in Gaza. They have my 100% support.
2009-01-11 17:13:19 UTC
WP is not designated as a chemical weapon in the Chemical Weapons Convention.

So calling it a chemical weapon isn't exactly an honest claim.

Thought you should know.
2009-01-11 17:06:49 UTC
Jimmy C
2009-01-11 19:06:54 UTC
The use of chemical weapons (white phosphorous) is a war crime.
2009-01-11 18:33:22 UTC
No, there is no reason to use Chemical Warfare. That is only going to lead to the destruction of the human race.
2009-01-11 18:42:53 UTC
Ofcourse Yes, I dont understand why not ???

if hamas cxan attach israel thousands of times, why cant they react.

about the chemical wweaponry, hamas deserve to get killed. the community was turning like a terrorist community like the pakistani or talibani terrorists.
2009-01-11 16:47:29 UTC
all people here are telling that you are dishonest or those news are false

they don't wanna hear the truth and they don't wanna face the facts

the fact that Israel have killed 230 child and 94 woman in 15 days of war

the truth that 40 % of casualties were children and women ( according to the UN )

Israel is using Gaza as a laboratory to try all the new weapons , some weapons companies are paying Israel to try their weapons on the Palestinians who worth nothing .. yes Palestinians to Israel is nothing but animals should be killed

Usa used to use the white phosphorous at Vietnam to clear and burn the trees areas for a better view

so what now ? Palestinians are trees to Israel ?

I can't believe how the world can sleep at night while Gaza children are getting killed everyday .. we are not asking Israel to stop the war nor to stop killing the children at Gaza but at least kill them with mercy
2009-01-11 17:08:27 UTC
They aren't aiming for civilians. They're trying (by any means possible) to kill the terrorists that have attacked their civilian population for more then a year. Most other countries wouldn't wait nearly that long.
2009-01-11 17:34:35 UTC
No. And I wouldn't support it if it were the other way around either.
Philip McCrevice
2009-01-11 16:49:21 UTC
White phosphorous is used by Israel and the United States and many other countries. It is not a chemical weapon.

So what's the question?

Next you'll be complaining Israel is using real bullets against Hamas instead of rubber bullets and tasers.

You've done your job; planted false rumors that will be parroted by idiot Hamas supports as fact.
2009-01-11 17:19:49 UTC
First of all, I don't believe Israel uses chemical weapons. But, even it they did, they are protecting themselves from the Hamas rodents and anyway they can do it is fine with me. Israel has my 100% backing to rid those animals from the planet. Iran is backing the Hamas, therefore, Iran, look out. I promise you that you are next. And, what Israel drops on you will be a lot worse than phosphorous. But fear not Iran, it will be very quick and it may take only one to kiss your butts good bye forever. I can't wait.
Iviolare S
2009-01-11 17:18:25 UTC
I support the right of Israel to turn the Gaza strip into a radioactive wasteland. Does that answer the question?
2009-01-11 17:14:21 UTC
We all know Israel can do no wrong. Bomb a school, murder babies, whatever it takes to keep those Palestinians from throwing rocks and the world looks the other way. I guess saying that makes me an "anti-semite", even though Palestinians are semitic people too.
2009-01-11 17:22:31 UTC
No, I do not.

I think it's ridiculous that our government (the United States) doesn't look at what Israel is doing in a more critical way.

I'm so tired of this attitude that anyone who questions Israel is an "anti-semite." It's nonsense!
2009-01-11 17:27:05 UTC
By the way, the safest place to be in Israel is on a military base. Hamas ONLY targets civilians.
2009-01-11 16:44:39 UTC
at this point it is not self defense, THIS IS WAR. Hamas continues to fire rockets into Israel, act of war. Israel has time and time again dropped leaflets warning civilians to not be near Hamas militants. If the civilians would rise up against Hamas, and bring their heads to Israel, much strife could be avoided. Not everyone in Gaza supports Hamas.
kevin s
2009-01-11 18:45:03 UTC
I think you know they are not doing that.

They need to and I support them defending themselves against constant attacks from the terrorist Hammas organization
2009-01-11 17:38:53 UTC
Israel does not use any chemical weapons in Gaza. Your question is deliberately misleading.
2009-01-11 17:25:12 UTC
more likely Israel is testing new ordnance on the cockroaches in GAZA to Israel Palestinians are like roaches . damn JEWS!!!!
2009-01-11 17:37:25 UTC
If youve never been to war, shut the hell up. I have shelled the enemy with phosphorus shells, but i am not at liberty to discuss it with you.
2009-01-11 16:48:11 UTC
Actually why bother with white phosphorus!

I suggest that when the Israeli tanks finally arrive in Gaza City that they make all the Palestinians wear a yellow crescent on their clothes.

Then they should put them in concentration camps and gas them all to death. That should be relatively easy as there's only about 2 and a half million of them left.

This worked brilliantly for the Nazis when they were exterminating the Jews in Europe ... especially as the Israelis have already copied the idea of the Warsaw ghetto with their own Gaza ghetto.

Now it's time for the 'final solution' ... the Palestinian Holocaust!
2009-01-11 16:36:57 UTC
No, I don't.

I'm still pro Israel, but I think they're going over the top. They're killing too many civilians, and it's only making Israel look bad. Their method of fighting Hamas is not right.
2009-01-11 18:21:43 UTC
all's fair in love and war
2009-01-11 16:57:26 UTC
White Phosphorous is not a chemical weapon. And yes they can and should use it. hy can hammas hit civilians with rockets and send homicide bombers into Isreal and kill children????
local way
2009-01-11 16:54:38 UTC
Guess who is selling Israel and Hamas weapons...but no I do not support the use of chemical weapons or war at all.
2009-01-11 18:58:44 UTC
i support anything Israel will do in Gaza
2009-01-11 18:36:02 UTC

I think we should stay entirely out of it, but I was horrified by that.
2009-01-11 17:16:11 UTC
Im sure you cried about the 3 million Saddam killed over his 32 years in power too
2009-01-11 18:22:43 UTC
no, but i don't know if the source is true, but i fully support Israel
2009-01-11 17:25:10 UTC
when one has no defense for hamas this is what it comes down to every timeeh?
2009-01-11 17:19:48 UTC
the only reason they remember the holocaust is so they know how to treat the Palestinians.
2009-01-11 17:03:51 UTC
I don't support killing in general so it doesn't matter what weapon is being used.
2009-01-11 16:51:39 UTC
its not chemical weapons its used to make smoke and they warn them ahead of time its coming and hamas forces the civilians into the street
Danny B
2009-01-11 16:47:37 UTC
Hummm...and an up front and self important left-wing group like Human Rights Watch wouldn't lie about anything they didn't agree with would they?
2009-01-11 16:53:02 UTC
All weapons are chemical- even a slingshot.
2009-01-11 17:37:49 UTC
i think that whatever israel wants to do to the bastards in gaza should be supported
2009-01-11 19:03:37 UTC
yes i do
2009-01-11 16:53:10 UTC
Absolutely not!!

OI do not support anything they are doing there.. especially the killing of children.. no excuse.!!
2009-01-11 16:28:17 UTC
Hi, Humanitarian,

Did ya notice at the very end of the Yahoo article.. what it said?

Actually, I doubt that you even read that far, so here ya go ...

"Human Rights Watch has not been able to confirm whether there have been any civilian casualties from phosphorus. The group has a consultant working for it inside Gaza but he has been unable to

move around due to the danger. Foreign journalists have also been barred from entering Gaza. "

Gee, golly! The headline SCREAMS the Israelis are using phosphorus, but the article states they really don't know. Hummmmm....?

The doctor they quoted no less than 3 times said he didn't know what caused the burns he was seeing.....

Oh, dear! But still the headline screams ....

And the principal witness said: "Suddenly, I saw bombs coming with white smoke," said the man, whose burned face was covered with medical cream. "It looked very red and it had white smoke. That's the first time I've seen such a thing."

Phosphorus burns white or yellow ... not red.

It would be just like the Hamas rats to be burning people with blow torches in order to whip up a bit of sympathy.

Have a nice day!
.margarett J_stimulus package us
2009-01-11 17:54:06 UTC
no no no on humanitarian grounds of immense sufferings to people in Gaza. pl see u s american emergency in disguise, stop it now:

impeach b h obama at earlist after 1 20. 09 or enact imergency legislation to accomodate b h obama as a u s born by bith see web for a possible legislation by web seach with words viz "kamal karna roy"Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:29 PM

From: "vishwa dharma" View contact details To:,,,, business@pg.laf.orgCc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ASKDOJ@USDOJ.COM,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Debashish Maitra" ,,,,,,,,,,,, "dipika basak" ,,, more

--- On Sun, 1/11/09, vishwa dharma wrote:

> From: vishwa dharma

> Subject: Re: 1. 11. 2009 london u k: make obama a u s born citizen as congress has power to do it with consent of pres g w bush......:impeach obama for lying to nation, usa to get access to presidential election nov 4, 2008 plaintiffs by u s citizen by birth the rev dr kamal karna roy swear under penalty of perjury say he has enough evidence in academic possessions and witnesses to univocally say that obama be he was born in air, sea of land, in usa oor outside usa had had alien black father and allegedly u s citizen mother of barely 18 yrs of age at live birth of a male child now named b h obama and he could not be u s citizen automatoic under u s statute as on 8.4. 1961 and as such his claim as u s citizen :::: nation,usa is on the verge of losing hard earned sovereignty since u s american independence in 1776 when obama b h takes office on 1.20.2009 . either impeach him for trial in u s senate immediatel or enact an emergency legislation to

mahhelm of us presidency , if, on 1.20.2009. :s o s : the 1st or so , agenda ,of u s house of representatives should be if bh obama is sworn as u s president on 1.20.09, is to impeach oh obama in a frienly house obama to make sure he is born us citizen he made no effort to hide his if his naality at birth was made in conspiracy to evade his non u s citizen status & to bring b h obama on trial in u s senate. if obama proved his us citizenship at birth and he is no fake american then over 100 million u s american will be without fear and doubt that obama shall not break u s american sovereinty as alien to be u s president, possibly other 200 million of we the people are unsure about obama as he,of usa courts et al did prefer to suppress doubts of people, they know u s american freedom and sovereignty is not for sale to obama. see below as well :1.10. 2009 S O S: s o s the illinois impeachment and trial if any of gov blagojevich should not cross du

process of laws pursuant to u s constitution & other statutes of nation, usa senate trial in illinois for blagojevich must be fair , not based on heresay facts only about the gov rod. in recent decades many triala were just staged by lawmakers and courts which crossed many many ethical and legal standards of u s a, said the rev dr kamal k k roy author of Jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions to any weaker people, weaker entities bureaucrats. govt or other, weaker nations, aliens, domestic poors et al by most of the powerfuls, people, powerful entities, nations with some powerd viz china israel, india et el and

--- On Sun, 1/11/09, vishwa dharma wrote:

> From: vishwa dharma

> Subject: Re: 1. 11. 2009 london u k: make obama a u s born citizen as congress has power to do it with consent of pres g w bush......:impeach obama for lying to nation, usa to get access to presidential election nov 4, 2008 plaintiffs by u s citizen by birth the rev dr kamal karna roy swear under penalty of perjury say he has enough evidence in academic possessions and witnesses to univocall
* Habseligkeiten
2009-01-11 17:22:16 UTC

Why are so many people in denial?
2009-01-11 16:58:32 UTC
Wouldn't it be simpler for YA to have a Jew Haters Forum. Instead of making all you Jew Haters think up crazy antisemitic questions
2009-01-11 16:53:42 UTC
No I despise them for it .

As an older Christian I have lost all respect for Israel.
2009-01-11 16:52:45 UTC
No, I don't support fascist behavior among our enemies OR our allies.
2009-01-11 16:29:49 UTC
White Phosphorus is not a chemical weapon and i believe Isreal is acting in self defense, they had to put up with rocket attacks for 6 months and after they went in they offered a peace agreement which Hamas refused.
2009-01-11 16:28:55 UTC
That was Gross. I hope it is not true. The Israelis are already inflicting great harm and suffering such as I have never seen done in such a short time. They seem to have unrestricted Access by planes and are immune to any danger in the skies above Gaza.India,.China,Pakistan,Russia ,America all have access to Weapons of all sorts . Nuclear weapons were not SOLD to them . They acquired it by building them . To restore peace in a region a balance has to be achieved either by disarming or rearming one of the Two Parties . Israel Planes and Drones are flying over Gaza unchallenged and bombing at will . Would they do that if Palestine had aeroplanes who could Fly over Israel and reek some Havoc ? Israel defies the world and has pre planned a Genocide by abusing its powers to ensure the Palestinians will be wiped out by decease ,stress,and malnutrition and in the meanwhile they will have no chance ever to be educated enough to lift themselves out of the destruction imposed on them .
2009-01-11 18:48:17 UTC
No, It can not be controlled as much...
2009-01-11 17:43:54 UTC
its for smoke screens moron
2009-01-11 16:39:08 UTC
It's wanton slaughter, genocide, the systematic extermination of the Palestinian people. A second holocaust, in other words. Olmert and Bush should be immediately shipped off to the Hague for trial for genocide and crimes against humanity.
2009-01-11 16:32:06 UTC
Israel will not use chemicals mainly because they follow U.S. code of chemical warfare, which the U.S. will not use unless the enemy uses it first and U.S. still may not use chemicals. White phoshorus is not dangerous unless you are allergic to it. And even if Israel did use chemicals so what, war is war and everyone wants to win it, Saddam did not care when he used chemicals on his own people he only cared about getting the results he wanted, Iran will not think twice to fire a nuke at Israel they will do it just because they think it will win the war for them, but Israel will strike back with a Vengeance and with the promise of God backing them all the way. I triple dog dare Iran to try it. More Power to Israel.
2009-01-11 16:26:13 UTC
well if this is thee case things are escalating quite quickly.

scary but not informed enough to say if its not supportable :)
2009-01-11 16:45:28 UTC
2009-01-11 16:26:33 UTC
I don't support ANYONE'S use of chemical weapons.
2009-01-11 16:17:39 UTC
Willie Pete isn't Chemical Weaponry. It is very ineffective as a weapon. We tried it in 'nam and we quit using it because napalm is far more effective. Sure, there might be the occasional collateral damage, but its use is not as a weapon. Its use is marking positions for Artillery Fwd Observers. It's not even an effective incindiary device. Know what you are talking about before you rant.
2009-01-11 16:29:53 UTC
Do people have any human compassion any more? Do you even think about what it means when you vote up someone who says "Yes. vermin must be exterminated by any means necessary. Hamas and their parasitic followers are vermin."

For God's sake, that's probably worse than any words hitler ever used to explain why he killed millions of jews.

You can think whatever you want about the war but you can never EVER think something that horrible about other human beings
2009-01-11 16:26:49 UTC
Hey there Skippy...It has already been determined it was smoke, not Phosphorous..But nice try to stir an empty pot.

BTW..Mighty convenient no one can see for sure and the only Doctor isn't sure to begin with......Try some other stick.
2009-01-11 18:51:01 UTC
Jews do what they want...........makes me sick.
2009-01-11 16:38:05 UTC
Isreal are pigs and so are the americans who support them.
2009-01-11 16:28:16 UTC
Yes i do. 5 thumbs up. Gets rid of them. And hopefully there will be a containment issue and it will get rid of them too.
2009-01-11 16:21:30 UTC
Both and Palestine deserves it for allowing Hamas to rule. And I would hardly call white phosphorous "chemical warfare"; all it is is a burn agent.
2009-01-11 16:17:16 UTC
i don't like any war . i don't like anykind of explosives.

but i don't support the palestines so it's a no win situation.
racism is unbecoming
2009-01-11 16:24:44 UTC
I just read that at

I really do not understand the support that Israel receives for their attacks on civilians. It's like saying the people who were killed in the Twin Towers, Pentagon and airplanes on 9/11 deserved what they got for voting in the politicians who have allowed American corporations to rape other nations.
2009-01-11 16:21:54 UTC
Are you part of the Hamas propaganda machine out here spreading this crap ad nausium?

We know HAMAS pukes start a war, use WOMEN AND CHILDREN AS HUMAN SHIELDS now are all over the web with propaganda trying to score points by lying. I remember that the Palistinian people voted in Hamas and danced and celebrated in the streets on 9-11.

This alone (and there's plenty more) sends a loud message for you to just shut the hell up:

Hamas breaks cease fires and targets Israel with rockets and suicide bombers.

Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV called upon children to form a human shield at the home of Abu al-Hatal of the a-Shouqaf quarter of Sajaiyeh in order to protect the building from an anticipated IDF airstrike.

Excerpts from a speech by Hamas MP Fathi Hammad, broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV on February 29, 2008:

Fathi Hammad: [The enemies of Allah] do not know that the Palestinian people has developed its [methods] of death and death-seeking. For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist bombing machine. It is as if they were saying to the Zionist enemy: "We desire death like you desire life."

Gazan women were used as human shields to allow besieged Hamas gunmen to flee from Israeli forces in Beit Hanun.

The IAF warned Muhammad Weil Baroud, responsible for firing Kassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahiya in advance of an air strike. Instead, hundreds of locals, mostly women and children, were recruited to Baroud's house. Israel suspended the air strike, lest these human shields be harmed. In response to the incident, Hamas crowed: "We won. From now on we will form human chains around every house threatened with demolition."

There are many more examples. This tactic would not work if the Isralis were the barbarians that Hamas is.

So really, just shut the hell up.

"When the Arabs put their guns down, there will be no war.

When Israel puts it's guns down, there will be no Israel."
Andrew K
2009-01-11 16:20:26 UTC
If Yahoo News isn't a credible enough news source for all of you, why are you even posting here? If that's what you believe, then you are very hypocritical by supporting a biased news source.

Anyway, I wouldn't put anything past Israel with the current genocide campaign they're doing.
2009-01-11 16:17:13 UTC
Even the Nazis (GODWIN!!) didn't use chemical warfare. I mean come on!
2009-01-11 16:16:42 UTC
Incendiary bombs do not equal chemical warfare.

Try again.
2009-01-11 16:16:41 UTC
I honestly don't care what they use as long as they kill every Hamas member in Gaza.
2009-01-11 16:16:07 UTC
Anything that helps eradicate Hamas is fine with me !
2009-01-11 16:16:05 UTC
Israel has got to do what they got to do.. I support Israel 100%!..but also be careful where you get your lying liberal info from too...and I see you got your info from Yahoo, which is totally bias and liberal
2009-01-11 16:15:29 UTC
I don't believe anything the lying media says about Israel anymore!
2009-01-11 16:15:02 UTC
They are being used to create a smoke screen so that Hamas, WHO ARE HIDING BEHIND WOMEN AND CHILDREN cannot pick off the Israeli soldiers who ARE FIGHTING LIKE MEN.

If Hamas doesn't like it, they can grow balls and come out and fight too.
2009-01-11 16:12:35 UTC
This is so not true. Get more than one news source, K?
2009-01-11 16:11:35 UTC
No but I'm not ready to say the source is credible either.
2009-01-11 16:20:18 UTC
That weapon is less of a "chemical" weapon than the thousands of depleted uranium shells we used to "liberate" the people of Iraq.

There is now enough radioactive dust in the soil there to continue killing people and cause birth defects for many hundred years.

Oh yeah, it's also killing our own soliders and the doctors refuse to admit it.
2009-01-11 16:15:31 UTC
Israel has denied these allegations. Since Hamas would just as soon use their own people as human shields and recruit them as suicide bombers, can we be certain they have not perpetrated this horrific scenario for own propaganda purposes?
Basket of Puppies
2009-01-11 16:12:01 UTC
No way. Israel doesnt need to do that to kill Hamas.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.