Which is worse? Conservatives being indoctrinated by religion or liberals being indoctrinated by universities with a ideological agenda?
2020-06-26 15:22:12 UTC
Which is worse? Conservatives being indoctrinated by religion or liberals being indoctrinated by universities with a ideological agenda?
112 answers:
2020-06-28 11:45:35 UTC
Your premise is ludicrous.
2020-06-27 22:18:55 UTC
Why are there no conservative universities! It is a real shame to have the liberals invading our great instiutions... Team Trump needs to build more universities or else young people will all vote for Hillary!
2020-06-27 13:38:46 UTC
Liberals - by far. For there are NO boundaries. As for being indoctrinated by religion.... you mean lead to believe that you shouldn't kill, steal, lie, rape and so on? Sounds like a pretty good neighbor to me. 
2020-06-27 06:13:40 UTC
Reality has a liberal bias.  There are problems with the ivory tower but academic institutions have historically been shielded somewhat from the economic necessities of capitalism which leads to a particular mindset, which is unrealistic because of the contradictions of capitalism.
2020-06-27 06:07:21 UTC
You Trump supporters and other right-wing lunatics would do well to avoid completely any person who's been "indoctrinated by universities", including doctors, dentists, lawyers, nurses, engineers, etc.  Please, take your health, legal and Industry 4.0 problems to others as proudly and willfully ignorant as you are.  As your cult leader says, what have you got to lose?
2020-06-27 00:53:54 UTC
Neither are dumb enough to be indoctrinated into anything.
2020-06-26 22:18:19 UTC
It's a bad thing for anyone to be "indoctrinated" into any belief system.

But being exposed to many different ideas, as is supposed to happen in a University education, is not indoctrination.

Back before the fall of the Berlin wall, when I went to scientific conferences in communist countries behind the iron curtain, the scientists I met who were from the Soviet Union were amazed that I had been "permitted" to read works by Karl Marx and Hitler.  They were sure that American citizens would be indoctrinated into capitalism to the exclusion of all else.
2020-06-26 21:00:37 UTC
Neither. What is worse is ignorant fools who don't look at all the facts and come to their own logical conclusion. They need an organisation to tell them what to think. 
Warren T
2020-06-26 16:27:23 UTC
2020-06-26 16:15:46 UTC
To a conservative universities as thinking is way hard and it hurts!!
2020-06-30 15:20:50 UTC
Any form of extremist is bad. 

There are a silent majority of moderates on both sides who wish they’d just shut up. 
2020-06-28 21:16:00 UTC
Both are their own forms of brainwashing. 
2020-06-28 16:49:12 UTC
Conservatives are worst because there is hypocrisy and perpetuating hate. Universities encourage questing and assessing different perspectives 
2020-06-28 02:57:24 UTC
CONservatives and it's not even close.
ron h
2020-06-28 02:03:22 UTC
just about anything involving religion ends up being harmful.   Religion depends on a fixed set of beliefs that are almost impossible to update- to keep up with new knowledge. Catholics and others burned witches and executed scientists.   And ALL religions have (and are) an "ideological agenda"
2020-06-28 01:57:51 UTC
No one can force you to be religious. Belief is a choice. Liberal "education," is not a choice, it's forced.
Donnie Doom
2020-06-28 00:01:04 UTC
Conservatives lie to themselves for fear of death. Liberals lie to themselves so they can tax and exploit another man's labor and sacrifice and feel good about it.

Liberals and conservatives are both wrong about many things, but I think liberals are significantly more disgusting.
2020-06-27 20:34:30 UTC
Liberals being indoctrinated by Left liberal teachers with agendas.
Joseph B
2020-06-27 19:35:06 UTC
Religion, in its true sense, would be fine, but the Trumpvangelicals, a virulent species of faux Christian, have corrupted it.  A Trumpvangelical, as the result of a severe emotional disturbance, "accepted Jesus," and now thinks he is "saved."  As a result, he believes that there is nothing he has done, or can do, that will jeopardize his eternal salvation.  He thinks, without any study, training, or education, and aided only by an inner voice that he thinks is the Holy Spirit, he is a Bible scholar.  From there, it is a few short steps to being a constitutional law expert and communicable disease authority.  The Trumpvangelical's main objective is to get elected to public office, so that he can get his kooky bigoted ideas enacted into law and binding on everyone else.  "Liberals" on the other hand encourage critical analysis and the desire to obtain knowledge.
2020-06-27 19:00:54 UTC
Liberals - by far. For there are NO boundaries. As for being indoctrinated by religion.... you mean lead to believe that you shouldn't kill, steal, lie, rape and so on? Sounds like a pretty good neighbor to me.
2020-06-27 17:39:19 UTC
Good question, and I'm on the fence.

The thing is that if both would tame their **** down a bit, it could work, but there is a hatred for each other which will never stop.

It's NOT even what they believe anymore, it's more of a "I'm better because of what I stand for" and most all are hypocrites, but if you can go to a Rally or Church you come out feeling clean of your wrongs.

Libs need to tame down the nastiness and In your face offensive moves, Cons just need to open their minds and close their bibles "Home Depot sells fences if your really scared of change".
2020-06-27 12:20:09 UTC
Libs are pragmatic ... cons opinionated. Facts win debate ... opinion only is for also-ran losers. Opinion is not even allowed in Oxford style debate, that's how cheap it can be. I don't care who, what, where people legally worship, separate church and state. The law of the land trumps any religious doctrine.
2020-06-27 09:10:29 UTC
I do not think getting and education is being indoctrinated with an ideological agenda....unless you consider being educated and open minded enough to learn facts, data and science and being a just and fair person being something horrible....
Andrew S
2020-06-27 02:22:53 UTC
Both are bad and the unyielding desire to denote one is the lesser of two evils is what is destroying our society.
2020-06-27 01:32:19 UTC
Everybody chooses their own path. Indoctrinated is not applicable really as both Conservatives and Liberals attend college. Usually of course they start off as Conservatives or Liberal but after they get an education they become more Liberal. With knowledge comes power and there is a very powerful argument for Liberal leadership right now as we have seen Conservative leadership. They have utterly betrayed this nation. We now learn that Putin put a bounty of Dead US Soldiers and Trump refuses to do a thing about it because he is afraid they wont help him AGAIN to get re-elected. Face it folks...Trump is a Traitor and you Trump supporters have been taken for a ride by a Con man. 
2020-06-26 20:25:12 UTC
I suppose I am an enigma.  I lean conservative, have multiple graduate degrees, and reject both religion and leftist ideology.  I think that the more you actually study how to conduct proper research and approach problems through a positivist lens, the less likely you are to be indoctrinated by either.  Unfortunately, most students just take the easy route and take the "theory" classes (I use the term theory very loosely here) without ever taking quantitative research methods.
2020-06-26 18:29:19 UTC
What's worse than either of those, is the misguided notion that people can't think for themselves. 
2020-06-26 18:20:37 UTC
I sad their both equally as bad.
2020-06-26 17:30:57 UTC
Definitely Liberals, because the prophets of the Holy Bible have never been wrong.  
2nd rate Matt Lattanzi
2020-06-26 15:30:59 UTC
I do appreciate you at least hinting at a very inconvenient underlying truth - leftism/progressivism IS a religion.
2020-06-29 18:04:42 UTC
2020-06-28 15:13:54 UTC
You are asking the wrong question the real question should be why are people so stupid to only be die hard left or right supporters. Our society would be much better if we had much more avenues and ways of thinking. The tug of war policy for both sides is ludicrous and is only meant to divide us all.
2020-06-28 14:47:33 UTC
One is knowledge based and the other is belief based.

Knowledge is good. 

People can have the belief that you are stupid, it doesn't make them right, because they don't have the knowledge of proof.  I would need proof, educate me. 
Jeff D
2020-06-28 12:25:09 UTC
Religious people are less likely to engage in rioting and looting.
Philip H
2020-06-28 02:38:15 UTC
Religion teaches ethical behaviors when taught by honorable men of God. Proper behavior reduces the need for policing activities and helps assure safety and Liberty.

Universities today are dominated by professors with a corrupt agenda designed to reduce or eliminate the Rights of Free Citizens so they can be dominated by Elitist Despots.
2020-06-28 00:30:48 UTC
Only libtarded dimocraps are indoctrinated.
2020-06-27 21:59:20 UTC
Liberals are smart to move forward.

Conservatives should be taught a lesson.
2020-06-27 20:38:32 UTC
Oh my my. Let’s see. Since the dawn of time there has been religious freedom or attempts at it. So it just in the past few months that the criminal left wing socialists and their arm, the media pieces of crap like this one. Time fir our forefather clause to come into effect and put this revolution down. 
2020-06-27 19:29:51 UTC
It depends on whether the religion or ideology is True. It's all about Truth. Unfortunately, Evangelical Christianity has been tainted with the Satanic, Hellish, diabolical, evil, blasphemous lie that Trump is a good Christian man and God's gift to America. The truth is that he's the false prophet, the wolf in Sheep's clothing that Jesus warned us about.

I cannot speak for whatever ideology you have in mind.
2020-06-27 18:55:54 UTC
Liberals are not indoctrinated by universities but RepubliCONS use their religion as a means to wage war and to justify their hatred of other people 
2020-06-27 18:46:26 UTC
Not all Conservatives are religious in fact the majority of Conservatives aren’t religious.
2020-06-27 18:25:51 UTC
read your own labels moron. the only indoctrination is spewing from your own mouth. here spell "cat" for us. "cccc" "aaa" "tttt".
2020-06-27 17:23:33 UTC
I'm "indoctrinated by religion".  It teaches me to be loving of others, to give my money generously to charity and to forgive.  What's wrong with that?

I would guess that liberals being indoctrinated by universities, but I went to a pretty liberal university and didn't have a problem with the mainstream views there.  

Both sides mean well.
2020-06-27 17:22:17 UTC
Willful ignorance.
2020-06-27 06:37:05 UTC
Seeing as I am a firm Conservative who has not been in a church or opened a Bible since I was a small child, I would say Liberal indoctrination is far worse.
2020-06-27 00:17:56 UTC
Either are bad
2020-06-26 17:26:23 UTC
Conservatives being indoctrinated by religion is way worse. Universities actually teach you criticial thinking and how to do proper academic research.
2020-06-26 15:25:51 UTC
Cons being indoctrinated by religion. Universities do not indoctrinate, they educate. Just happens that when a person gets a higher education they gain access to the truth through doing their own research and the truth supports the liberal cause.
2020-06-26 15:24:17 UTC
Conservatives being indoctrinated by religion.

liberals are not being indoctrinated by universities with a ideological agenda.

Education makes people less socially conservative

just as science washes away superstitions 
2020-06-26 15:24:09 UTC
I have not seen religious Conservatives loot their neighborhoods and burn them to the ground . 
2020-06-29 03:24:13 UTC
Liberals and their agenda! Trump forever!
2020-06-29 01:59:26 UTC
The media is the culprit here. That's why Trump is the man. He has shown us. Its no longer neutral and reports the news they try and make the news.Trump has shown us the left is violent. Haven't seen a violent KKK rally have you.  
2020-06-29 01:47:31 UTC
Liberal Colleges now days teaches Intolerance of ideas, vindictiveness, dependencies, victimhood, insurrection, encouraging & not punishing crime as long as it's nowhere close to their residence & erase history as these colleges can't accept history in the context of objectivity. Not a fan of religion, but religion does encourage respecting law & order, put more emphasis on self reliance, discipline, charity, kindness & forgiveness.

These colleges conditioned BLM/ANTIFA to act like ISIS (Arab Spring) in using supposed peaceful protest to loot, burn, & destroy with encouragement from the partisan (D) news media. BLMs claims that All Lives Matter is a Racist Slur sums up BLM's supremacist ideals. BLM doesn't really care about Congoid Life, Europid life, or Asian Life. BLM only care about making Congoid Life Matter (only if taken by a Europid in self defense or not) an issue as an excuse to destroy. BLM/ANTIFA's quest for dismantling Law Enforcement is for BLM/ANTIFA & organize crime given permission to commit crimes unrestricted specially against Europids, Middle Eastern (Jews, Arabs, Persians Turks), East & South Asians. Hundreds of attacks on Jews is crown heights Brooklyn by Congoids are a hate crime, but partisan news media are covering it up because the racist are Congoids. Lone Europids in Congoid cities are being surrounded by racist Congoids with lumber, bricks, bicycles, inside school busses calling their assaults as 'Polar Bear Hunting'.

Congoid Supremacist & Socialist adopted the phrase BLM because it's less threatening than Blk Power!, but their behavior remains the same to intimidate & force conformity.  If they really want full freedom from Europid oppression then separation for independence is what they should strive for, not eternal begging & extortion. They can make their own currency, take responsibility & hold themselves accountable to become self reliant, write their own laws, discipline the delinquent, criminal & corrupt element among them by policing themselves, educate or indoctrinate, & create jobs or put 40+ millions of former Congoid Americans to work. No Longer will they chant no justice no peace & blame everything on Europid people or systemic racism in Congoid run Congoid cities, killing the Congoid grievance race hustler industry using racism as an excuse or hide behind to mask their own tribal bigotry, bias, crime & corruption. It'll end affirmative action with high emphasis on merit & discipline which have been extremely lacking since the great society programs & deteriorating academic standards.

(D) in California & NY police kneeled in solidarity, but the looting & destruction went on until there is nothing left to loot. BLM/ANTIFA is using incidents to accuse systematic Racism in Congoid run cities: D.C. Atlanta, Baltimore & Minneapolis having Congoid Police Chief, DA , (D) mayor & majority population. Obama's Administration investigation on Michael Brown shooting defunct BLM lies about the shooting because honest witnesses came forward & the dishonest witnesses contradict their statements. ANTIFA/BLM operates the same as their senior sister company KKK also supported by (D)s, Mussolini's Black Shirts & Socialist Venezuela's criminal gang supporters. BLM/ANTIFA in conjunction with Partisan News Media & (D) politicians are trying to blame insurrection & destructions on the Incumbent POTUS, why? The POTUS pushed & signed the 1st step act prison reform bill. (D)s & Biden pushed & passed the Crime Bill with Biden giving himself the authority to officially determine, if a supporter is of Congoid descent or not.

BLMs Socialist Revolution has created Protection Racket Militia in CHAZ now CHOP where if businesses & residence don't pay up, they get looted & vandalized. A political entity (DNC) is funding this embarrassment as it has no system of trade, governance, food production. BLM chants Pigs in a Blanket' Fry em' like bacon, what do we want dead cops, & tags BLM graffiti on vandalize & looted buildings, how's that peaceful? The Chant & Graffiti BLM period!!! pretty much says that Caucasian, European, Persian, Turkic, Oriental, Siberian, S/E, Asian, S. Asian, Central Asian, Amerindian... lives do not matter as much. Non-Congoids can empathize, but to demand that they should be subservient to Congoids victimhood delusion is bullying. BLM wants to use any incidents involving Congoid victims innocent or guilty of a crime to keep the victim mentality alive for Congoid crimes & Congoid bigotry to be tolerated for them to intimidate & oppress non-Congoids. If you're not Congoid according to BLM, you deserve every grief or suffering that any Congoid inflicts on you. The US has the softest & most lenient country in the world when it comes to crime & punishment that contributes to large amount of re-offenses & incarceration rate.

Trying to paint Bigotry, Discrimination, Hate & Tribalism as inherently European is false as such behavior along with slavery started with Early humans in East Africa when early humans expanded into separate tribes competing for territories & limited food resources that are still practiced there since before the great migration of early humans. Tribalism & Bigotry is human animal nature that only self reliant, honorable, humble, honest, wise & kindness can suppress. Journalist Keith Richburg Author of Out of Africa 'Thanked God for Slavery' bringing his ancestors to the USA.

WAPO reports 10 Congoids shot unarmed, 20 of Europid shot unarmed, & 18 others shot unarmed, down from 32-38, 3-4 years ago. If it happens everyday, there will not be 40+ millions of Congoids as reproduction won't be able to keep up since emancipation. Congoid world population grew from less than 30 million to 1 billion+ from 1500-2020 because of Europid industrialization, science, technology, medicine, food preservation, academics, economics, out of Africa & Europid pursuit to abolishing slavery. 

Brazil, Cuba, Caribbean Islands & N/E South America had a slave population of 40%-60%+, 20%+ slave owners, 2-5 decades late in abolishing slavery. Haiti had 2/3, if not 3/4, but didn't really end slavery rather replaced the masters with lighter & better haired version of themselves. Prior to the end of the US CIVIL WAR, the US had 3.5-4 million slave population owned by 1%+ of the free population of 40 million at the end of US Civil War. 28% of Louisiana & Mississippi had Congoids & Capoids Slave owners & owned plantations. Congoids replaced the Caribbean Amerind population. US Congoid population grew 20x than the Amerindian population from 4 million (1864) to 40+ million (2020).

FBI Stats Intra-racial Homicide among Congoids is 89% & 82% among Caucasian (European, Arabs, Hebrews, Bedouins, Afghans, Turks, Persian), includes Mestizos in the mix. US law enforcement takes a lot of abuse, harassment, & assassination for being very soft & lenient to law breakers (only in America) attracting criminals foreign or domestic across the world.

European descent have a higher chance of being victim of interracial crimes. In Interracial Homicide 15% are Perpetrated by Congoids upon Europids & 7% are Perpetrated by Caucasians upon Congoids. There should be more emphasize on Interracial Homicides, Rape, Mob Assaults & Robbery. All interracial crimes 60,000 Blk victims by Wht perps; 600,000 Wht victims by Blk perps. 42% of cop killers are Blk 3.5 times more than the Blk population ratio.

At 12% of the Population Congoids are already Committing twice the rate of the 72% of the Caucasian Population. If you adjust the Congoid Population to match Caucasian Population by multiplying 15% Interracial Crimes by 6 how will the total be, or Both Population can meet in the middle which is 36% therefore multiplying 15% by 3 and dividing 7% by 2 , the result is (B) commits 45% vs (W) commits 3.5% when equalizing population in the middle. Congoids seceding for Independence would be the only solution to the problem of European descent having a higher chance of being victims of interracial crimes.

Blk on Wht interracial rape is at 80%-90% annually. Wht on Blk rape is virtually 0 at 0.1% annually in terms of population. A Mulatta with a higher percentage of European ad mixture (60%-99%) has a higher chance of being raped by all degenerate of any ethnicity than a pure or mostly Congoid female. Must have something to do With the standards of beauty that Arabs-Islam created when purchasing wives or harems putting eastern Europeans on top, Northern Europeans 2nd; Assyrians, Persians, Southern Europeans, Mediterranean, Mongol, East Asian 3rd; Indian/south east Asians 4th; Australoid, Congoid/Capoid 5th.

Most of the recent African Immigrants (Somali (Ilhan Omar), Nigerian, Ghanaian...) after the Abolition of Slavery are no different from most of the descendants of the slaves that their ancestors captured & sold slaves to the East Arabian & Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in taking advantage of the grievance hustle & scams that Booker T. Washington warned of. “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Ne9r0 race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Ne9r0 to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T. Washington.
2020-06-29 01:32:49 UTC
Both extremes are bad, but the number of liberals being indoctrinated into PC thought in education far exceeds the number of far right conservatives bring indoctrination religion.   
2020-06-28 21:33:06 UTC
The former. I'm a liberal (with moderate leanings) and my experience in university contradicts your claim. Many of my professors are Republicans.
2020-06-28 15:29:24 UTC
By going to these "universities" liberals are given the false impression by leftist professors they actually know what they're talking about.  
2020-06-28 12:25:18 UTC
I say liberals are worse
2020-06-28 00:04:53 UTC
Attend both. PLEASE attend both. These experiences will give you not only first-person anecdotal experience, but also exposure into their way of thinking.  Indoctrination is only achievable if said person is willing to accept dogma and perpetuate it in their life. If you are truly and wholeheartedly a freethinker, you would then be able to decipher the lies and indoctrination both institutions feed you. Let's be real here, we all want to be deemed as freethinkers who can see through the mirage, but if we don't put in the effort, we can't possibly deem ourselves as such. What we need to do is study, read into both perspectives, reach out to people from both indoctrinated fields, and consider the historical narrative we choose to exist in. As we expose ourselves to all of this, it is only then when we can finally question authentic stances and therefore form our opinion. I challenge you to do that- do the hard work of intellectually battling binary thoughts to therefore gain clarity. I promise you, it will be worth it. 
2020-06-27 23:01:33 UTC
AN ideological agenda.

And obviously religion. Universities don't have "an ideological agenda" they just have more intelligent people as professors so naturally more of them are liberals.
2020-06-27 17:52:53 UTC
What's worse is the fact that you're a blithering ******* idiot. I am a conservative, and I am not religious in the slightest bit. Don't be so damn shallow.
2020-06-27 16:35:46 UTC
Honestly the Liberals. At least conservatives are taught more good things. Liberals are thought to hate God and anything that’s good. As well as dumber then a rock
2020-06-27 15:55:43 UTC
Who would you rather be near , those who believe in the ten commandments or those who want to put their hands in your pockets and firebomb your house if you decided to become a police officer ?
2020-06-27 15:04:10 UTC
What is this ideological agenda you're talking about.  Must not be doing a good job with it if you can't explain anything about it other than "oooh scary"
2020-06-27 13:41:56 UTC
Unfortunately, you're putting out some judgments of two large groups of people that are objectively simplistic and largely false. Sounds like you're one of that unfortunate group of people who think they're the only ones who have access to truth. Even Pontius PIlate knew that defining truth was a slippery slope. 
2020-06-27 13:39:02 UTC
Cons are radicalized and they become right wing terrorists. Some of them actually believe that the world is about to end and they go out and commit terrorist acts to try to bring chaos.  Radicalized cons are responsible for about 3 out of 4 domestic terrorist acts since 9/11 according to the anti-defamation league.
2020-06-27 08:20:15 UTC
Both being indoctrinated by falsehood is the worst
2020-06-27 06:22:49 UTC
They are both bad... HOWEVER, I worked my a*s off to get into a PhD program, had a 4.0, did amazing on my GRE exams and excelled in everything under the sun from research to clinic work. I got interviews everywhere I applied. When I went on the interviews, I noticed there were no white students and that the one white student they had in each program was from another country. The interviewers asked me very personal questions about my politics and then asked me about my white privilege. I didn't get into ANY of the 13 PhD programs I interviewed for and they only took the very liberal minority students. Their questions were very biased and they showed favoritism to the immigrants either from the Caribbean or Mexico, and were cold to me. They are disgusting, and are retaliating against white people through academia and graduate school.
2020-06-27 01:30:57 UTC
No university beyond the religious ones has some one "ideological agenda".

If you think otherwise, you know nothing whatsoever about universities.

You've never attended one, have you, sweetie?
2020-06-26 15:29:07 UTC
I haven't seen too many "indoctrinated conservatives" looting, burning, defacing property and pulling down statues.. Feel free to correct me, of cours.
2020-06-26 15:28:27 UTC
Both are indoctrinated by Zionists.
2020-06-28 18:48:47 UTC
Uncle Sam picking my pockets.
2020-06-28 17:32:12 UTC
Liberals being indoctrinated by religion and conservatives being indoctrinated by universities.
2020-06-28 14:27:23 UTC
Liberals are on the side of Muslim Green Card immigrants who demand Sharia Law.
2020-06-28 07:04:00 UTC
I thought being conservative meant to be in favor of preserving one's culture, customs, rituals, morality and of course religion, how can it mean anything else? Conservatives never weren't religious.
2020-06-28 05:24:06 UTC
well since christianity is based on historical fact and science is only THEORIES never Proven, suche as the THEORY of evolution the fake climate change bullshit and the Fact that china created the virus. 
2020-06-27 23:31:41 UTC
Actually most Conservatives are indoctrinated by Corporate America and only a small handful is indoctrinated by Religion.
2020-06-27 21:26:28 UTC
going to colleg changes the wayy people thnk , FACT. mind controll, to much education can ruin people
2020-06-27 21:17:15 UTC
Conservatives being indoctrinated by Religion, is worse by far. 

I would say Liberals using the universities, updating their political information and ideology at places of education in the arts & humanities, sociology, political, criminology & scientific/technology research centres, and always updating their information & education is the best thing to do since social construct of a nation is always changing with the times.

Would you agree?
2020-06-27 19:04:02 UTC
Liberals - by far. For there are NO boundaries. As for being indoctrinated by religion.... you mean lead to believe that you shouldn't kill, steal, lie, rape and so on? Sounds like a pretty good neighbor to me.
2020-06-27 17:57:14 UTC
That question is straight out of the Left Wing play book and it's B.S.
2020-06-27 15:12:35 UTC
Being indoctrinated at all is a huge problem.  I am Independent because I am an independent thinker.
Jake No Chat
2020-06-27 13:42:28 UTC
I do not think you can generalize such things.  Libs and Cons are not so framed by singular motivators.  But the answer is that Libs are worse.  Neither is a prize, they both are failed institutions, but Libs are worse.
Armchair Goddess #1
2020-06-27 06:19:46 UTC
You do realize that you're attempting to lump many millions of complex human beings into two words only, do you not?  This type of surface skimming generalization about people is rarely, if ever, accurate and seldom wise.

What does "conservative" mean?  As applicable to the Koch-created Republican party platform, conservatism has meant "fearful of and resistant to change; adverse to taking risks; uptight or anal retentive about bodily functions and emissions; penny-pinching to the point of being fiscally illiterate; and emotionally repressed."  With this definition in mind, let's return to the disaster of an Alzheimer's-afflicted puppet presidency of Ronald Reagan, painted "pretty" (competent) by the Koch-controlled RNC's use of a Washington D.C.-situated right-leaning PR firm named HILL & KNOWLTON, kept on retainer by the lawless Bush/Cheney administration to artificially portray Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein, our CIA dupe and "best buddy in the Middle East", as a "villain" to the American people for nefarious oil-lusting purposes (uncovered by "60 Minutes" during the Bush/Quayle election-year lies-based effort to "wag the dog" (the lie-based Bush Sr.'s made-up "Gulf War" crap)---but I digress.  Suffice it to say, the "religion" that came crawling out of the proverbial "woodwork" to take over the GOP was the fanatical theocratic COUP-seeking "Christian Coalition" (a.k.a., the "religious right")---a bunch of old white men like hissy-snake Pat Robertson or equally nuts fundamentalists who believe a literal interpretation of the Bible should be "the law of the land" and that the United States should be a "one 'religion' only" theocracy (Michelle Goldberg, 2016: "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of 'Christian' Nationalism"; Jeff Sharlet, 2008: "The Family [CULT]: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power"---Sharlet went undercover inside the GOP-controlling CULT).  To "indoctrinate" (brainwash) at least two generations of Republicans FROM INFANCY, a cult branch leader attorney named Michael Farris was recruited to set up a government overthrow from inside the political system at local, state, and federal levels (Goldberg, 2006) by having "HOMESCHOOLING FROM INFANCY" in all 50 states, his "Generation Joshua" as he called these unfortunate brainwashed "from infancy" kids.  The main "text" for this 50-state homeschooling indoctrination: the OLD TESTAMENT taken LITERALLY ONLY.  At least two generations of young Republicans have no critical thinking skills, think a literal interpretation of a violence-teaching Old Testament is "truth", and have been indoctrinated at home to believe in The Family CULT's "dominionism": "They, and they alone are 'God-ordained' to take dominion over every level of government [labeled 'the beast'] and over all nonbelievers" [anyone among us who does not blindly accept a literal version of the Old Testament as the law of the land].  Seems pretty dangerous to our already great nation's REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC where the government [the GOP's "the beast"] is OF, BY, and FOR THE PEOPLE.  Must read: "DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" (2017) by Jane Mayer, followed by "The Plot to Destroy Democracy" by 35-year CIA counterespionage expert Malcolm Nance, 2018, and "Everything Trump Touches Dies" (2019) by Republican strategist Rick Wilson.

Liberalism, by contrast, is defined in "Lecture At Yale University" as follows: "By liberalism I don't mean the creed of any party or any century. I mean a generosity of spirit, a tolerance for others, an effort to comprehend otherness, a high ideal for the dignity and value of humanity, a commitment to the rule of law, a repugnance for authoritarianism, and a love of freedom."  These are the very principles upon which our already great nation was founded.  
2020-06-27 03:49:30 UTC
The universities are much worse. I'm an atheist but I have to acknowledge that Christianity at least promotes good values. The anti-white liberalism found in the universities would destroy this country if unchecked. They also want the US to be destroyed. "No borders, no wall, no USA at all."
Judy and Charlie
2020-06-27 02:17:18 UTC
Correction:  American Liberals are indoctrinated by these founding American Values.

CONServatives are indoctrinated by selfishness, hedonism and greed and they try to control other people by using intimidation, hatred and fear.
2020-06-27 01:32:51 UTC
Religion is a choice.

Education through 12th grade is by the law.  Kids

are pawns sitting in bullshit classes having crap shoveled down their throat.
2020-06-26 19:26:45 UTC
Fair question, I think liberalism/humanism began with Jesus though. Whether there is a God or not in the objective sense, is less important than the fact that people seem to benefit from religion. Therefore, it is not either/or. A lot of the most prestigious universities were started by very sincere Christians. 
2020-06-26 15:28:13 UTC
Conservatives cherry pick the Bible and other religious texts the same way they cherry pick the Constitution. It doesn't work that way. You either accept the text in its entirety or reject it all.
2020-06-26 15:26:38 UTC
Libs are indoctrinated easily by Marxists. 
2020-06-26 15:24:02 UTC
They are both indoctrinated by capitalism
2020-06-30 22:14:14 UTC
Conservative party ..dates back in time and believes in God long time before the term of indoctrinated by religion we could say that it s a distance from mute mouvie till the jon bon jovi concert making you deaf.

As for liberals is not about indoctrination except os the lord Fairfax ,is about exploiting the indoctrinated.
2020-06-28 18:04:56 UTC
 cons- they are indoctrinated by lies
2020-06-28 14:08:36 UTC
There are plenty of liberals who attend church and conservatives who attend universities. 

People are actually indoctrinated by their parents first.
2020-06-28 01:55:04 UTC
Democrats paid these looters top dollar to commit various crimes.  They love the looting bit and would do it for free but the DNC gives them free hotel, airfare and a rental car plus all the Coke they can snort.  Obama set it up.
2020-06-27 22:36:26 UTC
Both are bad, because both Christianity and Communism teach equality of the races. I am against equality of the races. Blacks have not produced a single country that isn't in extreme poverty, unless they were helped by another race. and they also, have turned Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, and Atlanta, into crime infested ghettos.
2020-06-27 21:15:49 UTC
Liberal educational indoctrination results in communism.  (Not to mention frivolous goals and helpless people.)   What could be worse?
2020-06-27 19:33:05 UTC
None of my schools ever tried to push me towards any political party, or their agendas.  They only taught me the basics about elections.  
2020-06-27 18:04:01 UTC
Religion can be dealt with and ignored. Racism, profiling, segregation, and mental abuse of a majority to suit the whims of elitist propaganda cannot
2020-06-27 15:58:39 UTC
Conservatives being indoctrinated by religion. I say this because it’s atypical for universities to force their “ideological agenda” on people—if only because the ideological agendas in universities are from individuals and not from the universities themselves, whose “agenda” is collecting tuition and donations. People outside of universities push similar agendas. But let’s not forget that there are religious universities—which to my knowledge, don’t push any agendas either, they just provide a space for people who want to have a religious education. There is nothing wrong with believing in and following God—it’s wonderful! The problem with conservatives being indoctrinated by religion is that these conservatives often try to force their beliefs on others. 
2020-06-27 15:47:03 UTC
Believing in the made up god man in the sky you Nazi scum!
2020-06-27 14:30:37 UTC
At least universities give things like doctors and engineers that improve society. 
2020-06-27 14:01:05 UTC
People who have to be told what to think, how to feel, and what to be offended by are the worst.
2020-06-27 12:16:44 UTC
A good education does not indoctrinate.  Education consists of more than obtaining more factual knowledge. Students learn how to conduct research, analyze information, reach rational conclusions and support their conclusions with factual data and logical thinking.  Your assertion about liberals being indoctrinated makes no sense and is just anti-education propaganda. 

Religion is based on belief and faith.  Those beliefs can't be proven or disproven in reality.  Individuals should be encouraged to think about the bases for those beliefs and to understand the foundations of their faith.   
2020-06-27 01:53:44 UTC
People who think they are smarter and better than everybody who believes in fighting for something that is right.

Like the person who asked this stupid question.
2020-06-26 23:29:16 UTC
Liberals are lot worse  if there  ok wirh nasty feminist   hating  white men  there just evil . 
2020-06-26 22:12:09 UTC
Atheist conservative here and I would rather hang out with a conservative Christian than an atheist proglodyte fundie any day of the week. 
2020-06-26 21:07:43 UTC
Liberals, for sure.
2020-06-26 20:39:12 UTC
I guess the problem isn't religion, ideology, or even a person's take on it-it's how and why. Does the person attach to said faith or ideology because it seems fulfilling and leads to a wholesome, meaningful, and constructive life style? Or is it a manifestation of disregarding reality and responsibility? Is it an appeal to a Freudian subconscious desire to control, and not out of true benevolence?

That's what we have to ask ourselves. 

Because it's not the object, but the energy that comes from people. People make things good or bad. 
2020-06-26 15:29:39 UTC
Ah but you see? liberals ARE being indoctrinated by a religion, if you Google it, Atheism is a religion, google the first church of atheism, it doesn't matter why they made it a church, if it's called a Church it's a religion.

Also? Liberals are going hand in hand with Islam, strange to see people from the LGBT community standing side by side with Muslims protesting us Conservatives, when little do they know for some reason that if the U.S. becomes a Muslims nation it would be under Sharia law and they sanction homosexuality with the Death penalty.

Strange that they are so blinded with hate against us conservatives that they cannot see that.

Politically conservative Christians will argue that as governments get bigger and more powerful, personal freedom decreases, and if left unchecked, government will bloat itself into a controlling, authoritarian, and oppressive dictatorship. Historically speaking, there is much evidence to support this argument. 

Look at the Statue of Lenin in Seattle? why is it still standing? not touched.

Watch this movie documentary that shows how the left has been bias in the universities.Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
2020-06-26 15:25:19 UTC
The FACT that YOU regard commandments from GOD, on the same level as suggestions from K Marx, the father of 'American' Democrats, says more about YOU, than it does - say anything about both wings of the USA.
2020-06-28 14:53:38 UTC
Neither! Please being influenced that being a ghetto or gangster is cool, is the WORST thing going on.

We need to clean up our streets. 
2020-06-27 11:46:48 UTC
Liberalism. At least religion does constrain most nutcases to a degree, liberalism has no such constraint.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.