Liberal Colleges now days teaches Intolerance of ideas, vindictiveness, dependencies, victimhood, insurrection, encouraging & not punishing crime as long as it's nowhere close to their residence & erase history as these colleges can't accept history in the context of objectivity. Not a fan of religion, but religion does encourage respecting law & order, put more emphasis on self reliance, discipline, charity, kindness & forgiveness.
These colleges conditioned BLM/ANTIFA to act like ISIS (Arab Spring) in using supposed peaceful protest to loot, burn, & destroy with encouragement from the partisan (D) news media. BLMs claims that All Lives Matter is a Racist Slur sums up BLM's supremacist ideals. BLM doesn't really care about Congoid Life, Europid life, or Asian Life. BLM only care about making Congoid Life Matter (only if taken by a Europid in self defense or not) an issue as an excuse to destroy. BLM/ANTIFA's quest for dismantling Law Enforcement is for BLM/ANTIFA & organize crime given permission to commit crimes unrestricted specially against Europids, Middle Eastern (Jews, Arabs, Persians Turks), East & South Asians. Hundreds of attacks on Jews is crown heights Brooklyn by Congoids are a hate crime, but partisan news media are covering it up because the racist are Congoids. Lone Europids in Congoid cities are being surrounded by racist Congoids with lumber, bricks, bicycles, inside school busses calling their assaults as 'Polar Bear Hunting'.
Congoid Supremacist & Socialist adopted the phrase BLM because it's less threatening than Blk Power!, but their behavior remains the same to intimidate & force conformity. If they really want full freedom from Europid oppression then separation for independence is what they should strive for, not eternal begging & extortion. They can make their own currency, take responsibility & hold themselves accountable to become self reliant, write their own laws, discipline the delinquent, criminal & corrupt element among them by policing themselves, educate or indoctrinate, & create jobs or put 40+ millions of former Congoid Americans to work. No Longer will they chant no justice no peace & blame everything on Europid people or systemic racism in Congoid run Congoid cities, killing the Congoid grievance race hustler industry using racism as an excuse or hide behind to mask their own tribal bigotry, bias, crime & corruption. It'll end affirmative action with high emphasis on merit & discipline which have been extremely lacking since the great society programs & deteriorating academic standards.
(D) in California & NY police kneeled in solidarity, but the looting & destruction went on until there is nothing left to loot. BLM/ANTIFA is using incidents to accuse systematic Racism in Congoid run cities: D.C. Atlanta, Baltimore & Minneapolis having Congoid Police Chief, DA , (D) mayor & majority population. Obama's Administration investigation on Michael Brown shooting defunct BLM lies about the shooting because honest witnesses came forward & the dishonest witnesses contradict their statements. ANTIFA/BLM operates the same as their senior sister company KKK also supported by (D)s, Mussolini's Black Shirts & Socialist Venezuela's criminal gang supporters. BLM/ANTIFA in conjunction with Partisan News Media & (D) politicians are trying to blame insurrection & destructions on the Incumbent POTUS, why? The POTUS pushed & signed the 1st step act prison reform bill. (D)s & Biden pushed & passed the Crime Bill with Biden giving himself the authority to officially determine, if a supporter is of Congoid descent or not.
BLMs Socialist Revolution has created Protection Racket Militia in CHAZ now CHOP where if businesses & residence don't pay up, they get looted & vandalized. A political entity (DNC) is funding this embarrassment as it has no system of trade, governance, food production. BLM chants Pigs in a Blanket' Fry em' like bacon, what do we want dead cops, & tags BLM graffiti on vandalize & looted buildings, how's that peaceful? The Chant & Graffiti BLM period!!! pretty much says that Caucasian, European, Persian, Turkic, Oriental, Siberian, S/E, Asian, S. Asian, Central Asian, Amerindian... lives do not matter as much. Non-Congoids can empathize, but to demand that they should be subservient to Congoids victimhood delusion is bullying. BLM wants to use any incidents involving Congoid victims innocent or guilty of a crime to keep the victim mentality alive for Congoid crimes & Congoid bigotry to be tolerated for them to intimidate & oppress non-Congoids. If you're not Congoid according to BLM, you deserve every grief or suffering that any Congoid inflicts on you. The US has the softest & most lenient country in the world when it comes to crime & punishment that contributes to large amount of re-offenses & incarceration rate.
Trying to paint Bigotry, Discrimination, Hate & Tribalism as inherently European is false as such behavior along with slavery started with Early humans in East Africa when early humans expanded into separate tribes competing for territories & limited food resources that are still practiced there since before the great migration of early humans. Tribalism & Bigotry is human animal nature that only self reliant, honorable, humble, honest, wise & kindness can suppress. Journalist Keith Richburg Author of Out of Africa 'Thanked God for Slavery' bringing his ancestors to the USA.
WAPO reports 10 Congoids shot unarmed, 20 of Europid shot unarmed, & 18 others shot unarmed, down from 32-38, 3-4 years ago. If it happens everyday, there will not be 40+ millions of Congoids as reproduction won't be able to keep up since emancipation. Congoid world population grew from less than 30 million to 1 billion+ from 1500-2020 because of Europid industrialization, science, technology, medicine, food preservation, academics, economics, out of Africa & Europid pursuit to abolishing slavery.
Brazil, Cuba, Caribbean Islands & N/E South America had a slave population of 40%-60%+, 20%+ slave owners, 2-5 decades late in abolishing slavery. Haiti had 2/3, if not 3/4, but didn't really end slavery rather replaced the masters with lighter & better haired version of themselves. Prior to the end of the US CIVIL WAR, the US had 3.5-4 million slave population owned by 1%+ of the free population of 40 million at the end of US Civil War. 28% of Louisiana & Mississippi had Congoids & Capoids Slave owners & owned plantations. Congoids replaced the Caribbean Amerind population. US Congoid population grew 20x than the Amerindian population from 4 million (1864) to 40+ million (2020).
FBI Stats Intra-racial Homicide among Congoids is 89% & 82% among Caucasian (European, Arabs, Hebrews, Bedouins, Afghans, Turks, Persian), includes Mestizos in the mix. US law enforcement takes a lot of abuse, harassment, & assassination for being very soft & lenient to law breakers (only in America) attracting criminals foreign or domestic across the world.
European descent have a higher chance of being victim of interracial crimes. In Interracial Homicide 15% are Perpetrated by Congoids upon Europids & 7% are Perpetrated by Caucasians upon Congoids. There should be more emphasize on Interracial Homicides, Rape, Mob Assaults & Robbery. All interracial crimes 60,000 Blk victims by Wht perps; 600,000 Wht victims by Blk perps. 42% of cop killers are Blk 3.5 times more than the Blk population ratio.
At 12% of the Population Congoids are already Committing twice the rate of the 72% of the Caucasian Population. If you adjust the Congoid Population to match Caucasian Population by multiplying 15% Interracial Crimes by 6 how will the total be, or Both Population can meet in the middle which is 36% therefore multiplying 15% by 3 and dividing 7% by 2 , the result is (B) commits 45% vs (W) commits 3.5% when equalizing population in the middle. Congoids seceding for Independence would be the only solution to the problem of European descent having a higher chance of being victims of interracial crimes.
Blk on Wht interracial rape is at 80%-90% annually. Wht on Blk rape is virtually 0 at 0.1% annually in terms of population. A Mulatta with a higher percentage of European ad mixture (60%-99%) has a higher chance of being raped by all degenerate of any ethnicity than a pure or mostly Congoid female. Must have something to do With the standards of beauty that Arabs-Islam created when purchasing wives or harems putting eastern Europeans on top, Northern Europeans 2nd; Assyrians, Persians, Southern Europeans, Mediterranean, Mongol, East Asian 3rd; Indian/south east Asians 4th; Australoid, Congoid/Capoid 5th.
Most of the recent African Immigrants (Somali (Ilhan Omar), Nigerian, Ghanaian...) after the Abolition of Slavery are no different from most of the descendants of the slaves that their ancestors captured & sold slaves to the East Arabian & Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in taking advantage of the grievance hustle & scams that Booker T. Washington warned of. “There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Ne9r0 race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Ne9r0 to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” Booker T. Washington.