Why is it that right-wing people seem, in general,?
2008-01-19 12:31:36 UTC
...seem less distressed by racism towards minorities in the West than their left-wing counterparts?
Fifteen answers:
2008-01-19 12:38:06 UTC
Well it could be that Klan members are comfortable with their ideas about minorities.
Steve O
2008-01-19 21:33:19 UTC
I am a Republican and I guess you can say right-wing. I think you have something wrong in your perceptions of Republicans and racism. David Duke a leader of the KKK ran for President as a Democrat and as a Republican.

In 1848, the Democratic National Committee or the DNC was created. After Jackson's reign, Republicans received more support. The Democrats supported slavery. One example of proof was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 pushed by Senator Stephen A. Douglas. The northern Democrats joined the Republcans. Slavery was the one issue that split the Democratic Party up.

The Democrats were weakened because of Republican control of almost all of the northern states over halfway through the 19th century. It was during this time that the Democrats were "conservative" while the Republicans were "liberal." The Democratic Party had a northern wing and a southern wing at this time as well. While the Republican would be strong for half a century, the northern wing of the Democrats would split into two War Democrats that support Lincoln's military policies and Copperheads were opposed.

On a presidential election scale, Democrats were weak. On a congressional scale, they did very well. At this time, the Democrats were supported by whites in the south because of the Reconstruction. It was when white conservatives were the base of the Democratic Party while blacks were a base of the Republican party.

If you read through the last 2 links you will see that the KKK was largely democratic and was strongly anti-republican.

Abraham Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclomation. He was a Republican. Ullyses S Grant another Republican passed other laws in favor of civil rights.

Democrats did not really get into the civil rights movement until John F Kennedy.
2008-01-20 08:17:26 UTC
Because the left-wingers see the race card as an opportunity to gain votes from the ethnic minorities. Think back to every exodus from overseas countries into the UK. Only when the new immigrants were fleeing from a right wing country were they welcomed by labour, when there was a potential exit from Hong Kong labour said no to them because they feared too many non left-wingers entering the UK.

Speak to a left winger privately, away from the glare of their party dogma, and they are just as anti as everybody else.

Then there are the people who make a living out of playing the race card, some in the legal profession, some social workers and the human rights and PC brigades.
2008-01-19 22:11:59 UTC
Right is right, and left is for the weak of fibre,

I'm speaking as an Englishman, not for America,

because this country is badly run by the left leaning Labour party we are being overwhelmed by bad news, there is very little to be excited about, and all these little limp wrist-ed do gooders seem to achieve is more derision,

why and when will we learn from our mistakes, and when will own up to being wrong,England first, home nations second, then if theres any left help the others, but in their own countries not over here. watch them lefties thumb this down, shame they don't show the same bravery when defending England.

Beastie, first off you should not take other peoples opinions so seriously, I to was in the army before you were born,

and if I could have a choice it would have been the Sutherland Highlanders on the left flank and the Scotch Guards on the right, as for your left boot, get in the queue,

bonee chance Mon Ami.
2008-01-19 20:43:54 UTC
I don't, I Hate racism- but racism can be both ways.

I believe racism is dying out- although it can still be found in individuals.

I believe everyone should have equal rights, if someone is black they should have the same rights at someone who is white.

All this stuff about affirmative action (which i am completely against) is racism because it targets and decides souly on race alone.

Same with "minority rights" everyone should have the same rights regardless of skin color, or "Group" the majority should have the same privileges as the minority- and vise versa.
2008-01-19 22:52:28 UTC
Because what the left calls racism, the right calls patriotism.

What the right calls individualism, the left calls elitism.

The left calls workers rights, the right calls industrial unrest.

When the right calls business opportunities, the left describes as third world exploitation.

And so on, but don't you think the left-right debate has been silenced as workers are given good conditions in large internationals, and it seems most countries are content to allow a percentage of their populations to remain poverty trapped?
Moody Red
2008-01-19 20:48:24 UTC
The left is much more emotional, believing that throwing money at racism is what works.

They point their fingers at the right when we all know the KKK is a leftist organization. If they are comfortable, then what is that saying to the rest of us?

The truth is the right has done far more against racism with agendas that really work than the left has done with things like affirmative action that sends a message that minorities are unable to compete on their own.

This is hogwash! There is not one single person better than another based on color! People should be judged on their abilities and not by color.

If the left cares so much about minorities then why were, [are] they against the liberation of the Iraqi people?

2008-01-19 22:20:17 UTC
Because they're all like Korky, and think they're right first, last and every time in between.

Aye, Korky.... I'm left. I vote for independence every single time there's an election in Scotland. And if you think that makes me weak or lacking in moral fibre, then you're a total prat.

When was the last time you voted to leave the comfortable safety offered by the UK for something completely unknown?

Have you been to war any time recently, or do you say you've got moral fibre from the safety of your position in your middle class house where war is thousands of miles away? Well, I've been to war, and if you'd like to come round to my place and explain that I'm lacking in moral fibre because I'm left wing, I'll arrange the ambulance to take you to the hospital.

Just because you think you're right, you arrogant tube, is not good enough to make anyone believe you actually are. As far as I'm concerned, your right wing crap can get booted off the toe of my left wing boot.

Fair response, Korky... Mind you, if you were in the pongo's before I was born you must be getting on a bit now... I must admit, I like it when the right wing bods get a bit of fire in them.... Yep, everyone's entitled to their opinions... and everyone else is entitled to decide if they like them or not.
Fast Eddie B
2008-01-19 20:43:42 UTC
Because people on the left side of the spectrum are quite a bit more likely to feel distressed - period. From my experience that's just their psychological makeup.
that guy
2008-01-19 20:47:47 UTC
because people on the right usually don't really react to issues solely on emotion, unless of course if it involves cuddly little fetuses.
2008-01-19 20:48:04 UTC
Simple ..... They cannot be accused of possessing a drop of the 'milk of human kindness'
2008-01-19 20:40:02 UTC
Many of them are closet anti-semites and possibly have a strong belief in "racial hygience", but they disguise it as being "patriotic" because it takes guts to admit you are essentially a modern day fascist with all the ugliness that this implies.

This "right wing" label is not the same as traditional conservatism, which is economic in nature.
2008-01-19 20:38:05 UTC
it's all about VOTES, and the left PANDERS TO ANYONE.
2008-01-19 20:38:00 UTC
because we think, not reacting like children
2008-01-19 20:37:53 UTC
Because they tend to be racist

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