How has bashing Bush and the U.S. made your life better?
2007-03-14 02:02:04 UTC
Just think about it for a moment. There's so many people wasting their time instead of doing something more constructive.

I don't hate or like Bush. I really don't care. Just asking.
Fifteen answers:
leonard bruce
2007-03-14 05:02:29 UTC
It's retribution for all of the Clinton bashing going on constantly. I don't see any end to it either.
2007-03-14 10:50:46 UTC
Bush bashing on yahoo politics has not affected me, but the politicians who bash Bush have caused me to feel more compassion toward the President and admire him even more. I have not seen anyone since Reagan who could take it so well. This means to me that Bush has been doing a lot of things right and that history will show the truth. They wouldn't be bashing him if they weren't so scared that they were going to lose another election. More good news.
2007-03-14 09:36:27 UTC
I've been able to admit I voted for him and feel I made a mistake!

Also, that as our nation and the modern selfish two party "power &

influence" political "game" continues that "I" have made the mistake

before and may again...realizing the "right" man may never get to

run or will always be soundly defeated. i've also been able to utilize

my freedom of speech to clarify my position based on the utilization

of our military by politicians without knowledge of tactics nor war and handing out "missions" which are absurdly diplomatic and

somewhat akin to policing, but with 1000's of rules attached. Why not just kill and maim a bunch of active troops, then a bunch of

potentially future military youth and then tell the enemy: okay, now

change or we'll use the force against YOU and your women and children will suffer horribly. One simply does NOT use the military

to go to another country where two religious groups want to either

kill the other &/or rule over the other -- then enter the country and

tell them, "look, you can vote like we do -- just choose 2 partys!

Ha! Sure call one the Shites and the other Sunnis. Sure.

Don't be military and secure miles of territory with the use of [gasp]

napalm and land mines to assure safe flights against shoulder

fired heat seeking missle armed enemy troops, and use all those

regular roads for convoys, routinely and daily without artillery

barraqges, gun ships, & fighter straffing etc etc etc BECAUSE

SOMEONE MIGHT GET HURT. Gee, just stick some kid from

Kansas out there in a US uniform and tell him he's stopping the

terrorists while we play politico pussyfoot with Pakistan and other

countries,because we might hurt someones "feelings". don't worry

if you die we're building up Chinas military and they'll handle the

N. Korean deal and protect us if we run low on military strength

-- besides -- we don't want Iran to get hurt feelings -- gee we don't

have anyone left to stand around and wait for them to kill us in

Iran if we get mad and invade. THIS? is a POLICY? THIS? will stop

Moslem fanatics from believing as they do? Gee Ho Chi Minh City.

Gosh, they didn't quit when we went home. Surprise, surprise.DUH!
Saint Bee
2007-03-14 09:20:20 UTC
That's a bit of an unfair question. I don't think bashing anyone makes anyone's life better.

I do, however, think that political debate is a fantastic way to refine your ideas and broaden and deepen your mind. Personally I'm no fan of Bush, but it is always interesting to me to hear from people who do support him, and their views are worth hearing. I often rethink my own views in the light of what other people say.

I think that improving your mind is always constructive, and I think that political debate, criticism and response, is part of the way we move forwards as a society. Long may people here and elsewhere continue to debate politics, and long may we all keep open minds.
Hafizul Azrin H
2007-03-14 09:21:31 UTC
As a human , we need to have some pity to other people's. Iraqi's people are died in Iraq because , USA cannot provide a safety to that country after they demolish the Iraq police and army force. So they take control the country safety. To the dismay of Iraqi's people, they don't have the capability to do it. Thousand's innoncent lives are lost because USA cannot provide safety to the country. Why in the first place they want to destroy Iraq. G. Bush responsible to the death of Iraqi people's.
2007-03-14 10:29:11 UTC
Politicians LOVE people like you who don't care either way! The more apathy the better! Then they can do what ever they want with to repercussions.
PS Drummer
2007-03-14 09:17:29 UTC
I quite enjoy Bush bashing because his actions have made it necessary. When people like him dictate to the world whilst claiming a moral high ground, its time for people to rise up in opposition any way they can. The weeds have taken over the garden. War is for terrorists, peace is for humans.

Aaaahhhh, I feel better now, and I do care.
2007-03-14 09:21:47 UTC
You are soooo right!!! Liberals have so much hate they awake all at night trying to think of something new to blame him for....I know he's responsible for the Johnstown flood!!!
2007-03-14 09:44:37 UTC
It's a great source of entertainment. I can spend hours laughing at Bush jokes. If you know any - post them!!
2007-03-14 10:54:34 UTC
Most hate comes from ignorance.
2007-03-14 10:26:35 UTC
Bush has destroyed the u,s,a ,s image worldwide,he has started illegal war and blamed it on we the people.not all of us are responsible for his brain was victory or are either for decider or against ?bushco43
2007-03-14 09:09:23 UTC
My life has been made better as Bush is not my countries problem.....thank God.
2007-03-14 09:18:28 UTC
I'm so sorry to know the children back home were all living in misery out there without anyone even notice it in planet of apes.

So just reaching out and extend you all a helping hands to solve their misery out there in planet of apes.

Found out that it was the greatest joke expose by our creator and no one even notice it in planet of apes.

Could'nt help myself from laughing at the mess out there in planet of apes.

So pick up what you all think that is right and try to correct the

mess that had been created out there in planet of apes.

Turn out to be the best base-ball game ever played in the net in solving the misery of living human kind in planet of apes.

We must stop making a monkey out of ourselves when we call ourselves living human kind with human intelligent in planet of apes.

I would'nt want to see my brothers and sisters out there making a monkey out of themselves in planet of apes.

It's quite embarassing to know about it in planet of apes.
2007-03-14 09:06:33 UTC
that is a second I will not get for the chimp.
2007-03-14 10:06:55 UTC
bush the buffoon. need i say more?????????

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