Q. WHY is McCain considered "too old and senile?"
A. Because he is too old. And senile.
Q. is the pope too senile to be holy?
A. Senility has nothing to do with holiness.
What makes you think because the pope was voted in
as the holy vicar of Christ on earth by a bunch
of earthly cardinals that that automatically makes
the pope holy?
Q. is hugh hefner too grampa-ish to score with hot blondes?
A. Absolutely. Unless you actually think those blondes that
he suppossedly "scores" with really are 'hot'. I believe they
are the ones who are 'scoring' off Mr. Hefner, not the other
way around. No matter how much viagra he takes.
Q. is the queen of england so damn aged she can't reign?
A. The queen doesn't set national policy, doesn't enact any
laws and plays no part in the parlimentary process of government for the United Kingdom. "Queen" is merely a
title. She is a figurehead...a queen in name only. She is not
the POLITICAL ruler of anything.
"everyone worries he'll die if he gets in."
Dying in office is NOT what worries people!
Dying in office AND leaving one helluva mess
behind is the greater concern when speaking
of his health.
"His mother is 95, no history of health issues?"
Are you asking or telling?
His mother's health hasn't got a single thing to do with any
legitimate election issue...and certainly has nothing to do
with the health of senator McCain.
"so why the concern?"
Have you seen/read about ANY of this man's ongoing health
problems? Not issues, PROBLEMS.
Check this link below :
Don't just dismiss it because you don't want to bother with
facts. Take 3 minutes and read.
And this report is just the tip of his ill-health iceberg.
So yeah, I'm very concerned.
I'm even more concerned about people like you, who
can't even come up with any better arguments for voting
FOR this man than the feeble ones you put forth in this
question session.