Are white people aware of their white privileges?
2020-11-07 14:31:14 UTC
You can easily go about life and succeed while a minority has to be twice as smart and good to get the same job due to the color of our skin. You also get away with more things than we do. We are closely watched by police and any little thing we do, we will be arrested. 
40 answers:
2020-11-09 16:07:15 UTC
When will you realize that no one is holding you back from success except yourselves. Yes minorities and a large population of white people may be more oppressed, but most by their own choosing by choosing to have numerous children out of wedlock, not finishing school, closing drugs and alcohol. No one forces anyone to make these choices it's called personal responsibility and self respect. RESPECT for each other and those in authority parents teachers and yes police is earned it is not given away free. Almost everyone has to answer to someone higher even those who are more financially sound. Have you never read minorities who have said that when they showed police respect they received respect. I'm not saying that there are not police who target minorities but they are few and far. A good relationship with police usually brings those who do down. Profiling all police in one category is the same thing as you being profiled.
2020-11-08 19:58:26 UTC
I don't know that I'm the beneficiary of privilege due to race. I mean no body has ever said that you get the apt./whatever, because you're white. But maybe it's the things that don't happen to me.

When applying for a job, I usually get it. Police don't stop me for no reason. So I don't know. There is and has always been rich privilege. 

If I was accused the same offence that Michal Jackson was accused of WITH THE SAME EVIDENCE, how would I have make out with A PUBLIC DEFENDER..... huh
2020-11-08 18:54:20 UTC
People see the color of my skin and Automatically consider me to have White Privilege, without knowing anything about me. 

This just shows me that they are sanctimonius creeps. 
2020-11-08 15:24:55 UTC
Why don't you get your racist head out of the dark, smelly hole where you keep it and realize "white privilege" doesn't exist except int he racist minds of a few N'egro "leaders"?  Who benefits from "Affirmative Racism (Action)"?

By the way, Anonym- ***, "white people" is a racist pejorative used by ignoramuses.  The proper word is "CAUCASIANS".
Proud Deplorable
2020-11-08 00:27:45 UTC
Go back to africa then. 
Ron Akia
2020-11-07 19:53:28 UTC
I've known several Black friends who managed to do well in life, obtain excellent jobs, and avoid arrest throughout their lives. How did they do it? Simply put, they tried to do their best, didn't violate any laws and, if stopped and questioned for any reason, they co-operated with the officer and didn't give him/her any ****. I myself am white, have been stopped or questioned a few times, co-operated and was on my way in minutes. Not because I was white, but because I remained civil with them. Blacks have that opportunity also.
2020-11-07 14:42:38 UTC
I've seen some "rich privilege" but I haven't seen any "white privilege". Quite the opposite. Affirmative Action is the Democrats way of saying "Vote for us and we'll discriminate against white males (except for rich white males). "White privilege" doesn't exist but "minority privilege" definitely exists.
2020-11-07 14:35:44 UTC
That's not true. The last several jobs I've had, blacks were promoted, given raises before me when I worked harder, and blacks are allowed to work slower and be very lazy. Affirmative action also guarantees them to be hired.

They were given the best and easiest jobs, raises, supervisor positions, allowed to be on their phones, and even taught machinery right away and I was not.

I've been pulled over by black cops several times before also.

There is no white entertainment channel, history month, or all white schools.

You're full of it.
2020-11-07 14:33:53 UTC
Most educated people do not engage in liberal fairy tales.
2020-11-07 14:32:30 UTC
If the sentence starts with, do you know who I am....? They are aware.
2020-11-10 16:55:55 UTC
Sure only with others whites tho. So do you guys tho. With your races I mean everyone has that. 
2020-11-09 15:17:42 UTC
What privalage I am a slave to the gov as I am poor ect
2020-11-09 09:07:32 UTC
Get out of here you racist pig !
2020-11-08 17:32:47 UTC
 White people have the same privileges as everyone. 
2020-11-08 17:31:39 UTC
This is all just propaganda and can't be proven in any way.
2020-11-08 16:18:54 UTC
Well look here..........  No matter how much you stamp your feet, destroy everything,play the victim........ You will always want more (free of course).

Using violence does not make you the victim.
2020-11-08 13:48:31 UTC
Systemic Racism is an excuse for non-European descents to divert their incompetence & corruption in the cities they run. Civil Rights Attorney Leo Terrell argued that Systemic Racism doesn't exist in 2020, it last existed in the 60s & being used as a shakedown by Benjamin Crump & Al Sharpton. Europid (D) Celebrities, (D) politicians officials, SJW... rail against the Founding Fathers, & so called Europid privilege just so they can keep it, stay employed & acquire more power playing savior. They could care less about the cities & states they've been ruining for 4-7 decades.

The concept of Europid privilege was created to dehumanize Europid people & being pushed to criminalize Europid privilege which is criminalizing European descent as people in general. Europid privilege ended in 1964 in the former Confederate states & what replaced it was Congoid privilege Affirmative Action. The so called Europid privilege now is natural behavior akin to Parents loving their biological children a little bit more than their niece & nephew or neighbors kids. A Japanese national will be more trusting of a Japanese National than a Chinese, Korean, or Pilipino, but may trust a Korean more. The Same scenario applies among Europeans, Middle Eastern, Amerindians, Indians & Sub Saharans such as Ethiopians, Sudanese, Nigerians, & among Tribes/Clans within Nationalities.

There is only one ethnic/racial privilege that is under the law which is affirmative action that doesn't seem to apply to a much smaller minority of Asian descents. Demands for dismantling Europid privilege is about Congoid unearned supremacy not equality. It is basically criminalization of Europid Identity, surrender of Europid rights, property, employment, & business Bolshevik style. Europids uses more merit base consideration than Congoid Tribal Privileges as Congoid Americans want everything about more never ending Congoid privilege demands it as if Europid Americans are being held hostage.

Woke/SJW's inability to objectivity & understanding of the past in its entirety (without agendas) not cherry pick the past over an agenda to move on from the past & not repeat it. Understand that Slavery was practice by every ethnic group on the for 10,000 years. Acknowledge & respect that Europid society in Europe & the Americas abolished slavery. Acknowledge that Arab & Congoid Africans are responsible for trading Congoid African rivals, criminals & outcast to the East Arabian Slave Trade & the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Acknowledge that Congoid world population grew from less than 30 million to 1 billion+ from 1500-2020 because of Europid Privilege: industrialization, science, technology, medicine, surgery, food preservation (refrigeration, bottling, canning, plastics), academics, economics, 'Out of Africa' & Europid pursuit to abolishing slavery. (Pre Columbian Human Population: China 100M, Japan 12M, Korea 6M, Mongolia 5M, Europe 50M, Africa 30M, Central Asia 20M, S. Asia 50M, S/E Asia 25, Australia/Oceana 1M, Siberia 1M, Americas N/S 25M).

If Europeans had not sailed beyond the Sahara desert there may not have been a Trans-Atlantic Trade directly with Sub Saharan Villages or Kingdoms, the Arabs would be a monopolized middle men with the product castrated. If Europeans & Arabs left the Sub-Saharan Sub Continent alone to their own device & survival, Sub Saharan population may not have grown to 1 billion & remained under 30 million due to endless tribal warfare, tropical African disease, sacrificial voodoo (witchcraft) cults/religions, & exhausted resources. Human sacrifices would be more frequent due to the slave trade with Arabs & Europeans would not exist Sub-Sahara Tribal Africa as they brutally compete for territory controlling the population with warfare & human sacrifices along with tropical African deseases such as Small Pox, Malaria, Yellow Fever, HIV, Ebola...Development into an Advance Society may not happened, just as it didn't with uncontacted tribes of the Amazons & N. Sentinel Island.

Understand that proudly preserving one's ethnic Culture, History, Achievements & Contribution should be acknowledge & accepted with respect as every ethnicity engages in these behavior of bragging rights no matter how huge or miniscule their cultural impact is in the world. Middle Eastern, (Hebrew, Arabs, Turks, Persians), East Asians, South Asians, & Europeans are very proud groups due to their Ancient History & revolutionary achievements. Middle Eastern Civilization had a head start in building Civilization, but was surpassed by Asians & Europeans shortly after. At the advent of the industrial revolution due to Newcomen & Trevithick's Steam engines, Europe & Europeanized America & Australia left every great civilizations behind, until when China reclaims it, if. Amerindians built their own impressive civilization, but were still far behind middle Eastern, Asians, & Europeans due to the lack of Iron tech/metallurgy, written language & the wheel until contact with Europeans.

Europid descent were/are very proud of Europid achievements & contribution to modernizing the world due to their hard work in academics, innovation in technology: Television, Radio, Phonograph, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration, Trains, Automobile, Airplanes, External Combustion Engine (Steam), Internal Combustion Engines, Jet Engines, Vacuum tubes, Microchips, Computers, Cell Phone..., engineering: Ohms Law, Kirchhoff's Law, Boyle's Law, Hertz, Frequency..., science: biology, physics, modern medicine: drug, therapeutics, identifying bacteria/viruses through microscopic lenses, deciphering the DNA sequence, US constitutional law & order: The Bill of Rights, & Abolishing Slavery in Western Societies & putting pressure on non-Western countries to adopt Western Values in Democracy & Civil/Human Rights.

Those who says Europid Supremacy (KKK/Neo National Socialists 0.002% of US population) is the biggest threat to America than Russia, China, Iran, Islamist Jihadist, MS 13... ignores the fact that they weren't considered a threat since 1865 & they had huge influence with (D) officials & politicians such as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Robert Byrd, & Joe Biden. The Confederate South accepted their defeat in the US Civil War, Abolition of Slavery & Swore their Allegiance back to the US sovereign & US Constitution. They've remained loyal & fought NAZI Germany & Imperial Japan, even the KKK fought against NAZI Germany. It is very doubtfull that the KKK would want to bring back slavery as Islamist Jihadist (ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabab...) have in Libya, Syria, & Iraq.

Very proud Europids may project extreme arrogance, but their arrogance is reinforced by factual history documented. Despite their arrogance, 19/20th have no ill will towards non-Europids that can compete & rise to challenge Europid societies' dominance in Technology, Engineering, Science, & modern Medicine without special privilege entitlements (Aff. Act.) earning Europid societies' respect. This is why Japan, Singapore, South Korea & Taiwan are respected & praised. Even china despite unfavorable critique of un-democratic practices gets respect & praise for their achievements in 20 years on the world stage. Nathan Rich son of a Scientologist Leader is very much on board with China's progress in Economy, Technology, Law & Order methods to keep China's stability intact, all the way.

The recognition of merit is as universal & ancient since the 1st mammal specie & human family, pride, village or herd struggled to survive. It is what Confucius & the US Declaration of Independence meant with equality, tolerance, & opportunity. A few supremacist may believe that just by being born makes them superior physically, mentally, intellectually without having to learn, train and earn the skills, but even if they are genetically superior intellectually on average, such potential can only be harnessed and realized to fruition by nurturing that intelligence through hard work, constant stimulation, perseverance & diligence through academics & the pursuit to keep improving & gaining more knowledge, no different from what Athletes & Martial Artist had to endure to achieve their top tier physical condition & readiness.

Intelligence among breeds of Dogs, Cats, Gorillas (Koko/Ivan), Keas, Crows, Ravens, Seals, & Dolphins still requires training & nurturing. The least intelligent breeds may require longer training that may or may not achieve acceptable result. Which demonstrate by way of nature that not every specie, sub specie, ethnicity, tribe & individual develops equally. The methods of coming into this world may be the same, but not everyone or thing develops with equal outcome or success.

Mankind is very much susceptible to mother nature despite how Mankind (Caucasians: Europids, Persians, Arabs, Hebrews, Anatolia; Asians: Central, South, S/E, East) have mastered bending mother nature for mankind's benefit.
2020-11-08 09:24:07 UTC
There's no such thing. To say otherwise is fallacious.
2020-11-08 08:07:49 UTC
If you can have colored police of all. Can you have privileges?
2020-11-08 01:18:27 UTC
Biden/Harris won, what more do you want/?  You wouldn't last one day in Africa. Those people have real problems. 
2020-11-08 00:14:37 UTC
Thing is you are in a minority? What do you want the majority to do about it? A minority is always going to feel different in some way. There's no way on earth to make every single thing suitable to you.
2020-11-07 21:34:10 UTC
the privilege is not being allowed to make stupid excuses for not putting effort into bettering my own self and my life ..

I work I get paid the same wage , I do not reckless spend , I save and I invest that brings more to my life. 

I do not sit and have a ;list of stupid excuses to say,, this is why I am doing badly and I am not born Rich

Seems you have a great list started to hold your self down -- you will succeed well in your self pity and being a self made looser 

as well your attitude holds back all the other blacks and browns since you would rather act bad and not productive,.,, OF course employers do not trust them since 4 out five they higher are like you --- you have no idea how to be self reliant productivity since you are already determined only a rich white guy can make your life better.... Stop depending on the LBJ types and just live with the normal people 

most white people never get great jobs like CEO of GM 

most are blue collar working fools... of course your issues is you do not want to be a blue collar worker like all of use white folks or the good black and brown blue collar workers 
2020-11-07 18:33:23 UTC
Are black people aware of their constant inaccurate complaints of persecution?
2020-11-07 16:09:51 UTC
I have been white for 54 years. I grew up with poor uneducated parents. I paid for my education by getting shot in Kuwait. What privilege are you speaking of? The one where I got shot, the one where my drunken father spent the rent money on liquor, the one where I got beat up for being white, or the one where I worked for every nickel?

Maybe my success has to do with getting up at 0400 and working 10 hours?

The police harassed me when I was a kid and told me and did not believe me when I told them were I lived.

All my successful black colleagues and drinking buddies have one thing in common; they finished college because they did not knock up anyone. My white, Mexican, and Asian buddies are no different. It really is that simple.

Quit claiming that being marginalized is about race, and accept that it is about poverty.
2020-11-07 14:55:23 UTC
 some do the rest don't think it's real. 
2020-11-07 14:40:33 UTC
Some are.  Others deny the very concept.

Actually, success in life isn't all that easy for whites to achieve, as millions of unsuccessful whites prove. It's just that it's often somewhat easier than for non-whites.  I didn't come from a rich family and had to work my tail off to get into a good college that offered me a lot of financial aid. I worked my tail off there to get into a good graduate school that had fellowships to offer, and then I worked my tail off to establish a successful career.

None of that was "easy".  Believe me.

BUT: I do know that, hard as it was, it might have been easier for me than for a black woman (we don't even have a lot of black people in my field), and I also know that black people have to put up with a lot of problems that white people simply do not face.  For example, it's quite possible that when I submitted my CV for my first job application, I made the short list over a black person because my name was (let's pretend) "Mary Jones" and hers was "Taneesha Washington". 

I am a white person who is very aware of white privilege.  Some white people simply do not get it.
Obi Wan Knievel
2020-11-07 14:38:09 UTC
I'm very aware of my white privilege.  I don't use it very often, but I know it's there.

If it really matters that much to you, write to Band-Aid and tell them you want their bandages available in other colours.  Problem solved.

The bandages are the only thing that's real on the list of white-privilege perks, the rest is pure fiction.  If you don't like getting arrested, stop breaking the law.
2020-11-07 14:34:45 UTC
Some are; some aren't. That's one of the advantages of privilege-- you often aren't even aware you have it, that you enjoy what others don't, like even things as seemingly banal as being able to go into a shop without being incessantly stalked by shopkeepers and/or security.
2020-11-07 14:33:16 UTC
Yep. I love it. It's great ! I use it at every opportunity
2020-11-07 14:32:37 UTC
I have worked for 45 years, still waiting for it to kick in.
2020-11-08 16:51:02 UTC
I am.          
2020-11-08 16:33:21 UTC
white people don't have any privilege's its just the blacks, Latinos and towel and all foreigners. I know we should all have privilege's bur frankly I am already fed up with this black lives matter thing.
Ogami Itto
2020-11-08 01:24:12 UTC
Yes.It's good to be king.
2020-11-08 00:49:45 UTC
Some of us are

I'm white and well aware of my white privilege 
2020-11-07 18:23:34 UTC
Hpgwash!!!!!!!  Count up the number of programs designed to benefit minorities compared to the number for whites and then try that propaganda again.
2020-11-07 15:17:25 UTC

Most mammals have light skin that is covered by fur, and biologists believe that EARLY HUMAN ANCESTORS started out this way also. Dark skin probably evolved after humans lost their body fur, because the naked skin was vulnerable to the strong UV radiation. We all came from pale skinned Africans. Lucy had pale skin under her body hair. So did H.Erectus, Denisovans and Neanderthals. We all came from pale skinned Africans.


Oswald Hope Robertson was white (English) and invented the blood bank which has saved literally over a billion human lives. Penicillin (which has saved from 80 million to 200 million human lives was discovered by white Scottish man Alexander Fleming.


Mongols killed 40 million people. Mao Zedong killed 70 million 

Josef Stalin (an ethnic Georgian i.e. non-white) killed 40 million. 

Half of the Native American genocide was committed by Southern Europeans.An Lushan Rebellion 36 million. 

Taiping Rebellion 20-30 million. 

Black plague (originated from east Asia) killed 25 million. 

Yellow Turban Rebellion 7 million

China causes the most pollution in the world. 

The United Arab Emirates causes the most pollution per capita. 

Chinese people invented the first gun (not just gunpowder and fbuttons. The first device identified as a gun, a bamboo tube that used gunpowder to fire a spear, appeared in China around AD 1000. The Chinese had previously invented gunpowder in the 9th century.

A Jewish male invented the nuke. 


 Fried chicken is Scottish. Waffles are Belgian. Peanut butter was invented by the Incas. Potato chips were invented by a white Englishman named William Kitchiner. BBQ is taíno food. BBQ sauce was invented by English, French and German Americans. Gumbo is cajun. Cornbread is Native American. Chicken fried chicken is Austrian. Pancakes are Greek.White people invented synthesizer, electric guitar, electric bass guitar,saxophone and computer (which is used to make hip hop beats/music). Blues has Celtic influences. Jazz has classical influences and uses pianos (Italian instrument) and saxophone (Belgian instrument). The German electronic band Kraftwerk influenced house,techno and hip hop. All "black genres" use instruments invented by non-blacks. The blues was first sung in the English language. Same with all the other popular "black genres". Even tap dancing originated from England. Scottish people invented flyting which is basically rap battle music that predates hip hop culture. Basketball and football were invented by white people (James Naismith and Walter Camp). Nike was created by a White American (Phil Knight). Adidas was created by an actual Nazi (Adolf Dassler). 


Tacos didn't have ground beef, chicken, cheese, sour cream or soft tortillas until Europeans showed up. It was just fish in a hard taco shell. 


White privilege doesn't exist. It's just an excuse for black failure. Particularly young black male failure. 


All non-white civilizations including Egypt and Sumer were built on slavery and oppression. That's nothing to be proud of. People who praise these non-white civilizations are basically pro slavery and oppression.


In the year 1900 the global European population was 200 million. Now it's 1 billion. 


Average British IQ 100

Average Austrian IQ 100

Average Polish IQ 99

Average Russian IQ 97

Average Israeli IQ 95

Average Indian (curry) IQ 82

Average Nigerian IQ 84

Average Equatorial Guinea IQ 59


The first human in space was a White Slavic Russian with blue eyes named Yuri Gagarin.

Russians put the first human, animal and satellite in space. ✊🏻


Christopher Columbus was Italian, not white. Spaniards (also non-white) wiped out Native Americans. Germ theory didn't exist when whites came to America. Native Americans had no immigration laws. White Americans are settlers, not immigrants. 


Romans colonized northern Europe. Mongols invaded, raped and colonized eastern Europe. Ottomans enslaved white people as sex slaves. Moors traveled as far as Iceland to capture white women and children as sex slaves. The black plague originated from east Asia, was brought to Italy and spread to Northern Europe killing 1/3 of the white population.


The architect of the White house was a White (Irish) man named James Hoban. 

2020-11-07 15:11:15 UTC
So that affirmative action didn't work?  And now that most police wear body cams lets get a bead on exactly how different kinds of people react to them during traffic stops.  Then let's get the data on how police and security watch people with regard to the level of crime in certain neighborhoods.   Then let's do a survey of whether home owners and business owners wish a police presence in those neighborhoods.   That should shed some light on how things are in real life.  
2020-11-07 14:50:18 UTC
I am aware that blacks are privileged to get jobs and contracts that whites are overlooked.

I have seen this numerous times.

Then the blacks are found incompetent, are on drugs, and missing work.

Lily is a privileged little leftist at a racist college in far left-wing New Haven.

Biggest hypocrite city in America.

Black are segregated and don't live in Westville or off Orange Ave with all the Yalies.
2020-11-07 14:40:48 UTC
If you have to be twice as smart and good, that could explain why you don't get hired. Most I've worked were half as smart damn near worthless. The only thing they ever said was "I'm on break".
2020-11-07 14:35:13 UTC
Some are, some aren't. I know that I TRY to be ever aware that my encounters with authority, from cop to store clerk, would possibly have not gone so well for me were I not a prosperous looking white person. But I can't KNOW I'm being favored unless I'm seeing other people being disfavored, you know? That a cop or store clerk treats me better than you isn't something I'm necessarily seeing, isn't always such that I can do much about it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.