tomas g
2012-07-09 12:50:51 UTC
I believe that corruption lies within individuals, therefore in my opinion the same amount of corruption should exist at the government level as it is in the private sector, the large difference being in how corruption can be investigated - the government sector requires certain avenues of investigation while the private sector does not have the same there truth to that or is there relative parity?
The reason I bring this up is because I feel liberals tend to scrutinize the private sector moreso than the government sector while conservatives tend to scrutinize the government sector moreso than the private sector.
So should both areas - private and government be scrutinized equally with the same standards or should they not as these sectors serve different roles?
I lean liberally and fear that if government is to be reduced and more left up to the private sector that the scrutiny behind private sector entities isn't on par with the scrutiny of the government entities.
I tend to think that conservatives believe that if government's role is reduced that the private sector will be any less corrupt in providing for the public needs if given that role. That somehow the "free market" resolves any need for scrutiny.