why is so hard for POOR PEOPLE to escape poverty and move up the ladder?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
why is so hard for POOR PEOPLE to escape poverty and move up the ladder?
359 answers:
2014-12-09 11:12:29 UTC
Well, first off, **** the self-righteous people who think all the poor are lazy or stupid. It's actually deeply offensive. I suppose Nikola Tesla the physicist or Pirosmani the artist were "lazy and stupid"? I'm sure they wouldn't care for your corrupt values.

(I'm not, really, answering the question. It was just a lot of the other answers made me angry)

In DEVELOPED countries, a lot of the poor work 80 hour + weeks in order to feed themselves. In developed countries, a lot of the poor also give in to apathy. So do many rich people. To assume the rich are "better" than the poor, is to give their money an intrinsic value, and is frankly deluded. Most people who achieve wealth are motivated to do so, but they have kids. Do their kids get special treatment for it?

In developing countries you will find that people are effectively forced into poverty by major corporations and the western powers which, yes, do rape them of their labour and resources for profit.

13% of the world's population have internet access, so you're effectively asking the richest, probably in English-speaking rich countries, to comment on the existence of those they know nothing about.

I am not rich. I'm also not stupid. I always achieved A grades at school. I did drop out of uni though- I have ADHD which didn't help, but really it just wasn't for me. I would have continued to do so if I wanted. I chose my life, I travel, and I write, and I busk my way around the world. I chose poverty, of a kind, because I own very little, although I'm also comparatively wealthy in that I am western, educated, and have a talent. I've also been to places and seen things that would make some of the people here **** their pants.

My simplest observation on poverty and its difficulties is this: the ironic thing about "the problem" is that you need money to fix it. When you're starving, you're not focussed on how to get a six figure salary "one day", or your dreams, you're focussing on the next meal. Or how to feed your kids.

But it's not all bad. I guess you change one set of problems for another. Well, I'm happy as I am.

So will you come down the metaphorical "ladder" and join us? Or are you scared your crap will smell too bad?

As you can see, most of us bask in it, so I'm sure that even that doesn't stink.

So QUIT MORALISING! Or are you conveniently forgetting the 3.5 billion starving?
2014-12-08 21:17:46 UTC
There are many responses here that say "Work hard and change your attitude!" That's true, but be honest -- there are times when that doesn't work. One of the things we've been reminded of during 2008 - 2014 is that many of the "homeless" are our neighbors -- people just like you that DID work hard, and lost a job, got sick, and maybe, just maybe overextended as well. Each of these circumstances by themselves won't necessarily make you poor, but if they hit all together, you are po (with the o and r costing too much money to add).

VERY true -- ALL your choices make a different, even that one little thing you didn't think matter that much. Everything from getting good grades at school to saying no at time your body has that "urge to merge," or skipping that next TV show, or internet YA question, or resisting that new iphone, ipod, iDONT, etc. But even one's best attempts can STILL leave you with no money, and that requires acknowledgement. That doesn't mean you have to say there.

One more thing -- WORK is NOT easy. It's not complicated, but it is NOT easy. Furthermore, having a "good job" also doesn't mean you aren't poor -- it means you have money. But what happens when the job is gone?
2014-12-08 12:06:12 UTC
It's 100% possible, but it is just not fun. Fun is the word I think that you are looking for. In a free market anyone can get up the ladder, but it is not fun to do, which is why many people become content with their poverty and lean on the government for help.

Right now, my friend, if you work 100 hours a week, save money, and invest, twenty years you will be in the upper middle class most likely. Sorry, but there is no other way. Government cannot get you there. So stop complaining. Roll your sleeves up. Work your butt off.

Ever wonder why Asians are so wealthy in this country? It's because work is their leisure. They work, 7 days a week, and have created wealth for themselves. Guess what, you don't have the option to become wealthy in socialistic dictatorships. The free market is your only hope. Embrace it with joy, or be content to stay in poverty.

I will agree that a small percentage of people in poverty don't have a choice. These are the sick and crippled who can't work, or the un-intelligent mother with ten kids from ten different fathers. We help these people out. But the others have a choice. If they are able then they have to work their way out of poverty. There is no other way.

We all started in poverty. I started at a gas station at age 19. I decided that I wanted to be wealthy. I went to a lumber mill and worked 80 hours a week. Within a year I had a new car and moved to a luxorious apartment. Anyone could have done what I did, but they didn't want to. Working 80 hours a week is hard, but the rewards are beautiful and make it worth it. Most people will never come to understand this, which is why they will stay on the bottom rung of the ladder. There is no cure for this. Governments will never take this system away as there is no other way to become wealthy, except by force. We throw those people in jail.

Some day robots will do the work for us. It could happen sooner than we think.
Eric A
2014-12-09 13:04:49 UTC
Social immobility plays a large role in this. It has little to do with motivation or lack of work ethic. In fact, read up on some of the research. Impoverished children are statistically exposed to fewer words at a younger age than wealthier ones. This immediately affects reading comprehension, which negatively impacts their academic careers. Schools in impoverished regions are not afforded the same luxuries as the wealthier communities. Many of these schools cannot even afford to supply textbooks to all the children. As technology advances, factories adopt the latest techniques. In many situations, the amount of workers required is lowered. Also, many more jobs are requiring special training. Simple labor jobs are not as easy to come by as they once were. There has also been an abundance of research on the impact of eating meals as a family. Families that live in poverty often have both parents working. This decreases the amount of times they can sit as a family and eat dinner. I have done research on this, myself. Family meals are a crucial part of a child's academic development. These family meals allow for the child to be exposed to more words and feel that sense of connection. This decreases the likelihood of seeking that family bond elsewhere, such as gangs. These are only a few factors. I want to avoid a long paper here. There are just too many factors dealing with poverty to just decide that they are lazy. To say that poor people are poor due to laziness or stupidity illustrates a true ignorance of the world in which we live.
2014-12-08 21:12:58 UTC
Well, there is a point where determination comes into play. Yes some people are naturally 'unlucky', but the only way to find that one 'lucky' moment is to keep trying, and never let that keep you down. The thing that probably gets most people stuck, is the fact that they have things go bad for them and they always think that is the way it is supposed to go, when it is not. Everyone has chances, some take them and some squander them; some chances turn into opportunities, and that is what gets you up the ladder.

Good connections and a positive attitude will open up chances which can turn into opportunities. So take those chances and be positive.
※ Blueberry ※
2014-12-09 18:06:11 UTC
Because getting 100 from 50 is the same as 2 from 1.

That's why it's harder to move up in poor countries especially.

Also, when you have nothing often hand in hand comes depression and unwillingness to do something about it.

People often become poor because of faults in the system like corruption and are often a victim of stupidity of the other members in their society in the insitutions on which they depend. That's hard to beat.

In the US and W. Europe it's a lot easier to move up, but even the poor have often all they need for a decent life from a practical aspect. Some people just don't go after money when they feel they can satisfy their basic needs.
2014-12-08 20:14:21 UTC
Because Poor people do not have the opportunity to see any positive influences and their lack of these positive influences keeps them in a dark negative mindset. They are stuck in a trap of lack of education and ignorance strongly reinforced by negative influences from: Parents, Friends and Family, Television Media and sadly often times even teachers! They Need something positive to HOPE for.
2014-12-08 11:17:00 UTC
Not every poor person is in the same position. Some can and do move up. Others settle for welfare. Some can't because of raising children with no father. Some are just plain lazy. Others have criminal records. Some people are legally poor but are infact very rich by selling drugs.
Chewy Ivan 2
2014-12-08 11:14:31 UTC
It's hard to find the time to learn a new trade skill when you already work 60-80 hours a week just to keep from getting thrown out of your home.
2014-12-09 09:17:26 UTC
Social Services case manager who works with poverty stricken clients here. There are many barriers to getting out of poverty. Some people have multiple barriers and those are the ones who struggle the most.

Here are some barriers:

Learned helplessness: This is where people truly believe that rich people are "different" than other people and there's no point in trying to change their circumstances.

Mental health problems: A huge number of people who can't hold good jobs or keep a place to live are suffering from undiagnosed mental health conditions. I see this ALL the time. Some can get help and do OK while others need on-going support services.

Addiction: This is a big one. Active addiction means inability to manage necessities. Treatment sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.

Developmental Delays: Lots of people who grow up in poverty fall through the cracks and don't get assessed properly for developmental delays or autism, particularly if they are not severely disabled. Extreme learning disabilities can be overcome but they require professional intervention, and often this doesn't happen with very poor kids. They just drop out and no one notices.

Domestic Abuse: Domestic abuse, which can happen to anyone and is NOT only male on female abuse, affects people's abilities to hold jobs, stay balanced, and keep the money they do make. It's a massive problem at all levels of society but it more deeply affects poor people because it compounds other issues already present in the family.

Crappy schools in poor areas: Let's face it. Rich areas have better schools. It's a fact.

Poor nutrition/less access to health care that doesn't completely suck: When someone doesn't have their health, they don't have the energy to do anything other than just get by. Many very poor households subsist on absolute crap and don't have access to nor knowledge of the importance of healthy foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and quality ingredients for cooking.

Isolation: Many poverty stricken people have no real community, no real support, and feel alienated from society. This can appear self-imposed to us from the outside looking in, but it's a syndrome that has many layers and will negatively affect a person's motivation and will to succeed.
2016-03-10 04:17:51 UTC
I don't think there is a single, definitive answer. Each individual has their own experiences and reasons why they can't break from the cycle of poverty. There are thousands of possible contributing factors, and any combination of them can be the cause for any person or family. For some people it's merely an attitude or idea that they can't succeed, so they don't even try. For others it's mountains of debt that becomes compounded with late fees, high interest, over-the-limit fees, etc. There are also those people who were born into poor families who lived in neighborhoods with poor education in an environment that put more importance on being a gang banger than getting good grades and taking personal responsibility.
2014-12-13 08:57:17 UTC
Poor people don't move up in the social class because rich people get all the money. The Federal Reserve Bank releases thousands of dollars into the economy, which it creates out of thin air. This creates inflation, the decline of the value of the dollar. Think about it. If suddenly there were one million Mickey Mantle baseball cards in the world, wouldn't the value of one Mickey Mantle baseball card be reduced to a value of almost nothing? It is the same with the dollar. So, when all this money is released into the economy, the value of everyone's money decreases, thus buying less and making them poorer. By the way, the Fed makes all this money to bail out banks and create artificial economic booms. When inflation hits, the money that created the inflation in the first place is distributed to the rich. Meanwhile, the middle and lower classes are stuck with the same amount of money that they always had but it is worth less. Their payments don't increase until much later.
2014-12-12 23:01:08 UTC
Kids growing up in a poor environment often don't have a nurturing family environment that teaches them what success looks like, professional skills and how to achieve it. They have to figure things out themselves. They may be forced to go to local schools that doesn't provide adequate education. They may be surrounded by bad influences that fill their head with negative attitudes and behavior not conducive to success. All this makes it hard to create a vision of what the possibilities are, beyond someday being that drug dealer on the corner who is making the "big buck".

It's harder to move up the ladder, but not impossible. Most successful people have relatives in the past that started with nothing but were able to envision something better and worked hard to get it. If not for them, for their children. Each step up created tools their kids could take advantage of to do better. About 10% of Americans, over a 30 year period, have moved from the lowest income bracket to the highest.
2014-12-08 15:25:24 UTC
It is not hard to do in fact anyone can improve thenselves and their situation in life,it just takes a bit of determination and will power,first of all poor people turn to either drink or drugs to help them forget the position that they are in,instead of drinking it away,try saving for the future of excapeing poverty,do not spend on unecassery things that you dont kneed,put it in the bank and don't be tempted,if you can save only a £5 a week it soon builds up that is £480 in the first year if you can double that weekly saving you,you dounle the figure at the end of the year,yes I know it is hard,do not have a credit card,or borrow money,and as the savings build up you are on your way ok.
2014-12-08 19:57:09 UTC
It is not hard to do in fact anyone can improve thenselves and their situation in life,it just takes a bit of determination and will power,first of all poor people turn to either drink or drugs to help them forget the position that they are in,instead of drinking it away,try saving for the future of excapeing poverty,do not spend on unecassery things that you dont kneed,put it in the bank and don't be tempted,if you can save only a £5 a week it soon builds up that is £480 in the first year if you can double that weekly saving you,you dounle the figure at the end of the year,yes I know it is hard,do not have a credit card,or borrow money,and as the savings build up you are on your way ok.

Miss Miely
2014-12-10 10:03:37 UTC
There are many answers that might fit the reasons why but here are my theories why "some do not move up the ladder". I was raised well at first and then my mom got a divorce. We moved to NYC and lived in the Bronx. So I saw some horrible neighborhoods and depending how far you went some places looked like a warzone hit it! Abandoned buildings everywhere, trash on the streets, and horrendous crime and gang activity. Some areas were banned from Police Entry due to too many cops being killed. Imagine living in an area where Police are banned? Yet these people went about their business acting like it was an alternative lifestyle. I told my mom "if I lived there I would run away on a Greyhound bus and take my chances in a small town in the WestCoast". She laughed but did we move? No! We stayed there (not in that neighborhood but still in the Bronx) for years! My mom finally got a job that paid well. Even then (I was long gone) I returned to get her to move to Florida with me after I ran off to join the military. I was doing better than my mom at one point! She is not a bad person but she is a classic example of not "rocking the boat" to excel and when she had good money she still didn't move! She stayed in that apt for over 20 years and she said she feared being homeless rather than take a chance. We moved her stuff FOR HER to Florida. That is why some people do not want to change anything. They take the little they have and think that it is the best they can do in life.
2014-12-09 09:37:56 UTC
Poverty is very much self perpetuating if you are a loser! There are those that rise up out of it - hoe come? It's all about inclination - you need inclination - ask me I did it - grew up po0ooor but rose above it - not without a fight, and some hard knocks. If you are poor and stay poor it is only your own fault - no matter what happens to me, good or bad - it is all my own fault! When you stop blaming everything on others and take responsibility, it will change.
2014-12-12 17:09:34 UTC
While the odds may be against those born into poverty; the tools to climb out are also present. Their are a lot of gov't programs to help, but the biggest problem is learning how to use these resources. It takes research to find the way out the maze. The gov't makes it easier to sit & be silent. Who really wants to live on Welfare? You need to go to your local Welfare Office, Community College, Careerlink, or Womens Center to find a mentor to give you a hand up; so you in turn can help another you become a sucess. Good luck
2014-12-08 17:57:54 UTC
It's not, poor people are poor for a reason. They just don't want to get up and go get a job. Not every job needs a application or a degree of some sort. I am 14 and make more money than most adults. I started by buying a bike, fixing it and reselling.. Now a few years later I am buying trucks/tractors etc and refurbishing them or renting them and making a good bit saving for college.
2014-12-08 12:09:07 UTC
It is easier to lay your fat a$& on the couch then to get on your feet. The democrats have given rewards for sloth and laziness for so long that people can now live in poverty with or without a job

I have worked since my first job at age 9 until forced by injury to retire at 64. Now I have to live at the poverty line with people who in some cases have never held a job.

The biggest difference is my social security keeps me from claiming any other government assistance. No food stamps, no housing, no Medicaid, (I PAY for Medicare), no eye care, no dental care, and obama care just took my oxygen qualification away so I can no long walk more than 40 ft or so

The people on welfare, food stamps, government subsidy for housing and full medical coverage drive up to the welfare offices in Cadillacs, Lincoln's. Even motor homes

How can you make them work for less than they have now. They can't be sued, they say they "have nothing"! No jail time for poverty "poor me's"

Peanut Charlie
2014-12-08 11:31:02 UTC
Believe it or not, many poor parents make it hard for their own kids to escape poverty. Many poors don't encourage kids to study hard at school, not even at elementary schools. They don't encourage kids to have career prospects.

Another, some poor parents have contempt for books and education and so they pass on attitude problems to kids.

Lastly, poor parents suffer from Crab Bucket Syndrome which hinders their kids' chances to successes and riches in future.

The best of people are often those who are self-made millionaires. They are the ones who work their way out of poverty. They took menial jobs at the beginning, switched jobs or start business from scratch. Some didn't have help from anybody. They just help themselves out.
2014-12-08 19:44:54 UTC
Because that's the nature of success. It's hard for everyone to escape poverty or move up the latter. Regardless of who you are, moving up takes a lot of hard work.
2014-12-08 11:19:35 UTC
Poverty is cyclical. A single mom lives in low-rent housing with her child. Because rent is low the building falls into disrepair. This creates mold which makes the child sick.

The mother must miss work to take the child to the hospital. The mother's employer fires her for missing work, meaning the child just lost his healthcare. Now the mother must pay more money despite the fact she is earning less.

You need two things to climb out of poverty - extreme dedication and luck.
2014-12-12 17:03:21 UTC
MMMMkay, gonna answer that with an example:

In the same room are 5 people; A man dressed in a "sharp as cut glass" suit, a preacher, a CEO also sharply dressed-but toned down a little, a craftsman in dirty workclothes, a farmer dressed in bib overalls who happens to have raised 6 children- who in turn had children..etc.

1) Now, who do you think was the most wealthy, sucessful, and most fruitful in life

2) Now, read the story again- did you come up with the same answer

3) Now, read the story again....(you get the idea)
2014-12-08 20:24:16 UTC
It is caused by the poor individual creating their reality.The improperly programmed subconscious mind many times restricts a higher degree of success because we feel we can`t get that job or it is to hard to do.Race is also a factor I have noticed because every body wants more money and a higher position at the work place so it seems it is race against race to get ahead.Be confident and keep trying to move up.
2014-12-08 17:28:22 UTC
Ther inability to recognise oportunity when it comes ther way. And the hard work and persistance it takes to turn said oportunity to profet. In the 60s I had a 6thgrade teacher who said to us All of you will get one chance to become a millionare, some more than one chance. And 99% will pass it up. And she was right 99% did not become milionares and the 1% who did were not always the smartest kids in the classroom. But they took the chance and grabed the opertunity and held on for dear life till they worked the thing to ther advantage to do so. I even knew some who made it and lost it all.But they took the oportunity when it came.
2014-12-09 01:30:22 UTC
2014-12-14 05:42:24 UTC
In my opinion, the problem is that since they probably were poor to being with, they don't have enough money to have a good education and support them when they are "younger" and there for not getting a good job and not enough money. And when they get married their children will have to suffer too, hence having a long cycle of poverty
Eagles Fly
2014-12-13 13:55:48 UTC
You can thank your President for that. He wants to make the richer even richer and keep the poor even poorer. He should take advise from Martin Luther King ... " bring rick and poor together," Obama chooses not to put the rich together with the poor. Look what the mess he has made or our country. Poor can't eat, no medical, no nothing. He makes sure to keep the separation.
ραιηт тнє ѕку~
2014-12-12 08:02:52 UTC
One word: Privilege. It is harder for a poor person to move up the ladder than say, a rich person. Because a rich person has privilege that a poor person may not. It's harder to start from the bottom than it is to start from the middle. For example, M&M the rapper had to work harder than the Kardasians who were born into wealth.
Vanilla Spice
2014-12-11 08:24:50 UTC
I actually moved DOWN the ladder. I was born middle-class and ended up poor. It was through my own poor choices, laziness, and living a self-indulgent, immoral lifestyle.

I actually was lucky enough to get an education, be born middle-class in a wealthy nation, and to get jobs. Many people aren't fortunate enough to have access to education, are born into poverty, and do not have connections to get that first job or lucky break.

I was very lucky to be given opportunity, but I blew it. I didn't study hard enough in school, didn't work hard enough on the job, spent more than I made in my twenties, didn't save or invest, and was disrespectful to those in authority (even when they tried to help me and gave me opportunities others would have killed for).

I wish I would have appreciated my opportunities more, and made the most of them. Now, of course, I'm looking to win the lottery or some other quick fix that is going to solve all of my problems.

I'm the stupid person that other people look at with incredulity and disgust.

Reality sucks.
2014-12-11 10:12:52 UTC
Well many poor people have been given the idea that they are victims, and need saving from the government. They get comfortable with government support, so they don't look to go further. That is just one particular example, but it's very common in this day and age.
2014-12-08 16:25:35 UTC
Because Democrats have made it exceedingly difficult for a person dependent upon government to become independent.

Unless you're motivated and willing to work exceedingly hard for it, which lets face it, most in that situation are not motivated nor willing to work exceedingly hard for it, which is why they are where they are, are not going to do what's necessary to get out of it.

And as time goes on, Democrats keep increasing the restrictions and burdens that keep dependent people dependent and blindly loyal to Democrats.
2014-12-08 19:13:45 UTC
there's an attitude among the poor to not step out of line, to not move up and be different or better than the family or friends or school or church that they grew up in or they will get rejected by their own. It's a mind game they play.
2014-12-08 11:23:22 UTC
Short answer: The welfare system makes it easier for them to stay on the government dole, than to actually move up the ladder. Especially when we are talking about those first couple of steps up the ladder.
2014-12-19 09:27:46 UTC
2014-12-14 23:42:42 UTC
2014-12-08 13:02:43 UTC
Because once the "poor people" are categorized as a poor person they have a harder chance and time to go to do things and move up the ladder.
2014-12-09 22:04:22 UTC
Im poor.

But im being tortured by what appears to be interdimensional entities so it's hard to become wealthy in that situation.

You need a better system you morons. You can all get what you need and want and still get nessecary things done. This is all ******* stupid and most people are born with no chance.

This entire ******* world is shitty and has never worked right.
2014-12-08 11:18:40 UTC
A combination of luck, laziness, desire and opportunity. Simply wanting something is not enough. You have to actually want to advance enough to pay the price.

Many of you think that simply wanting to get rich and having the ability to get rich are enough. I want to be rich-but the costs to me do not justify the benefits. It's only money and knowledge is funner to me. I would NEVER be like Muhammad Ali and get rich at the expense of having my brains beaten out of me. That kind of thing is not worth the price.

Today with the computer, knowledge is everywhere and so who really needs more money than it takes to live?
2014-12-08 14:52:42 UTC
It is hard because they are not rich, but it is not impossible. My parents came from absolute poverty to something some others call rich but as a kid, I know richer people. I can't say we are. But poverty is simply a mindset.
2014-12-08 11:22:48 UTC
It can be done. Nothing is easy. Today the effort that it took 50 60 years ago to succeed.

Has now tripled. Moderation is now the only path to success, Do what you can, When

you can. Keeping your life in tact as you progress and move ahead.
2014-12-10 15:56:36 UTC
Because the poor are lazy, arrogant, and blames everything on the rich, when they themselves are the problem. If they worked hard in school and got a college education, they wouldn't be poor in the first place
2014-12-13 16:39:57 UTC
It is a pattern that people canot get out of, these people most of them have parents that live on welfare no jobs and they have no goals and the next generation see their parents doing this and thinks it is how it should be they have no goals or ambitions becuse in thier mind living on SNAP and Medicaid is it thats how its supposed to be, they dont do any better because they dont know any better. Its a cycle and its hardd to break
2014-12-08 21:35:06 UTC
it's so hard because poor people don't get enough and perfect support. moreover poverty is an evil cycle.

if they find proper support like non-interest micro-credit, they may escape poverty.
2014-12-08 17:14:27 UTC
Its a lot of different reasons that can make people poor . I know people who have jobs making 50000 a year but they piss it away . There are people who don't mind just getting by with gov t handouts and we have a government that encourages laziness right now .
2014-12-13 19:24:04 UTC
Lack of resources and opportunities, and emotional hurdle to overcome. If one spends many years spending 100's of hours of hard labor and scrapping meager wages, and fails every time they take chances with their money, one can get easily discouraged from taking any more chances to overcome poverty.
2014-12-08 20:32:34 UTC
Poor People have bought into being victims. The Democrats have done a great job of encouraging them to buy into it. The Blacks today encourage themselves & other minorities not to take responsibility for yourself. When one does the insult is you are acting too white. If that is acting white then most whites aren't acting as white as they use to. Too many whites have bought into Entitlements.
2014-12-08 11:16:30 UTC
The Danger of American Fascism

Henry A. Wallace

An article in the New York Times, April 9, 1944.

From Henry A. Wallace, Democracy Reborn (New York, 1944), edited by Russell Lord, p. 259.

On returning from my trip to the West in February, I received a request from The New York Times to write a piece answering the following questions:

What is a fascist?

How many fascists have we?

How dangerous are they?

A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. The supreme god of a fascist, to which his ends are directed, may be money or power; may be a race or a class; may be a military, clique or an economic group; or may be a culture, religion, or a political party.

The perfect type of fascist throughout recent centuries has been the Prussian Junker, who developed such hatred for other races and such allegiance to a military clique as to make him willing at all times to engage in any degree of deceit and violence necessary to place his culture and race astride the world. In every big nation of the world are at least a few people who have the fascist temperament. Every Jew-baiter, every Catholic hater, is a fascist at heart. The hoodlums who have been desecrating churches, cathedrals and synagogues in some of our larger cities are ripe material for fascist leadership.

The obvious types of American fascists are dealt with on the air and in the press. These demagogues and stooges are fronts for others. Dangerous as these people may be, they are not so significant as thousands of other people who have never been mentioned. The really dangerous American fascists are not those who are hooked up directly or indirectly with the Axis. The FBI has its finger on those. The dangerous American fascist is the man who wants to do in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power.

If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States. There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful. Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends. They are patriotic in time of war because it is to their interest to be so, but in time of peace they follow power and the dollar wherever they may lead.

American fascism will not be really dangerous until there is a purposeful coalition among the cartelists, the deliberate poisoners of public information, and those who stand for the K.K.K. type of demagoguery.
2014-12-08 12:27:36 UTC
It isn't. I moved up from being poor and almost everyone in my family has over the past 30 years. It doesn't happen overnight.
2014-12-08 11:16:49 UTC
Ask Asian immigrants. Most of them work hard, push their kids into colleges and are out of poverty in 1rst or 2nd generation.

Maybe hard work and no entitlements are the secret souse here?
2014-12-08 12:55:55 UTC
The short answer is--you can't have people at the top,without people at the bottom.

Also,most people don't put in a proper effort to elevate themselves.It's true--winners never quit.
2014-12-08 23:33:43 UTC
Because they do not have investment, People in our society do not give chance and opportunity to grow and succeed in life. They are piled up with burden of loans ... It's very hard for them to move up.
2014-12-09 07:09:17 UTC
It takes hard work, discipline, and the willingness to sacrifice short term unimportant pleasures in order to get more important long term gains. I grew up in a very poor neighbor hood and my family had no money. I went in the Military after high school and then I went to school part time and worked. It took longer than someone whose family had money and at 35 y/o became a professional person.

A friend of mine who lived near me was more poor than I was and worked while he went to college and majored in business. Now he has a nice home, a wife, 2 grown children. He has no sympathy for anyone who dropped out of school complains life is unfair.
2014-12-12 14:31:35 UTC
One reason is that chain stores pull strings to prevent competition from street food vendors and outdoor markets. Visit a developing country and find out about real capitalism.
2014-12-08 16:49:59 UTC
Its hard, and most members of the lower class either dont work or dont have a good job and arent willing to put in the effort
2014-12-13 08:16:15 UTC
Many factors. Educations, culture, family, social structures, drugs, crime, entitlements, personal issues with esteem and ego, personality, character, moral fiber, government, business, racism and bigotry, discrimination are just to name a few of the reason.

Oh...I forgot...It is Bush's fault too.
2014-12-11 06:29:50 UTC
In my personal opinion, first, its a choice. There are many opportunities that can lead them to a better life by they chose to stay that way. Second, financial constraints which can lead to inability to finish school. Third, they got so "used to" reliefs or support from gov't, non-gov't and/or, other agencies that nothing triggers their urge to go find a job
2014-12-10 13:46:29 UTC
It's NOT!! Thats the lie!! What you believe you become! If your mindset is poverty you think eat sleep dream poverty and thats what you draw to yourself forever! BUT...that can change with some effort! Think wealth. See yourself wealthy, dream wealthy. THINK weaslthy. It will come to you. You will meet ppl who will lead you down that road.
2014-12-09 06:40:55 UTC
It happens every day in America.

Poor people who are locked into poverty are there because they have negative attitudes and love to hate anyone who has more than they have.
2014-12-08 11:12:48 UTC
Government programs flawed for failure.
2014-12-08 11:17:51 UTC
Liberals tell them that it's ok to be drunk and do drugs. Any person that is in poverty can immediately reverse their fortune by simply ceasing to use drugs and alcohol.
2014-12-08 11:15:01 UTC
Dependence on government is worse than a ball and chain severely limiting ones potential and future life
great knight
2014-12-13 16:27:57 UTC
They keep throwing up regulations to make it harder to start a business. Like did you see the article where they are even trying to close kids lemonade stands? That's horrible.
2014-12-09 05:37:41 UTC
Because nowadays, jobs aren't simply handed out on silver platters. People keep forgetting this.
2014-12-09 02:01:56 UTC
that's why most of the people love money so much. If poverty is tolerable, then why people dream of moving up?
2014-12-13 05:22:54 UTC
They're lazy and discouraged. Then when they mature around 100 years later they choose to go to college.
2014-12-08 11:15:53 UTC
Because government makes it easier to live off of the backs of honest working tax payers.
2014-12-08 11:25:17 UTC
Because the democrats use race and the poor for political gains...
2014-12-08 18:40:26 UTC
A lot of poor people have deficiencies that others don't have.
2014-12-08 11:18:58 UTC
In the words of a welfare mother I tried to talk into taking a offered job in a local liquor store:

"No no no no, I'm not gonna let ANYTHING interfere with my benefits!!!"
2014-12-13 22:33:51 UTC
Its because of the poverty cycle.
2014-12-08 11:23:15 UTC
Intelligence is mostly genetic.


Socioeconomic status is most correlated with intelligence.

2014-12-08 19:02:50 UTC
Institutional racism
2014-12-12 03:17:17 UTC
Not Sure
2014-12-11 20:27:44 UTC
It depends on various factors such as environment, mental/physical ability, society, will, and luck. A child, who grows up with alcoholic or parents on drugs, has a higher chance of remaining poor than a child in a more loving environment. A child, who has college educated parents, stands a better chance of going to college and earning a degree. As part of our society; many colleges will even give preferential treatment to applicants, who have a parent/relative who graduated from their college. The same goes for when looking for employment, where nepotism runs wild. Ever notice that many teachers children become teachers? Many times, when you are looking for a high paying job, "it's who you know and not what you know" that gets you the job. Still there are a few individuals, who work hard to get to the top and succeed. They are very persistent in pursuing their dreams. Then sometimes it just all luck. There are people, who are poor and are the best musicians you've ever heard, but are just not lucky enough to get a chance.
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2014-12-11 17:13:27 UTC
Imo... while situations and people vary, on a basic level there is a lot of catch-22 in society. A lot of people aren't lazy, but haven't had the chance at opportunities that would actually help them get ahead. You could be working your backside off but without any opportunities or chances to progress you may not be getting anywhere other than where you already are.
2014-12-11 15:40:29 UTC
Because they aren't willing to do what it takes - work hard, save, educate yourself, search for legit ways to improve - ask the Vietnamese boat people. They didn't complain or ask for freebies. They work as a family and take responsibility for their family.
Ayisat Quadri
2014-12-11 09:59:29 UTC
is so hard for poor people to escape poverty because the rich don't want to help the poor, they prefer to help their fellow ones;that the main reason the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

secondly the poor are not self reliance and most don't believe they can make it. they lack focus and determination and determination they say is the mother of successes

and lastly not everyone that was born with sliver spoon, not everyone that was born great, not everyone that is going to be successful, not everyone that want to be great will become great cos finger are not equal talk less of human being.
2014-12-11 08:07:24 UTC
Lack of capability and many telling them that they can't or putting things in their way.
2014-12-11 07:03:44 UTC
2014-12-11 01:32:47 UTC
governors dumb and idle
2014-12-11 00:37:46 UTC
Global Inequality. Not everyone gets equal rights due to political issues, corruptions, income levels, skills and knowledge
2014-12-10 16:45:28 UTC
It can be done but it depends on the circumstances and the willpower
2014-12-10 16:22:25 UTC
Often too many children too young............Often stops the education and starts a life of trying to just "get by"
2014-12-10 15:56:00 UTC
A lot of people get so stressed out by poverty that they have to turn to drugs and alcohol, which makes them poorer. Not just that, but even if they aren't addicted to something, many people don't want to hire people that don't have a phone number, permanent address, or car, and there are less jobs for people these days. There is discrimination based on race or gender or sexuality. And, if you already have some money, you can do more with it, like make investments, start up a business, etc.
Don Verto
2014-12-10 07:30:42 UTC
If we were all at the top of the ladder we would all be poor.The rich need the poor and the poor need the rich.Equality or communism does not work.If a very high paid person went to a coffee shop for coffee to be served by a very highly paid person then how much would the coffee cost? On the other hand rich people give to thrift shops and the poor can buy things cheaply.A contented poor person is rich indeed and a discontented rich person is very poor.
2014-12-10 06:16:58 UTC
Because poor people still believe the ladder exists. The ladder hasn't existed in several years. Each "lower rung" leads to a career path with a glass ceiling to prevent you into the middle rungs. Then, in the middle rungs there is a glass ceiling preventing you into the upper rungs. Then, in the upper rungs there is a glass ceiling preventing you into the board room (composed of old money families).

Another reason is because the rung you are in will teach you how to stay in that rung. If you want to get out of the bottom rung, stop hanging out with the bottom rung people. That's the problem though with the working poor, they aren't accepted into the higher rungs since they can't conform to those higher rungs culture. For an example: A middle class citizen would never tell a woman they are a "trick a** h*e" because middle class people respect women as equals; just the same as an upper class citizen would never spend their money on entertainment over future investment opportunities.

Lastly, there's the Conservative culture dominance. Let's face it, the old boy's club doesn't like competition within their dominated niches. Big Oil will squash their competitors using politics and regulation just the same as a business owner will squash their competitors by undercutting the other guy without affecting their bottom line. So if you did stop believing in the ladder and instead created a ladder of your own, the old boy's club with money would find a way to run you out of business before you became a threat; either by buying out your great idea (and paying you NOT enough for it) or they would just do your idea better than you since you couldn't afford a patent or copyright for your intellectual property.

So there you have it. It's a combination of culture, rules, structure, and the 1% not sharing wealth.
2014-12-10 04:44:52 UTC
Try to figure a run-away train with humanity on it. That's what is happening now. And, that's probably the answer to your question.
Seemore B
2014-12-10 00:11:17 UTC
It a bunch of haters who don't want to see the poor move up because they think they will get something they could get.
2014-12-09 20:52:44 UTC
2014-12-11 18:54:53 UTC
Conservatives have reduced good paying Union jobs by deregulating industries which reduced Union jobs, passing anti-Union State laws, and even threaten workers if organizing is being considered, Cons have gave huge tax cuts to businesses yet those businesses still outsource jobs off-shore, Cons refuse to raise the Minimum Wage which cannot support a family, Cons have passed State laws eliminating workers rights to bargain in Conservative States and the Conservatives in Congress want to reduce pensions for all workers and reduce Teachers wages who educate our future leaders, yet ironically, the Conservative States have the poorest, dumbest & fattest people in the United States of America ...
2014-12-11 18:37:26 UTC
Because there's a difference in welfare. There are those who legitmately need it and those who abuse it...and in the US, we clump everyone into the ones who abuse it.
2014-12-11 18:09:07 UTC
Too busy trying to stay alive……..
2014-12-11 15:37:22 UTC
2014-12-11 10:53:26 UTC
Because they can't afford a ladder...
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2014-12-11 10:22:48 UTC
Ask yourself what the cost of higher education is.
2014-12-10 18:46:49 UTC
High taxes imposed by liberals.
2014-12-10 16:25:33 UTC
Escaping poverty takes a combination of luck and pluck. A whole lot of poor people work a lot harder than a lot of wealthy people. A lot of wealthy people like to look down their noses at people who are struggling and they typically blame the victims for their fate. But the US economy is managed in a manner where upward mobility is limited. The poor often find the cost of education prohibitive while economic "conservatives" work overtime to reduce any help they may get. This should be a national disgrace.
2014-12-10 10:21:07 UTC
In America, nobody is forced to remain poor. But the LIberals make it too easy on them to stay poor. They buy their votes with free benefits, paid for by the rest of us.
2014-12-10 10:02:07 UTC
Tuition for college or technical school is expensive so it would be harder to train for new skills. Public transportation in many areas make it hard to get to where the better jobs may be. Plus, nicer clothes, for an office or better paying job situation may be beyond their grasp.
2014-12-10 07:52:03 UTC
They can't afford the ladder....
2014-12-10 01:11:20 UTC
Because you need to have a plan that gives you goals
2014-12-09 20:33:37 UTC
Well in America it's kind of hard because America is very competitive and poor people are born at a disadvantage. Of course just using common sense if you are born at an advantage and are given opportunities that others aren't you'll likely be more successful. Not always, and sometimes growing up poor can inspire people to do extraordinary things and the opposite is sometimes true as well when spoiled rich kids will just mooch off of their parents. However, for the most part people seem to stay in similar socioeconomic classes of their parents. Or maybe do a little better.
2014-12-09 20:01:22 UTC
Because, cheap douchbags all too often won't pay a deserving starting wage in many industries. They would rather go the cheaper route and hire less experienced workers who will often work for much less (foreigners are bad for this). So, therefore many workers end up quiting their jobs and going elsewhere too work sometimes having too settle for a lesser wage than the one they were getting before, and the cycle often repeats where the workers once again prove their worth but then come job review time, get the shaft once again. It seems workers in more blue collared type of work such as construction and factory workers are often subject to this kind of descrimination because big wigs seem to figure there always expendable regardless of how good they are. I have an education I'm a fully qaulified and well educated heavy truck operator with many years of proven experience, yet some people still have the audacity to tell me I'm uneducated. And the sad sad part is the govornment (Canada) makes it seem that way as well, because truck drivers like me are considered laborers, much the same as fruit pickers. What a shame! I turned down a job offer once because the starting wage sucked, mind you I didn't say to the hiring person like that, but he got mad at me for declining the offer. I already had at least 10 years of experience too show, and he rants on me "oh hear your looking for a job and want what someone who's been here years alredy would want". Well, the job add stated must have many years experience (which I had), but I'm telling you, he wanted to pay me the same wage a newby driver fresh out of driving school may settle on. How can people get ahead when dealing with stubborn ignorant bullheaded pr1cks like this guy? Workers like me, even those working blue collared jobs are entitled to more respect for what we do. The economy needs us jsut like they need doctors, lawyers and politicians etc.
2014-12-09 19:50:34 UTC
Stay in school all the way to at least a bachelor's degree and you can easily move up the economic ladder. The poor qualify for the pell grant which will pay for tuition and fees the entire way through college.
2014-12-09 13:10:04 UTC
You are what you make of yourself. Nothing more, nothing less.
2014-12-09 11:18:05 UTC
2014-12-09 10:42:49 UTC
its over populated, a civil war and a humanity crisis. poor stay poor and rich can stay rich if continue to do the works of devil.
Bill Martin
2014-12-09 07:59:04 UTC
They are usually unintelligent and lazy. They do not even deserve to "move up the ladder"
2014-12-09 06:31:55 UTC
can't work, or the un-intelligent mother with ten kids from ten different fathers. We help these people out. But the others have a choice. If they are able then they have to work their way out of poverty. There is no other way.

We all started in poverty. I started at a gas station at age 19. I decided that I wanted to be wealthy. I went to a lumber mill and worked 80 hours a week. Within a year I had a new car and moved to a luxorious apartment. Anyone could have done what I did, but they didn't want to. Working 80 hours a week is hard, but the rewards are beautiful and make it worth it. Most people will never come to understand this, which is why they will stay on the bottom rung of the ladder. There is no cure for this. Governments will never take this system away as there is no other way to become wealthy, except by force. We throw those people in jail.

Some day robots will do the work for us. It could happen sooner than we think.
Juda Ben Hur
2014-12-11 17:02:08 UTC
In my opinion, I believe that a lot of us do not stop and think about the consequences of the choices that we make early on in life. Of course, with age comes wisdom (at least to some of us),.

Now I can't point my finger at anyone, because who hasn't made bad choices (I'm not talking about "mistakes", an example of which would be to lock your keys in your car).?

Having a child without being married can place a huge financial hardship upon anyone who has to face this alone. Also, the absent parent will probably (rightfully so,in my opinion!) will be involved with Child Support Enforcement for the next 18 years.

Therefore, if the absent parent DOES marry someone other than the parent of the child, then that absent parent will be responsible for two households.

Believe it or not, but 'dropping out of school' can affect if one lives in poverty, or not.

The following is something that I copied off of the internet many years ago, and gave to my grandchildren; I think that it has a lot of truths in it: One section in which McDonald's is mentioned is my own thought:


1. Life is not fair. You don’t get the summer off! Get used to it!

2. The real world will not care about your self-esteem as much as your school does. The real world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself!

3. You will NOT make $ 40,000 a year right out of high school. You will not be a vice-president with a car phone until you EARN both. Believe it or not, but you will most likely have to start at the bottom of the ladder before getting to the top!

4. If you think your teacher is rough, wait until you get a boss. He does not have tenure….your boss has to perform, and get you to perform to be able to keep HIS job.

5. Flipping burgers is NOT beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger-flipping. They called it “opportunity” . I worked at the McDonalds (25 hours/week) in ************ for 9 years and 4 months during the same time I held a regular (40 hours/week) job down. For 9 years and 4 months I worked 7 days each week).

6. If you mess up, it’s NOT your parent’s mistake! Don’t whine about your choices (some people call them “mistakes”, but they are actually CHOICES, because you made them). Learn from those choices!

7. Before you were born, your parents weren't as DUMB and STUPID as they are now. They got that way paying your bills, cleaning your room, and listening to you tell how idealistic you are. So before you save the rain forest from the blood sucking parasites of your parents’ generation, try de-lousing the closet in your own room!

8. Your school may have done away with “winners and losers”, but the REAL WORLD HAS NOT. In some schools, the administration has abolished failing grades. They want you to fell “good about yourself” and have high self esteem. Who cares if you can’t do the work, as long as you feel “good about yourself”.


9. Television is NOT real life. Problems are not solved in 30 minutes or an hour. You have to work on them!

10. Be nice to nerds; chances are you will end up working for one! Ever heard of Bill Gates? Of all those people who use to laugh and make fun of him……..guess who has the last laugh now? Whose net income (AFTER taxes) do you think is now approaching $ 2,000,000 (that’s TWO MILLION DOLLARS) PER DAY. . . . . that’s right. . . per DAY!

11. Think smoking makes you look “cool”? Try running a mile, and then catch your breath by breathing through a straw. That’s the way you will be breathing after 20 years of smoking! It’s not very “cool” to be dragging around a little oxygen bottle on a cart, having to breathe through plastic tubes running through your nose!

12. Pierced body parts make you look moronic. . . . . . try going for a job interview with a ring or bone through your nose, and see how quickly you get hired!
2014-12-11 08:37:33 UTC
Start with opportunity. Even at birth, your mental and physical development can be severely and irrevocable hindered by being born into poverty. Actually, before birth, as development in the womb happens.

Then after birth, well, try Sam Vimes's theory of Economic Injustice.
2014-12-11 07:49:39 UTC
One answer Capitalism
2014-12-10 23:15:29 UTC
because you have a negative mentality and call yourself poor. you'll be surprised how far optimism can get someone in life. if you stay in a slump and think negatively you won't achieve anything.
Somebody with many questions
2014-12-10 22:52:00 UTC
that's because rich ppl get to kiss *** spoon feeding private schools, very expensive colleges.
2014-12-10 22:31:40 UTC
It is hard to to poor people to escape poverty specially when you are lack of education and lack of opportunities in this competitive world. But i do not believe it is hard to escape because i EXPERIENCED IT. Do you want to know my SECRET? I am poor from province, I work in the city and I am a working student, I have a dream and motivation in life. I have a plan, a goal that motivates me and I am proud to say, I graduated my college education after 1 week I got a good job until now I am fortunate and I am not poor anymore.
2014-12-10 17:23:08 UTC
I think it is the reason of thought. Getting rich starts from better thought.
2014-12-10 10:40:55 UTC
Food Stamps, EBT, Tax Money, are you ******* kidding?
2014-12-10 09:25:22 UTC
Because poverty is a cycle.

Being poor is expensive.

For example, when you're poor you buy that cheap $10 toaster rather than the better made $30 toaster because you don't have the extra $20 for that better toaster.

Well, of course the $10 toaster breaks down much sooner than the $30 toaster.

So where the $30 toaster may have lasted for years. You're instead paying for a new $10 toaster every few months.

For example, you don't have the gas to go across town to Walmart or whatever the cheapest grocery is.

So instead you go to the local grocery store.

Where everything is more expensive.

So you buy less.

For example, when you get your paycheck it almost all goes to bills.

Followed by basics

Followed by groceries.

You don't have anything left over because what is left over goes towards fixing what was an issue last month that you couldn't pay for because all of your money was spent fixing what was wrong the month before.

The car needs to be repaired, you need new shoes because your old ones are worn out, the microwave broke, the refrigerator is on the fritz, etc.

Made even harder by the fact that you can't afford to insure anything. Sometimes even things that legally have to be insured go uninsured for longer than they should.

Really, it isn't that hard to figure if one really takes a step back and thinks about how we run our country.

Most financial advice is geared toward people who already have money. Who have money to save at the end of the month. People who aren't working two or even three jobs and watching it all vanish by the end of the month. People who aren't dumpster diving to feed their kids, or not sleeping in hopes of bringing enough money home to keep a roof over their children's heads.

Of course, there's also the most obvious issue.

Small problems for someone with money isn't a small problem for someone without.

Every little issue becomes magnified. One problem leads to a domino effect.

Not being able to pay a bill one week leads to a bill four times bigger by the time someone has the money to pay the initial bill.

Being sick (or a kid being sick) means not having enough money to pay rent, and get groceries, and put gas in the car.

Which can lead to loosing a job, or the apartment, or whatever.

While laziness might be an issue in some cases, I would think it would be rather obvious that it isn't in most cases.

Poverty is horrible. Poverty is a nightmare. Anyone who has experienced poverty wishes nothing good on those who claim that anyone would want to be there.

You'd have to be a low piece of naïve **** to claim that being in poverty is something as stupid as laziness, 'lack of fun,' unwillingness, or whatever other B.S so many people are spewing in these comments.

If any of what they were saying was true, then how is it that so many people are working two or three jobs and not getting out of poverty? How is it that most of the U.S is currently in poverty? Such moronic bile does not in any way or form reflect reality of who is poor and who is rich in this country.
2014-12-10 09:10:31 UTC
2014-12-10 06:02:59 UTC
Because you have to work hard to be successful. America gives a person every opportunity to succeed. Take it or leave it.
2014-12-09 22:37:32 UTC
Most of these answers are making me sick to my stomach. If this is the mind set of America it is no wonder we are just screwed. I started working at 13, waiting tables. Ive been waiting tables for 40 years. Thankfully I always had food for my children. I've never had medical insurance, therefore have always been in debt with medical bills. I've worked my share of 16 hour days 7 days a week. Thankfully I had a uniform so I didnt have to buy myself clothes. That being said.. I know poverty. I have a horrible time doing anything else but working. I dont know how to relax like most people do.

I have never owned a newish car, or anything else of value.

I didnt know how to invest, I didnt know there was such a thing. I've had wealthy boyfriends for a very short time but would break it off because I felt so inferior.. even if they told me I was smart and gorgeous.

At 54 years old, I know that now. I may have another 20 years to get my **** together.. I dont know since Ive been unemployed for a year, because I dont want to work? Hardly!

How about some suggestions from all you smarty pants that call us lazy or drug addicted.

How about sharing knowledge of investing or teaching an impoverished youngster how.

Thankfully I am learning.. but look what its taken. I am very willing and able.

Someone like you Jared W. What have you done to help the poor? Have you donated your time and money or just your loathing and disgust.
2014-12-09 17:12:18 UTC
Meth and Ap Chem
2014-12-09 13:40:18 UTC
It takes money to make money. Even winning lottery tickets cost something. A surer way to make money cost more to invest, first. As a kid, YOU didn't have to pay for it, but it DID cost money to start up your first lemonade stand.
2014-12-09 09:25:13 UTC
Because "the game" is rigged. You need money to make money.
2014-12-09 08:48:49 UTC
On a small scale some people are in poverty because of bad habits, etc. But that in no way accounts for the MILLIONS of children and adults that die of hunger and in poverty each day. Poverty is not a natural occurrence, it is man made due to greed and selfishness.
2014-12-09 08:26:44 UTC
2014-12-09 06:24:16 UTC
LBJ once famously said-when he instituted the "great society"--that this would keep them voting democrat and on the welfare plantation for 200 years. That's why
2014-12-09 05:53:17 UTC
Well maybe because no matter how hard they work, they just can't get enough money, or when people on the streets ask for money, nobody is willing to give them some.
its me
2014-12-09 05:12:36 UTC
because they dont think becoming wealthy or moving up is possible and they rather not try. they are so used to they lifestyle that they dont even care
2014-12-11 19:16:59 UTC
Learn to MANAGE money. You don't have to buy just because you have money. How many clothes do you need? How many shoes etc. It is better{for me} to know that I could have a new car if I wanted one, while my 11 year old car is running and looking fine. Money means freedom. A paid up mortgage means less outgoing. My favorite place is the Public Library- it's a wonderful place. Stay away from Casinos and Bingo Parlors. I love the Stock Market ;
2014-12-11 10:03:42 UTC
Because when I invest in 100,000 shares of GooG and stock goes up 2% I get paid and when you (poor person) have 1 share of GooG it goes up 2% you get your stock brocker feez back. Den I get hose and I get dey money and you have to try to get my hose den I take yo money. Mo Money Mo Money Mo Money!
2014-12-11 05:51:21 UTC
it really depends wherabouts in the world you live, for example, in developing countries like Ethiopia people are stuck in what is called, "the poverty cycle" its incredibly difficult to get out of becuase of all the different factors such as corrupt government and natural disasters. if this was what you were asking i reccomend you look up the poverty cycle However, richer countries, i have no idea. Except for when your homeless, i dont understand how poor people cant move up the ladder. I believe homlesseness is an exception bc many people wont hire a scruffy looking vagabond.
2014-12-11 03:41:42 UTC
because of the rich Ahls...
2014-12-10 22:45:53 UTC
It's hard for poor people because of the rich as a class.

Rich people as a CLASS have enslaved most everyone by

re-branding slavery as a "job"

and turning the entire economy into their private CASH MACHINE.

People hate that the ecosystems and society are running ragged under rich class rule.
2014-12-10 19:33:18 UTC
Mosty because they do not know what to do about it.
Rizza Lyn
2014-12-10 18:54:24 UTC
First reason:

This is because they easily feel contented with the small amount given by the corrupt government officials. They feel satisfied for few money given to them ( I am basically talking about vote buying) and the promises which are always meant to be broken. If people will just choose the right government officials, this may not really eradicate poverty but at least will lessen their great number.

Second reason:

They are afraid to take risk. Since they are poor, they think that it will always be their situations where in fact, there are so many opportunities out there. Life is something that you need to play. You will not win unless you'll take a risk.
2014-12-10 17:42:52 UTC
Because all the business owners have managed to deny growth to their employees.

They keep the profits for themselves and make every job a dead end job, regardless

of how many years of faithful service a worker has .
2014-12-10 11:49:22 UTC
Lack of knowledge and So much dependency.
2014-12-10 09:06:23 UTC
believe it or not no condition is permanent, it's a question of mindset more so than anything else. my mentor Les Brown often said, there's no lack of opportunities, only lack of Mindset...which mean we are living in a world of abundance open your mind to the opportunities that are around you and surely abundance will flow into your life. in other words, the life you live is the life you choose!
2014-12-10 06:55:49 UTC
idk because your to lazy to get up and work
2014-12-09 23:15:56 UTC
When you are poor, you tend to associate with poor people. If a person with riches lives among poor, many will covet and steal from him.

So every time the poor person gets riches, other people demand their share
2014-12-09 23:08:44 UTC
Belief system and lack of knowledge. Knowledge is wealth and the power of personal beliefs can hold a person down or lift a person up.

A person who has never known anything but poverty can have a very difficult time believing that wealth is relatively easy to obtain through honest means. .

Also, many people living in poverty are too proud to apply themselves at learning and at work. In these cases, ignorance and laziness are the curses that causes their poverty. It becomes a generational curse. These people are proud of being ignorant, uneducated and unemployed...

This old saying is so true:

"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for life."

Some people don't want to learn, they just want a free fish today.

This old saying is just as true:

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"
2014-12-09 19:09:45 UTC
cause rich people pay very little for work
2014-12-09 19:04:09 UTC
2014-12-09 18:18:42 UTC
Stress releases cortisol, and lower socioeconomic status is associated with higher levels of cortisol, cortisol is toxic to the whole body and is linked with brain cells degradation as well as many other bodily ailments such as:

-Cortisol works with epinephrine (adrenaline) to create memories of short-term emotional events; this is the proposed mechanism for storage of flash bulb memories, and may originate as a means to remember what to avoid in the future. However, long-term exposure to cortisol damages cells in the hippocampus; this damage results in impaired learning. Furthermore, it has been shown that cortisol inhibits memory retrieval of already stored information.

-Stimulates hepatic detoxification by inducing tryptophan oxygenase (reducing serotonin levels in the brain), glutamine synthase (reducing glutamate and ammonia levels in the brain), cytochrome P-450 hemoprotein (mobilizing arachidonic acid), and metallothionein (reducing heavy metals in the body).

-Cortisol can weaken the activity of the immune system.

-Cortisol reduces bone formation, favoring long-term development of osteoporosis.

-Cortisol also reduces calcium absorption in the intestine.

-Cortisol inhibits collagen.

-High levels of cortisol have been found to lengthen wound healing time in healthy adults.

-Cortisol raises the free amino acids in the serum, decreasing amino acid uptake by muscle, and inhibiting protein synthesis.

-Cortisol counteracts insulin and inhibits the peripheral utilization of glucose.

-Cortisol stimulates gastric-acid secretion.

-Cortisol inhibits sodium loss through the small intestine, thus sodium load augments the intense potassium excretion.

-serum cortisol predicts increased cardiovascular mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

-Increases blood pressure, while in the absence of cortisol, widespread vasodilation occurs.

-Inhibits secretion of corticotropin-releasing hormone, resulting in feedback inhibition of ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic hormone or corticotropin) secretion.

-Causes the kidneys to produce hypotonic urine.

-Shuts down the reproductive system, resulting in an increased chance of miscarriage and (in some cases) temporary infertility. Fertility returns after cortisol levels return to normal.

-Has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing histamine secretion and stabilizing lysosomal membranes.

-There are potential links between cortisol, appetite, and obesity.

so basically, most of the poor are systematically overly disadvantaged from their birth!
Trust D
2014-12-09 09:31:42 UTC
The notion of being rich and poor are relative states. No matter how much everyone tries there has to be poor ones to benchmark the rich.
2014-12-09 09:27:57 UTC
Because....a loaf of bread costs the same whether you earn a lot or a little....think about it. Food costs a much larger proportion of poor people's wages than the rich. The same goes for gas, electricity, water and all the rest. They scrape buy hoping the kids won't grow out of their shoes too quickly...constant worry.

Poor people cannot, therefore save any money and spend their whole lives just making ends meet as we say in the holidays, no way of buying a property...just constant drudgery...often live in areas of low employment opportunities.....very difficult to break the the children tend to live in the same way.

It is very depressing.
2014-12-09 08:54:09 UTC
im sorry to say again its moyseh
Adullah M
2014-12-09 02:19:15 UTC
The capitalliusm design in this way that the poor get pooer and the rich get richer and richer.

So the poor people need helps from the rich people ,to pay their poor rates for them but this kind of government is in opposition to the capitallism, who control economy of the West an disguise as Democracy.
2014-12-11 22:21:51 UTC
2014-12-11 20:14:02 UTC
They are too damn lazy
2014-12-11 15:42:26 UTC
Just finished the book Living Poor and he points out that many of the world poor are underfed as children and have lower intelligence. This partly explains why they cannot think their way out of situations. In America and Canada many natives are fetal alcohol damaged. It is a disaster.
2014-12-10 22:30:54 UTC
2014-12-10 18:58:38 UTC
Take a car as an example. When you drive an old, used vehicle in attempt to save money, it might be a little unstable. When something breaks, you can't afford to replace the car with a more stable one, so you get it repaired. Eventually, you might plug more money into the car than you would have spent on a new car.

Little things like that can get in the way. Sometimes saving money costs money. It's difficult to move up the ladder because there's only so much money in circulation-- and without a lower class, there is no middle class.
2014-12-10 15:27:07 UTC
Because it's hard to find a free ladder.
2014-12-10 15:06:36 UTC
Patriot !
2014-12-10 11:53:22 UTC
...because "they" are Stupid !
2014-12-10 01:46:22 UTC
Am a small businesses owner and it's what you think is poverty and what is right is bullshit. People say all the time that they are poor and it's not fair. Most of you people have a roof over your head and have freedom to go on the dole and find a job that you like. And most people on this got to go to school. Alot of people don't have the freedom that we have so be happy for that. If you want to be rich find a gap in the market and fill it.
2014-12-09 19:20:46 UTC
mainly because its society and how you grow up some people just don't achieve large scale riches
2014-12-09 19:00:37 UTC
2014-12-09 11:59:18 UTC
because, there is the way u want things, then there is the way things really are. see its just the way it is!
2014-12-09 08:44:25 UTC
Many have no incentive to move up the ladder, they make a fine living mooching off of productive, useful members of society via welfare, wic, afdc, subsidized housing, energy assistance, eitc, stinkbomba phones, food stamps, etc. Many are 3rd generation (or more) womb to tomb welfare recipients.

Others are victims of the miserably failing Keynesian economic model that the present administration subscribes to (despite a perfectly consistent record of miserable failure every since it has been initiated) The sad thing about it is that many of the people in this category continue to vote for the marxist-socialist policies of the demoncraps, despite that record of failure
2014-12-09 08:20:57 UTC
racism and white privilege
2014-12-09 06:40:29 UTC
Because they are paying for the sins of their parents. To all of you who may read this, when you spend money on weed, beer, drugs and other trinkets (****) instead of sending your kids to a better school because you know the school around you to be **** because it's poor, your kids will be poor and struggle to escape. Cumming in a women without thinking about the consequences, this may lead to your kids being poor and struggle to escape and statistically single moms make less money. Taking cash benefits for the listed above (drugs, beer, smokes) instead of saving and buying a car which will get your kids to college, job, etc, your kids will be poor and struggle to escape. This ones a real killer in terms of life chances, having to go along with the behavior of the losers around you (family friends, etc) to feed your emotional needs because you live in the ghetto and cant make friends with decent people, this will defiantly keep your kids poor and have them struggling to escape. This one is usually the death nail.

Credibility: white male who grew up poor, beat all this bullshit, and attends Harvard.

If the people around you wether it be family, friends, boyfriend, girlfriend, and most importantly parents and siblings don't support you or try to degrade you wanting a better life for yourself you have to remove them out of your life as quickly as possible. You are better offer on a friends couch who cares about you then to be around ANYONE who does not.

Excuse any grammatical errors.
2014-12-09 00:49:38 UTC
Lack of education and poor people get choked to death and shot on the way to work sometimes but it is possible if u take the train and can avoid getting stopped and frisked on the way there.
2014-12-08 20:36:35 UTC
2014-12-08 17:44:17 UTC
Depends on where you are at. In non-US countries, castes systems prevent it. In the US people have forgotten to work for their kids futures and instead want instant results. The only way to do this is by stealing ... or working for the government. But they think the riches that others have gotten were just given to them when they fail to realize some people spent years working 60 to 80 hour weeks getting the things they have. instead of parties in college they were pulling all-nighters AND working jobs. But the ones who want to TAKE don't see this. So they need to bring the rich DOWN to their level instead of trying to raise their children up the ladder.
2014-12-08 17:38:30 UTC
Its not. They are accustomed to a different way of life (welfare) therefore, they do not make the right choices to succeed. Whereas people who have been born and raised rich, have been taught what to do to suceed
2014-12-11 18:48:05 UTC
Because they're poor, duh. Of course they can't escape poverty nor do they know how to spend money if they ever do become rich because they weren't raised in a rich family. Of course, rich people's offspring can be sometimes be compared to trailer park trash.
No Black Box
2014-12-11 17:14:00 UTC
Some people lack drive. It is possible but one thing makes it harder on all of us. That thing is called GOVERNMENT.
2014-12-11 07:09:41 UTC
Poor could mean poor because of lack of ambition and family values. I have pity for this and I am for applied wakening in a stern manner. However there are poo that are poor because of misfortune or handicap, that need help and understanding.
2014-12-11 00:27:44 UTC
Poor people are too busy working for their bread and butter. They don't look up or out to admire the wealth of the day tht stirs the unthinkable in wo/men. If they do, they only do to ask why and then tremble with worry as they make their hearts small again and they cover their eyes from anything tht interrupts their survival overdrive, and when tired its anything to keep them from picking up crumbs of spilled dreams of the open because it sustains the little life left in them. Poor people are poor because they keep their expectations small, dealing with issues like a grandmother watching the tv too close to screen.
2014-12-10 18:28:08 UTC
It's hard for poor people to escape because when you are poor all your bills add up and every time you get some money you use it all on your bill which may keep adding up.
2014-12-10 06:56:34 UTC
It is easy for the victorious to call the loser lazy, incompetent, or unmotivated and claim s/he does not want to make the effort to change. But which is harder: making the effort to change or making the effort to understand someone we think needs to change?
2014-12-10 04:34:40 UTC
I am not wealthy, but I can consider myself lucky to live in a relatively safer area with food to fill my stomach daily and can afford to take time to relax with my family.

I would still be wondering about your question right now if I hadn't found this article a couple of months ago. It will provide you with a more sound explanation of how and why decisions made by the "poor people" make perfect sense to them--as it was written by a person who is on that side of the spectrum.

So this is a couple of paragraphs from her piece published now in Huffington Post, LA Times, and The Guardian. Excerpt:

"Why I make terrible decisions, or, poverty thoughts

There’s no way to structure this coherently. They are random observations that might help explain the mental processes. But often, I think that we look at the academic problems of poverty and have no idea of the why. We know the what and the how, and we can see systemic problems, but it’s rare to have a poor person actually explain it on their own behalf. So this is me doing that, sort of....

...We have learned not to try too hard to be middle class. It never works out well and always makes you feel worse for having tried and failed yet again. Better not to try. It makes more sense to get food that you know will be palatable and cheap and that keeps well. Junk food is a pleasure that we are allowed to have; why would we give that up?

We have very few of them."

It is an honest take on why they make such decisions. It is not that they don't want to escape their current situation. It's just that, as the author of the essay Linda Tirado has written:

"We know that the very act of being poor guarantees that we will never not be poor. It doesn’t give us much reason to improve ourselves. We don’t apply for jobs because we know we can’t afford to look nice enough to hold them. I would make a super legal secretary but I’ve been turned down more than once because I “don’t fit the image of the firm”, which is a nice way of saying “gtfo, pov”. I am good enough to cook the food, hidden away in the kitchen, but my boss won’t make me a server because I don’t “fit the corporate image”.
2014-12-10 01:57:56 UTC
Poor people lack the means to escape poverty. Without such improvements in services, freedom from illness and freedom from illiteracy - two of the most important ways poor people can escape poverty - will remain elusive to many.
2014-12-09 21:21:02 UTC
Because poor people are lazy and rich people are hard working.
2014-12-09 21:04:05 UTC
it isnt hard. Change the mind and the body will follow
2014-12-09 16:26:11 UTC
The problem is poor people, people without money do not know how to handle it when they do have money. Throughout your entire childhood you are hearing that money is the root of all evil. Money doesn't grown on trees. and a lot of other junk about the wealthy. You need to get rig of this thinking. Reprogram your mind. Start off with positive affirmations on a daily basis. Then you can also try some subliminals like those found at or but you can also get this stuff for free on Youtube
2014-12-09 15:13:12 UTC
because of racist discrimination, a man who has a different color than the boss, is usually racially discriminated and dismissed sooner or later.

poor people dont have the money to go to college or university and stay poor and they get only the dirty jobs.
Raging Tranny
2014-12-09 13:40:08 UTC
Because unlike crime, honesty doesn't pay round these parts.
2014-12-09 11:48:12 UTC
I don't think it's so hard...look at Alan Sugar for example. he came from nothing, no education, no money, and yet he's one of the richest businessmen in this country
2014-12-09 10:52:36 UTC
I noticed that in historical terms it is always the so called poor or the common working man that does the fighting of its bloody wars in the name of that fat ugly ***** Queen Elizabeth
2014-12-09 10:51:06 UTC
Jobs being hard to apply for
2014-12-08 20:52:40 UTC
Because they are too stupid to move to where their skills are an asset.
2014-12-08 19:50:19 UTC
I'm sorry but how do you expect me to work 80 hours a week let alone 100 hours a week. Sorry I'm not working that hard just to not get thrown out of my house and neither are other people. Don't say that people who don't want to work 100 hours a week are lazy because they aren't. Look at the wage crisis as poor people get poorer. Its unreasonable to expect someone to work that long or hard just to get out of poverty. I'm not doing that just so some lazy fat boomer. Sorry I and other people are not going to work 100 hours a week nor 80 hours a week because some dick head feels like I worked hard and earned what I got. Its not that easy to get out of poverty. I should not have to work 80 hours a week just to have a car and house and other things that I need when boomers were able to work part time and have all of those things and still live comfortably. We have devalued our currency which has made it impossible to get out of poverty for many people.
2014-12-08 19:35:46 UTC
It is not hard to do in fact anyone can improve thenselves and their situation in life,it just takes a bit of determination and will power,first of all poor people turn to either drink or drugs to help them forget the position that they are in,instead of drinking it away,try saving for the future of excapeing poverty,do not spend on unecassery things that you dont kneed,put it in the bank and don't be tempted,if you can save only a £5 a week it soon builds up that is £480 in the first year if you can double that weekly saving you,you dounle the figure at the end of the year,yes I know it is hard,do not have a credit card,or borrow money,and as the savings build up you are on your way ok.
2014-12-08 19:19:28 UTC
It is not hard to do in fact anyone can improve thenselves and their situation in life,it just takes a bit of determination and will power,first of all poor people turn to either drink or drugs to help them forget the position that they are in,instead of drinking it away,try saving for the future of excapeing poverty,do not spend on unecassery things that you dont kneed,put it in the bank and don't be tempted,if you can save only a £5 a week it soon builds up that is £480 in the first year if you can double that weekly saving you,you dounle the figure at the end of the year,yes I know it is hard,do not have a credit card,or borrow money,and as the savings build up you are on your way ok.
2014-12-12 06:11:59 UTC
Because they don't get the chance to do so.
2014-12-11 19:00:36 UTC
It has a lot to do with someone environment shaping their attitude.
2014-12-11 16:42:27 UTC
2014-12-11 10:28:14 UTC
Ease of deception and the difficulty of truth.
2014-12-10 23:15:47 UTC
Several reasons -- The same system that encourages greed and materialism in the rich encourages jealousy and laziness in the poor. Also the educational system keeps them down, because rich people can move to better school districts or go to private school or even home school, but poorer people just have to go to the school in their neighborhood, which is generally crap because no one is looking out for them.
Sunday Crone
2014-12-10 20:15:22 UTC
IT is totally possible but how have to have a goal and be willing to focus on that goal and be willing to work very hard to reach it,
james h
2014-12-10 15:49:15 UTC
Sometimes it is all in the way you are brought up I know 3 generations of welfare and food stamp families it starts with the parents . Some people just are not smart enough or have the knowledge to make it in this world . Then I know older folks who only went to the 7 th grade and are very well off in their retirement years because they were smart with their money .
2014-12-10 14:42:37 UTC
There are many of the reasons behind it.I know that sometimes peoples are grow but mostly poor peoples does not grows up. I think that 60% of the peoples doesn't escape poverty because of their poor situation. They haven't so much opportunities like rich peoples.
2014-12-10 14:26:10 UTC
plenty of people work hard and get by the best they can. people are not poor by choice .
2014-12-09 22:00:37 UTC
because economic condition
2014-12-09 12:45:05 UTC
It is hard because many people did not have an opportunity to go to university as it is very expensive and jobs are hard to get many try but it does not work out. As well as not all poor people are lazy same are yes but if someone is sick and not in the position to find work or the work earns very little money. You can try hard and change attitude but in some country some do not have the opportunity of school so how can this help???
2014-12-09 12:34:02 UTC
It takes three things to move up the social ladder. 1) Education 2) Money 3) Acceptance in a group, friends.

The rich make sure the poor have none of these.
2014-12-09 11:16:40 UTC
it is easy but jobs hard to come at times like me i need a job cant get any in jamaica and see alot over sea would love toget one for 6-8 months
2014-12-09 08:44:40 UTC
Ever notice how poor people are constantly saying they have to "support their kids"? STOP MAKING BABIES YOU CAN'T AFFORD!! The wealthy have 1.3 children on average and not until an average age of 30. The average among the poor is more than twice that high and they start at a very early age. Look up how much it costs to raise a child and you'll see why the poor stay poor. The $1,000,000 to raise a child would make you wealthy. If the rich had tons of babies, they wouldn't be rich. It's very, very simple.
Christine P
2014-12-09 08:38:18 UTC
There are many reasons, far too many to write here. But I do believe there is a mixture of lack of opportunity, lack of knowledge, lack of "motivation" etc. I think in some instances some people don't even believe it is possible to progress up out of poverty, some don't even seem to see why it is desirable as they can imagine no other existence. If you grow up in poverty, your friends and family are there,you follow that track, it's what you know and you have no one showing you otherwise.

Others don't understand the basics of what an education can really do for you. They don't have a role model for hard work and persistence They don't understand delayed gratification or the concept of saving and investing. They just know they want a big screen TV, a certain smart phone, a particular car, or a particular pair of shoes. Or in the case of others they haven't even been able to satisfy more basic needs like safety and shelter so it's hard to think further than that. Some may grasp the need for education, but too late...they squandered their basic education at an early age and it's even harder to achieve things once that's gone. (if your concern is where to get tonight's dinner or how to avoid violence at school tomorrow you focus on the immediate solution not that BA in economics that will give you a middle class or better lifestyle)

For many of those who fall in this description...their immediate cultural environment of poverty is the influence that holds them back to a great extent.

While these people missed out on having great role models, a good education, etc. others miss out on good health which sets them back. Disability and illness can set you back financially and put up barriers as far as achievement. To be perfectly honest there are people out there with mental illness and others that just inherently aren't that intelligent and can't achieve at the same level as least not without a lot of hand holding and assistance. It's not their "fault", it's genetics, injury, etc.
2014-12-09 07:51:59 UTC
Choosing to quit schooling, joining the local gangs to be "cool", and not wanting to be "like whitey", all of which are correlated with the absence of any family structure, are the most obvious, and probably most sigificant, reasons. "Whiteys" are NOT responsible. Ask yourself if YOU would deny a black person a chance if you were in a position to decide this. I assume the answer would be "yes" if the black person had the qualifications (and did not have some of the disqualifiers such as drug abuse); what makes you think others would feel any different. You CAN"T take the position that whites get preference; exactly the opposite is true in MANY sectors of today's work-a-day world, blacks actually being given preference (of course this is predicated on the assumption that the person has the requisite skills). Those that continue to insist our society is "deeply racist" as one famous government person claimed recently are simply seeing the ideology they wish to see and not reality.
2014-12-09 06:37:56 UTC
Because they do not understand that they must work together to rid themselves and their oppressor of oppression.

The system words against them because it is not created of, by, or for them.
2014-12-09 01:50:36 UTC
Because poor people are born with disadvantages that rich people don't have. Rich children get better education, their jobs are part time /extracurricular, if they even have them, and their parents have connections. They have more time to focus on their future rather than focusing on their present survival. Poor people are born into families that are focused on survival. There is no money for college and there is often less of a parental influence on the child because both parents are usually working. High school often ends with getting a crappy job somewhere. Sure poor people CAN make it, it is just exponentially more difficult for them. If you took 2 exact people, put one in a rich family and one in a poor family you know that the rich one will always do better because of opportunities. Poor people who make it big are usually exceptional and rare
Alan NE
2014-12-08 22:50:45 UTC
They couldn't because they dont have enough way to do that!
2014-12-08 18:09:19 UTC
2014-12-12 04:45:26 UTC
First of all, I am a black man and I am a witness to being poor and living in poverty,am I won't bore you with how and when it all begin.all my life I have listen to how the white man has keep the brother man down,but at the same time as a young black man I am taught to survive the best way I can , not to mention without both parents in you life to teach you and guide you toward the things which is most important in life,education ,to work,save your money and most of all have goals, but when your growing up with only a single mother and no father to guide and support you, your already behind the eight ball, I am speaking about the majority because some young black male/female do escape it and do wonderful.i was taught to hustle from the age of of 6 years old, that lead me to a life of selling drugs and weapons that lead to the prison time,it was either use sports as a way out which I love to play football and I was good at it,but since I was not encourage that school was important and my mother couldn't afford to pay the fee for me to play, I had to think of something else to do,and that was to take to the streets which I found out to be something that came natural to me,but I almost paid with it with my life,I was shoot up at the age of 15 and was on life support for months and once I was finally release from the hospital ,I couldn't afford to go to rehab because my mother had no insurance and I was angry and once I became well again I went back to the street selling drugs,to make it and I was willing to take a life at this point,because they try to take mines,as time went by I was being investigated ,for selling drugs and weapons,they busted me and I have done the time came home homeless in 2005 of June and I suffer for sometime ,but I knew that I didn't want to go back to that life style anymore,so I went back to school well I receive my GED and attended a program that was help people to get their life back on the road and I graduated 2005 June and started a business July 22, 2005 I and in Church and truly thank the Lord for my trials and tribulations ,I have been working for myself for nine and a half years I am not where I like to be because financially I started with no money down and I have no credit like I should but I am on the right road now and it is a fight to get out of poverty but it is worth the fight,the bottom line is that it all began with a good up bringing parents need to encourage the kids to do good and to be a good role model for them teach them the way to go, charity began at home ,let them know how education is important to them,yes their will be obstacles in the pathway,but teach them never to give up,but most important teach them not to judge one another because the color of their skin,because it is the white race that also has been there for me and I am still learning sometime you have to step out the box if your going to have a fighting chance.
2014-12-11 23:02:21 UTC
lol climbing up the ladder is not available for every1. You'd be surprised at how often i c homless ppl asking for work, yes not food but work. There was even a case at a subway where a man was paid by receiving a subway sandwich just for cleaning the floor every night. Y not hire this man permanantly and give him pay? well ppl dont feel comfortable. If you see a homeless man working somwhere close to where you eat u generally move away from him. Even on the streets or on the subway ppl move away from them. Thats just a psych thing tho. Right now there are very few degree related jobs in the US economy vs low wage ones. Ever hear about the idea that your delivery guy might be smarter than you? but some1 has to deliver your mail? Generally there are applicants for every job. If you offer an interview to someone and notice they are unkept they are less likely to be given the job (this point include not just the homeless). Also there are people who are restricted since they dont know how to apply to jobs (ie: dont have a computer). Yes they have access to a public library computer but they dont generally have the knowledge regarding the whereabouts, heck they may not have even known computers were free to be accessed. Some one brought up institutional racism which kind of encompasses the idea here. There are limits to those who have less money. If some1 does find a job but its far away and they cant afford to commute to the interview, it may not be worth it to them to scrape up the money for transportation since they generally look at costs more than benefits and in this case theyd be right to since they may not get the job.
2014-12-11 21:08:06 UTC
It's difficult, it takes a lot of self discipline, you have to have a considerable amount of fight, to get out. There are a lot of things stacked against them. It's even more complicated with issues of limited education, if they are single and have children, which there are many like that. Your talking about people that have to work maybe 2 jobs and go to school, if they have children, it's just plain difficult to do.
sandy d
2014-12-11 16:30:31 UTC
Interest rates set by bankers to keep us down and them on top!!!
2014-12-11 14:38:47 UTC
One of the reasons is because of the employment situation. if a person does not have a good credit account and another person does have a credit account; the person with the credit account will get the job because society and many of these managers feel that they are more responsible. I heard this at a employment meeting.

it is not fair because if the person without the credit report or rating is just getting back on his feet and he has a family and really wants to work; they will choose the person with the credit rating or report.
2014-12-11 11:39:06 UTC
There are two reasons that it is hard for Poor People to escape poverty and the first is factors beyond their own control like greedy executives who give themselves obscene bonuses while they hold their workers down at entry level salaries;but the other factor, is things within their control like the definition of a redneck: "A great deal of money, many hundreds of dollars, that would otherwise have been wasted at the dentist, were well spent at the tattoo parlour". Wasting money on foolish and un-necessary things, as well as alcohol and tobacco and other substance abuse habits, factor into many Poor People's lives.
2014-12-11 10:09:27 UTC
**** all of you
2014-12-10 15:23:14 UTC
Those content with only what is needed to survive are truly happy.
Mr. Yuk
2014-12-10 12:17:50 UTC
Probably because you have to have a little piece of paper that says you know something in order to climb out of poverty. That's hard to get if you make 15k a year. :p
2014-12-10 10:18:11 UTC
Because we choose not to blindly follow the rules those who control the financial system have set up.`

There's a reason they call you sheeple.
2014-12-10 09:16:28 UTC
their thinking..
2014-12-10 07:48:10 UTC
cause no one has ever taught them how to climb. they need a major in rope climbing to do so
2014-12-10 04:03:40 UTC
Well, because I think that once you're born into a certain class, (eg: lower, lower-middle, middle, middle-upper, etc.), that it's harder to work your way out of it unless you really buckle down and work hard.

Now while I do know that you hear about rags to riches stories all the time, it's only because those people have probably worked and worked for years to get where they are.
2014-12-10 02:32:39 UTC
Have you ever lived where people live below poverty?

Have you ever watched what goes on there?

Have you witnessed them try without opportunity?

Have you seen what is allowed into the country to bring to them instead of what they need?

Have you ever had time to pay attention to who is in control there?

Answer your own question.

You have to see it to really get it and then even believe the truth.
2014-12-10 00:04:10 UTC
It's hard because wealth is a tool, no matter how you look at it. Money is a useful tool you could use in order to get to your target. Without having this strong tool, you can't have other tools that could help you to get a progress in this capitalistic world that we live in.
2014-12-09 22:44:31 UTC
lack of money
2014-12-09 10:08:01 UTC
Not IF

1. their goals are realistic

2. They are willing to work for what they want.
2014-12-09 08:24:11 UTC
Because they usually have more rungs to climb. It doesn't make it impossible, though. It just takes a lot of determination and patience.

Some hurdles that they usually have to overcome:

-lower quality of education in poor areas. A person born in wealth can pay for better education (ie: SAT/ACT classes, private schools). Even the public school education is usually better in wealthier districts. What does that have to do with anything? It means that people with better education have a better chance of getting into higher education. What does that mean for people who grow up in lower quality education? It means that they have to find other resources to up their game.

-A wealthy parent has knowledge and experience in terms of how the system is set. They have paved their own path and found a formula that works for them, and thus can give the advice and guidance to their children so that they can also be successful. A poorer parent who has not had the same experience might not be able to give specific advice to their children in terms of education or the corporate world. It doesn't make them worse parents, it just means that the children are usually left to find guidance regarding the specifics of the system from someone else-which isn't always readily available within their reach. (I am also not saying that poor parents are incapable of giving advice.)

-places of poverty are usually high in crime rates, drugs, etc. Children born to such environments can be influenced towards the wrong path because they are exposed to it more often. A person born in wealth are usually not exposed to such influences because they live in safer environments.

-This one is a very minor one, but people born in wealth are able to afford nicer clothes, nicer products for grooming, etc. As much as we don't' want to think this world is so shallow, a person who looks more polished is usually going to be taken more seriously. Of course, I'm not saying that poor people can't look polished. I'm just saying that sometimes it IS a setback.

-Same goes with health. Someone who can afford to be healthy (physically and mentally) are obviously the ones who can go out there and get a job and education.

-Connections. A wealthy parent usually has connections that their child can use. Parents in poverty might not have the same type of connections. Take for example: If a high school student decides to babysit for their neighbors and live in a rich area, then they can be making a lot more money than someone who lives in a poor neighborhood and babysits. A rich kid could be making $50, where a poor kid might be making $5. So already the rich kid has an advantage because of the connections and environment they are surrounded by.

-They don't know what they don't know. They don't always know that other opportunities exist and they don't always know how to get to them or how to ask the right questions or how to get the help/guidance they need. If they grew up in poverty, then sometimes it's hard to see outside of it.

-Lack of resources like reliable transportation and being able to afford transportation to get to job or education opportunities outside of their city/state. They are usually left to make due with what is near them.

-Sometimes people are poor due to uncontrollable circumstances. Parents getting laid off, A parent dying or getting ill (physically or mentally) and medical debt racking up, etc.

There's so much more to add to this list...

I don't ever want anyone to feel as they are victims, but I think it's important for everyone to be more understanding of some of the privileges that people don't have. You or any of us could've been born into poverty. None of us choose our circumstances. We all have setbacks, but some do have more. I will never understand why people choose to sit on their high horses and criticize such people instead of trying to raise them up and help them towards success. Will helping them towards success take away from your own? Will helping them towards happiness take away from your own? I don't think it would.

(apologies in advance for grammar mistakes)
2014-12-09 07:13:07 UTC
I think its easy to say how to avoid poverty when you have never been poor or never had bad thing after bad thing happen.Its sucks to FINALLY get a decent job, get the bills paid so no one is hounding you any more and you can tell Social services you don't need food stamps. Then hubby gets hit with a concrete culvert at work(no work for 6 months),wife has a heart attack(no work till after recovery) or hubby is diagnosed with end stage liver disease and needs a transplant. There is no solution, no "work harder" is going to fix it.
2014-12-08 18:17:27 UTC
In the Philippines, the Congress and gov't are a bunch of CORRUPT, disgusting, insidious persons who have stolen the law abiding citizens' taxes while in office. The widespread poverty is obviously a visible sign of the country's squalor and indigenous conditions. What can the millions of starved, low-paid masses do in the light of the situation? The millions of donated goods, food, medicines that are to be distributed are shelved even stolen by the local gov't units here and some officials who dare not admit their CRIMES. Thus ,the MILLIONS are victims of this catastrophic evil---the United Nations must intervene in the Third World handling of the Philippines and show them the way it should be processed.
2014-12-11 22:53:21 UTC
Because they think that just because they're poor, they can't do anything, but it's the opposite. If only they get up and chase their dreams, then they will have a better quality of life.

I don't really believe the quote "good things come to people who wait", it's like saying that if you want to be a singer, you don't have to do anything about it. You have to wait for someone to discover you. This quote is better: "good things come to people who work hard for it"
2014-12-11 20:05:56 UTC
It's usually due to not using that 6 inches between your ears...a positive attitude can do miricles ( I've seen it ).
2014-12-11 10:54:53 UTC
because they can't afford an expensive education and training
2014-12-11 09:23:34 UTC
You can't really convince them to get over it. You can't really change them or force them having jobs unless they have the willpower to escape it. Not all people become poor out of their decisions.
2014-12-11 00:19:02 UTC
One person put it well: he said 'Inside me I have a black dog
2014-12-10 14:13:40 UTC
Please define "poor people". I grew up in a family that had NO money. At 8 years old I was hunting rabbits and squirrels for food for my family to eat. My mother baked our bread because we could not afford store bought bread. No TV. We read books and stories to each other in the family area. 1 sister and 1 briother. We all three went to college and graduated.I am financially independant and I wish I couold go back to being poor people again. I dont have 200 dollar tennis shoes, I dont have 800 llar phone, yet I see the people you call poor people trying to get up the ladder with fancy phones and shoes driving fancy cars and wearing pants that dont fit. It NOT hard to move up the ladder.......if you really want to.
2014-12-10 09:33:15 UTC
Because they have not enough helping hand in the society.
2014-12-10 08:38:06 UTC
It can be for many reasons such as bad situations at home
S i r i
2014-12-09 16:57:36 UTC
I will tell you why...because hard work and education does NOT always pay off.

A person can have a full college degree and not crack a decent job. Why ?

Because they dont have the connections the rich a$$holes do.

Just look at chelsea clinton...she got a HUGE salary at NBC news

with absolutely NO camera reporting experience.

All because she was the daughter of a president.

That old saying it aint what you know it is WHO you know.
2014-12-09 16:54:27 UTC
Women nailed why with their label, THE GLASS CEILING,

which was invented by one ethnic gender for all others to

peer through but be unable to pass. Those who get that

high do the same work as higher ladder steps with less

respect and earning ability.
2014-12-09 15:30:04 UTC
Because we are not meant to. that is how capitalism works
2014-12-09 14:27:28 UTC
Because moving up the ladder requires a college degree usually. Poor people don't have $50k a year to invest in college. Obama is for tuition assistance, the Cons are not.
2014-12-09 14:07:36 UTC
2014-12-09 10:48:02 UTC
2014-12-09 09:39:33 UTC
no its not
2014-12-09 08:47:56 UTC
Poverty was re elected.
2014-12-09 07:55:03 UTC
Mr M
2014-12-09 07:25:21 UTC
Hard to get education when you are poor, most people in poverty move up the ladder once they goto college etc. Take a look at a lot of first generation immigrants (such as my family) , they come and work minimum wage, possibly on welfare , but as soon as the next generation graduates college they are bank rolling and buying their own houses/cars
Peter Sokolwskyj
2014-12-09 03:35:18 UTC
DEGRADING BIGITORY QUESTION! But IF U insists then move to Sydney Australia and U will learn the ugly secret how evil corrupt councils collaborate with corrupt police in extortion & corruption. Rich crooks and controllers are above the law and cannot be touched let me share my gruesome ordeal......... I had a thriving music shop in Perth WA, and sound hire business making heaps of money and over there I was every one’s hero. 1998 my mother died in Revesby committing suicide on father’s day, that year my family didn't notify me until a year later so they can sell the family home from under me. 1999 I moved to Sydney bought me a mobile home re-applied for DOH sought charity assistance which was my down fall as from then on I could no more get a job anywhere in NSW. It’s called ASSOCIATION and when a person associates to the Salvation Army, Wesley Mission or any other charity of horrors; Sydney has to offer employers shuns them indefinitely; guilty by association. At first I sought private accommodation and visited thousands of flats to rent but I couldn't obtain one of them as Sydney’s real-estate agencies don't give houses or flats to single people but don't tell them, LJ hooker, Ray White etc. Wollongong charged me $20:00 to show me per unit, I saw hundreds but I was rejected by all the owners, I covered the Wollongong region, Campbelltown. Parramatta Liverpool then went off to Gosford. Seen thousands of Flats and Units but not one did I obtain. Corrupt agents charged me to similar fees to drive me to inspect run down ghettos but I was rejected from owner after owner from north to south east and the west. I was living in my bus, police in Wollongong; Gosford Campbelltown fined me for trespassing so many times, the fines accumulated then if I didn’t pay, and threats of losing my driver’s license occurred. At Pleasure point near Liverpool Sutherland cops raided a waterside reserve where hundreds of people living in cars and make shift camps were arrested and vehicles confiscated. Some folks panicked from the cops & swam across the Georges River, were clubbed and battered nearly to death by the waiting Bankstown cops who killed two people that evil story was suppressed & kept secret missing the news while journalists observed. My Toyota bus was taken & impounded; I was locked up totaling me fines to $3750 to get my bus back. There were many of these raids at Cambelltown, Camden Razorback and Wedderburn and Hornsby. At the charities I’m not allowed to mention these events. I had $58,000 in the bank when I sold my assets and belongings to clear Perth. I lost half my money seeking accommodation that I stood no chance to get what so ever. I had thirty three counts of trespass that ranged from $350 to $700 at a time in penalties that money was lost paying fines being unlawfully on private property. I registered for homeless person Wesley Mission who made my life hell with St John’s Church. While waiting for Department housing I was on the list for 22years in the year 2000. Near the Olympic games I was rejected from Wesley Mission, Salvos, Mission Australia for complaining too much and my artworks offended them as I painted their corruption and entered their competitions and made a fool of them as the artworks were fabulous but left me in conflict with certain charities who served stale rotten stale food for money to patrons. I had several food poisoning complaints and the Salvos Street level had me jailed for three days going to health department with the rotten food samples, I was arrested and jailed to deter others it worked. Even Bill Cruise had me charged for trespassing and he too wanted my bus, Some Sydney’s councils were betting on who gets it as the Sydney of City council won. Near the Olympics I was left for dead by the charities, had no place to live. Surrey Hills Catholic church had me arrested for trespassing using their toilets for a crap; four coppers waited outside; I repeated the offense three times; I lived in Ward Park at the time again fines accumulated to $3000 plus costs and the bus was impounded by city council. I had no more money left and was stranded without any help banned from all the missions. I placed a large cardboard box in front of DOH office in Surrey Hills, in the morning the cops came and ordered me away, the following evening I returned but I got sick with the flue and it rained heavily that evening, copped a soaking but never woke up in the morning. Cops came and hurled me about in the park trunching me with clubs near death fracturing my ribs that made world news for the wrong reason and that story made the front page. While I was unconscious I contracted pneumonia and slid into a comma spending some time in Sydney Hospital. The Olympic Games were due to start when this ugly story filled the headlines and made world news. Bob Carr took my case personally and I was the first on the list from his generosity to give unwanted public housing accommodation to the homeless. I had to sign a declaration not to make any complaints against Wesley Mission, Salvos, St John’s or Bill Cruise Ashfield. When I recovered in Sydney Hospital and returned to Wesley Mission I was given a dilapidated Department of housing Home in Redfern that was infested with rats, cockroaches, lice, fleas and severe mould. Poop poured through the bathroom ceiling, in the pipe cabinet waterfalls with green slime runs daily termites infested the home and the mould destroyed my furniture and piano. My home was killing me slowly, I have living mould on my skin asthma and a heart condition. I can’t get treatment as the doctors won’t treat houseos with infections. Department of housing fixed the flat and moved me next door with exactly the same problems. Over the years flats and units in our region were left in dilapidated condition to justify selling them to the rich due to land shortage. When I was in Perth 1998 I topped the state and was chosen the best of the best Bachelor of Arts Visual Arts but in NSW I can’t even get a job volunteering murals for nothing, the best I got was Wesley mission paid me a jar of jellybeans for a big stage mural. I have fabulous PA gear and Karaoke operation but can’t even get a free charity gig as control freaks rule Sydney, I offered free art teaching to charities and the community but I’m not wanted, my art is dangerous because I paint true to life, I’m not only good, I’m a genius but when I paint true to Life in excellence; I am an enemy of the state that makes me an outcast as Sydney won’t tolerate truthful work nor anywhere else in the state and in Abuse art and social Justice I am great. I frighten people everywhere and councils and charities over react where galleries reject me because I frighten the system. I know exactly how to beat corruption…. paint it. I’m the best and that comes at a price. Next I got involved with the notorious Sydney street choir under Peter Lehner and Jonathon Welch both exploited the poor and disadvantaged scamming with dirty ABC all the profits. I spoke out against discrepancies where large amounts money disappeared, embezzled by lehner. Welsh dumped the choir for better prospects and that choir is the utter freak show of Sydney. $30,000 raised at St John’s for the choirs Ilaroo trip by the army band was used to fund his Taiwan, Perth and New Zealand caper. I was the songwriter in the choir; Welsh & Lehner used all my song collections as I had the song collections, used my gear then got rid of me for complaining too much. I was the only person who never got their song in the CD so they used me up, abused me then booted me out, took all my ideas & material and up yours; I’m not allowed to complain U see I’m poor and in Sydney, there is no justice or law for the poor. By being in conflict with the Welsh Camp Peter Lehener supported by Mission Australia who was in control but Wesley Mission backs them up. The Salvation army supports them so does Wayside Chapel and St John’s church all support the welsh Choir. The ABC is power and Vinnie’s is the glory. This is where the control freaks lie. So all this support; Peter Sokolowskyj can leave the state as they are in control, if I sell any art in Sydney. That why the ladder has rungs and control freaks like corrupt councils, rotten police, cruel charities and dangerous choir masters and evil charity leaders get their way so U see pal how I’m screwed and as they say I don’t belong! Move on and that how it’s done, the Rich powerful corrupt rule! There is no hope other than suicide but not for me I will immortalize all this in the greatest artwork ever that will tell my story and preserve it. No use to send pictures I own the best social justice injustice pictures ever as I visit charities with my action cam and I have the best charity abuses ever recorded. Paddo Uni wants a showing of my pics but shortly whole Newtown will experience when I paint publicly my injustice in the street that how I will deal as the net too is corrupt and protects all this evil there is no free speech on line in Australia all is suppressed and controlled. That’s why I can’t move forward up the ladder has been axed to pieces by corrupt rich who go chop! chop! chop! Poor are screwed the price we pay…………………
2014-12-08 17:33:08 UTC
simply because of the so called "POVERTY CYCLE"...
2014-12-11 07:20:00 UTC
Getting a college education doesn't guarantee success and money. I have a Bachelor's degree and a Master's, and still can't find a job that pays well. I am a single parent, working two jobs at 70+ hours a week and still barely making it. I don't live outside of my means. I have a small apartment, my car is 12 years old, and I don't spend money on frivolous things - just bills, food, and whatever my child needs. I'm lucky to have $50 left over after paying for all of my NEEDS, I can't afford WANTS. I go on interviews, and people want you to have multiple degrees, and years of specialized experience to hire you. Companies are selfish and greedy, and instead of spending money to train someone who may be missing one or two "requirements", they would rather hold out for the perfect candidate. Not only that, but companies aren't offering salaries that people can comfortably live off of. They want you to have all of this education, just to pay you a piss poor salary that won't allow you to get ahead. It sucks. I see job postings offering $28,000 salaries but they want candidates to have a Master's degree and 6+ years of experience, plus experience with specialized software/skills. So don't just assume that when people are poor, it's automatically their fault, because that isn't always the case. It's also the fault of this greedy *** country that doesn't want to pay people what they are worth.
Bella B
2014-12-11 05:49:26 UTC
1) Lack of education or opportunities to gain education

2) Lack of career opportunites (because of low education levels).

2a) "Old" manual labour jobs (eg manufacturing or labout) which don't require much education or skill have become limited

2b) Most jobs for those with little education are minimum wage which doesn't lend itself to buying property or shares or building wealth...

3) No exposure to wealth building

4) No purchasing power anyway. Money goes on basics.
2014-12-11 03:59:09 UTC
Because the systeme is ruled by the richest! And those people want to be the most wealthy and important in the world! They do a lot of things to put other cities in poverty! Like rent money they will never get and the will never know to pay back.. and every poor got to work for the richest because of the games that they are playing
2014-12-11 03:19:15 UTC
Kind of hard to climb the ladder of success when you have a greedy few kicking you in the face the whole time.
2014-12-10 19:27:55 UTC
Poor people are passed very miseterable life. Actually they are not educate and cant get any job. So they cant escape poverty and move up the ladder.
2014-12-10 16:37:38 UTC
Maybe, attitude, not willing to use creativity, lack of education, not using foresight, and just thinking they can't. If you don't think you can, than you won't try - right? Sometimes it is partly in how you were taught, and the ability to use resources, properly. If you follow examples that were not terribly good, then the same methods will be used.

But, not everyone without a college education is unsuccessful:

Even those without the essentials such as a complete body can succeed:;_ylt=A0LEVyvr5ohUzbUAY8pXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10LTMwMwRncHJpZAMxTG9jVXZ6bVRFeU9xclE0UkVOWlNBBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwM0BG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzIyBHF1ZXJ5A21hbiB3aXRob3V0IGxpbWJzIG5pY2sEdF9zdG1wAzE0MTgyNTgyOTI-?p=man+without+limbs+nick&fr2=sb-top-search&fr=yfp-t-303&fp=1
2014-12-10 14:42:58 UTC
they most likely havent had a good education
2014-12-10 12:47:19 UTC
The so called poor have a very different outlook on life , they seem to think that drink and cigs are more important than saving for a better life . Most have a death wish about getting on in life , They hate people with money so why become one of them . In the work place there is a hatred of a boss so why become one of the hated supervisors . Sorry but most of them have only themselves to blame ..They vote in a Labour government that lets in all the immigrants giving them the houses that the workers should be getting but paying such stupid rents to the new comers that the people with money bought every available house knowing they could rent it out to an immigrant and the Labour government would pay the rent . So don't belly ach about the cost of housing because you the Labour voters made it what it is .
2014-12-10 12:14:07 UTC
Cut to the quick! Lack of Education!
2014-12-10 11:12:01 UTC
because we poor as ****
2014-12-09 13:34:24 UTC
because no one give them a chance
2014-12-09 13:11:02 UTC
because they don't get treated the same and cant get the same jobs as normal people, like my mom says: money makes more money
2014-12-09 10:38:20 UTC
They make it seem hard, but in reality anyone can get out of poverty by thinking it's not for me and I need to upgrade my situation.
Elyse Rose
2014-12-09 09:10:41 UTC
Live on the street for a year .. you will answer that question with flying colors .
2014-12-09 07:54:01 UTC
It's 100% possible, but it is just not fun. Fun is the word I think that you are looking for. In a free market anyone can get up the ladder, but it is not fun to do, which is why many people become content with their poverty and lean on the government for help.
2014-12-09 07:04:47 UTC
Depends what you mean by poor.Some benefit recipients get so much money that it's not in their interests to get a job but they are still classed as "poor"
2014-12-09 05:28:17 UTC
They need to be focus in education and goals. Good luck.
2014-12-08 22:29:10 UTC
Because there is only so much money in the world, and the billionaires have all of it. The billionaires have to part with most of their money in order for poverty to disappear, and they have no intention of doing that, so millions of people have to divide what little resources are left amongst themselves.
2014-12-08 19:41:15 UTC
2014-12-08 17:06:55 UTC
They are uneducated that's why they are in poverty because they have very few skills. There are the ones that have the low paying jobs the jobs that are very crappy jobs. With these poor jobs they cause themselves to live in poverty. They don't have money for anything and it's a vicious cycle. Not only that they don't have the money to spend on their childs education that why for the most part you see lots of generations staying in poverty. In the 21 century the economies are stressing for higher education. In the United States only very few percent of the population can afford to go to college. Poverty is only going to get worst in America unless there is universal education at all levels for citizens. While yes there are some that just are lazy and there are some that are happy with living off the govt. There are some that are motivated and dedicated and work their asses off. A great example of that is my dad he worked 40 hours a week as a cashier raised me and my brother and went to school. Same for my mother. It's hard work and dedication that will get you out of poverty, and luck. Those who stay in poverty are just lazy or unlucky because poverty is a vicious cycle that is hard to break.
2014-12-11 19:08:29 UTC
I do not understand. I paid my way through college with no help. My parents made too much so I could get nothing while they refused to pay a dime. The poor kids got a $25 a semester ride while I worked maintenance up to 54 hrs a week. It was not heir fault and many were my friends but the system gave them a much better chance than me. I had Saturday nights for myself. Poverty gave them a much better chance than I had. I was President of a company at 31 and owned my own at 45.
2014-12-10 19:05:10 UTC
such is life
2014-12-10 18:37:46 UTC
Become an escort. Plenty of people will pay u.
2014-12-10 17:05:11 UTC
One reason is that they continue to live in the same community where their last name is from the wrong side of the railroad tracks.
2014-12-10 14:19:10 UTC
There is a stigma that comes with being poor. Let's say, for example, you get laid off from a nice engineering job. You're out of work for a while, and because you don't want to sit around and cry, you get a job tending bar for a few months. Then the market picks back up and engineering firms start recruiting. You go on interviews, and you try to get back in. The problem is that you've been tending bar for the last several months, and employers see that as a red flag.

Poverty is a vicious and perpetuating cycle.
2014-12-10 10:48:50 UTC
2014-12-10 10:16:36 UTC
Because of the fact that there's really no upward social mobility. When you consider that most poor people do not have the best school systems available to them that gain state recognition they lose out. Also, I've often heard that students who want to attend college are not greatly informed about financial aide for college and instead just assume they will be unable to afford it. This leaves them to take whatever low paying job is available to them. It's a vicious cycle.
2014-12-09 21:41:37 UTC
I've been on both sides of the fence!! Get a very good education, and you can easily go up that ladder. Keep your day job, and take evening classes at College. Of course, it isn't easy but it is doable. You do not have to be University material, just get a skilled profession, i.e. mechanic, electrician...a trade. No, you won't get "rich", but you can easily have a very comfortable life and not live paycheck to paycheck. Save enough to make a down payment on a house, at least you build up equity, renting is like throwing it in the trash can. We all know how fast a month passes. In this Country you have many options regarding a better education/skill than most other Countries. You need motive, ambition and hard'll see how well you can do.

BTW, learn how to budget your money......infact this is #1 priority. If I make $5,000 a month, but spend 6,000; what good does the $5,000 do me????

Let me make one issue clear. My parents were hard working people, the money did not go for alcohol, drugs or gambling. They did not rely on the Government. There simply was not enough money for 2 adults and 5 children. People are always so fast in judging and blaming others. When I was 6 or 7 I knew I would never be that poor again. Shows you how early in life, a person can get motivated. Visit or read about 3rd world Countries, or even above them, you will then only realize what super terrific options you have in your own Country. Each person is responsible for the decisions they make.....but love to blame someone else every time. SMDH
2014-12-09 21:13:16 UTC
I can think of three reasons.

Reason number one:

poor people socialise with other poor people and they pick up the same bad habits of spending money they don't have as fast as possible even if they have to pay to spend, cash advance, they can't wait, they want things now.

Reason number two:

Mental disorders. many poor people are born with mental disorders that parents ignore during childhood and believe the child is just lazy and don't want to do homework and learn. later the child grows up with depression and start taking drugs and all goes to hell

Reason number three:

poor people like dating big spenders. example, a hot girl with big boobs will find a guy who has money, then the guy wants to keep the hot girl and make her happy and bends over backwards and spends all of his hard working money on someone who only wants money.

another example a nice looking girl dates a big spender who spends all of his money expensive clothes and shoes and at the gym and doesn't help the girl save any money. but the girl's mind is knowing how many girls wish they had HIM!!! so all that money is worth spent as long as other girls want to date her boyfriend.

All those are 3 reasons why POOR PEOPLE cannot seem to escape poverty and move up the ladder =)
2014-12-09 14:58:28 UTC
Because you are not making enough money to become Un poor.
2014-12-09 14:00:11 UTC
The possibilities are 1. They really don't want to live better. 2. Nobody will hire them for a job. 3. They're too old to work. 4. they're just tying to hide who they are, from the world.
2014-12-09 13:36:13 UTC
a lot of different reason
2014-12-09 12:49:25 UTC
there a host of reasons- the one that angers me the most are the obstacles the government puts in their way- mainly over regulation and inflation.

Regulations make it more expensive to start, run and grow a business- this in turn results in a lot of jobs just simply not being created. There are two groups that have vested interest in more regulations- big companies who want to find ways to prevent competition and the regulatory agencies who want more regulations to ask for bigger budgets. Next inflation- it is caused by an expansion of the money supply the biggest sources is the government and fed printing money and deficit spending. If the money supply stayed constant we'd see prices falling
2014-12-09 09:09:02 UTC
Depends on your definition of poor I think. I live on £96 a week and I'm pretty happy with my lot. I don't have gadgets, fancy TV's or foreign holidays, but I have a dog, a family and the internet! I did have a big house, a fancy wardrobe and a cocktail lifestyle, but that didn't make me happy.

When I lost it all, I just changed my mind! It was tough to start with and I felt very sorry for myself for ages, but that turned out to be a waste of time and energy. I eat every day, wear warm socks and make the most of things. If you have kids, that's tough. I was money poor when mine were small, so I just worked bloody hard at anything to put food on the table. I always laugh when I read about needing regular clothing! I'm wearing stuff I bought or knitted 15 years ago!

I wish you and yours well
2014-12-09 05:48:27 UTC
by work and self-confidence there is no thing hard in this life even the poverty , never think what you are in, think what you should do to escape from what you are in =))

N u must thank the past for all the lessons

N tell the future that U R ready ^____^
2014-12-09 01:50:25 UTC
Everyone needs money to get educated. poor people don,t have money to get educated so .............
2014-12-08 22:35:31 UTC
Considering how terrible economic inequality is now, I'd say it's almost impossible to escape poverty if you're from a family and home living in poverty.

Poor people have numerous disadvantages in their lives compared to a upper middle class person and especially a rich one.

1) Where and how a person is raised makes a huge difference. Which would you choose Hollywood,CA or Birmingham, AL?

2) Rich parents can pay for their children to take special educational programs prior to college.

3) Rich people motivate there kids by involving them in sports and other recreational activities in society.

3) Most poor people cannot afford to go to college. If you're not well educated, from a poor neighborhood and have little money it's very difficult.
2014-12-08 17:22:04 UTC
BECAUSE everything requires money nowadays and poor people do not have much money so they usually do not move up, which is sad, but it is how life is today. :(
2014-12-08 15:43:03 UTC
Capitalism and Communism
2014-12-08 14:42:32 UTC
Man that's the same thing i'm trying to figure out
Troy O
2014-12-11 09:40:01 UTC
The poor spend a lot of time blaming others for there situation. So they do not take personal responsibility. Then, since they take no responsibility they stay stuck. Kind of like when someone raises a brat and the parents always tell him it is never there fault when he gets into trouble.

Today it's the gov and media acting as the parents and the child like brats are the poor. "It's not your fault you robbed that gas station it's the police for being racist. It's not your fault your neighborhood is a ghetto, it's the fault of "white flight." Blame the man, the gov, anybody but yourself.
2014-12-11 06:43:06 UTC
Corruption is the major reason behind it. Rich people become more rich through corruption and poor people become more poverty stricken. Also they doesn't fairly fight for their rights. Even they doesn't know that what rights are given to them by government. The lack of awareness is also a big reason behind the poverty.
2014-12-11 04:43:00 UTC
low pay, companies who do not train staff properly and have no model to gain access training for forward thinking! for good communication and to take critical remarks from staff!
2014-12-10 22:40:15 UTC
LOTS of reasons



-their country keeps them down (dictatorship, war, no infrastructure, regulations, etc.)

-lack of education

-lack of availability of education

-no opportunities

-come from a poor family, no good role models

-greedy rich people trying to keep the poor down, to keep away competition 'threats' to their wealth

-cruel people that like to make people suffer (sadists, bullies, mentally ill)

-people who have connections get hired over actually qualified applicants, therefore taking opportunities for advancement away from those who DESERVE it (nepotism, connections, etc.)

-religious ignorance (women are seen as not being allowed to work/get an education, science is rejected not allowing for further education)

Mostly being poor is very expensive. Actually being rich is cheap, since you can AFFORD to pay up front for things and buy in bulk, it's sad. For example if you OWN a washing machine each load is pennies. But if you have to go to a laundromat you spend much more. Also if you buy in bulk the unit price is cheaper.

Also if you want to make money you have to spend money, money poor people don't have. Would you RISK money that you will spend on FOOD to get an education that will MAYBE get you a job?
Hin Long
2014-12-10 22:20:03 UTC
You have to work your butt off to become rich like work 5 days a week.
2014-12-10 07:30:40 UTC
Some people don't want to make the effort and stay where they are.
2014-12-10 03:08:53 UTC
It's not. Every year between 15 and 20% of people born in poverty end up in the middle income brackets. Around the same amount of people born in middle or higher income end up in poverty. The lesson determine your own fate through work ethic and determination.
Jessie James
2014-12-09 22:09:11 UTC
People need to work hard and live as if they are rich. But riches are meaningless as it is better to live a rich life full of happiness and joy.
2014-12-09 19:00:34 UTC
The cycle of poverty has been defined as a phenomenon where poor families become impoverished for at least three generations, i.e., for enough time that the family includes no surviving ancestors who possess and can transmit the intellectual, social, and cultural capital necessary to stay out of or change their impoverished condition. In calculations of expected generation length and ancestor lifespan, the lower median age of parents in these families is offset by the shorter lifespans in many of these groups.

Such families have either limited or no resources. There are many disadvantages that collectively work in a circular process making it virtually impossible for individuals to break the cycle.[2] This occurs when poor people do not have the resources necessary to get out of poverty, such as financial capital, education, or connections. In other words, impoverished individuals do not have access to economic and social resources as a result of their poverty. This lack may increase their poverty. This could mean that the poor remain poor throughout their lives.[1] This cycle has also been referred to as a "pattern" of behaviors and situations which cannot easily be changed.[3]

The poverty cycle can be called the "development trap" when it is applied to countries.[1]

Ruby K. Payne, author of A Framework for Understanding Poverty, distinguishes between situational poverty, which can generally be traced to a specific incident within the lifetimes of the person or family members in poverty, and generational poverty, which is a cycle that passes from generation to generation, and goes on to argue that generational poverty has its own distinct culture and belief patterns.[4]
2014-12-09 18:34:25 UTC
Poor people are poor because they slacked their way through life, and got nowhere. Now they slack a tiny bit less, but it's not enough!
2014-12-09 15:36:10 UTC
there are many factors leading to the seemingly inescapable class into which one is born. the most obvious is the fact that people want to have fun, and to be entertained. that typically costs money, and so people tend to be stuck in their situation, as they follow the same path that led their ancestors to that point which they now occupy.

however it also has to do with the economic system we all accept as the normal state of things, whereby we spend money on "things" to get us by, without advancing our own state.

additionally, the education system we all know and love has done little to advance people beyond just passing them thru the system that is in place. from lowering grading curves to allow more kids to pass tests, to not preparing them for college, to not getting them to the point where they can HANDLE college, it is a sad system in need of a total overhaul. in fact, many European countries actually provide college educations to their people as part of their "taxes at work". they have realized that to grow as nations, they must have smarter people, and so it becomes a necessity, instead of the commodity it is here in the states.

mostly though, it is peoples' inability to break from their rut, to change their lives in a meaningful way, to where they CAN rise beyond their class to a higher tax bracket (beyond just a 3% raise each year). this also has to do with peoples' inability to find their skill. everyone has something they are good at, or that they end up being better at than other things. it took me a while to find mine, and so i am stuck here in poorsville, since i don't have that precious piece of paper that means so much to so many...
2014-12-09 12:14:28 UTC
It is most likely hard because of how the economy is run. Politicians might have a huge contribution to this problem.
2014-12-09 10:49:52 UTC
The simple answer is that in the state of lack which their needs are living means that their needs are not met - mainly money. Without these means to advance, they can't get anywhere.
2014-12-09 06:36:35 UTC
Takes money to earn money
2014-12-09 00:38:14 UTC
As the rules are rich-friendly.
2014-12-08 16:33:18 UTC
they cannot afford the education to get out of poverty
2014-12-13 08:50:19 UTC
Landon donovan
2014-12-08 11:14:37 UTC
Not sure . My dad and mom did it in the forties. Lazy FDR leeches grew into the LBJ leeches.
King Mob
2014-12-09 17:12:16 UTC
Gripping narratives.

The link explains better than I ever could.
2014-12-12 20:32:27 UTC
Imagine life without a car.
2014-12-13 10:48:02 UTC
Because they rap liricss need tha work. Aint nobody got time fo dat
2014-12-08 22:22:08 UTC
Poverty is simply a mindset.....nothing els
2014-12-09 11:02:12 UTC
You have to play the odds, because life depends on luck. But the more you work, the better your odds are.

And working doesn't just mean working when things are going well. Rudyard Kipling wrote: "... watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build 'em up with worn out tools ..."

You have to keep working, no matter what happens, and keep improving your odds, till you get lucky.
2014-12-09 10:34:23 UTC
A commonsense answer is that they lack the wherewithal to better themselves; hence they are in a vicious circle.
2014-12-08 11:15:34 UTC
Democrats keep them down by driving jobs overseas.
2014-12-08 14:39:15 UTC
because people are lazy and don't want to put in the hard work.. they want a handout and everything for free
2014-12-08 11:18:17 UTC
they work long,hard hours and are exhausted at the end of the day.

also, our system is simply not set up to help them.
2014-12-08 16:57:03 UTC
It's only hard if you make it hard.

Generations have done it
2014-12-09 16:05:51 UTC
Stumbling blocks.
2014-12-13 10:13:47 UTC
because this life only rich can live on it no place for poor to live
2014-12-08 23:00:53 UTC
Most of the time, there is a reason why they remain poor and the reason lies in themselves.
2014-12-08 15:12:04 UTC
Lack of education.
2014-12-13 17:46:03 UTC
Ask them what they have done to improve their situation in the last week. You will find your answer there.
2014-12-09 18:40:15 UTC
Here's the answer: STOP BREEDING!! My parents were poor and couldn't get out of it... they had KIDS!!
Free Birdi
2014-12-08 21:50:36 UTC
most poor people have poor health. so its hard to suceed
2014-12-12 16:37:17 UTC
..jsut like for very rich people it is very hard to lose it all / spend it all during their lifetime. why? world is fffffcked up!
postal p
2014-12-08 11:14:05 UTC
The rich like to keep them right where they are.
2014-12-08 11:14:14 UTC
Obama has convinced them they have to rely on him for free stuff.
2014-12-10 23:08:58 UTC although more about countries and not individuals this video helps to show how hard it is when things are stacked up against you.
2014-12-14 19:54:35 UTC
I can't even one answer on my questions
2014-12-08 15:16:39 UTC
You have no experience so you don't get hired, and you don't get hired because you have no experience.
2014-12-14 05:58:13 UTC
They got no cash that's why :(
2014-12-08 13:55:28 UTC
Doubt causes more failure than does risk.
Miles from Michigan!!
2014-12-09 10:35:46 UTC
more than likely, lack of education!! that and the lack of knowing how to speak English!!!
2014-12-08 13:26:40 UTC
Stupid welfare rules that penalize people for earning money.
Reina Baesa
2014-12-10 15:31:11 UTC
Because poverty, in fact, is a vicious cycle.

Let's paint a more or less common scenario here: Say that you have a family living in poverty. How they ended up in poverty could vary from individual to individual. There are too many reasons to name, so let's just settle with them being in poverty. Say the family has a few children. The parents must now work to give them food and shelter, paycheck to paycheck. This leaves no money in excess for the parents to store for the child's future. This also leaves no money for them to have luxuries. The child most likely goes to a bad school in a bad neighborhood and is most likely surrounded by bad influences. Now that we have a scenario down, let's examine how that's going to keep a poor person from escaping poverty.

1. The only priority of the parents is to have the basic needs met. Maslow's hierarchy of needs states that, individuals won't pursue other needs if the basic needs are not met. Your top priority is ALWAYS the basic needs. If you're struggling to have those needs met, you aren't going to think about things beyond them.

2. Poverty mentally leads the adults into frustration. This makes them take bad decisions, for example alcoholism and drug use to help them escape the situation, or domestic violence to vent out their frustration. These things are huge obstacles to moving up the social ladder.

3. So the job they hold isn't great. It pays low and doesn't require any experience. Jobs like these are unstable. The adult is at risk of losing their job. If they lose their job, they're plummeted deeper into poverty. Why don't they get better jobs? Think about it this way... better jobs require education; education takes time. Time isn't something a struggling parent who's trying to make ends meet has, once again, this takes us back to meeting basic needs as a priority.This can be even harder on a single parent. What if they try to force the time out? well if they do that, they could be facing homelessness or sick children. You aren't going to worry about education in times like that, no matter how beneficial it might be in the long run; you just can't afford it.

Do you see how this is going to repeat itself?

Now let's go back to the children..

The children should have a fresh start, they have education and should utilize it to their success, right? Wrong. Poverty is working against them from the time they're born. The keys to a child's success are: Health, Nutrition, Education, and Support. Poverty literally takes a stab at all of these.

Health: Luckily, in America, all children have free health care until they're 18. However, their parents do not. Poor health in a mother's pregnancy will pass over to her child and can effect him for life, or at least, through childhood. If a child has poor health, he is more likely to have interruptions with daily life, school included.

Nutrition: Poor families usually can't afford to eat well. Healthy food is expensive; trashy food is dirt cheap. So a child who lives in poverty is either 1. Not getting enough to eat 2. Getting trashy food to eat. A child who goes to school hungry or malnourished isn't going to do well. in the long run, not doing well in school isn't going to get you into a university, and it sure as heck ain't gonna make you smart enough to earn a full-ride scholarship. So that debunks the whole "work hard in school and get into college through scholarships" myth. And as a bonus, I'll throw in that a majority of full-ride scholarships are given to athletes. However, a poor child most likely isnt involved heavily in sports because they can't get to the sports practices and events and can't afford the gear anyway, so that possibility is tossed out as well. Doing poorly in school is also going to hurt the child's self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Support: A child has to believe that they're worth something. This can be hard for them to imagine when they see their living conditions. Because of frustration and lack of education, a parents might not help in giving the child the self-worth they need to experience. Quite the opposite, the parent may demotivate them. They can hardly find support at school, most of their teachers are taught not to rock the boat, and most of them don't care to, anyway. Also a lot of teachers who most likely come from the middle class, don't understand the living conditions of their students. They often become frustrated with both the child and the parent. So they're no help. What about their peers? This is where it gets fun... a poor child isn't likely to be accepted by their better off peers. They might have unkempt appearances and are unable to follow social trends which isolate them from their peers' living experiences and social circles. So now their peers aren't going to give them support either. Not the good kids, anyway. But you know who is? the "bad" peers. These are their peers which often live under similar conditions or have at least known the same conditions, but have figured out a way to have what others have in not so good ways. I'm talking about gangs. Gangs often form as alliances of minorities who aren't getting what they need from society, and so decide to take it from it one way or another. With a gang, this poor, isolated child is offered acceptance into a "family" (I'm sure you've heard gangs use that term.) and friends. They're also offered ways to get luxury goods and money (by illegal means). Do you see why a gang would be tempting to a child living in these conditions?

By the early adult years, you now have a child who hasn't gotten any of the keys to success, so how are they going to get out of poverty? They're going to repeat the cycle, as their own parents most likely did.

In order for a the cycle of poverty to be broken, most people need an outside force, someone who isn't in the cycle, but very understanding. Adults can look to community resources, they honestly help. (however, it's hard to do this when a lack of education might mean they don't even know such resources exist, and when society is giving them a cold shoulder for looking towards these resources.)

A child can break the cycle by becoming strongly resilient, this too requires the help of a person who can help the child's self-esteem or by playing a strong role model that they child can aspire after. This isn't as easy as it sounds, I can't stress that enough.

Sorry for the super long answer, but you had a super complicated question.

I'm not gonna take the time to call out some of these horrible and badly answers, but you should know that most of the people answering are coming from a different walk of life and have no merit in sociological or political perspective.
2014-12-08 18:21:25 UTC
Two reasons:

1. taxes & regulations make it difficult for people with little money to invest in themselves and their abilities to put forth ways of making more money.

2. welfare makes is more profitable to do nothing then to work to improve their lives.
2014-12-08 11:28:16 UTC
because the tide is against them
2014-12-08 15:00:30 UTC
People are lazy
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2014-12-08 21:56:20 UTC
You will find in good time, you are the wealthier - by far... :D
2014-12-09 09:24:56 UTC
poor people are poor for a reason
credo quia est absurdum
2014-12-08 15:06:22 UTC
That is because _POOR_ is attitude, not economic condition. Anyone can be broke, i.e., out of money but to be _poor_ means that one has adopted the mentality of the victim and has therefore zero amount of ambition or feeling of self-worth.

If a person is just broke, that is fixable; all it takes is a little get-up-and-go to find a job and work from bottom to high on the corporate ladder.

The _poor_ person just sits around, broke also, but doing nothing to better his situation. He wants someone else to take care of him, give money, provide housing, food, medical care, schooling for the children -- IOW, the whole welfare industry .
2014-12-08 15:54:20 UTC
People who usually believe this lie are usually lazy people
2014-12-08 11:30:23 UTC
life is hard...success is harder...consistent success is the hardest of all..
2014-12-10 07:05:21 UTC
society is not letting them to be up .
Super Saiyen Goku 7
2014-12-09 19:38:11 UTC
yeah its really hard
2014-12-09 11:28:09 UTC
it is a viscious cycle
2014-12-08 19:55:28 UTC
Because it is much easier to exist in poverty thanks to welfare
2014-12-16 21:27:30 UTC
2014-12-09 12:16:03 UTC
2014-12-08 11:41:45 UTC
think about it
2014-12-13 12:29:48 UTC
"Capitalism" would be one reason.
2014-12-08 22:31:35 UTC
i know right
2014-12-17 14:13:06 UTC
2014-12-17 13:18:05 UTC
2014-12-17 12:03:49 UTC
2014-12-17 06:16:19 UTC
Warren T
2014-12-09 12:41:15 UTC
2014-12-08 11:15:16 UTC
Thanks to Conservatism yes.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.