Politics: Why do the Elites call for depopulation to solve "global warming"?
2013-06-01 06:22:42 UTC
David Rockfeller calling for global depopulation

NWO Momument in USA calling to keep human populous at 500 million

A Green propaganda film called "No Pressure"(The Mind of a Psyhcopath)

And PLZZZ! Don't give me that puesdo-science that human nature is making the polar icecaps melt, as an excuse for you to spray chemtrails that block out the rays of our GOLDEN Sun!
Really global warming is just a way for more govt regulations, more laws, more taxes, more riasing of taxes, and more Nanny Police State!

FYI: I'm Libertarian, I have to say this because people we will stupid comebacks about me being republicans or Conservative...
Nine answers:
2013-06-01 06:28:33 UTC
Global Warming is a hoax, there is a skeptics case against the "Science" behind it.

It seems a like an excuse to further centralize the U.N.
2013-06-01 13:38:33 UTC
People who fail to understand and learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Look at the Dark Ages and when there was plagues wiping out much of the population. Then came the Enlightenment.

Our founding fathers created a man made system of government which seemed to be a great thing in the beginning. That is, if you were a white European. It wasn't such a great system if you were a native American or a black person. Or a Chinese or Irish person.

And so through the years we keep buying into the notion that our system of government is the best on the planet, so much so, that we'll become involved in other nations business and use war as a means to promote globalism by toppling governments and fomenting chaos.

The only people who are reaping the benefits of our system of democracy through war and robbing countries of their natural resources is the top 1% who are becoming so corrupt that the greed has blinded them to the destruction they are causing to civilization and the planet.

Eventually, we will become a violent society following the example of our government and begin wiping each other out.

Though the powers that be imagine themselves to have attained a god-like status with controlling civilization, there is a higher force they can't imagine that they will have to reckon with and answer to.

The Bible says, cursed is the man that oppresses the poor.

As the safety net gets chipped away and the middle class gets dissolved the top 1% are just setting themselves up for a great destruction.
2013-06-01 13:34:14 UTC
Population is projected to reach a peak and then it will crash. They'll be singing a different tune when that happens.

"People have been worrying about the world’s pending overpopulation for more than two centuries. Robert Thomas Malthus sounded the alarm in 1797 with “An Essay on the Principles of the Population,” which predicted mass starvation and went on to influence the likes of Charles Darwin and Margaret Sanger. Paul Ehrlich’s 1968 book, “The Population Bomb,” forecast a similar fate; if the population kept rising unchecked, Earth’s resources would buckle. Many of today’s environmental thinkers, such as broadcaster (and “Planet Earth” narrator) David Attenborough, have called for drastic measures to limit the planet’s population before it’s too late.

But according to the veteran environmental writer Fred Pearce, they’re all wrong. In his latest book “The Coming Population Crash: And Our Planet’s Surprising Future,” Pearce argues that the world’s population is peaking. In the next century, we’re heading not for exponential growth, but a slow, steady decline. This, he claims, has the potential to massively change both our society and our planet: Children will become a rare sight, patriarchal thinking will fall by the wayside, and middle-aged culture will replace our predominant youth culture. Furthermore, Pearce explains, the population bust could be the end of our environmental woes. Fewer people making better choices about consumption could lead to a greener, healthier planet.

Well, is it true?

Global environmental problems are not, and will not, be mainly a problem of overbreeding Indians or Africans. First, their birthrates are coming down fast, with Indian women, for instance, having fewer than three children on average today; and even African women have falling fertility. And secondly, because overbreeding — in the sense of women having more than replacement levels of children — is almost entirely in countries with a very low per-capita footprint on the planet. For instance, the carbon emissions of one American is the same as that of 20 Indians, 30 Pakistanis, 40 Nigerians and 250 Ethiopians. If, as economists suggest, the world economy will grow by 400 percent by 2050, then no more than a tenth of that will be a result of population growth. The issue is consumption, and that puts the onus right back on the conspicuous consumers to do something about their economic systems, not least before more developing countries follow the same model."

It's always prudent to be aware of alternative ways of looking at the situation.
Chewy Ivan 2
2013-06-01 13:28:26 UTC
They don't. You just believe in wild conspiracy theories, like chemtrails.

Jet engines tend to make droplets of water vapor smash into each other. They stick, and at that altitude, start to turn into ice crystals. But if you can't understand the science behind that, I'm not surprised you disbelieve in global warming while still believing in a conspiracy of eugenicists among wealthy elites.

I really wish you would stop calling yourself "God." You are an embarrassment to the real God.
2013-06-01 13:27:21 UTC
Progressives have this ideology of a "Perfect World" Perfect people- its an excuse they use to exterminate people they don't like. Its basically what Satan put into their heads when he took their souls, because this so called "Perfect world" is delusional and can never be. Their actions actually cause the opposite effects-more violence, more drugs, more rapists, more killers etc..
2013-06-01 13:27:00 UTC
De-populating is another means of control that circumvents the process of natural selection. It is the only way for left-wing proponents to gain control as natural selection favors right-wing ideals.
2013-06-01 13:23:50 UTC
It may work, if cow gas is so powerful think of all the Obese people gassing at one time.
2013-06-01 13:25:27 UTC
if human activity is the cause then getting rid of a couple billion might be a solution.
2013-06-01 13:23:34 UTC
Jesus wouldn't put too many humans on here, so overpopulation is a myth.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.