no it's not u dope,,,,you muddled post has 6 muddled elements in which you partisan defend a muddled
president with muddled notions of defense,history and law applications in wartime.
the sheik wants to be shot,oblige him,starting with the kneecaps for what he did to danny pearl
(a jewish journalist for those of you immersed in charlie sheehans escapades)
Military tribunals were used in ww2 in the US and at the nuremburg trials,here,nazi spies (real nazis ,)
were discovered on the east coast,tried and some were hung,one was sentenced to 15 years,in the pen,then released.
obama and holder,and the rest of his leftist colleagues,H A T E the military,,,,,,,, .
and would love to defang it,next best thing,take away the military justice code,which is strict,but fair by any modern standard.,,,obama & holder have tons of evidence that the justice system at 26 & cal
(crook county criminal court) hasen't worked ,neither have the schools,eric holder said to some reporter in 09,,"I never had a real job before",,,, I believe it.
gadaffy was THE one who ordered libyan intel to take down an american airliner,which they did in 88
over lockerbie,,,,cons and dems alive at the time were and still are horrified at this vicious act,
and welcomed someone to send a rocket up gadaffya tailpipe,,,,and the no fly zone,to stop the clown from cutting up his own citizens with shells fired from 30 feet.