Okay Conservatives, Obama will try the 9/11 planners in a military tribunal - time to switch positions now!?
2011-04-04 19:43:20 UTC
Alright Conservatives, now's your chance to criticize Obama for wanting to try the 9/11 planners at a military tribunal - you can now say it's unconstitutional and how they should be tried in a civilian court, because elevating them to "enemy combatants" makes them seem like warriors in battle, rather than the criminal thugs & murderers that they are.

Just as Republicans switched positions on Libya, demanding Obama institute a "no-fly zone", and when he did, Republicans then asked "what are we doing being involved in a needless military action in Libya??"
24 answers:
Smart Kat
2011-04-04 20:30:15 UTC
The criticism is "Ha Ha!! You had to break another promise!!!"

And when it comes to war, a president is truly in a Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don;t situation. There are always questions as to whether a president has gone too far or not far enough. But just as the hypocrisy on the right is obvious in their criticism of Obama in Libya, it is hypocritical for the left to be light on Obama as far as criticism goes. In both cases, you have people who judge whether an action was right based on whether 'their guy" was in charge or not.
2011-04-04 19:48:06 UTC
The Chief Idiot is finally coming around to the genius of Bush-Cheney.

It is Obama that owes America an explanation for his dramatic change of policy on:

Closing Gitmo

Trying terrorists in Military courts

Enhancing Patriot Act

Invading Countries because of bad behavior by terrible muslim dictators engaging in what he called "dumb wars"

Nobody wanted a no-fly zone over Libya but Progressives, Republican Progressives and Democrat Progressives. There is no national interest in Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, Egypt.

But the wild eyed addict can't help but want a fix killing innocent Muslims in Libya.
Sir Studley Smugley
2011-04-04 23:06:22 UTC
We here at the RNC don't consider Aghanistan and Iraq as "wars." They're completely different from Libya. First of all, it was a Republican President that made those police actions OK.

Secondly, it was a Democrat that put the Libya things into motion; you HAVE to know that it was wrong. Anything that a lefty does is automatically socialist, Communist, Nazi, and all-around-no goodnik, that should be erased from the face of the planet.

We know where you live...
2016-11-19 02:04:05 UTC
Cole //Clinton 9/11 //Bush. it is all a political circus that is going to explode in Holder and Obama's face. i'm quite ill of the human beings that think of 9/11 replaced into all approximately NYC. there have been 3 assaults and the final I heard the Pentagon replaced right into a militia facility. in an attempt to think of it is all approximately NYC is in simple terms incorrect.
2011-04-05 00:02:29 UTC
no it's not u dope,,,,you muddled post has 6 muddled elements in which you partisan defend a muddled

president with muddled notions of defense,history and law applications in wartime.

the sheik wants to be shot,oblige him,starting with the kneecaps for what he did to danny pearl

(a jewish journalist for those of you immersed in charlie sheehans escapades)

Military tribunals were used in ww2 in the US and at the nuremburg trials,here,nazi spies (real nazis ,)

were discovered on the east coast,tried and some were hung,one was sentenced to 15 years,in the pen,then released.

obama and holder,and the rest of his leftist colleagues,H A T E the military,,,,,,,, .

and would love to defang it,next best thing,take away the military justice code,which is strict,but fair by any modern standard.,,,obama & holder have tons of evidence that the justice system at 26 & cal

(crook county criminal court) hasen't worked ,neither have the schools,eric holder said to some reporter in 09,,"I never had a real job before",,,, I believe it.

gadaffy was THE one who ordered libyan intel to take down an american airliner,which they did in 88

over lockerbie,,,,cons and dems alive at the time were and still are horrified at this vicious act,

and welcomed someone to send a rocket up gadaffya tailpipe,,,,and the no fly zone,to stop the clown from cutting up his own citizens with shells fired from 30 feet.
2011-04-04 19:58:32 UTC
Libya will become a political nightmare for Barry, you wait and see. It will probably cost him reelection.

I see you are yet another short minded liberal who fails to realize that conservatives wanted these 9/11 ragheads tried by a military tribunal many moons ago. It was the knee grow who wanted Guantanamo shut down and civilian courts taking the jurisdiction. That didn't pan out once they learned what the conservatives already knew, and we're back to square one. Duh !
2011-04-04 19:46:25 UTC
Sorry but I am as Conservative as they come and Holder is to be commended for moving the venue to a military tribunal
2011-04-04 19:49:40 UTC
I'm not switching positions. This what he should have done all along.

He made another empty promise in order to get elected and he changed his position.

Like with war I suspect liberals will tell us how much of a genius he is for this new position of his.

Go ahead don't wait for others to post it.
2011-04-04 19:46:45 UTC
How about, "It's about damn time that douche listened to the screams of resentment from New Yorkers and America. It only took him over a year to figure it out. Any sensible person would have tried those terrorists in a military trial immediately! Good job Obama! You idiot!"

How did that sound?
2011-04-04 19:49:17 UTC
Not likely! His polling numbers are chasing Nacy Pelosi's. So he's trying to appeal to some of the Independents. But we're not fooled. He's a socialist and that;s that!
2011-04-04 20:13:07 UTC
If it gives him a black eye they're all for it. Even if it goes 180 to what they said a day ago. Heck nobody in their own party holds them to anything so say what ever may work.
Sock Monkey
2011-04-04 19:46:17 UTC
Some may have said that, but certainly not all.

It really blows the premise of your question by asserting that ALL Republicans wanted a public trial.
2011-04-04 19:45:48 UTC
We arent flip floppers like your messiah is or like you libs are, I support military tribunals for 9/11 planners. He has no choice anyway since Congress passed a law or resolution declaring so
2011-04-04 19:49:54 UTC
Military tribunals are constitutional. Sorry.
2011-04-04 19:44:56 UTC

We just got what we wanted.

When we made Obama our betch in December and got the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich extended by democrats and President Dumbass signed them into law, do you remember what he said in his speech?

And I quote:

"It's a bad idea to raise taxes in the middle of a recession."

Yes, I'm quoting Obama in 2010 and McCain in 2008.

(I'm convinced that liberals have no clue how stupid they look. Obama is NOTHING they voted for.)
2011-04-04 19:46:01 UTC
flip flop flip flop seems to be the new motto of libs!!! Oh and great job on Libya, 0ilbama had to wait for the UN to give him permission!!!!! Because he is unable to make decisions on his own!!! But the sheep will continue to whine, blame and graze!!!!
2011-04-04 19:47:30 UTC
To answer your question;

Why finally Obama admitted Bush was right, there might be "Hope" Barry may "Change" yet......
2011-04-04 19:47:36 UTC
tipsy , twisting repubs. are so shallow, and simple minded, they seem lost in dubaville
Red neck
2011-04-04 19:45:06 UTC
Once again, Obama learns Bush was right.
2011-04-04 19:44:56 UTC

You care more about what conservatives think than the hypocrisy that is the Obama Administration. Do you realize how sad you are?
2011-04-04 19:46:21 UTC
He is such a flip-flopper.
2011-04-04 19:47:42 UTC
Nope. Yeah, ah sure, uh huh..............
2011-04-04 19:45:25 UTC
You really don't know a damn thing. You just make sh*t up as you go along.
2011-04-04 19:44:59 UTC
0bama is still an *epic failure*!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.