Here's the problem: You can't leave even though you want to. Well except if you think that americans are prepared for $6 a gallon for gas.
I will probably vote for Ron Paul in the primary (i know, i know), but I figure if he gets enough votes that the real candidate will have to at least address some of the platforms Pauls believes in.
So with that said, I think that we should have never gone back to Iraq. At the time we made the decision, North Korea was a bigger problem of the 3 Axis of Evils. But the Puppet Masters (cheney and Rumsfeld) decided that we could change our military structure and control a larger part of the oil in the middle east.
The problem is that its an ugly war, but what you aren't really being told is, that we really aren't fighting Iraqi's anymore. We are fighting Iranians who want us to lose face in the world and control the same oil that we want to control. This is why the Sr. Bush administration didn't drive goofy out of Iraq back in '91. They understood the vacuum of power it would create.
The smartest thing that Bush Jr. could have done is after they caught Hussien, was to break that country up into 3 or 4 parts. Given it to Turkey, Iran, and left a3rd or 4th nation, out there under self rule. Obviously one of them being a puppet country of the U.S. so that we have some buffering and control over oil. But this didn't help Rumsfeld create his new military structure. So they had to keep showing what a quick stike, lite weight army could do. He was wrong, he left, and the new policy of sending in more troops is creating security in Iraq.
An as aside, Hiliary is smart. She understands we won't be able to just pull out, like the folks at want us to, and hence isn't making strange promises that she won't be able to live up to. Its the other wacko stuff you need to be scared of.
The real issue by next November won't be the war. So I don't think a pro-war candidate is going to look any different than what Ms. Clinton is saying.