Texas Patriots for Obama
2009-08-23 18:52:58 UTC
He tripled the debt from 900 billion to 3 trillion in 8 years.
Most of the "fake jobs" he created were temporary jobs building nuclear bombs that were sold for scrap metal 10 years later, yet we are still paying for them.
Congress cut off funding for his illegal mini-wars so he disregarded the constitution and funded them secretly.
His pit bull oliver north established a major cocaine smuggling ring to fund these wars, and when it was uncovered by a veteran DEA agent, they told the agent to "back off cause it was a covert white house operation". The agent has a website which describes oliver norths crimes in great detail at www.powderburns.org
Reagan also negotiated with terrorists and he is the one who gave money and rocket launchers to bin laden which are still being used to kill american troops.
Reagan also used astrology to run the united states government. He was sworn in as cali governor at 12:09 am cause his astrologer told him that was the best time. This practice was also used to plan all vital united states matters including the signing of treaties and the times of air force one travel.
Reagan also had a best friend, alfred bloomingdale, who was not only an adulterer, but also a child molestor. Alfred was 60 years old, yet he paid 16 year old vicki morgan to have kinky sex with him. When vicki announced she was writing a book detailing orgies with reagans top staff, she was found dead due to mysterious circumstances.
I could list dozens of other examples but you get the picture.
When you see those deductions on your paycheck this week, just remember you are still paying for reagans toys that were scrapped for pennies on the dollar.
Reagan was a disaster, just like nixon and just like bush.