Wasn't reagan a total disaster just like nixon and bush?
Texas Patriots for Obama
2009-08-23 18:52:58 UTC
He was a disaster.

He tripled the debt from 900 billion to 3 trillion in 8 years.

Most of the "fake jobs" he created were temporary jobs building nuclear bombs that were sold for scrap metal 10 years later, yet we are still paying for them.

Congress cut off funding for his illegal mini-wars so he disregarded the constitution and funded them secretly.

His pit bull oliver north established a major cocaine smuggling ring to fund these wars, and when it was uncovered by a veteran DEA agent, they told the agent to "back off cause it was a covert white house operation". The agent has a website which describes oliver norths crimes in great detail at

Reagan also negotiated with terrorists and he is the one who gave money and rocket launchers to bin laden which are still being used to kill american troops.

Reagan also used astrology to run the united states government. He was sworn in as cali governor at 12:09 am cause his astrologer told him that was the best time. This practice was also used to plan all vital united states matters including the signing of treaties and the times of air force one travel.

Reagan also had a best friend, alfred bloomingdale, who was not only an adulterer, but also a child molestor. Alfred was 60 years old, yet he paid 16 year old vicki morgan to have kinky sex with him. When vicki announced she was writing a book detailing orgies with reagans top staff, she was found dead due to mysterious circumstances.

I could list dozens of other examples but you get the picture.

When you see those deductions on your paycheck this week, just remember you are still paying for reagans toys that were scrapped for pennies on the dollar.

Reagan was a disaster, just like nixon and just like bush.
34 answers:
American Splendor
2009-08-23 19:01:06 UTC
He slept for 8 years. He was an (empty) figurehead, the modern coiner of the phrase "management style" president, i.e. delegate, delegate, delegate. Well, when you do that, your administration is only as good as the people you give the work to, and in Reagan's case, it was nazi idiots like Edwin Meese, indicted co-conspirator Nofziger and Donald Regan.

Also, the thing that catapulted him into office was an act of treason which should have resulted in his imprisonment or execution under the laws against treason. He paid off the Iranians to hold the hostages "just a little longer" until after the election was over, just to ensure that anger at Carter's attempts to free them would stay at high boil, so it would appear not to be working out, even though the negotiations could have reached fruition shortly, had the bribe not been made.

Reagan was the original antichrist as president :

Ronald. Wilson. Reagan. 6.6.6.

Of course the kids here won't get it... just like the oldsters who voted for him will never see what a horrific error they made.

Domestically, under Reagan, the rust belt exploded, job outsourcing began in earnest, and the ruling wealthy class got exponentially richer, while the underclass began to become the norm for the sad, battered, abused and beaten-by-Republicans USA. Their strategy, spearheaded in Reagan's time: Pose as "the party of morality" and keep moral issues on the front burner so the masses are misdirected and can't keep their eye on the ball while you destroy the US middle class with economic policies that only favor the super-rich.


I do believe in a Biblical Hell, and I believe he is in the lake of fire there for all eternity where the fire is never quenched and the worm dyeth not. One can't be as evil as he was, hurt as many people as he did, die unrepentent, and not rot in Hell for all eternity. Not a good guy, let alone not a great president.
2009-08-23 19:02:38 UTC
Honesly does it really matter? Are you personally going to do anything about it or are you just gonna sit at your computer and try to win people over to an invisible cause? How do you know that everything you say is true? Is this the stuff you got from some no name website on google? Many people think he was the most amazing President ever. You are the first person in my history who has slammed the President. As for your assessment that is your opinion, nothing more nothing less. Sure all Presidents have low points in their careers but everything that you said... First of all if everything that you said was true and it got out into the public then he would have been impeached slashed imprisoned and not have been reelected. So I don't know if you have your information all correct or if you just have a chip on your shoulder and hate Reagan. Whatever your reasons are they are your opinions and nothing anyone can do will change that and you can't change anyone else's opinion either. That's what is good about this country-everyone has the right to speak up and say their own opinion.
2016-09-12 12:51:51 UTC
Lisa did you get a talk over with out of your distinct buddy in these days your so indignant. 1921- The Economy did practically move right into a deep melancholy, the loose marketplace created a surplus and we acquired our selves out of it. Next got here the high-quality melancholy in which FDR a real innovative took us down a course to socialism that as a result the high-quality melancholy WORLD WAR eleven acquired us out of that one. incidentally the minute FDR Left workplace they installed time period Limits. I WONDER WHY LISA????????? Reagan- When Reagan took workplace After Carters crisis you don't forget beneath CARTER maximum Inflation in U.S. History, Unemployment over 14%, persons combating on the gasoline pumps as a result of vigor concern, Allowed Iran to keep U.S. Hostages in our OWN embassy in Iran for 454 Days, and permit Castro empty out his jails and ship all of them to us. Reagan created 20 Million new jobs, Re-Built our Military, and ended the bloodless War. Reagan is regarded at any place among the 4th and eighth GREATEST president of all time. Your Right approximately something Lisa, Republicans become Democrates within the 00's. But nine-eleven, 05 Florida Hurricanes, Katrina, additionally did not support out both whilst speakme approximately the Budget all weren't foreseen and rate cash to fix. When Bush left workplace unemployment used to be round 6% in which at 10 now did not BARRY (OBAMA) say if we do not hurry up and rush and cross the stimulus unemployment will under no circumstances move over eight% LISA HOW IS THAT WORKING OUT???? Also LISA LET'S BE FAIR AND BALANCED, Hasn't Pelosi and her merry Band of Fools Been Running CONGRESS due to the fact 06???????????????????????????? HOW THAT WORKING OUT LISA????????????????????????????????????...
2009-08-24 11:43:21 UTC
So Obama is really a disaster raising the deficit to 9 trillion in less than 6 months!
internet browser
2009-08-23 19:04:02 UTC
Ronald Reagan was successful at inspiring an overwhelming majority of Americans to believe in America and its potential. Americans loved the Hollywood actor. He was able to successfuly paint the Democrrats/President Carter as incompetent on Defense and Foreign policy and pictures of Big Government and waste.
2009-08-23 19:10:47 UTC
Republicans don't like to admit that Reagan relied on astrology for over his scheduling of all his press conferences, when he could travel, and when he should hold a summit.

Quigley even claims that she got rid of the evil empire's attitude through astrological readings.

And Nancy had no problems discussing US-Soviet relations with her astrologer over non-secured lines.

I guess it was better than believing in alchemy.
2009-08-23 19:06:01 UTC
Reagan had a lot of faults -- $1 trillion stimulus to the defense industry, 10.5% unemployment two to three years into his first term, he raised taxes three times, and we had runaway inflation--I really remember those long, long lines to get gas--and it was rationed, BUT even with all that, NO ONE and I mean NO ONE was as bad as bushie junior. He is nothing but a thug and he should spend twice as long in federal prison than that of his 8 years of mayhem.
2009-08-23 19:07:16 UTC
Re: your first point: Reagan's fiscal policy doubled income to the Treasury. Democrats' spending policy tripled outgo.

You failed SO conspicuously right at the start that I deem it pointless to read the rest of your rant.

Oops. It was hard to miss your finish.

The Reagan Ranch is at 2900 Refugio Rd Goleta, CA.

Yep. You FAIL big.
2009-08-23 18:59:02 UTC
Add Jimmy Carter to your list if you want to list people as a total disaster. Actually no one is a total disaster. Everyone brought some good and some bad with them. That's life.
2009-08-23 18:58:10 UTC
Your right President Obama is the best President. History will show him to be the very best ever. And being half white is just a bonus.
2009-08-23 19:00:57 UTC
How many of your years will you be carrying this chip around on your shoulder? I'm curious. Hope it's doing great things for your personal life. Take care.

Btw: I survived the Carter years. Reagan was awesome.
2009-08-23 18:58:55 UTC
By the look of you, you couldn't have been old enough to care about Nixon and Reagan. You're just firing of stats.
2009-08-23 19:03:00 UTC
I can't get by your avatar. What an obnoxious thing to say....."time to pay up whitey"..... You are an embarrassment!!

Time to chop away at that chip on your shoulders little man.
2009-08-23 18:57:45 UTC
No. Ronald Reagan was the best president since Abraham Lincoln. God bless.
2009-08-23 18:57:36 UTC
No he are full of bs...why do you libs consistently lie and bash....focus on the disaster you put into office now
Shirley J
2009-08-23 18:57:21 UTC
I didn't read all that crap you wrote, wasn't worth my time. To answer your question, Reagan was one of the greatest presidents we ever had and you'd be lucky to even have the chance to stand in his shadow. So, shut up.
2009-08-23 18:56:31 UTC
And yet, that disaster got 49 states to vote for him when his very liberal predecessor couldn't even score ten and left with an approval rating higher than Obama's starting out...and the whole 'compassion to Libyan bomber' thing makes people cry for the days of Reagan. Funny, huh?

2009-08-23 19:02:56 UTC
You've been reading too many comic books, Buckwheat.
Da Mick
2009-08-23 18:58:16 UTC
I don't think it was Reagan-nomics. Once Bush Sr. took over, things got bad, (i.e. "Read my lips" fiasco) & then Clinton took over, etc, etc.
2009-08-23 18:56:45 UTC
america is run by the fed bankers, yes your presidents are idiots - why else would the fed bankers back them?
2009-08-23 18:57:08 UTC
I think you forgot ending the Cold War, restarting the economy, and making people believe in America again.

I think you're wrong, your question is a complete disaster.
2009-08-23 19:02:45 UTC
and yet his victory was the biggest landslide in US history
2009-08-23 18:58:03 UTC
there are next to none, historians, that think he was a good president. there are a bunch of windbag politicians that do though.
2009-08-23 18:57:19 UTC
Reagan illegally sold chemical weapons technology to Saddam only to have another bone headed republican president hang him because he used them.

And we wonder why Middle Eastern people hate us. Sheesh!
2009-08-23 18:57:19 UTC
Nixon was not a disaster.
Philip McCrevice
2009-08-23 18:58:09 UTC
Do they teach "Make up your own history" in your schools?
the briar patch
2009-08-23 19:04:03 UTC
you realize that your trashing their GOD?

with all good examples by the way!
2009-08-23 18:57:29 UTC
You obviously don't know jack.
2009-08-23 18:56:36 UTC
conservatives/republicans are always disasters. they leave messes and debt for liberals/democrats to recover, which they do at a price, which in return pisses off the population and think its their fault and re-elect republicans again .. good ol cycle
2009-08-23 18:56:07 UTC
Reagan was the best president in US history.
2009-08-23 18:56:34 UTC
Your pic is the disaster. It just shouts I'm a .....................
2009-08-23 18:56:06 UTC
Reagan was a fascist in my opinion. I think he was a terrible president.
NY Giants and Yankees Rock!
2009-08-23 18:55:51 UTC
isn't your hair a disaster
2009-08-23 18:56:26 UTC
Stop smoking crack.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.