Is Obama's problem that he won't believe how s-t-u-p-i-d Americans are?
2012-10-10 06:24:47 UTC
For example, Americans are too dumb to realize that Romney sold them a big one when he said that he would cut PBS to help with the budget, .001 percent of the budget ( or less by some estimates). He is saying now that Romney wants to attack PBS rather than Wall Street but Americans are too d-u-m-b to get that. Then again, maybe he doesn't want to win to be presidnet of such d-u-m-b people.
75 answers:
2012-10-10 07:37:35 UTC
factchecks kill Romney the day after the debate...

Mitt gains 6 points in polls?

and people wonder why politicians lie...
2012-10-10 07:40:11 UTC
The problem that Americans can be stupid is not Obama's problem, it's OURS!

We've become too accustomed to believing things we didn't even hear. My wife was watching TV when a commercial came on for a cell phone carrier. They said "Nobody has a more powerful network". And that's absolutely true. But she assumed that what they were saying was that theirs was the "MOST" powerful. The truth is FCC regulates how much power they can use. So the statement that "Nobody has a more powerful network" is true. But it's intended to make us think everyone else's network is weaker - when in fact they are not.

So it goes with politics. You have to LISTEN to what is being said. But you also have to remember what was said before. Out of Romney's own mouth - his own words - as seen and heard on TV "I love firing people". Now it seems Jim Leer (or however his name is spelled) AND Big Bird are in the "line of Fire". But people forget that stuff.

So, your assessment of the average American intelligence is pretty accurate. We are easily fooled by scary words. Simply attach "Job Killing" to any program and the American people will believe it. JOB KILLING health care. JOB KILLING medicare. JOB KILLING foreign trade policy. JOB KILLING tacos. JOB KILLING spare tires. Where does the stupidity stop?

Pals around with terrorists. Fifth amendment solutions. Not born in America. Say it enough and nearly everyone will believe it.

As for your comment about Romney NOT wanting to be president of such a dumb population - nawh, they're easier to pick clean. Who wouldn't want that?

Hope this helps.

'av'a g'day mate.

tony tedeschi
2012-10-10 07:51:56 UTC
He sees how dumb Americans are they fell for his dog and pony show during the 2008 election and the bread and circuses of his administration , now however they have seen that the emperor has no clothes, and 14 million more on food stamps, 9 million more on welfare, 23 million plus unemployed, household incomes down, disastrous fall out from naive foreign policy, and over 5 TRILLION in new debt can no longer be laughed off by Obama. As far as PBS goes Romney was making the point that when you are 16 trillion in debt tough decisions have to be made, and if the 445 million dollars spent on PBS is inconsequential as you suggest what is the minimim threshold then?
2012-10-10 07:45:57 UTC
Ignorance and "Dumbness" as you call it, is a direct result of the lack of proper education our nation is undergoing, because of the lack of resources allotted for that purpose. America will eventually hit a breaking point on which so many of us will be uneducated that we will implode. Not literally off course. We will take matters in to our own hands and turn against those who have oppressed the system for such a long time "the rich". Which will eventually lead to the election of leaders that are so incompetent and flat out wrong for our country, we will inevitably fall to the bottom in terms of world positioning. Have you seen what's happening in Venezuela? That's a clear example of what's to come for the U.S
Joel V
2012-10-10 07:38:04 UTC
Did you even watch the debate? He was using PBS as an example, because the moderator, Jim Lehrer, was with PBS. He was saying that he would look at EVERYTHING in the budget, all the little programs that the government pays for, and see whether the benefits of those programs are worth borrowing money from China to pay for them.
2012-10-10 07:27:51 UTC
No, he belives Americans are stupid enough to buy his BS a second time. He didn't want to be at that debate and showed it. He can't run on his dismal record and knows it.

The only hope he has to win is to convince the people still stupid enough to buy his line that he needs more time.

And considering that PBS and NPR doesn't really need taxpayer money - let them have fund drives like Link TV.
2012-10-10 07:49:44 UTC
I think the President knows that the population has a low literacy rate ( Cuba has much higher) and is filled with dumb people. I think that is why his domestic programs are more liberal than Mitt's are.He realizes the need to care for these people lest a revolution ensue. For example, PBS allotment represents 0.000001 percent of the budget so , while it captured the media and is speaking to the commoners who park their children in front of tv all day, it was quite a non important part of the budget. Nevertheless it got attention! Foreign Policy is a much larger part of the budget.
2012-10-10 07:22:04 UTC
There might be more than a few dumb Americans, but I wouldn't be obnoxious and arrogant enough to type 'd-u-m-b' if I couldn't even spell 'President'.

If you believe Stereotypes, you're the idiot. Not all Americans are stupid, not all Brits are bad-toothed yuppies who drink tons of tea, not all Irishmen are drunken loons, etc.
2012-10-10 07:10:03 UTC
That is the first half of the equation, the second half is he thinks he is so smart.

It may be only a small percentage of the total budget, but it is millions of dollars. Cutting several "small " things like that could end up making a huge difference and could save some money for helping people who really need help.
2012-10-10 07:51:31 UTC
I saw an online test recently and many thought Sarah Palin made the "57 states" quote. Many people are misinformed by the media.
Otherwise Law-Abiding Citizen
2012-10-10 06:52:25 UTC
There are plenty of intelligent Americans...they just don't scream for attention like snookie and honey boo boo.

"Cutting funding to PBS in order to fix the national debt is like deleting text files to make room on a 500 gig hard drive." -Neil deGrasse Tyson
2012-10-10 07:46:11 UTC
You are right the Republicans turn the truth into a lie and a lie into the truth but most people that vote for the Republican Party are so full of HATE AND RACISM that they will not listen to what President Obama is saying, they would rather give the TOP 1% TAX BREAKS AND BELEIVE ONE DAY IT'S GOING TO TRICKEL DOWN TO THEM FIGURE THAT ONE OUT !! instead of fixing Medicare and Social Security which will help them.
King Obama
2012-10-10 08:04:03 UTC
You have all those black people voting for him because they don't want a 'white man' in charge. You also have the younger generation voting for him because he is 'cool'. Most of the brainless celebrities vote for him. What's left? Oh! That's right, feminist men.
2012-10-10 08:01:15 UTC
most people don't learn critical thinking skills in school or in life

and that's for a reason.

it's hard to manipulate people who can thinking critically

we are a nation(world) filled with thinking controlled by emotions.

the same people who create commercials are the people who are paid to create political campaign advertising because they know how to manipulate peoples emotions.

so people aren't as much stupid as the are ignorant about how they really make most of their decisions.
2012-10-10 07:26:40 UTC
Trashing us won’t change the truth about your party.

How dems treat the troops:… 92% drop in absentee-ballot requests by military personnel in Virginia is raising concerns that the Pentagon is failing to carry out a federal voting law. It’s happening across the nation.


Democrats embrace pres. Teddy Roosevelt’s (1901-09) "change" for America:

-National healthcare

-Social insurance for the elderly, unemployed and disabled

-Limited injunctions in union strikes

-Federal income tax

-Inheritance tax

TR didn't care how "change" would impact the Constitution: “This, I know, implies a policy of a far more active governmental interference with social and economic conditions in this country than we have yet had, but I think we have got to face the fact that such an increase in governmental control is now necessary.”

Dem. pres. Wilson's (1913-1918) "change": “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.” He may have been the first multiculturalist: “No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation.” Obama put it this way: “Every nation is exceptional in its own way.”

A generation later dem. pres. FDR articulated “change” (before Congress, 1/11/44):

-“We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights...”

-The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation

-The right of every family to a decent home

-The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health

-The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.

LBJ’s “change,” The Great Society, became the largest redistribution of wealth program in history. But Obama is “out-changing” them all.

It is only because of the Internet, talk radio and Fox News (none existed a generation ago!) that we are learning the truth about how successful the democrat party has been with their “Change”:

-2/4/10 Gallup poll: 61% of liberals have a positive view of socialism.

-6/2/11 Gallup poll: 71% of democrats favor re-distributing wealth.

-9/6-9/2012… Those who believe government should have more control over our lives: Republicans 15%; Independents, 29%; Democrats 67%.

-Now they have national health care, the foundation of all welfare and socialist states.

------------- “The Klan quickly became a terrorist organization in service of the Democratic Party and white supremacy. Between 1869 and 1871 its goal was to destroy Congressional Reconstruction by murdering blacks -- and some whites -- who were either active in Republican politics or educating black children.” After [democrat] Wilson was elected in 1912 blacks were segregated or dismissed from federal positions.


-100 members of Congress from the South (96 Democrats and 4 Republicans), present a "Declaration of Constitutional Principles" that criticized the Supreme Court in its Brown v. Board of Education decision for desegregating schools and protested civil rights initiatives.

-“During this period, they [KKK] often forged alliances with Southern police departments, as in Birmingham, Alabama; or with governor's offices, as with George Wallace [democrat] of Alabama who, on his inauguration as governor of Alabama on January 14, 1963, proclaimed 'Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.'” wikipedia

-Which party promoted the 1964 Civil Rights Act (outlawing discrimination against Blacks and women)? In the Senate, democrats 63%, Republicans 80%; in the House, Democrats 61%, Republicans 80%.

Which party opposed the 1965 Civil Rights Act? In the Senate, democrats 27%, Republicans 6%; in the House, democrats 22%, Republicans 18%.

-For years Dem. Senator Robert Byrd was the "Grand Dragon" of the entire Mid-Atlantic states. (6/19/05 Washington Post). He filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He was the longest-serving senator in history and democrats chose him as their Senate leader many times. He died in-office two years ago: “VP Biden said today that with the passing of Sen. Robert Byrd the Senate lost a legend and he lost a dear friend and mentor.” 6/28/10 ABC News

-The New Yorker: Bill Clinton said: “A few years ago, this guy [Obama] would have been carrying our bags.’”…

-“The modern Republican Party absolutely owes its origin to the fight over slavery” Google search “CNN Explains: How the GOP began."
2012-10-10 07:00:15 UTC
You've clearly taken the Obama-bait, hook-line-and sinker, so it's no surprise that you classify Americans as stupid. You're a prime example. If you had seen the debate rather than gaining all your knowledge from sound bytes on TV you'd know that Mr. Romney never 'attacked' PBS. We give $450 million dollars a year to a company (PBS) that grossed $850 billion last year, plus $900 billion in licensing of products. I think that money could be better used on programs that actually help our citizens ... or could be that much less that we borrow from China!

You must be very young or you're one of the entitlement sorts that believe money grows on trees planted behind the capitol building.
2012-10-10 07:28:38 UTC
Fvcking liberals
Robert David M
2012-10-10 07:59:39 UTC
Very smart question.

Answer: Yes.

Example; Let's say you as a citizen dare to argue the Democrats haven't done enough to save US mortgage holders from criminal banks? First, the Republicans stopped them from doing so, by their negative votes. And, second, how then could voting for any Republican--who would do much less than Democrats ever will--be called a 'better' idea for the victimized mortgage holders, for you and me, or for the economy in general?

That's all Mr. Obama has to say--tell the voters what his opponents will do.

He can't trust them to think--but he can get them to check their wallets.

Star coming.
2012-10-10 06:34:11 UTC
I don't think it is totally fair to call Americans stupid. Most are too busy to keep informed. Most do not respect politics enough to even go there. There is a fair amount of stupidity out there but one really needs to watch the cynicism. The older I get the less I rely on disparaging terms to explain things. I have been moving towards using explanations to explain them instead.
2012-10-10 07:54:29 UTC
I am voting for Mitt Romney.
2012-10-10 07:32:12 UTC
so your basis point is that you think tax payers should subsidize a tv station? well, all those "dumb" Americans disagree. we think tax money should go towards creating jobs, national defense, etc
Spock (rhp)
2012-10-10 07:16:08 UTC
oh, no -- Obama already knows how stupid Americas are -- he got elected, didn't he?

[he might as well have been the Manchurian Candidate or the Pied Piper for all the truths he told about what he would do and all the things he did and tried to do that he didn't tell.]

"I'll have more flexibility after November." <== direct quote from Obama.
2012-10-10 07:30:23 UTC
obama thought everyone was dumb -- hes like a big dumb weird kid living in a bubble all his life -- its really unbelievable
2012-10-10 07:16:58 UTC
YA censors everyday. The head Narcissist in charge, actually walked off of the debate

stage thinking he had blown Romney off the stage. How do you SPELL DISCONNECT.
2012-10-10 07:13:08 UTC
well...of course the stupidy angle is very true about question about it.

But I think Obama's real problem is...

you know what the real problem that Obama has...and I do not say this because I support Romney. In fact, I never vote Republican and did vote for Obama against Hillary and against McCain. The real problem with Obama is that he can talk a good game....and you can sell the pie in the sky stuff if you are a talenter speaker and people will tend to believe your promises to them ...especially if they are hurting and know that the people who were running things right before you were really really bad. Such was the case with Obama...on the tails of Bush, he basically tapped into that anger that the public had...that want for change...change from the clearly wrong direction things were going. Now.......faced with someone who basically is essentially promising to take us back to Bush type policies...Obama in a debate cannot properly defend his record, because he ran for office as the guy who would change things, and he certainly did no such thing.

Clearly Bush left a mess...but Obama said, vote for me and I will be different...I will change things, I will fight for the ordinary people ....policies for too long have been in favor of the fatcats and Wall needed changing, regulations needed changing, there were unnecessary wars going on...etc.. Obama said, he would be different.

Well, now Obama is not playing the role of the outsider selling pie in the sky anymore...he is the insider who has been in office for 4 years....and his main position right now is to defend his talk about what he has done. And this is the problem...... now if Obama the president had behaved a little bit closer to the way he sounded as a candidate in his attitude in fighting for the people....he could either say 1) I did a, b,c, d, e, f, g, etc....I change all these things, or he could at the very least say......hey you saw me get into fight after fight with these Republicans and you can tell I fought for what I can tell I reallly tried to change things..but they blocked me....I never gave in though, I vetoed their bad laws and policies, and never compromised my values and promises to you the people.

Can Obama really run off an entire myriad of solid accomplishments that were really a departure from Bush and Republican ideology? no..he cannot. Can Obama say I really fought these Republicans tooth and nail and they really found me to be a tough nut to crack and I blocked their bad policies with my veto etc... no ...he can try to say he did, but I do not really think Obama really fought the fight he promised to fight.

So now...Obama is debating essentially someone who is clearly saying ...hey those Bush policies are exactly what he is all about.....and that person is winning the argument..believe it or not...unbelievable stuff. Bush left a mess that Obama promised to clean up or at least fight hard to clean up and Romney is saying...I am going to go back to Bush policies and Obama cannot really argue against the guy and beat him in a debate? how can this be? only one reason...Obama does not really have a record to stand on.

Once again....I am no Republican. I never vote Republican. If there is a third party candidate on the Ballot who I think sounds like they will fight the fight Obama promised to fight, that is who I will vote for. As for Obama, my attitude towards him is ...fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. I guess...the same applies to Romney in the sense we know what his ideas will yield as well for we saw Bush's results..and he basically stands for the same as Bush.

The stupidy of americans is a good angle and very true.......both sides count on the stupidity of americans..and their short attention span etc.. Romney is counting on us to forget that just a few years ago, his ideology was on display with the Bush administration...and that we saw the fruits of those ideas and are still living through them. Obama is counting on the fact that he ran as a reformer, a challenger to the status ..a defender of the common man, a stopper of aggressive wars of choice and foreign meddling, and a humane health care system advocate. He did none of those things, and in many ways was just as bad for the common man as Bush was and in some cases has been worse than Bush. There you have it...the truth, but I know the truth is not popular, but then again.....we are talking about stupidity aren't we?
john k
2012-10-10 07:03:37 UTC
He obviously got it 4 years ago when enough people Believed his BS, well in 3 months and we will be having that Change he promised 4 years ago, as that change will be Romney
2012-10-10 06:52:09 UTC
If the U.S. cared about the budget, they should stop spending so much of it on meaningless crap, ex. expensive trips first class/private jet, vip seating to events, top TOP pay to staff that doesnt do anything but sit in an office jerking off, giving housing, medicare, ect. to people that can actually work, money to schools that dont use it on schools, ex. school $ is for school, not your new 2 million dollar stadium.....get what im trying to say?
2012-10-10 07:25:54 UTC
No. Obama's problem is that he KNOWS how stupid Americans are. He depends on it and gets very angry when those who are not question him. How dare they?
2012-10-10 07:23:48 UTC
No, actually Obama's problem is that he thinks Americans are all stupid especially women. He thinks if he throws them free birth control and subsidizes Sesame Street to the tune of $444,000.00

that we will all fall at his feet. He is wrong about that, very wrong.
2012-10-10 07:44:42 UTC
No his problem is that Americans aren't as stupid as he thinks they are!
2012-10-10 06:48:33 UTC
Romney used PBS as an example of something we spend money on that we don't need to spend money on. (PBS can survive without tax dollars)

It was a singular example that is representative of many other programs in our budget. He never implied that cutting PBS by itself would make a difference.
2012-10-10 07:10:34 UTC
i think he respects the smart Americans


i think the real reason why Romney doesn't like PBS is because of the science shows like Nova that explain Evolution and Global Warming.

A Christian/Creationist Conservative radio talk show host in my area complains about PBS from time to time. I've read many comments on line from conservatives who claim PBS is too 'liberal', but they never explain what 'liberal' means to them.

they should read;

The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science- and Reality
2012-10-10 07:08:57 UTC
To everyone saying that Obama voters are stupid, what are Romney supporters? Blind and retarded? They just watch the 10 minutes at the end of the debate and say "Well, This guy says all the things I want to hear, so I'll vote for him. Oh, and I've never payed attention to the election before this".
No name
2012-10-10 07:00:51 UTC

Funny coming from a Candidate that uses a childs cartoon cahrecter to lie to America... The last country who did was Iran With Barney... What a compairson huh.....

Just for fun check this out... it may explain the 1.5 billion dollars Obama gave to the muslim Brotherhood to overthrow the OPEC Nations in the middle East...

You decide...
Jim Bay
2012-10-10 07:13:01 UTC
Obama is banking his entire election on voter stupidity it worked the first time. Remember the saying fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. I think that is what Obama is up against.
Wes T
2012-10-10 07:32:21 UTC
what inscription is on Obamas ring ?..... vote Romney.
2012-10-10 06:48:36 UTC
I've said for some time that Obama suffers from a kind of myopia I see in a lot of really intelligent people.

They don't understand how dumb people are. Simply don't get it.

So they discount it and keep on thinking the people will get it eventually.

And they don't. Look at how easy it was to misrepresent the Sandra Fluke story.

All you need was one guy, with a microphone, pandering to what his audience wanted, and if in the process a woman was demeaned, lied about, and debased, what the hell, its all good.
2012-10-10 06:57:18 UTC
It`s silly to focus on such a non-issue when this country is facing really important issues. Proves how shallow Liberals really are.
2012-10-10 07:06:27 UTC
He only said that many Romney supporters aren't aware of what Romney's true concerns are. I'd bet you heard the version that you mentioned from Rush Limbaugh. Hey don't swallow his B/S. Get smart check it out.
2012-10-10 06:56:03 UTC
Obama knows how stupid Americans are. They bought his "Hope and Change" mantra. There has been nothing to make him and his team think that Americans have become anything but dumber, so he keeps up the lies. His coo coo coo laid drinkers keep swallowing his brand of poison.
2012-10-10 06:36:15 UTC
Had Romney not mentioed PBS government funding, people wouldn't be mentioning it now. This is just how the conservative American mind works - they hear something and make a big issue out of it and run with it, without really checking all the facts on it.
2012-10-10 06:47:28 UTC
Heck, I often have problems believing how stupid and ignorant too many Americans are. 46% of Americans hold a creationist view of human origins. See the 1st link.
2012-10-10 06:37:39 UTC
Obama and Romney are just puppets. It doesn't matter who you elect the future is the same. War, tyranny and depression. Obama believes that Americans are stupid he already has destroyed the constitution and still can get away with it.
2012-10-10 06:51:58 UTC
Americans aint stupid or dumb
American Born Hindu
2012-10-10 07:47:24 UTC
It won't matter. Obama will win this election, regardless.
2012-10-10 07:43:08 UTC
They must be. He is president.
2012-10-10 06:30:49 UTC
Obama and Harper are best friends. He signed a treaty with Harper to allow American soldiers or police officers to put down Canadians during times of unrest in Canada.
2012-10-10 06:54:22 UTC
Obama is personally relying on morons such as yourself to get him reelected.
2012-10-10 06:51:29 UTC
He should have learned after the debate that looking in the camera and explaining numbers and facts to Americans and they come back with he performed bad, instead of saying wow..Romney lied like a sack of shill and Obama explained facts to us.

But he assumed he had a mature intelligent fact checking audience-mistake.
2012-10-10 06:48:17 UTC
I think they both know.
Richard RIGHT
2012-10-10 06:38:42 UTC
Does anyone know what's up with Answers the past couple of days? Questions don't post until 15 or 20 minutes later....
2012-10-10 07:12:38 UTC
You are totally right. I think the people

have demostrated they will fall for everything.. Obama needs to stress the fact this guy is lying.
2012-10-10 06:30:35 UTC
Will Obama get egg on his face over the Big Bird flap?

Obama has run afoul of Big Bird. Now Big Bird is hopping mad.

Big Bird puts his big orange foot down

Sesame Workshop asks Obama campaign to take down ad

Oct 09, 2012

"An Obama campaign official said they had received Sesame Workshop's statement and were reviewing their concerns."

Why did Obama ruffle Big Bird's feathers like this?

Will Sesame Street Worshop send a bill?

Who will gain more from this flap, the left wing or the right wing?

Watch the news for more details as they hatch.


Critics: Obama shares outbreak blame

Drug rules loosened on his watch

'Under the Obama administration, the FDA has opted not to crack down on compounding pharmacies that are mass-producing cheaper drugs under less scrutiny than heavily regulated pharmaceuticals as part of a push to reduce health costs...

'The practices of one compounding pharmacy, Framingham-based New England Compounding Center, are now under federal and state investigation after the company’s steroid injections for back pain were linked to the nationwide fungal meningitis outbreak that reportedly has sickened 119 and killed 11 people.'
2012-10-10 06:53:54 UTC
Typicall libtards think the American people are dumb.
Texas Mike
2012-10-10 06:37:15 UTC
Anything taken out out the Liberal collective is viewed as a complete collapse of the system. Hence Big Bird is just as big as Welfare to Obama.
2012-10-10 06:47:14 UTC
No - Obama's problem is that he thinks all Americans are as stupid as they need to be to vote for him. Like a con man, he depends on the stupidity and greed of those he's trying to con.
2012-10-10 06:32:36 UTC
You just can't tell the people you'er stupid if you believe what Romney is trying to ram down your throats. You have to have some tact, and tell them just what he ( Obama ) will do, and hope they believe him instead of Romney.
Don M
2012-10-10 06:41:30 UTC
Quite the contrary...Obama's only hope to win reelection depends on a majority of voters being too stupid (or too lazy) to understand the issues.

And Obama is not that smart himself.
2012-10-10 06:35:26 UTC
America know how stupid Obama is

Obviously Obama is only able to deal with issues concrening ficticious animal characters but Obama sucks at dealing with issues concerning real people with real problems
2012-10-10 06:43:25 UTC
i think obama is COUNTING on us to be SMART enough to realize the root cause of the recession is the zionist agenda of greed of wall street , corporations , and the bankers , that are robbing the middle class working man blind .
2012-10-10 06:38:49 UTC
He does believe that his intellect is superior to anyone in the room. That is why he wants to expand the government to tell us what to eat, were to go to school. what jobs should be created,ETC...
2012-10-10 06:38:00 UTC
the people elected him with absolutely no experience, says a lot of the education system
Curtis 1911
2012-10-10 06:36:44 UTC
Hey Mary, it is so funny how assume anyone that disagrees with you must be s-t-u-p-i-d & d-u-m-b.

That is the typical liberal elitest attidude.

I know Americans are the smartest people on the planet.

Big Bird is a liberal democrat making billions and he does not need tax payer funding.

PBS got millions in stimulus funding and added 1.5 jobs.

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is a 30 BILLION dollar enterprise, we do not need to borrow money from China to fund PBS/NPR

PBS and NPR are pure political propaganda for the democrat party and tax payers should not have to fund them.

Now Mary just imagine your liberal tax dollars funding NRA Radio, or FOX News For Kids.

Plus just look at the latest Muppet Movie, about an evil oil company trying to destroy the Muppet studio for oil. Now how politically correct is that,,,,,,,no wonder our kids hate the rich and corporate achievement.

NPR Director Fired For Partisan Politics

NPR CEO Quits After Video Sting

George Soros Buys 100 NPR Reporters

PBS/NPR government funding of $422 MILLION a year could buy lots of homeless dinners, or pencils for students, or bullet proof jackets for our troops.

Peace Through Blinding Force
2012-10-10 06:34:55 UTC
No. Lots of Americans are retarded-enough to think Romney's obviously off-the-cuff remark about PBS was meant to be his CORE PLAN for fixing the budget.
2012-10-10 06:39:16 UTC
He knows, that is our problem, we do not know.
2012-10-10 06:35:05 UTC
He speaks to Americans as if they are intelligent adults who can comprehend logic.
2012-10-10 06:33:37 UTC
Most days i don't believe how stupid a lot of Americans are. I think he's over estimating how much people are paying attention. A lot of people formed their decision on the debate and only the debate, and don't even realize how much Romney lied or how badly he's going to screw them.
Common Sense
2012-10-10 06:33:25 UTC
Obama's problem is that he has taken on the role of antichrist by endorsing homosexual marriage and baby murder, in violation of the law of God.
2012-10-10 06:33:19 UTC
One program is what you are addressing, he used PBS as an example of the types of programs he would cut and there are thousands of them. He is an experienced CEO and will save this nation from the Fiscal Cliff that Obama is headed for.
2012-10-10 06:33:10 UTC
we don't call them "stupid Americans"

we call them "misinformed Americans"

I know you mad

but please at least show some respect for your own people
2012-10-10 06:35:26 UTC
You must be one of them stuck up Republicans. :)
2012-10-10 06:32:49 UTC
Oh he knows how stupid Americas are, after all, they voted for him
2012-10-10 06:31:52 UTC
It's sad that America is so stupid.... however, we do get the kind of government we deserve. And right now Karl Rove writes the best right wing lies for morons. If they can't see through them, then... oh well.
2012-10-10 06:30:26 UTC
Eliminating government funding of television networks was an EXAMPLE of Romney's policy. You probably should not be calling other people dumb, under the circumstances.
2012-10-10 06:29:45 UTC
Obamaphone!!!! Obamaphone!!!! <--- Typical Obama supporter

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.