Why are these wacko Cons beating a dead horse over Benghazi?
2012-10-15 11:27:34 UTC
Are they not aware that people are interested in Bin Laden and not Benghazi?

The President achieved what their idiot posterboy spent 8 years ignoring.....
23 answers:
2012-10-15 11:33:35 UTC
Because they think they have found another way to attack Obama, just as they did with Fast and Furious, which, after more than a year of "investigating" by Darrell Issa turned out to have no connection to either Obama or Holder. This is the latest version. They think somehow that Obama not saying publicly that it was a terrorist attack means he didn't know what was going on, as if somehow naming it defined it. The four people are still dead, and will be no matter how much they try to say it was Obama's fault for not calling it a terrorist attack. In addition, even though they had testimony from someone lower down in the State Department that SHE was the one who turned down the request for additional security, they are still trying to pin it on Obama.
2012-10-15 11:36:30 UTC
Well, Obama only gave an order, he didn't evict the terrorists helping him from Afghanistan, Bush, Gore, and Romney would have given that order in the same circumstances, so settle down.

And isn't parading around saying "Bin Laden is dead!" kind of 'spiking the football'?
2016-12-12 12:20:38 UTC
Very astonished to take heed to that Malkin isn't Asian, she is Filipino. We in the Philippines understand we are Asian besides as Filipinos. I truthfully have tried puzzling to observe Fox, yet I fail miserably. i assume it is because I truthfully have under no circumstances lost a rustic on a map, I truthfully have under no circumstances misquoted completely out of context, and that i harbor a particular quantity of relax for study earlier stepping on my tongue.
2012-10-15 11:43:48 UTC
Because we saw this administration had the money for booze & $800 a night prostitutes in Columbia, but none left to protect an Ambassador in Libya.

He demonstrated "his" priorities, very clearly.
2012-10-15 11:31:17 UTC
OBL is fish food and the riots in Egypt reflected they didn't like what Obama did - given some of the signs carried.

No one is interested in OBL, other than Obama using him to remind us he accomplished SOMEthing in his presidency.

"Talk about chickens coming home to roost. Talk about the Mother of All Fiascos. It's the revenge of Osama bin Laden from the bottom of the ocean, and the message is plain: al-Qaeda is very much alive, and America is a paper tiger.

The Middle East is beginning to fall apart -- Iran just sent a spy drone over Israel's sensitive defense installations, and the IDF waited hours to react; Turkey forced down a Syrian arms plane, and al-Qaeda's Al Zawahiri openly assaulted the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in a six-hour attack, working through al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM), while the glorious Libyan friends did nothing as our ambassador was being raped and murdered. The guards called for help, and nobody responded. A police car fled the scene. The other ten cop cars requested by the consulate never showed up."

VOTERS want to know the truth and not just "Cons".
2012-10-15 11:36:35 UTC
Its displacement, they are trying to pin a death of a ambassador at a consulate four hundred miles from the embassy as Obama's fault. I do think people are interested in that, but not in some trumped up "Obama shouldda" scenario. They want to see the terrorists captured and punished.
2012-10-15 11:46:09 UTC
I G N O R A N C E. Harsh term to explain ones gross ineptitude. You

seem to revel in it. Life of 4 patriots u call riding a dead horse, There are

no adjatives to express the disdain and contempt one has for you, Your

void of anything worth while. You deserve Obama.
2012-10-15 11:30:24 UTC
I have answered 6511 questions on here, and I must say congrats on posting the most retarded question I have ever seen.

You know this issue has damaged the Presidents campaign, and there are families of 4 dead Americans that deserve honest and truthful answers, not a laughing Joe Biden. Talk about a slap in the face. It'a a good strategy for the GOP to pursue this because not only does it raise eyebrows about the Presidents honesty, it questions how keen our President is on Foreign Policy.

Independent voter.
2012-10-15 11:38:47 UTC
Lying is in the liberal democrat socialist DNA ~ Lying to a Liberal is the same as feeding a starving man !

Delaware Newspaper Calls Out Biden For Drunk Driving Lie ...

TV's Inside Edition ran a story last week replaying Sen. Joe Biden's claim that Curtis Dunn, the truck driver who struck the car driven by his first wife in 1972 and which killed her and his daughter, was drunk at the time of the accident, bringing tears to the surviving daughter of the innocent truck driver. The Wilmington News Journal writes about Joe Biden's false claim that a drunk driver killed his wife and daughter:

Since his vice presidential nomination, Joe Biden's 2007 statement that a "guy who allegedly ... drank his lunch" and drove the truck that struck and killed his first wife and daughter has gained national media traction.

Alcohol didn't play a role in the 1972 crash, investigators found. But as recently as last week, the syndicated TV show Inside Edition aired a clip from 2001 of Biden describing the accident to an audience at the University of Delaware and saying the truck driver "stopped to drink instead of drive."

The senator's statements don't jibe with news and law enforcement reports from the time, which cleared driver Curtis C. Dunn, who died in 1999, of wrongdoing.

"To see it coming from [Biden's] mouth, I just burst into tears," Dunn's daughter, Glasgow resident Pamela Hamill, 44, said Wednesday. "My dad was always there for us. Now we feel like we should be there for him because he's not here to defend himself."

Biden spokesman David Wade said Wednesday that the senator "fully accepts the Dunn family's word that these rumors were false."

What is particularly outrageous about Biden resurrecting the false claim during his recent 2008 presidential bid is the fact that he wrote a letter of apology to the truck driver's daughter, Pamela Hamill, after she sent a letter to him about the same false claim he made when addressing a college audience shortly after September 11, 2001. The News Journal writes:

After reading a News Journal account of Biden's 2001 speech at UD, Hamill sent Biden a letter on behalf of her father. The newspaper story included Biden's description of getting the call that his wife and daughter had died, but not his comments about Dunn.

Hamill said her note to the senator described how Dunn was affected by the accident.

Printed on the senator's letter head and dated Oct. 11, 2001, the response from Biden reads:

"I apologize for taking so long to acknowledge your thoughtful and heartfelt note," Biden wrote. "All that I can say is I am sorry for all of us and please know that neither I nor my sons feel any animosity whatsoever."

Hamill immediately contacted Biden's office again after Inside Edition ran Biden's claim that his wife and daughter were killed by a drunk driver. The News Journal reports:

Hamill said it wasn't until the Inside Edition report that she became aware that the Delaware senator had said alcohol played a role in the accident. Dunn did not consume any alcohol the day of the crash, Hamill said.

She said she immediately called Biden's office after being contacted by Inside Edition and is waiting for the senator's response.

"The family feels these statements are both hurtful and untrue and we didn't know where they originated from," Hamill said.

As Hamill watched a recording of the Inside Edition report Wednesday, she gasped when the clip of Biden's comments from Iowa came on screen.


Joe Biden is absolutely shameless.
2012-10-15 11:30:03 UTC
The T;

Because there is a body count, and the Administration refused to improve security when it was requested many times over the past six months.
2012-10-15 11:31:12 UTC
Ambassador Stevens is dead

Big Bird is alive

Obama 2012
The Loner
2012-10-15 11:32:52 UTC
The wacko cons are beating themselves up with all the blame and hate. I hope to God the lose everything they have. They've given him nothing in the way of respect. They praise a man that will use them like you know what, and cast them down.
2012-10-15 11:30:27 UTC
To expand on AverageJoe's comment, plus 3 other Embassy personnel dead.
2012-10-15 11:29:54 UTC
Sending in a Seal Team while he sat on his freakin *** in an air conditioned conference room is an achievement?
2012-10-15 11:28:42 UTC
Dead Ambassador

Not a horse.

And definitely not "bumps in the road."
Speed Racer
2012-10-15 11:34:10 UTC
Cons are embarrassing to the American public
2012-10-15 11:29:03 UTC
Yeah lets hurry up and get this swept under the rug, Obama has an election to rig!
2012-10-15 11:29:06 UTC
geography is not their strong suit. more security at the embassy in tripoli would have made the ambassador the consulate in benghazi. derp.
2012-10-15 11:31:06 UTC
You want a government that lies to its people?

What else are they lying about?
Curtis 1911
2012-10-15 11:30:45 UTC
Oh' really if wacko cons are beating a dead horse over Benghazi than why did Hillary just take all the blame, you liberal wack job.

Yeah I'll tell you why wack job, Hilly took the blame to save your idiot posterboy obama. But it ain't gonna work obama is gonna loose big time.

Only liberal people are interested in Bin Laden and not Benghazi.

Now what I find interesting is comparing the Jimmy Carter years with obama.

Carter was a green enegry nut just like obama.

Carter could not fix the economy just like obama.

Carter did not defend our American Embassy just like obama.

Carter did not defend the Shah of Iran, just like obama will not defend Israel.

Carter invented the modern day terrorists, just like obama defending terrorists with the phoney vodeo story.

Carter lost in a land slide election just like obama.

Just look at the last 7 years of posterboy GW Bush,,,,,, congressional democrats along with rank and file democrats, and the liberal media, opposed Bush at every opportunity over the war on terror.

I seem to remember "No Blood for Oil, "Bush Lied People Died", "Bush's Illegal War", "Bush Cheney Haliburton War Criminals", U.S. Soldiers charged with murdering and raping civilians, "General Be-Tray-Us", "The Surge Is Not Working", "No Exit Strategy", Bush Chicken Hawk, Cindy Shehan, Bush Tortured and Killed Innocent Civilians, Illegal War.

Now with obama promising to withdraw the troops, close GITMO, repeal the Patriot Act, hold civilian trials for known terrorists, cut defense spending, and you democrats want credit for killing osama,,,,,,,Forget about it,,,, Not on my watch.

osama Dead After Years of Searching

Guantanamo Torture was the Key to osama's Death

NY Times is Not Reporting, CIA Director Leon Panetta: "HARSH Interrogation Techniques Worked".

Waterboarding Led to Finding osama

CIA Director Admitts Waterboarding Worked

Bush Torture Techniques Deserve Credit

Cheney's Assination Squad Killed osama, Not obama.

Harsh Interogration Killed osama

Democrats Call Seal Team 6: "Cheney's Death Squad"!5170401/dick-cheneys-personal-death-squads-not-worth-asking-about
2012-10-15 11:30:16 UTC
And their key "witness" Nordstrom wasn't even in Benghazi when it happened.
2012-10-15 11:30:37 UTC
The want to seduce the weak minded and undecided voters.
2012-10-15 11:29:00 UTC
The empty chair told them so!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.