Oh' really if wacko cons are beating a dead horse over Benghazi than why did Hillary just take all the blame, you liberal wack job.
Yeah I'll tell you why wack job, Hilly took the blame to save your idiot posterboy obama. But it ain't gonna work obama is gonna loose big time.
Only liberal people are interested in Bin Laden and not Benghazi.
Now what I find interesting is comparing the Jimmy Carter years with obama.
Carter was a green enegry nut just like obama.
Carter could not fix the economy just like obama.
Carter did not defend our American Embassy just like obama.
Carter did not defend the Shah of Iran, just like obama will not defend Israel.
Carter invented the modern day terrorists, just like obama defending terrorists with the phoney vodeo story.
Carter lost in a land slide election just like obama.
Just look at the last 7 years of posterboy GW Bush,,,,,, congressional democrats along with rank and file democrats, and the liberal media, opposed Bush at every opportunity over the war on terror.
I seem to remember "No Blood for Oil, "Bush Lied People Died", "Bush's Illegal War", "Bush Cheney Haliburton War Criminals", U.S. Soldiers charged with murdering and raping civilians, "General Be-Tray-Us", "The Surge Is Not Working", "No Exit Strategy", Bush Chicken Hawk, Cindy Shehan, Bush Tortured and Killed Innocent Civilians, Illegal War.
Now with obama promising to withdraw the troops, close GITMO, repeal the Patriot Act, hold civilian trials for known terrorists, cut defense spending, and you democrats want credit for killing osama,,,,,,,Forget about it,,,, Not on my watch.
osama Dead After Years of Searching
Guantanamo Torture was the Key to osama's Death
NY Times is Not Reporting, CIA Director Leon Panetta: "HARSH Interrogation Techniques Worked".
Waterboarding Led to Finding osama
CIA Director Admitts Waterboarding Worked
Bush Torture Techniques Deserve Credit
Cheney's Assination Squad Killed osama, Not obama.
Harsh Interogration Killed osama
Democrats Call Seal Team 6: "Cheney's Death Squad"