The Palestinian/Arab/Moslem community will never allow a non-Muslim, non-Arab, non-Arabic-speaking community to live, prosperously, in their midst. It counters everything they believe, that Islam is superior, and therefore moslems must rule the world, that the Dhimmi community (dhimmi are the non-Moslem, "people of the book," including Jews and Christians) who are to be subjugated, can not be so much more prosperous than they.
Because for decades and decades, the leadership of the Palestinians taught their people to hate.
The Palestinians were never absorbed into the countries in which they were told to flee to, by the Arabs, when Israel became a State::
Palestinians of Lebanon were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps, where the Lebanese blamed the Israelis.
Palestinians of Jordan were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps in the "West Bank" where the Jordanians blamed the Israelis.
Palestinians of Syria were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps where the Syrians blamed the Israelis.
Palestinians of Egypt were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps in the Gaza Strip, where the Egyptians blamed the Israelis.
When Barak, the Prime Minister of Israel, went to the peace table with Arafat and Clinton at Camp David, Barak gave him all but about 3% of what Arafat wanted, Arafat said no, and began the Intifada, the violence, again. Look this up on the internet, anywhere, you will see what i mean.
There will be no peace until there is no Israel, and the world, when it happens, will sadly say they're sorry, and then the terrorists will turn their attention toward the West.
FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine; by Joan Peters
A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine; by Joan Peters