why moslems hate jews?
2006-01-27 20:33:30 UTC
why moslems hate jews?
Ten answers:
2006-01-27 20:37:52 UTC
Palestinan and Israel conflict. Jews moved on their land during WW11. Divided over who gets Jeruselem and holy areas. Just an idea.
2006-01-29 10:26:39 UTC
The Palestinian/Arab/Moslem community will never allow a non-Muslim, non-Arab, non-Arabic-speaking community to live, prosperously, in their midst. It counters everything they believe, that Islam is superior, and therefore moslems must rule the world, that the Dhimmi community (dhimmi are the non-Moslem, "people of the book," including Jews and Christians) who are to be subjugated, can not be so much more prosperous than they.

Because for decades and decades, the leadership of the Palestinians taught their people to hate.

The Palestinians were never absorbed into the countries in which they were told to flee to, by the Arabs, when Israel became a State::

Palestinians of Lebanon were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps, where the Lebanese blamed the Israelis.

Palestinians of Jordan were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps in the "West Bank" where the Jordanians blamed the Israelis.

Palestinians of Syria were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps where the Syrians blamed the Israelis.

Palestinians of Egypt were never granted citizenship, they were kept in camps in the Gaza Strip, where the Egyptians blamed the Israelis.

When Barak, the Prime Minister of Israel, went to the peace table with Arafat and Clinton at Camp David, Barak gave him all but about 3% of what Arafat wanted, Arafat said no, and began the Intifada, the violence, again. Look this up on the internet, anywhere, you will see what i mean.

There will be no peace until there is no Israel, and the world, when it happens, will sadly say they're sorry, and then the terrorists will turn their attention toward the West.


FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine; by Joan Peters


A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict


FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine; by Joan Peters

2006-01-28 02:30:55 UTC
do moslems hate jews? i never knew this - and ive been pretty well read, i know the arian race had issues before but moslems? - mostly christianity in general and islam are the ones that have a conflict. i think any kind of discrimination is incredibly f*cked up - and shouldnt be tolerated.
2006-01-27 22:08:02 UTC
Answer: The hostility between the Arabs and the Jews goes all the way back to Abraham. The Jews are descendants of Abraham’s son Isaac. The Arabs are descendants of Abraham’s son Ishmael. With Ishmael being the son of a slave woman (Genesis 16:1-16) and Isaac being the promised son who would inherit the promises to Abraham (Genesis 21:1-3), obviously there would be some animosity between the two sons. As a result of Ishmael mocking Isaac (Genesis 21:9), Sarah talked Abraham into sending Hagar and Ishmael away (Genesis 21:11-21). Likely this caused even more contempt in Ishmael’s heart towards Isaac. An angel even prophesied to Hagar that Ishmael would “live in hostility toward all his brothers” (Genesis 16:11-12).

From that beginning, Jews and Arabs have been in hostility with one another for almost 4000 years. Jews and Arabs even fight over which son of Abraham was truly the son of promise. The Old Testament says it was Isaac. The Qu'ran says it was Ishmael. The Qu'ran teaches that it was Ishmael that Abraham almost sacrificed to the Lord, not Isaac. Some Jews and Arabs today don’t even truly know why they are in hostility with each other. All they know is that they don’t like each other and that it has always been that way. Quite a tragic lesson to be learned from Abraham. What would the world be like today if Abraham had trusted God and waited for Him to provide a son through Sarah as He promised instead of trying to “help God” by having a son through Hagar?

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict today has its roots in the Isaac-Ishmael division, but it goes beyond that. After World War II, when the United Nations gave a portion of the land of Israel to the Jewish people, the land was at that time primarily inhabited by Arabs. Arabs protested vehemently against the nation of Israel occupying that land. Arab nations united and attacked Israel in an attempt to wipe them out of the land - but they were utterly defeated by Israel. Ever since, there has been great hostility between Israel and its Arab neighbors. If you look on a map, Israel has one tiny little sliver of land and is surrounded by much larger Arab nations, i.e. Jordan, Syria, and Egypt. People debate back and forth as to the true origin of the Palestinians, but whatever their origin, it is telling that they demand part (or all) of Israel's land when the Arab nations surrounding Israel have plenty of land. By any objective standard, Israel has a right to exist, a right to defend itself, a right to its land, and a right to retaliate against attacks. Psalms 122:6 declares, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May those who love you be secure."

Recommended Resource: Understanding the Arab-Israeli Conflict: What the Headlines Haven't Told You by Michael Rydelnik.
2006-01-27 20:42:35 UTC
iggsbythebay: What the hell? Whether you're saying that about Muslims or Jews, it's incredibly rude.

Not all Muslims hate Jews. In some cases, those who do are brainwashed into it through a fundamentalist education system, where they're taught lies such as that Jews use children's blood to bake their bread, etc...and the children don't think to doubt it, so they naturally grow up prejudiced.
2006-01-29 13:12:07 UTC
Mostly based on the Middle East Conflict however it was going on long before that. I go on the record as saying that the Pali's should be given one inch of Israeli land. If the Arabs want the Pali's to have a state then Lebanon and Syria can donate some land.
2006-01-27 20:46:46 UTC
It is a physical reponse to a spiritual fact and it is all because of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to God. The devil will try and block mankind from knowing Jesus Christ. In the Old Testament (OT) days the prophets spoke of the coming of Jesus Christ in the OT. The Jews read only the Torah which is the first 5 books in the OT, and do not believe in the NT ( New Testament) because they do not believe that Jesus Christ the Messiah came and died for mankind 2000 years ago.

Only the Jews knew about Christ in the OT days. The devil tries to get the Muslims to hate the Jews because they believe (partly) in The Word of Jesus Christ.

Proof: Ask any Satan worshipper to pray to Buddah, Allah, any God and they will say it is OK to do so. Ask them to pray to Christ and they will run away. Satan hates Christ and makes mankind hate anyone who carries Christ in their heart. As soon as man accepts Jesus Christ, the man has found his place in heaven worshipping God the Father, a place that Satan as LUCIFER lost even before time as we know it.
2006-01-28 11:35:44 UTC
muslim "hate" is not reserved only for the jews, muslims hate and attack jews, christians, hindus, buddhists, and indeed other muslims around the world... They are more vocal about their hatred of jews and tend to blame the state of islam/muslim affairs on jews. Muslim intollerance for jews started LONG before 1948, when jews reclaimed their land, indeed 1400 years ago, when mecca was stolen, the jews who refused to convert to islam were killed, that perhaps is the beggining of muslims "hating" jews
2006-01-27 20:44:46 UTC
The tension that does exist -- most prevalent in the Middle East -- seems to be a combination of geography and religion. Both faiths see the areas in and around Israel and Palastine as the "Holy Land," and see the other group as defiling their holiest sights.
2006-01-29 01:26:05 UTC
Well the jews do deserve it by stealing there land.

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